
ROOM # 35 WEEKLY PLANNING FORM WEEK OF: June 8, 2020- June 12, 2020TEACHER’S NAME: Teacher Cindy and Teacher ElizabethACTIVITIESDay of the WeekDAILY FOCUS (Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- lesson)Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUSSkill Building Activity(Small group centers:Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting, Library) Play focus[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers)]MondayDate: June 8, 2020Read Aloud:“Trees to Paper” by Inez Snyder can objects change?- Color of an objects can change- The texture of an object can change- The size of an object can changeStudents can look around their house and find objects that have changed. They can also explain how it has changed.MATH- Math ShapesStudents can cut out different shapes. Label all the shapes we cut. You can also ask questions related to change/math:a. If we mix all these shapes can we create a new shape?b. How did we change the paper?c. Can you change the size of the shape?LITERACY- Students can sing along to the letter H song and practice saying the words in the song. Students can practice writing the letter H and words that were in the letter H song. MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE1. ArtStudents can create a collage. Collages of mixing colors- What color can you create? . Outdoor Play/DiscoveryStudents can go out and observe how the trees have changed since the winter. a. Are there more leaves now?b. Did the color of the leaves change?c. Did the shape of the tree change?3. Cooking/Mixing/ScienceStudents can make popcorn!Before making it, predict what happens when you take corn kennels and heat it? *** Make sure to have mom or dad help make the popcorn. All children must be near an adult when eating popcorn for safety purposes.***TuesdayDate: June 9, 2020Read Aloud:“It Looked like Spilt Milk” by Charles G. Shaw can objects change?What are some objects that can change around us?- food- plants- paper- color- water- buildingsStudents can look around their house and find objects that have changed or can change.MATH- Students can write and put numbers 1-10 in a bag. Then put their hand in the bag and take out one number. Then have the child find that many objects. (Such as if you take out the number 5 have them find 5 red toys or five circles or pick up (clean up) five toys…)LITERACY- Students can sound out the letter H and say words that start with the letter H. HANDWRITING- Students can do research and practice writing words starting with the letter H.LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE1. Sand/Water/SensoryStudents can make their own paste with flour and water.a. Before making it, predict how these two objects will change. Did the color change? DId the texture change?2. Music/MovementStudents can create letters using their bodies. Please have them share with you what letter they are forming? Also, have students share how they changed their postures and pose to create the letters.3. TechnologyToday we spoke about some objects that change around us, so students can continue to learn more through their own research. Students can research more about other objects that can change around us. They can share what they discovered during our zoom sessions.WednesdayDate: June 10, 2020Read Aloud:“The Little House” by Virginia Lee Burton can objects change?What are some objects that can change around us?- Our community (past vs. now)buildingshousesstoresStudents can get creative and use their imagination to create a house, building or store of their own. They can have a before and after to show how their creations have changed. This can be in a drawing, writing, recorded audio/video or even made with play-doh or legos.MATH- Students can create more shape cut-outs and create their own patterns.*adding colors to the shapes can challenge the students*LITERACY- Students can sound out the letter U and say words that start with the letter U. HANDWRITING- Students can do research and practice writing words starting with the letter L.LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE1. Art/Science/DiscoveryStudents can build a tower for fun with sugar cubes.Fill a tray with ? inch of water. Then use sugar cubes to build a tower and watch what happens. Questions you can ask:a. What happened to the sugar cube tower?b. Did the tower change?c. Did the water change?2. Dramatic PlayStudents can create a fort in their home. Use blankets or a big box to transform them into a special room. Once finished go in and create your room with your sibling or parent.3. Cooking/MixingStudents can create playdough with parents.: June 11, 2020Read Aloud:“From Milk to Ice Cream” by Stacy Taus-Bolstad can objects change?What are some objects that can change around us?- Food/Plantsice creamsmoothiessaladall of our favorite dishes !Water (gas- liquid- solids)Students can show us change through the preparation of their favorite food.a. What were some ingredients used to prepare your favorite food? b. How was it made? c. How did it change?*** it can be shown as a before and after, so we can see the change***MATH- ***Similar to Tuesday, but with a twist*** Students can write and put numbers 1-10 in a bag. This time students can draw and put shapes or colors in as well. Students will put their hand in the bag twice for a number, a shape or a color. Then have the child find that many objects in that shape or color. LITERACY- Students can sing along to the letter U song and practice saying the words in the song. Students can practice writing the letter U and words that were in the letter U song. MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE1. WritingStudents can look through their mom’s recipe book or (any online is fine as well) and practice writing by trying to rewrite the recipe.a. Can you rewrite a recipe?b. Do you think this recipe can change? (how would you change the recipe if you were ever to?) 2. Music and MovementIf you haven’t, students can create instruments with items from their home. a. What instrument can you make?b. Can you make a drum? c. Can you make a bell? d. What did you use to make the instruments?e. How did the materials you used changed?3. Cooking/MixingStudents can do the Orange juice challenge! a. Can you create orange juice from an orange? b. What do you need to make orange juice?c. How did it change from being a fruit to a juice?FridayDate: June12, 2020Read Aloud:“Color Dance” by Ann Jonas of Monday to Thursday: How can objects change?What are some objects that can change around us?foodplantspapercolorwaterbuildingsStudents can create a book.Book Ideas:a. Pick an object and show us how can the object change?b. What are some things around us that can change?MATH-Students can write numbers 1-10 or 1-20 on twenty cups. Then stack the cups in a pyramid. Next roll a ball and try to knock the cups down. Continue until you knock all the cups down. Then stack the cups back up in order from 1-20. Name the numbers as you stack the cups.LITERACY- Students can continue to practice sounding out the letter H and U and saying words that start with the letter H and U. HANDWRITING- Students can continue to practice writing words starting with the letter H and U.LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE1. Music and MovementStudents can dance to song related to change (growing):a. b. 2. Building/BlocksStudents can use blocks or empty boxes to build their homes or a specific place that has a special meaning to them.3. Outdoor Play/Science/DiscoveryIf you put several items in the sun- what do you think will happen? (You can use crayons, ice, marshmallows, etc.…)Questions to Ask:a. How long do you think it will take for the items to melt? b. Why do they melt?c. How did they change?Social/ Emotional Week 8: More FeelingsYou can find more information on it on: Core Standards1. Domain 1: Approaches to Learning PK.AL.1: Actively and confidently engages in play as a means of exploration and learning.2. Domain 2: Physical Development and HealthPK.PDH.7: Demonstrates personal care and hygiene skills. 3. Domain 3: Social and Emotional Development PK.SED.7: Adapts to change.4. Domain 4: Communication, Language and LiteracyPK.CLL.10: With prompting and support, actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding. 5. Domain 5: Cognition and Knowledge of the WorldPK.CKW.1 (Counting and Cardinality): Count to 20PK.CKW.4: Observes and describes characteristics of earth and space.PK.CKW.6: Acquires knowledge about the physical properties of the world. ................

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