Explanation of what this standard means: - Wetherbee Grade 5

Understand the place value system.

5.NBT.1. Recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left.

|Explanation of what this standard means: |

| |

|differentiate between the place (name) and the value of the digit of that place |

| |

|recognize that as you move to the left values increase by 10 times and as you move to the right values decrease by 1/10 |

|Explanation of what students need to know/understand/do: |

| |

|place value |

|digit |

|place name |

| |

|As you move to the left x 10 (multiply times 10) |

|As you move the right ÷ 10 (divide by 10) |


777 = 700 + 70 + 7

450 = 45 tens or 4 hundreds, 50 tens

x10 x10

7 7 7

÷10 ÷10

Connecting Standards:

|in previous grades |in this grade |in subsequent grades |

| | | |

|value increase by powers of 10 as you move |value decrease by 1/10 as you move to the | |

|to the left |right | |

Things to Think About: 

What place do we need to teach to?


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