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Chapter 6: Section 2 and 3 Book Work

From Republic to Empire and Roman Culture and Society

Section 2:

1. How was Rome in “economic turmoil” by 100 BC?

2. Who were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus? How did they try to help the poor? What happened to these early reformers in the end?

3. What happened to the Roman military during this era?

4. Who made up the first triumvirate – what is it?

5. Why was Julius Caesar successful in defeating Pompey?

6. What title did Caesar earn in 44 BC?

7. What reforms (4) did Julius Caesar make in Rome?

8. Why did the Senate assassinate Caesar in 44 BC?

9. Who ruled during the second triumvirate?

10. What happened between Mark Anthony and Octavian?

11. What title did Octavian earn in 27 BC?

12. When was the Pax Romana (how many people lived under Roman rule during this time)?

13. List the achievements of Octavian Augustus:

14. How did agriculture and trade impact the Roman Empire?

15. What is the virtue of gravitas?

16. Describe the rule, negative consequences and/or accomplishments of each of the following:

a. Calgula –

b. Nero –

c. Domitian –

d. Nerva –

e. Trajan –

f. Hadrian –

g. Antonius Pius –

h. Marcus Aurelias –

17. Who were the 5 “good emperors” in Rome?

18. How was slavery significant during the Roman empire?

19. Who were Jupiter, Juno and Minerva?

20. Describe the Roman social structure.

21. Why was the Colosseum popular in Rome?

Section 3:

1. When did the Romans move into Judea?

2. Who was Jesus of Nazareth (first 30 years)?

3. How do Christians study the life and teachings of Jesus Christ?

4. Who were the apostles?

5. What is a disciple?

6. Why did Pontius Pilate condemn Jesus to die?

7. What do Christians believe happened to Jesus immediately following his death (3 days)?

8. Who was Paul? What were his accomplishments?

9. What was the Diaspora?

10. How and why were early Christians persecuted in the Roman empire?

11. Why did Christianity appeal to the masses?

12. Which Roman Emperor first accepted Christianity? How/why?

13. What was the Edict of Milan?

14. What is a bishop?

15. Who was Peter? What were his accomplishments?

16. What was the Nicene Creed? Why was it important to the foundation of early Christianity?

17. Who was St. Augustine?


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