Project for Period 5 - Mater Lakes

Who Am I? Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses

You are going to design and present a poster starring a Greek God or Goddess of your choosing. This project is due January 20 (B day) or 21 (A day).

Religion was important to the ancient Greeks. They believed that it would make their lives better while they were living. They also believed the gods would take care of them when they died.

The Ancient Greeks believed in many different gods and goddesses. The Greeks believed that these gods and goddesses controlled everything in their lives and the environment. There was a god for every aspect of their lives. It was important to please the gods; happy gods helped you, but unhappy gods punished you. People had special places in their homes where they could pray to the gods. There were also public shrines in all sorts of places where people could pray and leave presents.

What to do:

1. Sign up on the class sheet for the god or goddess.

2. Research the god or goddess you have chosen.

3. Create an 11 x 17 poster of the god or goddess.

4. Present your god or goddess to the class on the day it is due (1/20= B day; 1/21= A day)

Your poster is to include at least the following information:

• Name of god or goddess

• A drawing of your god or goddess. No clip art, please. All drawing and writing needs to be your own work.

On a separate sheet of paper include the following:

(Work must be typed in font 12 with single spacing. Double spacing will result in half credit)

• Your name and class period

• God of…. Goddess of…

• You must include information about at least 4 of the following on a separate sheet of paper:

o Family: Were they married? Did they have siblings?

o What did they study? Why are they remembered/important?

o What did they believe?

o Symbols that represent them

o Myths or stories about them

o Special talents, skills, or traits

o Weaknesses or problems with this person

• List of sources- you must write the title, author, and URL of the websites or books you use to collect information neatly on the back of your poster.

• In a one-page summary describe the life of your Greek god/goddess telling their life prior to them becoming immortals. Story must be creative and written in your own words.

• Your poster should be neat, legible, and visually appealing.

• You may use colored pencils, crayons, or markers.

• Illustrations or lettering can be done on separate paper and attached with glue, or you can work directly on 11 x 17 paper/poster board. Either way, plan your design on scrap paper before beginning work on your poster. This will ensure that you fit all the necessary requirements on your poster in a neat and interesting way. DO NOT use any clip art or computer generated print. We want to see your artistic work.

• No LATE projects will be accepted!

**Practice presenting with a friend or in front of the mirror (or both). This will give you more confidence when you present your work. Your audience will be better able to enjoy your presentation.

Helpful Websites for Research:

Library Databases:

Gods and Goddesses:

Greek god or goddess poster rubric

| |3 |2 |1 |

|God or Goddess Name and Student’s |Poster includes god or goddess name|Poster includes god or goddess name|Poster does not include god or |

|Name/Class Period |and student’s name. |or student’s name. |goddess name or student’s name. |

|Information |Poster includes facts from at least|Poster includes 3 facts from |Poster includes 1 or 2 facts from |

| |4 different areas about the god or |different areas about the god or |different areas about the god or |

| |goddess. |goddess. |goddess. |

|Drawing |Poster includes a drawing of the |Poster includes a drawing of the |Poster does not contain a drawing |

| |god or goddess. It is neatly done.|god or goddess. It looks like I |of the god or goddess. |

| | |did it last night. | |

|Conventions |My writing has less than 5 spelling|My writing has 5-10 spelling and/or|My writing has more than 10 |

| |and/or grammar errors. |grammar errors. |spelling and/or grammar errors. |

|Design of Poster |Poster is well-planned using color |Poster uses some color and/ or |Poster does not use color and/ or |

| |and legible writing to present the |writing that is mostly legible to |writing that is mostly legible to |

| |information in an attractive and |present the information in an |present the information in an |

| |organized manner. |attractive and organized manner. |attractive and organized manner. |

|List of Sources |The title, author, and URL of |The title, author, and/or URL of |Sources were not listed at all. |

| |books/websites used to collect |books/websites used to collect | |

| |information are written neatly on |information are written on the | |

| |the back. |back. Sources may not be complete.| |

|Presentation |Presentation is given in a clear |Presentation is given in a fairly |Presentation is difficult to |

| |manner that is able to be |clear manner. Most of the |understand and/or heard by the |

| |understood and heard by the |presentation is able to be |audience. |

| |audience. |understood and heard by the | |

| | |audience. | |

|Short Story |One page creatively describing in |One page describing their life |Short summary of their life. |

| |detail their life prior to becoming|prior to becoming immortal. | |

| |immortal. | | |

|Rubric |Rubric is printed, signed, and | |Rubric was not printed, signed and |

| |returned on the date the project is| |returned. |

| |due. | | |

I have read the information contained in this rubric and am aware of the project requirements and due date. The project rubric must be printed and returned.

X_________________________ X_________________________

Parent/Guardian signature Student signature

**Print student name and class period on the line: ______________________________________________

Sign-up Sheet for God or Goddess from Greek Mythology

|God/Goddess |Role |Symbol/s |Student Name |

|Apollo |God of the sun, music, poetry |Sun, lyre, laurel |1. |

|Aphrodite |Goddess of love & beauty |Dove, rose, seashell |2. |

|Ares |God of war |Spear, torch, vulture, dog |3 |

|Artemis |Goddess of the moon & the hunt |The moon, deer |4. |

|Athena |Goddess of wisdom & strategy in |Owl, olive |5. |

| |war | | |

|Demeter |Goddess of the harvest |Poppy, wheat, & grain |6. |

|Dionysus |God of wine |Grapes, goat |7. |

|Eros |God of love |Bow & arrow |8. |

|Hades |King of the underworld |Scepter, two-pronged staff |9. |

|Hebe |Goddess of youth |Pitcher of water |10. |

|Hephaestus |God of fire & metal |Fire, hammer, anvil |11. |

|Hera |Queen of the gods |Peacock |12. |

|Heracles |God of strength |Club, lion skin |13. |

|Hermes |Messenger of the gods |Caduceus, winged sandals, & helmet |14. |

|Hestia |Goddess of the hearth & hoe |Hearth |15. |

|Cronus |God of time |Sundial |16. |

|Pan |God of shepherds & flocks |Shepherd’s pipe |17. |

|Persephone |Queen of the underworld |Pomegranate |18. |

|Poseidon |King of the sea |Trident |19. |

|Zeus |King of the gods |thunderbolt |20. |

|Aphrodite |Goddess of love & beauty |Dove, rose, seashell |21. |

|Apollo |God of the sun, music, poetry |Sun, lyre, laurel |22. |

|Athena |Goddess of wisdom & strategy in |Owl, olive |23. |

| |war | | |

|Hermes |Messenger of the gods |Caduceus, winged sandals, & helmet |24. |

|Poseidon |King of the sea |Trident |25. |

|Hades |God of time |Sundial |26. |

|Heracles |God of strength |Club, lion skin |27. |

|Persephone |Queen of the underworld |Pomegranate |28. |

|Zeus |King of the gods |thunderbolt |29. |

|Ares |God of war |Spear, torch, vulture, dog | |


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