Here is last summer’s syllabus to give you an idea of the course.

I’ll post the new syllabus as soon as I get confirmation from the guest speakers.

Please plan to join the class!

CMGT 583: Social Marketing and Entertainment-Education

Summer Session II – 2009

Instructor: Paula (Patnoe) Woodley Section: 21783D

Office: ASC G38 (temporary) Tues/Thurs 6-9:50 p.m., ASC #230

Email: Telephone: 323-683-4831 (cell)

Office hours by appointment—just ask!


Understanding, designing and evaluating modern communication campaigns requires knowledge of “Entertainment-Education,” social marketing, and the psychological and sociological theories underlying these approaches. Entertainment-Education (EE) programs utilize entertainment, usually drama, suspense and humor, in order to educate viewers about health, safety, human rights, and other critical social issues. Social Marketing is the use of traditional and new media marketing principles to influence human behavior in order to gain awareness and affect behavior with social and health issues.

This class will provide both a theoretical and a practical approach by examining underlying theories of behavior change and working to develop more effective creative concepts that both entertain and educate. By developing this combination of research and practical skills, students will have a more in-depth understanding of how entertainment-education and social marketing work and how they might use it in their professional lives.


By the end of the semester, you should feel confident in knowing:

• The value of EE as a social behavior change medium

• The methods of blending education into entertainment

• Theories underlying use of EE and social marketing

• The value and purpose of social marketing campaigns

• How to develop EE and social marketing creative concepts


• Singhal, A., & Rogers, E.M. (1999). Entertainment-Education. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

• Singhal, A., Cody, M.J., Rogers, E.M., & Sabido, M. (2004). Entertainment-Education Worldwide: History, Research, and Practice. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

• Numerous articles will be posted on Blackboard. You will be assigned some of these articles throughout the semester, and others are posted for your reference only. Please check Blackboard before every class.


Paper 1 Review of a formally defined health or social issue 20% of grade

(Suggest locating a particular EE program/message

or social marketing campaign at this time)

Paper 2 PART 1: Review a particular EE program/message or social marketing 35% of grade

campaign that presents your selected topic PART 2: Discuss and

analyze the theories that may have been incorporated into its

development, as well as the theories that might have made it

more effective

Paper 3 Summarize your findings and introduce new creative 25% of grade

concepts that would add value to the campaign you selected

Presentation 10% of grade

Class Participation 10% of grade


Text readings are listed below; all articles will be posted on Blackboard (BB) unless otherwise noted. Check Blackboard frequently for new academic articles, other readings and PowerPoint lecture slides. Readings should be completed prior to class the day they are scheduled. This syllabus is subject to change.

|Wk |Date |Topic |Assignments/Notes |

|1 |July 2 |Introduction to course content and expectations; Show Entertainment-Education and Social Marketing examples; | |

| |(Thurs.) |Sabido Methodology (time permitting) | |

| | | | |

| | |Have a safe and fun 4th of July! | |

|2 |July 7 |Theories in Entertainment-Education, Part I: Sabido Methodology; Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory, | |

| | |Self-efficacy; Social Modeling, and more | |

| | | | |

| | |Discuss the beginnings of E-E strategies and theories; International E-E; View E-E examples from around the | |

| | |world; Review readings | |

| | | | |

| | |Readings: | |

| | |Singhal & Rogers, chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 | |

| | |Singhal, Cody, Rogers & Sabido, chapters 4 and 5 | |

| | |Here is a great site that incorporates many aspects of Bandura’s life and work – specifically self-efficacy – | |

| | |which is key in entertainment- education efforts: | |

| |July 9 |Guest speaker: Irwin "Sonny" Fox | |

| | |President, Sonny Fox Consultants | |

| | | | |

| | |Discuss international E-E strategies, current projects and success stories; View | |

| | |E-E examples; Using story telling in public diplomacy, and much more | |

| | | | |

| | |Theories in Entertainment-Education, Part II: Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned Behavior; | |

| | |Elaboration Likelihood Model; Review readings | |

| | | | |

| | |Readings: | |

| | |Singhal & Rogers, chapters 5, 6, 8, and 9 | |

| | |Papa, M., Singhal, A., Law, S., Sood, S., Rogers, E., & Shefner-Rogers, C. (2000). Entertainment-Education and | |

| | |Social Change: An Analysis of Parasocial Interaction, Social Learning, Collective Efficacy, and Paradoxical | |

| | |Communication. Journal of Communication, 50(4), pp. 31-55. | |

| | |Slater, M.J. & Rouner, D. (2002). Entertainment-Education and Elaboration Likelihood: Understanding the | |

| | |processing of narrative persuasion, Communication Theory, 12 (2), 173-191. | |

| | |Check BB for Sonny’s bio | |

|3 |July 14 |Guest speaker: Jim Piesocki |PAPER ONE DUE |

| | |Idea Lab Creative |(Post on BB digital dropbox by |

| | |Video Games - The Next Revolution in Education and Training |5:00 p.m.) |

| | | | |

| | |Theories in Entertainment-Education, Part III: Diffusion of Innovation Theory; Stages of Change Model; Health | |

| | |Belief Model; Hierarchy of Media Effects; review readings | |

| | | | |

| | |Readings: | |

| | |Review websites for background on speaker and | |

| | | | |

| | |Singhal, Cody, Rogers & Sabido chapters 3, 6, and 7 | |

| | |Wang, H., & Singhal, A. (in press). Entertainment-Education through Digital Games, to appear in Ritterfeld, U.,| |

| | |Cody, M. & Vorderer, P. Serious Games: Mechanisms and Effects, New York: Routledge | |

| | |Klimmt, C. (in press). Serious Games and Social Change: Why They (Should) Work, to appear in Ritterfeld, U., | |

| | |Cody, M. & Vorderer, P. Serious Games: Mechanisms and Effects, New York: Routledge | |

| | |3 short articles provided by speaker on BB | |

| | |Check BB for Jim’s bio | |

| |July 16 |Guest speaker: Sandra de Castro Buffington | |

| | |Sandra de Castro Buffington | |

| | |Director, Hollywood, Health & Society | |

| | |USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center | |

| | | | |

| | |Entertainment-Education in the U.S. today; Recent EE Studies of US Television Programming | |

| | | | |

| | |Readings: | |

| | |Wilkin, H., Valente, T., et al., (2007) Does Entertainment-Education Work with Latinos in the United States? | |

| | |Identification and the Effects of a Telenovela Breast Cancer Storyline. Journal of Health Communication 12(5),| |

| | |pp. 455 – 469 | |

| | |Brodie, M., Foehr, U., Rideout, V., Baer, N., Miller, C., Flournoy, R., & Altman, D. (2001). Communicating | |

| | |health information through the entertainment media: A study of the television drama ER lends support to the | |

| | |notion that Americans pick up information while being entertained. Health Affairs, 20, 192-199. | |

| | |Kennedy, M.G., O’Leary, A., Beck, V., Pollard, K., & Simpson, P. (2004). Increases in Calls to the CDC National| |

| | |STD and AIDS Hotline Following AIDS-Related Episodes in a Soap Opera. Journal of Communication, 54, pp. | |

| | |287-301. | |

| | |Valente, T.W., Murphy, S.T., Huang, G., Greene, J., Gusek, J. & Beck, V. (2007). Evaluating a Minor Storyline| |

| | |on ER about Teen Obesity, Hypertension and 5 A Day. Journal of Health Communication, 12, 6, 551-566. | |

| | |Check BB or ask Paula for more articles on different health and social issues | |

| | |Check BB for Sandra’s bio | |

|4 |July 21 |Guest speaker: Tenaya Wallace | |

| | |Campaign Director, Donate Life Hollywood | |

| | |Communications Specialist, OneLegacy | |

| | | | |

| | |Helping television writers and producers present organ donation storylines that are both accurate and | |

| | |compelling. | |

| | | | |

| | |Readings: | |

| | |Singhal, Cody, Rogers & Sabido, chapters 11 and 15 | |

| | |Morgan, S., Movius, L., & Cody, M.J. (2009). The Power of Narratives: The Effect of Organ Donation Storylines | |

| | |on the Attitudes, Knowledge and Behaviors of Donors and Non-Donors. Journal of Communication, 59, pp. 135-151 | |

| | |Movius, L., Cody, M., Huang, G., & Berkowitz, M. (2007). Motivating Television Viewers to Become Organ | |

| | |Donors. Cases in Public Health Communication & Marketing. | |

| | |Check BB for Tenaya’s bio | |

| |July 23 |Guest speaker: Zoanne Clack, MD, MPH |PAPER TWO DUE |

| | |Supervising Producer/Writer/Medical Consultant |(Post on BB digital dropbox on |

| | |Grey's Anatomy |Saturday, 7/25 by noon.) |

| | | | |

| | |Readings: | |

| | |Collins, R., Elliott, M. et al. (2003). Entertainment Television as a Healthy Sex Educator: The Impact of | |

| | |Condom-Efficacy Information in an Episode of “Friends,” Pediatrics, 112(5),pp. 115-1121. | |

| | |Murphy, S., Hether, H., & Rideout, V. (2008). How Healthy is Prime Time? An analysis of Health Content in | |

| | |Popular Prime Time Television Programs. A Kaiser Family Foundation Report | |

| | |Check BB for Zoanne’s bio | |

|5 |July 28 |Guest speaker: Susan Cohen, MPH | |

| | |Director, Health Education & Prevention Services | |

| | |L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center | |

| | | | |

| | |Our speaker will present the development, production and reaction to “In the Moment” web-isodes . | |

| | | | |

| | |Discussion and Creative Activities in Developing Components of Social Marketing Campaigns; Public Service | |

| | |Announcements | |

| | | | |

| | |Readings: | |

| | |Review website - | |

| | |Weinreich, Nedra, What is Social Marketing? | |

| | |Randolph, W., and Viswanath, K. (2004). – Lessons Learned from Public Health Mass Media Campaigns: Marketing | |

| | |Health in a Crowed Media World, Annual Review of Public Health 25, pp. 419-437. | |

| | |Check BB for additional readings | |

| |July 30 |Guest speaker: Jimmy Palmieri | |

| | |Founder, The Tweakers Project | |

| | | | |

| | |Present documentary “The Tweakers Project” and social marketing campaign; continued review of E-E, social | |

| | |marketing, and use of new media in the US | |

| | | | |

| | |Readings: | |

| | |Check BB for readings | |

|6 |Aug. 4 |Catch-up Day (We always need it in the summer!) | |


| | |One-half of the class presents each night; paper is due when you present |(Post on BB digital dropbox on |

| | | |or before Fri., 8/7 at 7:00 |

| | | |p.m.) |


| |(Tues.) |One-half of the class presents each night; paper is due when you present |(Post on BB digital dropbox on |

| | |Last day of class |or before Wed., 8/12 at 7:00 |

| | | |p.m.) |

Summary of Assignments

(please refer to the complete assignment provided in class)

PAPER 1: Review of a Health or Social Issue, 5-7 pages

You will select a current health issue, environmental concern, or other social issue that is of interest to you. Next, research the academic and general media literature on this issue (e.g. childhood diabetes, body image, alcohol/drug abuse, civic engagement, tobacco abuse, cancer, illiteracy, teen pregnancy, etc.) and present a review of your findings. (I strongly suggest you research an EE program or social marketing campaign at this time, too.)

PAPER 2: Review of a Particular Campaign on a Health or Social Issue with Discussion of Applicable Theories, 10-12 pages, in two parts

In part one, you will research and discuss a particular social marketing campaign or entertainment-education project that addresses the health, environmental or other social issue you selected for your first paper. In part two, you will analyze a number of theories of persuasion, behavioral change and others that you believe might have been incorporated into the design of the campaign/message. In addition, you will present theories you believe were missing in the design that, had they been considered, would have improved the effectiveness of the campaign/message.

PAPER 3/PRESENTATION: Creative Concepts in Entertainment-Education and Social Marketing, 7-10 pages,

10-minute presentation

This final assignment is the capstone of the semester. You will write a paper that briefly sums up your work from the entire semester, as well as develop a new concept and innovative creative elements. Your new creative concepts would more effectively incorporate the theories and more successfully present the message to the target audience than the program you initially reviewed. Finally, you will give a presentation to the entire class that discusses your issue, campaign and new creative.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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