Original Title - KIRSTEN ENGLISH

5 Paragraph Essay Outline

Thesis: (This is actually part of your introduction)

I. Introduction (Thesis, 3 points, conclusion)

A. Point #1

B. Point #2

C. Point #3

D. Conclusion/Transition

II. Topic Sentence of Point #1 (IDEA)

A. Development of P1

B. Further explanation

C. Example/explanation

D. Quote with page #

E. Explanation of quote

F. More Explanation

G. Connection to point, thesis

H. Conclusion

III. Topic Sentence of Point #2 (IDEA)

A. Development of P1

B. Further explanation

C. Example/explanation

D. Quote with page #

E. Explanation of quote

F. More Explanation

G. Connection to point, thesis

H. Conclusion

IV. Topic Sentence of Point #3 (IDEA)

A. Development of P1

B. Further explanation

C. Example/explanation

D. Quote with page #

E. Explanation of quote

F. More Explanation

G. Connection to point, thesis

H. Conclusion

V. Conclusion

A. Summarize main points (reconstruct argument)

B. Summarize, synthesize, and connect points to Thesis

C. Synthesize ideas and draw a meaningful conclusion

D. More synthesis

E. Concluding statement

Proofreading Symbols & Abbreviations

p Punctuation

sp Spelling

wc Word Choice

T Tense change

DW Dead word- things, stuff

C Capitalization

Rep Repetitive, redundant

TS Thesis Statement or Topic Sentence

RO Run-on sentence

Fr Sentence Fragment

U Usage error- Their/There/They’re, effect/affect

^ Combine words or sentences

VARY Vary word choice or sentence structure

SS Sentence structure

( Indent

MLA MLA Format-quotes, heading, spacing, works cited, outline

Concl. Conclusion

G Grammar mistake

SV Subject-Verb Agreement

Prep Prepositional Error

V or VT Verb Tense

PR Pronoun Reference

sl. Slang/casual language

QF Quote Format

Conj. Conjunction missing or misused

Pos Possessive Apostrophe (Fred’s dog)

Pl. Plural

Awk. Awkward sentence or phrase

11 Parallel Structure


NAME __________________________________ ESSAY _______________________________________

Scored 1 (low) -10 (highest)

Content _______ Ideas are focused, well developed, enhanced by details

Thesis-clear, concise, strongly supported; ideas fresh, engaging, sophisticated

Organization _______ Organization logically supports central idea; Introduction draws reader in,

Conclusion summarizes and resolves;smooth, effective transitions tie elements

Conventions _______ Mechanics-spelling, capitalization, MLA format; Sentence-fragments, run-ons

Punctuation; Grammar-Pronoun, verb agreement, tense

Sentence Fluency _______ Writing has natural flow and rhythm; varied sentence structure and length,

Sentences are rhythmic and graceful

Word Choice _______ Language rich, natural, succinct; words are specific, precise, powerful Language is functional, avoids clichés and redundancy

TOTAL ______________



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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