Rating Sheet Example

Interview Rating Scale Examples – Human Resource Consultant

Date: _________________ Position: _______________________________________________

Candidate Name: _________________________________ Rater name: ____________________________________________

|# |Factor/Competency |Less Qualified |Qualified |Highly Qualified |Score |

| | |(1-2) |(3-5) |(6-7) | |

|2 |Experience – Practical experience applying knowledge|Little experience related to this job. Would |Adequate preparation for the duties of this |Significant experience in a number of | |

| |related to assessment to real-world situations. |require significant training. |job. Experience with several jobs/tests. |different contexts. Developed many exams.| |

|3 |Critical thinking – Ability to see situations from |Demonstrates insufficient abilities in this |Demonstrates adequate ability. Can break |High level ability. Uses multiple lenses | |

| |multiple perspectives and identify consequences. |area. Repeats information without analysis. |problems down and anticipate challenges. |to view problems and stakeholders. | |

|4 |Oral communication – Ability to listen and |Demonstrates inadequate skills in this area. |Adequate skills in this area. Uses appropriate|Demonstrates superior skills. Word | |

| |communicate clearly using appropriate grammar and |Grammar/vocabulary choices are poor. |grammar/vocabulary. |choices are advanced. | |

| |vocabulary. | | | | |

|5 |Job knowledge – Knowledge of organization and |Little knowledge of position and organization. |Adequate knowledge of the job and organization.|Significant knowledge of job/ | |

| |requirements of position. |Little preparatory information gathering. |Some background work done. |organization. Extensive information | |

| | | | |gathered. | |

|6 |Creativity – Able to produce innovative solutions to|Little creativity demonstrated. Unable to |Demonstrates adequate creative skills. Some |Advanced skills in this area. Several | |

| |selection challenges. |generate innovative ideas or methods. |imaginative ideas demonstrated. |creative ideas/ methods demonstrated. | |

|7 |Customer focus – Demonstrated ability to ensure |Little ability demonstrated. Insufficient |Adequate skills in this area. Experience |Superior skills/experience in this area. | |

| |needs of customers are met; delivers exceptional |experience meeting needs of customers. |ensuring customer needs are met. |Goes above and beyond expectations. | |

| |service. | | | | |

|8 |Flexibility – Able to solve problems using a variety|Insufficient ability demonstrated. Resistant |Sufficient ability. Adapts to change and uses |Advanced ability. Leads or champions | |

| |of approaches; able to adapt to change. |to change or uses limited number of approaches.|various problem solving approaches. |change, uses a wide selection of | |

| | | | |approaches. | |

|Notes: | | |Total | |


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