Apprentice Appraisal Form - NLBC

Appendix 2Horticulture / Landscape ApprenticeshipApprentice Appraisal FormThis is a resource for employers to use when monitoring the apprentice’s progress. It is only a suggestion. It is recommended that appraisals are held as a minimum quarterly, apprentices are given time to prepare off the job and the employer liaises with any external training providers being used. Apprentice name:Appraiser name:Appraisal Date:Dates of period covered:Placement absence - annual leave:Placement absence – sickness absence:Progress against targets from previous review.Has the apprentice undertaken the tasks set in the previous review? Have they had the opportunity to undertake the learning and skills development identified? Is evidence supplied to an adequate standard? Have they undertaken any training required and if not why not?Knowledge and plantsmanship Has the apprentice undertaken knowledge tests successfully? Is their plant knowledge developing? Are they undertaking wider study and applying it in their work? Tasks Was the apprentice able to apply their knowledge and understanding to their tasks? Is this demonstrated through journal entries plus qualifications and practical test undertaken (if any). Behaviour and attitudeDid the apprentice have a safety-led mind-set. Were they willing to learn from colleagues? Did they have a positive attitude and pride in their work? Was the apprentice able to make good decisions within the time frame of the tasks? Did they show respect and empathy when dealing with others?Employer FeedbackStrengthsAreas for improvementApprentice feedback The main things I learned during this periodWhat I would like to improve, and any challenges to achieving my targets ................

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