John's Briefcase @ Wingov

WAWF - Getting PaidNow we turn to every business owner’s favorite topic: getting paid. After you have delivered, and the government has accepted, the contracted product or service, all you have to do is submit a proper invoice to the billing office specified in your contract. Under law, the government is required to pay you within 30 days.CautionFor all of the conditions and requirements for payment, refer to Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.232-25. Prompt Payment and a “Proper” InvoiceThe Prompt Payment Act, which was enacted in the mid-’80s, requires the government to pay a small business within 30 days after receipt of the invoice, if the business completes its end of the contract. However, as you might expect, there is an important catch. The clock on this Act starts only if your invoice, as received, is deemed “proper” under the law.If your invoice is not deemed “proper,” it will get sent back to you within seven days after the billing office received it, with a statement of the reasons why it is not considered proper. You will then have to correct it, resubmit it to the government, and restart the 30-day wait. Therefore, “prompt payment” by the government is directly tied to the “properness” of your invoice.To make sure that your invoice is correct and proper the first time around, include the following items: The name and address of your company. Invoice date. You are encouraged to date invoices as close as possible to the date of mailing or transmitting the invoice.Contract number or other authorization for supplies delivered or services performed. Be sure to also include the order number and contract line item number. Description, quantity, unit of measure, unit price and extended price of supplies delivered or services performed. Shipping and payment terms, such as shipment number and date of shipment, prompt payment discount terms, etc. Bill of lading number and weight of shipment will be shown for shipments on government bills of lading. The name and address of the person at your company to whom payment is to be sent. This must be the same person specified in the contract or in a proper notice of assignment.Name, title, phone number and mailing address of the person to be notified in the event of a defective invoice. Any other information or documentation required by the contract, such as evidence of shipment. While not required, you are strongly encouraged to assign an identification number to each invoice.In addition, your invoice may be deemed not proper, for purposes of prompt payment, if the information you furnished in the CCR (Central Contractor Registration) database regarding EFT (electronic funds transfer) is incorrect or not current. (For details on CCR, see Chapter 7: Get Registered.) Interest PenaltyThe law requires the government to pay a small business within 30 days after receipt of a proper invoice. Payment is considered as being made on the day a check is dated or on the date of an electronic funds transfer. An interest penalty will automatically be paid to the contractor if payment is not made by the due date and if the following conditions are met:A proper invoice was received by the designated billing office. A receiving report or other government documentation authorizing payment was processed, and there was no disagreement over quantity, quality or compliance by the contractor with any contract term or condition. The amount due was not subject to further contract settlement actions between the government and the contractor. Government Invoice FormYou may use your own invoice to bill the government, but you must make sure that it meets all of the requirements previously discussed. If it doesn’t, you will only slow up payment. Sometimes you might find it easier to use a government form. One common form that is used with military contracts is the DD Form 250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report (see the Appendices for a copy of the form.The DD Form 250 is basically a material inspection and receiving report (MIRR) that can be used by the government to document contract compliance and by the contractor to submit an invoice. The contractor is responsible for preparing the MIRR, except for entries that an authorized government representative is required to complete. You should contact the office that is administering your contract to get specific help with this form. The appropriate office is identified in the contract. A handy guide for contractors now is available at , in the “Commercial Pay” section.Specifically, this multi-purpose report is used for the following:Evidence of government contract quality assurance at origin or destination Evidence of acceptance at origin or destinationPacking listsReceivingShippingContractor invoiceCommercial invoice support SidebarThe DD Form 250 applies to supplies or services acquired by the Department of Defense when the clause at DFARS 252.246-7000, Material Inspection and Receiving Report, is included in the contract.Subcontractors do not use the DD Form 250 for shipments to their primes unless specified in their subcontract.Electronic Funds TransferIt is now government policy to pay all contractors by EFT, electronic funds transfer, whenever feasible. In making EFT payments, the government uses the information contained in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database. To be paid, you must be in CCR.This policy underscores the need to get your company registered in the CCR database, and to make sure that the information that you have entered is correct and current (for details, see Chapter 7: Get Registered in Part II). If the EFT information in the CCR database is incorrect, then the government may suspend payment until correct information is entered. Remember that if your EFT information changes, you are responsible for seeing that the information in the CCR database is updated.If you have more than one remittance address and/or EFT information set in the CCR database, you must remember to notify the government of the payment receiving point applicable to the contract you are working on. Otherwise, the government will automatically make payment to the first address.If an incomplete or erroneous transfer occurs because the government used a contractor’s EFT information incorrectly, the government is responsible for making a correct payment, paying any prompt payment penalty and recovering any erroneously directed funds. The government has two mechanisms for making EFT payment: the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network or the Fedwire Transfer System. If the government is unable to release one or more payments by EFT, you will be paid by check or some other mutually agreeable method of payment, or you may request the government to extend the payment due date until such time as the government can make payment by EFT.Under certain specific circumstances, payment by electronic funds transfer may be made through other than the CCR database. In this case, the contractor will be required to provide the EFT information directly to the office(s) and by the date designated in the contract. And, again, if the EFT information changes, the contractor is responsible for providing the updated information to the designated office(s).The EFT information that the contractor must provide to the designated office(s) includes:The contract number (or other procurement identification number).The contractor’s name and remittance address, as stated in the contract(s).The signature (manual or electronic, as appropriate), title, and telephone number of the contractor official authorized to provide this information.The name, address, and 9-digit Routing Transit Number of the contractor’s financial agent.The contractor’s account number and the type of account (checking, saving or lockbox).If applicable, the Fedwire Transfer System telegraphic abbreviation of the contractor’s financial agent.CautionAll government requirements pertaining to electronic funds transfer are spelled out in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR 32.1110 and FAR 52.232-33 and –34). Any language that you will see in a bid or contract related to EFT consists of clauses extracted from these sections. Note that the government is required to protect against improper disclosure of all contractors’ EFT information.EFT Includes Government Credit CardUnder recent legislative requirements, the term “electronic funds transfer” now includes a government-wide commercial purchase card. Under the law, the government purchase may be used as a means to meet the requirement to pay by EFT.A government-wide commercial purchase card is similar in nature to a commercial credit card and is used by the government to make financing and delivery payments for supplies and services. A government purchase card charge authorizes the third party (e.g., financial institution) that issued the purchase card to make immediate payment to the contractor. The contract will identify the third party and the particular purchase card to be used, but will not include the purchase card account number. The purchase card account number is provided separately to the contractor.The provisions related to EFT payment will be specified in your contract. Complete details on electronic funds transfer are included in FAR 32.1110 and FAR 52.232-33 and -34.Wide Area Workflow - now part of?iRAPT?Vendors - Getting Started Help General Steps for a Vendor to follow to use Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment applicationsStep 1. Register with the System for Award Management (SAM). (This is a mandatory step.)Step 2. Establish an Electronic Business (EB) Point of Contact (POC) in SAM. (This is a mandatory step.)Step 3. Ensure CAGE Code is added to the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Vendor Group Structure. (This is a mandatory step.)Step 4. Establish an Organizational Email Address. (This is an WAWF step only.)Step 5. Designate a Contractor Administrator (CAM). (This is a mandatory step.)Step 6. Determine if batch feeds for data input is necessary. (This is an WAWF step only.)Step 7. Set up PCs to Access applications in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment.Step 8. Self-Register CAM. (This is a mandatory step - there must be a CAM to activate vendors.)Step 9. Have all users for the CAGE Code(s) self-register on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment web site for one of the available Vendor Roles.Step 10. Complete the Web Based Training for the applications you will use in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment.Step 1: Register with System for Award Management (SAM).All vendors must be registered in the SAM in order to sell goods and services to the Department of Defense (DoD). Let’s face it if you are at this point and you are not registered in SAMs something is wrong. Getting paid is after you get a contract and have performed on it. Register at URL .For help with registration in SAM, contact the YOUR LOCAL PTAC WWW.APTAC- TO FIND YOUR LOCAL COUNSELOR.Step 2: Establish or verify the Electronic Business Point of Contact (EB POC) in SAM.To facilitate electronic commerce between vendors and DoD, vendors must establish an EB POC for their company in SAM.The EB POC will be responsible for authorizing vendor employee(s) access to submit, modify and/or view data on behalf of the vendor. In Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment terminology, the EB POC also functions as the Contractor Administrator (CAM). The CAM is your company's "Gate Keeper" and will be responsible for authorizing access to applications in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment for all your company's employee(s).The SAM POC is responsible for entering EB POC data in SAM.To see if an EB POC is listed for a specific company, go to (External Link) and click on "Search SAM". Where prompted, enter the DUNS Number or CAGE Code or Company Name and click the "Search" button. If you are presented with a list of DUNS numbers, you will need to pick the specific location and click on the Detail link. Scroll to the bottom of the Inquiry Results page. There you can see if anyone is listed as the EB POC. If no one is listed, the company has not identified an EB POC yet.If a vendor sees that there is no one listed as their EB POC, they need to contact the SAME POC and ask the SAM to update the company's registration to include the EB POC.Each vendor can establish up to two EB POCs one primary and one alternate EB POC for each CAGE/DUNS code.Step 3: Have your CAGE Code added to the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Vendor Group Structure.To establish a vendor group for a CAGE Code, someone in your company needs to either call the Customer Support Center 1-866-618-5988 or send an email to DISA Ogden. If your organization has multiple CAGE Codes, the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Customer Support Center will assist in adding all your CAGE Codes to your Vendor Group Structure in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment. (see Customer Support link)Phoned in requests will be activated immediately. Emailed requests will be processed within 48 business hours after receipt.Group Activation Email: Please use the following template to email requests to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Customer Support: Customer Support email Please fill in missing information with your company information. (External Link).Your CAGE Code must be added to the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Vendor Group Structure before any personnel can self-register for applications in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment. If you have multiple CAGE Codes they can all be added to your group at the same time.Optional CAGE Code extensions can be created to subdivide your CAGE Code into smaller units. Each CAGE Code and extension will have its own organizational e-mail address. The email addresses will be used to notify your sub-groups that a document status has changed.Important - PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR EB POC! We will need their authorization to activate individual accounts after the CAGE Code(s) are added to the Vendor Group Structure for Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment.Step 4: Establish an Organizational email Address.Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) routes information according to CAGE Codes. WAWF documents themselves do not get routed, but status information about the documents is sent in emails. For example, email confirmations are sent when a vendor SUBMITS a document. Email notices are sent when the government ACCEPTS or REJECTS the document.In order to receive status information about the WAWF documents, vendors need to establish organizational email accounts and determine who will have access to this organizational email account.Ensure that the organizational email address is operational and can receive email prior to registering it with the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Customer Support Center.The CAM or EB POC shall provide the organizational email to the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Customer Support Center. (See CAM Appointment Letter in Step 5 below).Note: If you do not set up an organizational email address, the personal email address of the first person who self-registers from your CAGE/DUNS Code will be used as the organizational email address.Step 5: Designate a Contractor Administrator (CAM) for your company. (Mandatory Step - there must be a CAM registered)A CAM determines who has access to their data in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment and provides the authorization to activate.In medium to large sized companies, there may be a need to establish more than one CAM.The EB POC will also be contacted when there is a question about invoices submitted through WAWF. Please ensure your EB POC is familiar with the WAWF process and they can contact company personnel to answer invoicing questions from government officials.Vendors must appoint a CAM to manage their Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment accounts. It is recommended that the EB POC be the CAM. As mentioned earlier, the CAM is your company's "Gate Keeper" and as such this person authorizes the activations and deactivations for the company's CAGE Code(s). When the EB POC registers as the CAM no additional paperwork is required to establish your Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment CAM account. Proceed to Registration (see Step 8).If you appoint a CAM that is not your EB POC, they are required to submit their CAM appointment letter, signed by their EB POC, via email to the Ogden Customer Support Center. See sample CAM Appointment letter. Proceed to Registration immediately after the letter has been submitted (see step 8). Step 6: Determine if batch feeds for WAWF data input is necessary.Most Vendors use the manual, web entry method to input their documents directly into WAWF. Web entry is a good method if you have a small volume of payment documents to create or if you have a small amount of lines on your contract(s). But for vendors that have a large number of transactions and/or many line items per payment document, you may want to consider submitting documents into WAWF via the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) method.WAWF FTP and EDI Guides are available after your account has been activated. If further assistance is needed, please contact the WAWF Customer Service Center and ask for help with EDI. A trouble ticket will be created and you will be forwarded to the Joint Interoperability Test Center (JITC) and a technician will be assigned to assist you in testing your file layout(s). (See Customer Support Link).Step 7: Set up PCs to access Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment.Your current computer configuration is usually sufficient to use the applications in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment. On rare occasions your computer's browser setting may need to be changed.Please try using the applictions in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment first and then if you experience problems check your set-up by selecting the "Machine Setup" link on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment home page or call the Ogden Help desk for assistance - for Ogden Help desk information select the "Customer Support" link on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment home page.Step 8: CAM needs to Self-Register in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment. (Mandatory step - CAMs activate the vendor users)Refer to the "Registration" button at the top right of the " Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment " home page.When registering as a CAM, Vendor User Roles will not be allowed, only add Administrative User Roles.If the CAM's account has not been activated within 2 business days of self-registering, notify the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Customer Service. (See Vendor Customer Support Link).Step 9: Have all users for the CAGE Code(s) self-register on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment web site for one of the available Vendor Roles.Once the EB POC (CAM) has been activated, all company users will need to self-register. Now the EB POC (CAM) can activate or deactivate their own company personnel within Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment.Every user must self-register on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment web site by completing the online registration form.Refer to the "Registration" button on the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment home page and the Help button for details on registering for an application in the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment as a Vendor Role.Note: User accounts will not be activated until the CAM activates the accounts. The CAM will receive an email for all registrations.If a user's account has not been activated within 2 business days of self-registering, notify the EB POC or Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Customer Support Center.Step 10: Complete the Web Based Training for the applications you will use in Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment.Once you have completed steps 1-9, you may want to take the offered Web Based Training (WBT) for detailed information on how to effectively use the application you have registered for.You may also practice using the applications in the online training site. This site is for practice only. You can practice submitting documents for payment, and viewing and working on documents in the online training site. After getting to the Web Based Training menu, you should click the "Instructions" hyperlink to get your training User IDs and passwords and important sample data.Start by Logging in?WAWF and click Accept., WAWF Version 5.11.0 InformationGovernment Customer Support WAWFFor questions on how to use the applications in the Wide Area Workflow eBusiness Suite refer to the Web Based Training for the specific application by clicking the Help Training button on the Wide Area Workflow eBusiness Suite HomepageFor questions or concerns with the information on your contract or the current status of an existing payment request, please contact your Contracting Officer.iRAPT NOTE:?Wide Area Workflow eBusiness Suite Helpdesk CANNOT take any action on your iRAPT (formerly WAWF) document.For payment status, please validate the invoice in question is in a processed status in the iRAPT application. If your invoice/receiving report/combo/voucher etc is in a processed status, please contact DFAS for payment information or go the myInvoice application, which is now a part of Wide Area Workflow eBusiness Suite, or contact DFAS for payment information.?Due to the large number of users that require assistance, we ask that you please bear with us as wait times are upwards of 20 minutes during peak times.Agency NameSystem NameAgency Primary EmailCommercial TelephoneEDA HelpEDAdisa.ogden.esd.mbx.cscassig@mail.mil866-618-5988IUID HelpIUIDIuid.helpdesk@dla.mil269-961-4745myInvoice HelpMINVdfas.dscc.jjh.o-esolutions-myinvoice@mail.milCORT TOOL HELPWAWFdisa.ogden.esd.mbx.cscassig@mail.mil866-618-5988Marine Corps Help Desk? ?WAWFusmcwawfhelpdesk@800-520-1363 opt 3Navy Help ??800-756-4571 opt 6DCMA Help DeskWAWFservicecenter@dcma.milDFAS Help DeskAWFCIN-WAWF-HQ0490@DFAS.MILDLA Help DeskWAWFwawf@dla.milAir Force Help OCONUSWAWFdfas.dscc.jjh.o-wawf-oconus@DFAS.MILNASA GAM HelpWAWFHQ-WAWF@mail.Army Help you are not using WAWF you will need to register for WAWF in order to gain access to the new myInvoice functionality.Even invoices not submitted via WAWF will be viewable through this new capability.?Effective with this change, no new accounts will be established under the old myInvoice system.?All new account requests will need to be sent via myInvoice for WAWF.?The current myInvoice system will remain active and run parallel with the new myInvoice for WAWF until the end of February 2015.?If you have registered in? WAWF, Go to? you the (contractor or supplier) have been visited by DCMA (if Applicialble) and have delivered your product or preformed your service for a government agency according to contract terms.??Now you want to be paid.?You start by submitting your Invoice and Receiving Report by using WAWF in The iRAPT systemGovernment entity that requested product or services receives, inspect and accepts products and enters information into WAWF.?Once a shipment is marked received it starts the 30 day clock for payment to be in your hands.This could involve more than one person and / or multiple locations.Upon acceptance government personnel generates a signed Receiving Report confirming inspection and acceptance and enters it..Finally, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Performs Two Functions in WAWF:Compares invoice, receiving report, and contract.Authorizes payment through electronic payment system.WAWF Can Be Used to Create and Process a Number of Documents Electronically.?Receiving Report?Invoice (DD250)?Invoice as 2-in-1 (services only)?Invoice and Receiving Report (combo)?Commercial item financing?Performance based payment?Progress payment?Cost voucher?Grant voucher?Miscellaneous payment invoiceCan Also Be Used to Access Contracts and Payment Vouchers via EDA?Electronic Document Access System (EDA) contains contract information:?Contract numbers?Routing codes?CLINS?Information stored in this system can interface with WAWF.WAWF Has Significant Benefits for Vendors.Cost / time savingsOn-time payment and fasterProcessing timeView documents and status at any timeCorrect and resubmit documents onlineImmediate feedback when GovernmentRejects a documentAudit trail displays comments for every rejectionAs well as for the Government.Electronically record inspection and acceptanceView documents and status at any timeReal-time processingReduced interest penalties on late paymentsFewer lost and misplaced documentsLess re-keying and higher data accuracyMaximize vendor-offered discountsSecure transactions with audit trailEach Party Has One or More User Roles Within WAWF.Vendor?Vendors, suppliers, contractors?Inspector and Acceptor?COR/PM?Cost Voucher Reviewer/Approver?DCAA?Payment Official (Payer)?DFAS?View Only?Supervisors, administratorsWide Area Workflow - now part of?iRAPTAcceptor Uses WAWF to Accept Products or Services as Government PropertyDigitally signs receiving report;Accept or rejectInspector and Acceptor are often the sameCost vouchers are accepted byDCAA approverDCAA reviewerPay Official Authorizes Payment through Electronic Payment pares Invoice, Receiving Report, and contractSchedules accurate/valid invoices for payment and entitlementRejects improper invoices back to initiatorRecalls Receiving Report back to the Acceptorwhen correction is needed from the AcceptorChanges status from Processed to AcceptedDocuments are Routed Through WAWF According to DoDAAC’s Entered by VendorThe Invoice 2-in-1 Merges a Commercial Invoice with a Receiving Report.Used for?FFP service contracts with no supply deliverablesUsed when a services contract requires invoice acceptance prior to submission for paymentCreates a single document from one data entry sessionInvoice 2-in-1 is Routed from Vendor to Acceptor Before it Ends at Payment OfficeThe Combo - Invoice and Receiving Report from One Data Entry Session.Used for FFP supplies contracts or contracts with services and supplies.Creates two documents – Invoice and Receiving Report from one data entry sessionEliminates need to re-key dataCombo Documents are Routed Separately Through bo Workflow Combo WorkflowCombo Invoice Statuses in WAWF.Cost Voucher is Used to Invoice for Fees and Costs Incurred During Contract Performance.Non-Direct Bill is an Interim Voucher Submitted to DCAA Auditor.Direct-Bill is Routed Directly to Pay OfficeFinal Cost Voucher Must Be Approved by Service ApproverWAWF Allows Users to Send Multiple Email NotificationsUsers have ability to send notifications to additional email addresses following an actionEmail addresses are saved for future use after submittedThis function will enable Vendors to notify WAWF Acceptors to take action on documents once they have been submitted.WAWF System Generated EmailVendor Step 1: Once you submit your documents and receive the following success screen, click on the Send More Email Notifications?link highlighted below:Vendor Step 2: Enter the email address or click on the Send radio?button of your PM/COR and click the Submit button.WAWF System Generated EmailWAWF Provides Three Primary Ways to Navigate the SystemAlways use the toolbar or hyperlinks on the screen form to navigate on WAWFBrowser buttons do not work properly in WAWF.Clicking on a Tab Will Access a Related Form or PageWAWF’s Security Time-out Function Limits the Session to 30 Minutes of Inactivity5-minute window to click pop-up window’s OK buttonData not submitted will be lostRequired Fields are Mandatory for Execution and are Marked with an Asterisk (*)You must complete required fields, but other fields can be left blankIf you try to submit a document but have not completed a required field, WAWF displays an Error MessageYou Must Log Out from WAWF for Security Reasons to Prevent Unauthorized AccessClick the Home/ Logout link, then close your browser5.12.1 – Note: Taken from WAWF Functional Information1. Background2. What Is DoD WAWF3. Who Are WAWF Customers4. WAWF Application Benefits5. Document Types In WAWF6. Roles In WAWF7. WAWF foldersPaper-free Contracting Process1. BackgroundTraditionally, the Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition process has been paper-based, labor intensive, and heavily dependent upon manual and repetitive data inputs from multiple functional communities. The DoD Paperless Contracting initiative was created in response to the DoD Comptroller's Management Reform Memorandum #2 of 21 May 1997 -- Moving to a Paper-free Contracting Process. The Department of Defense (DoD) Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) began as a Paperless Contracting prototype application to eliminate paper from the Receipt/Acceptance and Invoice/Payment process of the DoD contracting life cycle. It became operational in FY99.2. What Is DoD WAWFWide Area Workflow (WAWF) is a secure Web-based system for electronic invoicing, receipt and acceptance. See the Figure below. WAWF creates a virtual folder to combine the three documents required to pay a Vendor - the Contract, the Invoice, and the Receiving Report. The WAWF application enables electronic form submission of Invoices, government inspection, and acceptance documents in order to support DoD's goal of moving to a paperless acquisition process. It provides the technology for government contractors and authorized DoD personnel to generate, capture, and process receipt and payment-related documentation, via interactive Web-based applications. Authorized DoD users are notified of pending actions by e-mail and are presented with a collection of documents required to process the contracting or financial action. It uses Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to electronically bind the digital signature to provide non-refutable proof that the user (electronically) signed the document with the contents. More importantly, WAWF helps to mitigate interest penalty payments due to lost or misplaced documents and highlights Vendor offered discounts so that the DoD benefits on both fronts, in addition to streamlining the whole process from weeks to days or minutes. Benefits include online access and full spectrum view of document status, minimized re-keying and improving data accuracy, eliminating unmatched disbursements and making all documentation required for payment easily accessible. WAWF is the system that allows DoD to reach its e-invoicing goals and reduce interest penalties due to lost or misplaced documents.The WAWF Receipts and Acceptance graphic provides a depiction of the general WAWF functionality. It portrays different ways Vendors interact with WAWF via Web, Mobile Device, FTP, or EDI (all EDI transactions are done through GEX - Global Exchange Services). It also shows how government officials including Inspector, Acceptor, Reviewer, Approver, LPO Reviewer, LPO, and Pay Official interact with WAWF. As of WAWF 5.4, there is a Mobile Application for Inspectors and Acceptors for the acceptance process. In addition, it shows the interactions between WAWF and SAM (System for Award Management), DAASC, EDA, Accounting Systems, Logistic Systems, UID Registry, Property System, and the Entitlement Systems.NOTE:SAM (System for Award Management) - CAGE Code information is pulled from here.DAASC (Defense Automatic Addressing System Center) - DoDAAC information is pulled from here.EDA (Electronic Document Access) - contract information and CLIN information is pulled from here.GEX (Global Exchange Services) - converts Vendor EDI format to a WAWF User Defined Format (UDF).?WAWF also provides the capability to electronically capture and submit information in support of the shipment and the receipt of Government Furnished Property (GFP) by the Department of Defense (DoD) and Vendor activities. This functionality provides all requiring activities, property managers, financial managers, and contractors the capability to access up-to-date information, on a need-to-know basis.The WAWF Property graphic provides a depiction of the general WAWF Property functionality. It portrays different ways Property Shippers and Property Receivers interact with WAWF via FTP, web, or EDI (all EDI transactions are done through GEX - Global Exchange Services). In addition, it shows the interactions between WAWF and the UID Registry and Property System.?3. Who Are WAWF CustomersSpecific DoD components and other government offices using DoD WAWF include:Air Force (USAF)Army (USA)Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA)Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)Marine Corps (USMC)Navy (USN)DoD VendorsOther Defense Agencies (ODAs)?4. WAWF Application BenefitsElimination Of Paper-Based Support Functions:?Labor savings are realized by eliminating manual entry of data across programs. From a management and cost savings standpoint, the implementation of WAWF will eliminate numerous support functions required for the current paper-based process. With the electronic capture, storage, and retrieval of required documents, the supporting infrastructure that includes mail, file, and copy rooms and their associated personnel, no longer need to be maintained.Global Accessibility:?Multiple users will be able to globally access documents, which will streamline processing, reduce the need for re-typing, improve accuracy, and provide real-time processing and access to document status. WAWF users will be able to research discrepancies, history, or status related to past payment, shipment, or invoices, without having to involve individuals from other organizations within the process.Eliminates Lost Or Misplaced Documents:?All documents are stored in one place that is accessible over the Web. A DoD Vendor is able to submit his/her Invoices electronically, and access contract payment records and status. Lead-time from mail transit of documents will be eliminated. It increases cost efficiency (e.g. cheaper to move/store "electrons" than "paper").Accuracy Of Documents:?Current problems such as unmatched disbursements, duplicate payments, and payment delays can be alleviated using WAWF.Secure & Auditable Transactions:?Access to appropriate functions and documents will be controlled through the user registration process. In addition, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificates will be used to verify user identification, and to digitally sign documents when required.Enables DoD To Take Maximum Benefit Of Discounts:?Government personnel can maximize Vendor-offered discounts because Wide Area Workflow highlights those documents first. WAWF improves a Vendor's ability to get paid on time since the documents go through extensive edit checking up front. Any problems with the submitted documents are immediately flagged to the Vendor for correction.Enables Timely & Accurate Payments:?DoD Vendors have experienced tremendous benefits by using WAWF. WAWF is capable of taking in EDI X12 files as well as FTP batch files. Vendors who are able to electronically connect, system-to-system, are seeing a decrease in the time it takes to generate a document and get it into government hands for acceptance. What normally took 10 days can now be accomplished in 1 day, if not minutes.Decreases Interest Penalties:?Since WAWF decreases processing time by several orders of magnitude, the system will reduce greatly the number of Prompt Payment Act (PPA) violations.5. Document Types In WAWFReceiving Report (RR)Reparables Receiving Report (RRR)Purchase Card Receiving ReportMicro-Purchase Card Receiving ReportEnergy Receiving ReportInvoiceCredit InvoiceEnergy InvoiceInvoice Fast PayInvoice as 2-in-1 (Services Only) (2n1)Invoice and Receiving Report (COMBO)Invoice and Reparables Receiving Report (RCOMBO)Energy Invoice and Energy Receiving Report (ECOMBO)Construction Payment Invoice (CICON)Navy Construction Payment Invoice (NAVCON)Navy Ship Building Invoice (SUPSHIP)TELCOM Invoice (Summary & Detail)Commercial Item Financing (CIF)Performance Based Payment (PBP)Progress Payment (PPR)Cost VoucherCost Voucher - ShipbuildingProperty Transfer DocumentMiscellaneous Pay Document (Misc. Pay)Grant VoucherNon Procurement Instruments (NPI) Voucher (Old Grant Document with line items)??6. Roles In WAWFAdministration Roles in WAWF:Group Administrator (GAM)Help Administrator (HAM)System Administrator (SAM)Program Management Office (PMO)AuditorFunctional AuditorReceipts and Acceptance Roles in WAWF:Initiators **CAGE Code controlled by SAM (System for Award Management)**:VendorVendor View OnlyVendor Ship To View OnlyGovernment Users **DoDAACs maintained by DAAS**:Misc. Pay InitiatorInspectorInspector View OnlyField InspectorField Inspector View OnlyGovernment Ship To View OnlyAcceptorAcceptor View OnlyCost Voucher ApproverCost Voucher Approver View OnlyCost Voucher ReviewerCost Voucher AdministratorGrant ApproverGrant Approver View OnlyLocal Processing Office (LPO)Local Processing Office View OnlyLocal Processing ReviewerPay OfficialPay Official View OnlyAdmin By View OnlyIssue By View OnlyOther View OnlyNote for View Only:?Responsible for oversight of workers or have a need to view documents outside the workflow process.Property Roles in WAWF:Contractor Users **CAGE Code controlled by SAM (System for Award Management)**:Contractor Contract Administrator View OnlyContractor Program Manager View OnlyContractor Property Manager View OnlyContractor Property ReceiverContractor Property Receiver View OnlyContractor Property Ship From View OnlyContractor Property Ship To View OnlyContractor Property ShipperContractor Property Shipper View OnlyGovernment Users **DoDAACs maintained by DAAS**:Government Program Manager View OnlyGovernment Property Administrator View OnlyGovernment Property ReceiverGovernment Property Receiver View OnlyGovernment Property Ship From View OnlyGovernment Property Ship To View OnlyGovernment Property ShipperGovernment Property Shipper View OnlyOther Property Users **DoDAACs maintained by DAAS**:Property ACO View OnlyProperty PCO View OnlyNote for View Only:?Responsible for oversight of workers or have a need to view documents outside the workflow process.?7. Folders In WAWFThe graphic provides a depiction of the general WAWF Folder functionality. It portrays the 3 folders required to pay a Vendor, the Contract, the Invoice, and the Receiving Report. It also explains that WAWF allows Vendors to create and view documents at all stages in the workflow, using their History Folder. It also explains that WAWF Government Users are allowed to work and view the documents at all stages in the workflow, using their History Folder.a. VendorsVendors can submit documents electronically using one of four methods to submit data into WAWF:Interactive Web ApplicationMobile DeviceElectronic Data Interchange (EDI)Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)The graphic provides a depiction of the general WAWF Vendor Document Submission functionality. It portrays a Vendor submitting documents using the Web, Mobile Device, SFTP, and EDI (all EDI transactions are done through GEX - Global Exchange Services). All documents submitted via SFTP are placed on the WAWF EDI/FTP Support Server. All EDI documents being received from GEX are placed on the WAWF EDI/FTP Support Server. All 4 ways interface with EDA to pre-populate contract data from EDA. Batch jobs are run on the Support server to place the documents in the WAWF database so they can be worked in the WAWF application.These choices do not result in significant cost or require changes to existing processes. The WAWF Mobile capability is new in WAWF 5.3. Vendors who submit many documents, or have many Line Items on each document, should use SFTP or EDI to submit data into WAWF. Vendors already using EDI will most likely prefer to use EDI with WAWF. SFTP would be less expensive to implement than EDI for new users. After a Vendor uploads a file to the WAWF system using SFTP/EDI, a system-generated e-mail message will notify him/her of any accepted transactions, accepted transactions with modified data, or rejected transactions.WAWF's interactive Web-application has a session time-out feature. This means it is only appropriate for a Vendor who can enter and submit his/her documents in a short amount of time.Additionally, the Vendor will receive system-generated e-mail advising him/her of action taken by the Government Officials. If a document is rejected, the Vendor will have the capability to correct the data and resubmit. Thus, only the individual data elements need to be corrected as opposed to re-typing the entire document. Finally, the Vendor will be able to view previously submitted documents and determine the current status, review actions taken by Government officials (to include access to the name, e-mail and telephone numbers), and as appropriate, initiate follow-on actions.b. Government OfficialsThe online ability to review documents and compare products/services to the contract terms will assist an Official in performing his/her job. The ability to electronically reject improper documents for modification will also assist these offices in their reviews. Finally, the capability to electronically document inspection and/or acceptance, etc., and digitally sign the information will ensure prompt presentation of the required data to the payment office.A government official can perform many processes in WAWF. Depending on their WAWF role, he/she can:Inspect?documentsAccept?documentsReject?documentsApprove?documentsReview?documentsCertify?documentsProcess?documentsSave?documentsPlace documents on?holdView?documents and check document?statusCreate?Receiving Reports (Only Inspector and Acceptor Roles)Correct?and?resubmit?documents he/she has submitted that were rejected*Void?documents he/she has submittedRecall?documents he/she has submitted or worked, make changes, and resubmit the documents.Make available for Recall?documents he/she has worked.The system-generated e-mail notifications of actions taken will assist all parties in monitoring the process and initiating corrective or follow-up actions.c. Document Access - View OnlyIn addition to the user actions outlined above, additional personnel who have a need to view documents can be granted access in a view only mode. Once a document has been captured and processed, it is made available for view only. Access to the documents is limited by the Contractor and Government Entity (CAGE) Code or the Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DoDAAC), to which the individual is responsible for monitoring. A single electronic copy of the document to be accessed by any authorized user with Web capability is available. Authorized government personnel are able to view the Contract, Receiving Reports, and Invoices. Vendors will be able to query and view his/her previously submitted documents. ................

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