Outlook Calendar Template for Word


|Sunday |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |

|8 |9 | 10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |

|Daylight Saving Time Begins – | |Math Olympiad & |Code Monkey |ELL Homework Club |Battle of the Books |School Spirit Fridays |

|“Spring Ahead” |Battle of the Books |Continental Math 7:45 |[pic] |Come join us for “Book Bingo” | |Staff & students are encouraged|

| | | | |at 6 pm |Lunch Money Due |to show their school spirit by |

|[pic] |Gr, 3 – See Science Center |Gr. 3-See Science Ctr. | |[pic] |$2.55/Day |wearing red, white and/or blue |

| |9:15-1:30 |9:15-1:30 | | |School Spirit Day |or Bicentennial apparel every |

| | | | | | |Friday. |

| | |ELL Homework Club | | |Code Monkey | |

| | |Art | | | | |

| 15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |

|Remember your homework! |Battle of the Books |Math Olympiad & |Code Monkey |Gr. 1 Peacock Players |Battle of the Books |Reminder: |

|After 4:00 pm, NO re-entry into| |Continental Math 7:45 | |9:10-11:30 | |Over the counter medications |

|the building. |PTO General Meeting 10AM | |EARLY DISMISSAL TODAY 12:55 (K)|[pic] |Lunch Money Due |require a parental permission |

| |[pic] |ELL Homework Club |& | |$2.55/Day |form signed and the medication |

| | |Art |1:25 PM (1-5) |ELL Homework Club |School Spirit Day |brought to the health office. |

| | | |NO PRESCHOOL | | | |

| | |St. Patrick’s Day | | |Code Monkey | |

| | | | | |First Day of Spring! | |

|22 | 23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |

|Please remember to send in your|Battle of the Books |Last |Code Monkey |ELL Homework Club |Tour for incoming students at |PLEASE LABEL ALL |

|General Mills box tops, | |Math Olympiad & | | |10 am |LUNCH BOXES AND OUTDOOR |

|Campbell soup labels, Box tops |[pic] |Continental Math 7:45 |[pic] |[pic] |Battle of the Books |CLOTHING SO THAT ITEMS CAN BE |

|for Education, | | | | |Lunch Money Due |RETURNED! |

|old cell phones, and ink | |ELL Homework Club | | |$2.55/Day |[pic] |

|cartridges. | | | | |School Spirit Day | |

|[pic] | |Art | | |Gr. 4 Family Feast | |

| | | | | |In Classrooms | |

| | | | | |Last Code Monkey | |

| | | | | |REPORT CARDS TODAY | |

|Please report your child tardy |30 |31 |Confirmed cases of the flu, | | | |

|or absent by calling 966-1760 |Battle of the Books |ELL Homework Club |should be reported to the nurse| | | |

|and dial “0” to leave a | |Art |at | | | |

|message. | | |966-1765. | | | |


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