Solar System Project

Solar System Project

Topic Choices

Review the choices below. Then place a 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on each of the blanks of the top 5 projects you would like to do. (1= 1st choice, 2 – 2nd choice and so on). Turn in when done.

_____ Mercury (see planet rubric requirements) _____ Jupiter (see planet rubric requirements)

_____ Venus (see planet rubric requirements) _____ Saturn (see planet rubric requirements)

_____ Earth (see planet rubric requirements) _____ Neptune (see planet rubric requirements)

_____ Mars (see planet rubric requirements) _____ Uranus (see planet rubric requirements)

Pronounced “your uh nus NOT “your anus”.

There are consequences to saying this wrong!

_____ Pluto//Dwarfs (see planet rubric requirements) Include when it was reclassified as a dwarf planet, why, what

the classification criteria are, and examples/pictures of other dwarf planets in the Solar System.


_____ Asteroids (see other objects rubric requirements) include where the Asteroid and Kuiper belts are located

_____ Comets (see other objects rubric requirements) include examples of most famous ones and when expected

to return/any new ones due the next few years? When?

_____ Meteors (see other objects rubric requirements) include classifying the difference between a meteoroid, meteor and a meteorite, how many hit earth a day/other planets, largest to hit

_____ The Sun/Stars (see other objects rubric requirements) include size, how stars are classified, life cycle, where is

our Sun in its life cycle? What is our Sun’s importance

in our Solar system? Compare size to other stars/planets

_____ Moon (s) (see other objects rubric requirements) include size compared to Earth, what is its importance to

Earth, how does it stay in place, what would happen if it’s

orbit changed or we didn’t have a moon?


_____ Life on Other Planets:

What does a planet need to sustain complex life? What planets like Earth have been found? Where are they? What life sustaining features do they have? What features do they lack? Has proof of life been found and verified on any other planet so far? What’s the evidence?

_____ Technology Discoveries: (Hubble telescope, manned/unmanned space missions past/present, future space vehicles, everyday items made because of space program. What or who made the discovery? What technology was used? How did it change our understanding of the universe? What benefits have there been and consequences to the technology? What kind of new technologies are being created?

______ Map It: Solar System Model on Adding Machine Tape: You will create a model of objects in the solar system on adding machine tape. Explain what an astronomical unit (AU) is, how many miles it is equal too.

Start by completing calculations on worksheet then place the objects in the Solar System on adding machine tape. The objects will include a scale model of the Sun and planets, showing location of asteroid belt, Kuiper Belt, and Ort cloud. Extra credit to locate any famous comets which will circle Earth in our life time.

Solar System Project Grading Rubric

_____ (5 points) Cover Slide: has topic title, names, hour, picture(s)

Informational Slides: 5 slides (not including cover slide)

Each slide has key topic information/titles/labels

Each slide has one or more related/appropriate pictures

Each slide has a button or way to change slides

_____ (15 points) Cooperation and use of lab/class time/Presentation Etiquette

Used class/computer lab time appropriately and quietly to prepare.

Group was ready to present when called.

Knew who was going to present what/when in presentation.

Took presentation seriously/proper voice- tone/attitude.

Did not read long paragraphs off of slides, used bullet points/note cards.

_____ ( 15 points) Creativity/Effort: had visual aids/animations/movies/model/ (movies no more than 5 minutes)

_____ (65 points) Planet _________________________ Key Facts: covered all required facts

_____ distance from the Sun (astronomical units (AU’s) kilometers (km) and/or miles

_____ size/diameter (equatorial circumference): in kilometers (km) and/or miles, and (EU’s)

_____ classification: (inner, outer, dwarf) (terrestrial, gaseous, other)

_____ length of day ( Earth units=how many Earth days)

_____ length of year (Earth units=how many Earth years).

_____ orbital speed: km/hr and miles per hour (mph)

_____ number of moons (if any) name at least 2 major ones

_____ atmosphere: how thick, kind of gases, rings, storms, other interesting facts

_____ temperature: (°C) and (°F)

_____ surface features: rocky/volcanoes, earthquakes, water, other interesting features

_____ other interesting facts: unique/fun information not in the book

Other Objects: _________________

_____ formation: how do they form, when and where

_____ size and composition: how big are they, what are they made of

_____ Number/location: where are they typically found once formed, where else found

_____ special physical features: describe how different from other objects

_____ other interesting facts:

_____ Life on Other Planets:

What does a planet need to sustain complex life? What planets like Earth have been found? Where are they? What life sustaining features do they have? What features do they lack? Has proof of life been found and verified on any other planet so far? What’s the evidence?

_____ Technology Discoveries: Top 10 technologies developed for space we now have in our every day life. (See top 10 Tech Rubric). Can also include tech discovereies such as Hubble telescope, manned/unmanned space missions past/present, future space vehicles. What or who made the discovery? What technology was used? How did it change our understanding of the universe? What benefits have there been and consequences to the technology? What kind of new technologies are being created?

__________ TOTAL POINTS/COMMENTS: ________ Extra Credit (Review Game + 5 possible)


| |Mercury |Venus |Earth |Mars |

|Distance from Sun | | | | |

|AU’s |1. |1. |1. |1. |

| | | | | |

|km or miles |2. |2. |2. |2. |

|Diameter | | | | |

|(Earth Units) | | | | |

|Classification | | | | |

|Inner vs. Outer |1. |1. |1. |1. |

| | | | | |

|Terrestrial |2. |2. |2. |2. |

|or Gas Giant | | | | |

|Length of Day | | | | |

|(Earth days) | | | | |

|Length of Year | | | | |

|(Earth years) | | | | |

|Orbital Speed | | | | |

|km/hr |1. |1. |1. |1. |

| | | | | |

|mph |2. |2. |2. |2. |

|# Moons | | | | |

|(name 2 if any) | | | | |

|Atmosphere | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Temperature | | | | |

|(°C) and (°F) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Surface Features | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Interesting Facts | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Jupiter |Saturn |Neptune |Uranus |

|Distance from Sun | | | | |

|AU’s |1. |1. |1. |1. |

| | | | | |

|km or miles |2. |2. |2. |2. |

|Diameter | | | | |

| | | | | |

|(Earth Units) | | | | |

|Classification | | | | |

|Inner vs. Outer |1. |1. |1. |1. |

| | | | | |

|Terrestrial |2. |2. |2. |2. |

|or Gas Giant | | | | |

|Length of Day | | | | |

| | | | | |

|(Earth days) | | | | |

|Length of Year | | | | |

| | | | | |

|(Earth years) | | | | |

|Orbital Speed | | | | |

|km/hr |1. |1. |1. |1. |

| | | | | |

|mph |2. |2. |2. |2. |

|# Moons | | | | |

| | | | | |

|(name 2 if any) | | | | |

|Atmosphere | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Temperature | | | | |

|(°C) and (°F) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Surface Features | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Interesting Facts | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


Objects in the Solar System

| | | | | |

|Types of Objects |How Many and Where Located |Physical |Movement/Orbit |Special Features |

| |In Our Solar System |Characteristics | |And/or |

| | | | |Interesting Facts |

|Stars | | | | |

|Planets | | | | |

|Dwarf Planets | | | | |

|Moons | | | | |

|Asteroids | | | | |

|Comets | | | | |

|Meteoroids | | | | |

|Meteors | | | | |

|Meteorites | | | | |

Other OBjects

Directions: Use your facts sheets and information from your text book (Pgs. 712-727) to complete the Venn diagram below to compare and contrast Inner Planets with Outer Planets and Dwarfs. Use the word bank below to complete the Venn diagram and to write a summary paragraph comparing and contrasting these three types of planets on the lines provided below.

Word Bank

gas giants terrestrial more dense (2) less dense solid rocky surface rocky icy surface

smallest size smaller very large in size clears orbit part of Solar System no solid surface

orbits Sun most moons some no moons closest to Sun farthest from Sun does not clear orbit

fastest orbits slowest orbits “failed stars” gravity shaped spheres coldest temperatures hottest temperatures

most found in Kuiper Belt Pluto Jupiter Mars Earth Ceres Neptune Venus Mercury Uranus Saturn Eris

Compare/Contrast Summarizing Paragraph


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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