SLT February 4th

Pineville Elementary SchoolSchool Leadership Team MeetingFebruary 4, 2015 | 5:00 PMCommittee Meeting Minutes | Submitted by Rachael CaldwellMembers Present | Mary Rutherford, Dana Voss, Rachael Caldwell, Michele Wright, Ashley Gill, Caroline Grier, Cindy Osborne, Brian Osborne, Amelia Stinson-Wesley, Kathryn Trotter, Cathy Surridge, Marques Hazell, Heather Johnson, Jodi LichMembers Absent | Brian Doerer, Maria Zancanaro, Kim Jonas, Katie MullerThe meeting was called to order by Dana Voss, SLT Chair at 5:01 PMOld Business-Kim Jonas is no longer able to serve on the SLT committee. Committee wants to encourage other parents to join.-Sidewalk update-Administration has spoken with the property facilitator and supports the sidewalk initiative. Steps are in motion to continue with this goal. Ms. Trotter will follow up.?New Business-Ann Clark was officially introduced as Superintendent at Mr. Doerer’s principal meeting-School grades will come out in the news tomorrow (2/5/15) for reading and math. There will also be an overall grade for our school based on EOG scores (80% proficiency/ 20% growth). Historically, we are stronger in growth than proficiency. “Accept our grade and feel good about it. Every school needs to grow and get better.” ~Mr. Doerer-School grades for Pineville: Overall grade C, Overall score 58, Reading grade C, Math grade C, Growth targets MetSIP Quarterly Review/Data Dives-Grade level teams have had data dives to closely examine the effectiveness of instruction-Upcoming visit to with the South Learning Community team to share our data/academic update of where we are in terms of academics, professional development, behavior, attendance, etc. -A suggestion was made to share this data/Powerpoint presentation with the the SLT committee.-A suggestion was made for Mr. Doerer to present a “State of the School” overview at our next meeting.-Reading continues to be a focus for our school. Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) small group direct instruction to increase reading levels is making a difference throughout the school. As the program continues to expand, our hope is to integrate more groups in mittee Updates-Professional Development Committee- Gill, Grier, VossMrs. Grier and Ms. Gill spoke on behalf of the committee- The committee had a focus on Learning WalksPlanned and set dates for each grade level to have the opportunity to participate in a Learning WalkGrade levels that have had the opportunity found it to be very successful and got several great ideasThe committee spoke at the PTA meeting about possibly having a parent learning walkHope is to strengthen collaboration across the schoolThe committee will continue with the grade level rotation schedule until all grade levels are complete-Safety Committee- Trotter, Surridge, Wright, B. OsborneMs. Trotter spoke on behalf of the committee- New cafeteria procedures to revisit expectations and help with the noise level were created. The committee is using aspects of our Positive Discipline initiative to improve the safety in the cafeteria. Music has been added and plays in 5 minute increments. Music on = No Talking, Music off = Students may talkStaff is seeing a positive change in regards to behavior and overall safety in the cafeteria.The committee would like to explore the option of Friday cafeteria rewards with a Kids Bop/Pop musical selection for the kids to listen to in the cafeteria.A suggestion was made for Mr. Doerer to share the new cafeteria procedures with parents through a Connect-Ed message and include it in the Smiler newsletter.A suggestion was also made for Mr. Grier to compose jazz remakes of popular songs in the cafeteria. Mrs. Grier will follow up.-Academic Achievement Committee-Hazell, C. Osborne, JohnsonMr. Hazell spoke on behalf of the committee- Reflections on the school Goal Celebrations were positive. The committee received positive feedback about hosting one grade level at a time in the gym. Suggestions: Parents would like individual students to be recognized in addition to class goals and would also like the award winners to be recognized in the Smiler newsletterConcerns: Concerns were raised about the misspelling of student names on certificates and the distribution of tags (some students/classes did not receive their tags) Mr. Hazell will follow up.Parents were also wondering about the lower levels of excitement and enthusiasm at the Goal Celebrations. Mr. Hazell clarified that the assembly is meant to have a clear focus on academics rather than “fluff”.An update on Compass Learning was also shared. Mr. Hazell has started implementing this program in K-2 classrooms and is receiving positive feedback from K-2 teachers. 3-5 teachers are using it on occasion. The next steps are to analyze the data to determine if this program is beneficial. While it is to be used as a resource, it is not to supplant great teaching.-Communication Committee- Caldwell, Rutherford, Stinson-WesleyMrs. Caldwell spoke on behalf of the committee- A Smiler Toolkit was created for parents to use as a resource for clarification on the programs and technology resources we use at our school.The Toolkit will be posted on the school website, made available in the office, copied for Beginners Day, and forwarded to the PTA to share at their upcoming meetings and attach to the Smiler newsletter.Feedback from parents and teachers was very positive.Concerns-A concern was shared from the PTA meeting. Parents would like to see the calendar on our website kept up to date.Next meeting-March 4th at 5:00pm ................

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