Composition I Writing Rubric: 5-Paragraph Essay

NAME___________________________ SECTION:______________________________

Assignment:______________________ Date:________________________________

|Evaluative Area |4 |3 |2 |1/0 |

| | | | | |

|Unity |Introduction: Interesting|Introduction: Attention |Introduction: Attention |Introduction: Lacks an |

| |attention getter that |getter relates to topic, |getter lacks interest and|attention getter |

|(25 points total) |relates to the topic |but lacks interest |relation to topic | |

| | | | | |

| |Clearly stated thesis in |Thesis provides some |Thesis lacks clear | |

| |the intro |direction |direction |No thesis |

| | | | | |

| |Solid topic sentences and|Topic sent. and/or para. |Topic sentences present, | |

| |supporting paragraphs |content need more |but expand paragraphs |Lacks topic sentences and|

| | |relation to thesis | |appropriate paragraphing |

| | | | | |

| |Conclusion: Restated |Conclusion: Restated |Conclusion: Summation |Conclusion lacks restated|

| |thesis relates directly |thesis provided, but too |provided, but does not |thesis |

| |to thesis and uses varied|much like thesis OR needs|relate closely enough to | |

| |language |work |thesis | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Clincher lacks interest | |

| |Unique, interesting |Interesting clincher but |and tie to attention |Lacks a clincher |

| |clincher that relates to |fails to relate to |getter | |

| |hook |attention getter | | |

|Support |3 specific points of |3 points of support but |1 or 2 points of support |Lacks quality support |

| |support |relate loosely | | |

|(25 points total) | | |Evidence is provided for |Lacks specific evidence |

| |Specific evidence for |Some evidence for each |only 1 or 2 points | |

| |each point is presented |point is provided | | |

| | | | |No documentation present |

| |Material is cited and |Documentation present, |Some documentation | |

| |carefully noted |but need format |missing | |

|Coherence |Clear, planned method of |Organization plan is |Work needed to maintain |Lacks any method of |

| |organization |evident, but lacks |organization |organization |

|(25 points total) | |clarity | | |

| |Transitions and | |Some transitions missing | |

| |connections between and |Transitions present, but |between and within |Lacks transitions and |

| |within paragraphs flow |work is needed to clarify|paragraphs |connections throughout |

| |easily |intent | | |

| | | | | |

| |Effective, relative | | | |

| |introduction, conclusion,| |Title is lacking, |Title, introduction, |

| |and title |Introduction, conclusion,|introduction and |and/or conclusion missing|

| | |body, and title present, |conclusion relate well | |

| | |lack a relationship | | |

|Sentence Skills | |Paper is free from |Few fragments exist |Understanding lost due to|

| | |fragments | |fragments |

|(25 points total) | | | | |

| | |Paper is free from |Work needed to fix |Understanding lost due to|

| | |run-ons |run-ons |R-O-S |

| | | | | |

| | |Subjects and verbs agree |Some S-Vs lack agreement |Understanding lost due to|

| | |throughout | |S-V agree. |

| | | |Some verb tenses need | |

| | |All verb tenses are |work |Understanding lost due to|

| | |correct | |verb tense |

| | | |Parallelism lacking at | |

| | |Parallelism throughout |times |Understanding lost due to|

| | | | |parallelism |

| | |Pronouns agree; correct |Pronouns lack agreement; | |

| | |reference |reference |Understanding lost due to|

| | | | |PN agreement/ ref. |

| | | | | |

| | |3rd person PNs used |Shifts in PN point of |Understanding lost due to|

| | | |view |shifts in PN |

| | | | |P-O-V |

| | | | | |

| | |Capital letters are |Capital letters need |Understanding lost to |

| | |correct |correction |cap. problems |

| | | | | |

| | |Punctuation is correct |Punctuation needs work |Understanding lost due to|

| | | | |punc. errors |

| | |Varied sentence structure|Few sentence variations | |

| | |is evident | |Lacks sentence variety |

| | | |Few spelling/ careless | |

| | |No spelling errors or |errors |Understanding lost due to|

| | |careless errors | |spelling/careless errors |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Understanding lost due to|

| | | |Few awkwardly worded |awk. sent. |

| | |Clear and carefully |sentences | |

| | |worded sentences | |Understanding lost due to|

| | | |Sometimes lacks |repetition |

| | |Succinct wording |succinctness | |

| | |throughout | |Lacks effectiveness and |

| | | |Few instances of |maturity |

| | |Effective and appropriate|ineffective or immature | |

| | |language |language | |

| | | | |Numerous problems/ lacks |

| | | |Some problems with APA |APA format |

| | |APA format followed |format | |

| | |throughout | | |

| | | | | |

Total ________________/100


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