Psyc 213: Abnormal Psychology - Randolph College

Psyc 213: Abnormal Psychology

Exam 2 Study Guide

Chapter 5: Mood Disorders and Suicide

Key Terms

emotion affect mood

depression mania mood disorders

episodic unipolar bipolar

dysphoric euphoric Beck depression triad

major depressive disorder dysthymia Bipolar I

Bipolar II hypomania cyclothymia

rapid cycling seasonal affective disorder rumination

cognitive therapy interpersonal therapy SSRIs

tricyclics MAO-Is lithium carbonate

ECS light therapy egoistic suicide

altruistic suicide anomic suicide fatalistic suicide

contagious suicide hopelessness somatic symptoms

Essay Questions

1. Distinguish between major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder.

2. Describe the features of bipolar I, bipolar II, and cyclothymia, and distinguish between them.

3. Discuss the interaction between social, psychological, and biological factors in the development and maintenance of mood disorders.

4. Discuss the incidence of suicide and theoretical perspectives on its causes.

Chapter 6: Anxiety Disorders

Key Terms

panic attacks phobias specific phobia

agoraphobia obsessions compulsions

anxiety panic disorder social phobia

generalized anxiety disorder OCD preparedness model

lactate injections locus ceruleus flooding

exposure relaxation training breathing retraining

benzodiazepines SSRIs tricyclics

Essay Questions

1. Define and describe panic disorder. Distinguish between panic attacks and other types of anxiety.

2. Compare specific phobias with generalized anxiety disorder.

3. Discuss the manner in which DSM-IV-TR classifies panic disorder, specific phobia, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and agoraphobia.

4. Discuss the role of neurochemistry in anxiety disorders.

5. Describe the various treatment approaches for anxiety disorders.

Chapter 7: ASD, PTSD, Dissociative and Somatoform Disorders

Key Terms

acute stress disorder body dysmorphic disorder conversion disorder

critical incident stress debriefing depersonalization disorder dissociation

dissociative amnesia dissociative disorders dissociative fugue

DID factitious disorder flashbacks

hypnosis hypochondriasis hysteria

iatrogenesis implicit memory malingering

MPD pain disorder PTSD

recovered memories retrospective reports secondary gain

somatization disorder somatoform disorders traumatic stress

state-dependent learning two-factor theory

Essay Questions

1. Distinguish between acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

2. Describe several treatment approaches for PTSD.

3. Distinguish between dissociative and somatoform disorders.

4. Discuss the connection between psychological trauma and fugue, amnesia, and dissociative identity disorder.

5. Describe the goals of psychotherapy for DID.

6. Discuss the danger in misdiagnosing somatoform disorders.

7. Briefly describe PTSD. Provide an example of an experience that may result in PTSD and identify the various symptoms that may accompany this disorder.

8. While some professionals believe that multiple personalities are real and more common than previously thought, others believe that the condition is no more than role-playing. Discuss this controversy, citing the research and clinical evidence that supports both points of view.

9. Review the methodological concerns surrounding the use of retrospective reports. What questions have been raised regarding their reliability and validity? What are the implications of these concerns?

Chapter 9: Personality Disorders

Key Terms

antisocial PD avoidant PD borderline PD

dependent PD histrionic PD narcissistic PD

obsessive-compulsive PD paranoid PD personality

personality disorder psychopathy schizoid PD

schizotypal PD Axis II ego-syntonic

ego-dystonic temperament Big Five

Essay Questions

1. Distinguish between ego-syntonic and ego-dystonic and the implications for the assessment of personality disorders.

2. Describe the five-factor model of personality. What are the five factors and their definitions? What would be characteristics of low and high scorers on these traits?

3. Discuss the problems associated with the treatment of individuals with personality disorders. Why is a poor prognosis for treatment associated with most of these disorders? What treatment approaches seem most promising to you?

** Also, be familiar with all case studies discussed in class, discussion questions handed out for each chapter, and any videos watched in class.**


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