Characteristics of Life Data Table

Characteristics of Life Data Table

Sample Answers

|Category |Characteristics of Life |Description of Observed Characteristics |

|C. elegans |Movement, use of energy, reproduction |The worms crawl to locate their food |

|(Caenorhabditis elegans) | |(source of energy); their eggs are visible.|

| | | |

|Video: Moving C. elegans | | |

|Sea Urchins |Growth and development, made of cells |The cell divides twice to become four |

|(Lytechinus pictus) | |cells. The new cells are smaller than the |

| | |original cells. |

|Video: Sea urchin cell division | | |

|Sea Urchins |Reproduction, movement |The sea urchin sperm swim to the egg; the |

|(Lytechinus pictus) | |egg raises a membrane. |

| | | |

|Video: Sea urchin fertilization | | |

|Blood Cells |Movement, use of energy, cells |The white blood cells move around a lot, |

| | |which requires energy. |

|Video: Human white blood cells | | |

|Cellular Structure and Function |Movement, made of cells |Green spots move inside the cells; leaf |

| | |cells surrounded by walls. |

|Video: Elodea leaf cells | | |

|Stem Cells |Movement, made of cells, growth and |The stem cells in the first video move a |

| |development |lot. The specialized heart cells developed |

|Videos: Compare Mouse embryonic stem | |from embryonic stem cells. |

|cells—movie 1 with Heart cells grown from | | |

|mouse embryonic stem cells—movie 1 | | |

|Cell Motility |Movement, use of energy |The amoeba uses energy to move around. |

| | | |

|Video: Crawling Amoeba | | |

|Zebrafish |Growth and development, movement, |The cells of the embryo divide into more |

|(Danio rerio) |reproduction, made of cells |cells, and the embryo develops into a baby |

| | |fish that moves a lot inside the egg. |

|Video: Zebrafish development | | |


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