SEL-321 SEL-321-1



CAUTION: The relay contains devices sensitive

ATTENTION: Le relais contient des pi?ces


to electrostatic discharge (ESD). When working


sensibles aux d?charges ?lectrostatiques (DES).

on the relay with front or top cover removed, work

Quand on travaille sur le relais avec le panneau

surfaces and personnel must be properly grounded

avant ou du dessus enlev?, les surfaces de travail

or equipment damage may result.

et le personnel doivent ?tre mis ? la terre

convenablement pour ?viter les dommages ?


CAUTION: This procedure requires that you

ATTENTION: Cette proc?dure requiert que


handle components sensitive to Electrostatic


vous manipuliez des composants sensibles aux

Discharge (ESD). If your facility is not equipped

d?charges ?lectrostatiques (DES). Si vous n'?tes

to work with these components, we recommend

pas ?quip?s pour travailler avec ce type de

that you return the relay to SEL for firmware

composants, nous vous recommandons de les


retourner ? SEL pour leur installation.

CAUTION: Verify proper orientation of any

ATTENTION: V?rifier l'orientation d'un circuit


replaced Integrated Circuit(s) (ICs) before


int?gr? (CI) que vous remplacez avant de l'

reassembling the relay. Energizing the relay with

installer sur le relais. La mise sous-tension du

an IC reversed irrecoverably damages the IC. If

relais avec un CI invers? endommagera de fa?on

you mistakenly reenergize the relay with an IC

irr?versible celui-ci. Si vous remettez le relais

reversed, do not place the relay in service using

sous tension par m?garde, ne pas laisser le relais

that IC, even if you correct the orientation.

en service avec ce CI, m?me si l'orientation a ?t?


CAUTION: Never work on the SEL-321 with

ATTENTION: Ne jamais travailler sur le


the front or top cover removed, when the SEL-321 !

SEL-321 avec le panneau avant ou du dessus

is energized.

enlev?, quand le SEL-321 est sous-tension.

WARNING: Do not rely upon pins 5 and 9 for

AVERTISSEMENT: Ne pas se fier aux broches


safety grounding, because their current-carrying


5 et 9 pour une mise ? la terre s?curitaire: leur

capacity is less than control power short circuit

limite de support en courant est inf?rieure au

and protection levels

niveau de court-circuit assur? par la protection.

WARNING: Use only serial communications

AVERTISSEMENT: N'utiliser que des c?bles


cables manufactured by SEL or built to SEL


de communication s?rie produits par SEL ou

specifications with the SEL-321 Relay. Damage

conformes ? ses sp?cifications avec le relais

to the relay or your communication equipment

SEL-321. Des dommages au relais ou ?

may result from the use of incorrect

l'?quipement de communication pourraient

communication connections.

survenir ? la suite de mauvais raccordements.

WARNING: This device is shipped with default

AVERTISSEMENT: Cet ?quipement est


passwords. Default passwords should be changed !

exp?di? avec des mots de passe par d?faut. A

to private passwords at installation. Failure to

l'installation, les mots de passe par d?faut devront

change each default password to a private

?tre chang?s pour des mots de passe confidentiels.

password may allow unauthorized access. SEL

Dans le cas contraire, un acc?s non-autoris? ?

shall not be responsible for any damage resulting

l'?quipement pourrait ?tre possible. SEL d?cline

from unauthorized access.

toute responsabilit? pour tout dommage r?sultant

de cet acc?s non-autoris?.

The software (firmware), schematic drawings, relay commands, and relay messages are copyright protected by the United States Copyright Law and International Treaty provisions. All rights are reserved.

You may not copy, alter, disassemble, or reverse-engineer the software. You may not provide the software to any third party.

All brand or product names appearing in this document are the trademark or registered trademark of their respective holders.

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, SELOGIC, Connectorized, ACSELERATOR, Job Done, SEL-PROFILE, and Laboratories.

are registered trademarks of Schweitzer Engineering

The English language manual is the only approved SEL manual.

Copyright ? SEL 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 (All rights reserved) Printed in USA.

This product is covered by U.S. Patent Numbers: 4,996,624; 5,041,737; 5,208,545; 5,262,679; 5,317,472; 5,325,061; 5,349,490; 5,365,396; 5,367,426; 5,479,315; 5,515,227; 5,790,418; 5,793,750; 5,883,578; and U.S. Patent(s) Pending, and Foreign Patent(s) Issued and Pending.

This product is covered by the standard SEL 10-year warranty. For warranty details, visit or contact your customer service representative.


This manual applies to multiple versions of the SEL-321 and SEL-321-1 Relays (designed to operate with nominal system frequencies of 50 Hz and 60 Hz). Except when specific differences are noted, all specifications and data apply equally to all versions of the relay.


Throughout this manual where there are differences between the SEL-321 Relay and the SEL-321-1 Relay the headings of those sections that apply strictly to the SEL-321-1 Relay include the following statement:

(SEL-321-1 Relay Only)

Date Code 20011026

Preface SEL-321/321-1 Instruction Manual



The date code at the bottom of each page of this manual reflects the creation or revision date. Date codes are changed only on pages that have been revised and any following pages affected by the revisions (i.e., pagination). If significant revisions are made to a section, the date code on all pages of the section will be changed to reflect the revision date.

Each time revisions are made, both the main table of contents and the affected individual section table of contents are regenerated and the date code is changed to reflect the revision date.

Changes in this manual to date are summarized below (most recent revisions listed at top).

Revision Date

Summary of Revisions

The Manual Change Information section has been created to begin a record of revisions to this manual. All changes will be recorded in this Summary of Revisions table.

20011203 Appendix A: - Fix for TCM logic bug.

20011026 Reissued entire manual to reflect the following changes:

Section 2:

- Settings 59QL and 59PL are no longer hidden when ELOP = N1, Y1, or Y2.

- Corrected Figure 2.31: Permissive Overreaching Transfer Trip Scheme Logic.

Section 3: - Clarified PULSE n t command. - Updated screen capture text in subsection SET P.

Section 5:

- Corrected typographical error in subsection Original Loss-of-Potential Logic.

- Corrected Z1ANG and Z0ANG settings ranges in the Settings Sheets. - Added MIRRORED BITS settings to Settings Sheets.

Section 6: - Corrected typographical error in subsection IRIG-B Input Connection.

Section 7: - Corrected typographical errors.

Appendix A: - Improved frequency tracking algorithm. - Availability of 59Q and 59P elements when advanced LOP is enabled.

Date Code 20011203

Manual Change Information


SEL-321/321-1 Instruction Manual


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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