Personal Narrative Essay Template - Cooper6ELA

Personal Narrative Essay Template

Title: ______________________________________________________

By: ___________________________________________

Introduction Paragraph: Begin with a HOOK: ________________________________________


Describe the setting: _____________________________________________________________


What people were involved?:______________________________________________________


What were you like before the incident/event?: _______________________________________


What was the incident you will be writing about?: _____________________________________


Beginning/Paragraph 2: Start by describing the beginning of the incident. What were your actions, thoughts/feelings, and others that were involved actions and thoughts? ______________





Middle/Paragraph 3: Describe the events in order using only important details. The reader should experience/RELIVE the incident with you. _____________________________________






End/Paragraph 4: The last part of the incident (the grand finale). What is the changed experience? What is your life like NOW compared to BEFORE?





Conclusion/Paragraph 5: Wrap up the narrative by reflecting on the lesson you learned and how this will impact your future. What knowledge have you gained by this major event/incident in your life? _____________________________________________________________________







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