
Imagine you are a scholar from a local university, and you must write a eulogy for the Roman Empire. A eulogy is a speech or piece for writing that praises someone or something. Often the word eulogy refers to the praise given the character and services of the deceased person.

Use your notes from the Empire to compose your eulogy for Rome. Your eulogy must have the following elements:

1. A title. Ex. “The Glory of Rome is Gone but not Forgotten”

2. It must be written for an audience that knows the Roman Empire fell, but knows little about its accomplishments and lasting contributions to the world.

3. The body of your eulogy must address these topics:

a. Section I: the first part should briefly summarize the fall of the Roman Empire. You should identify and explain three reasons it fell. You might begin with “The Roman Empire suffered many problems in its final years.” (use political cartoon notes and ch 15 sect 4)

b. Section II: the second part should highlight the achievements of the Roman Empire. You should discuss three important accomplishments of the Empire. You might begin with “The Roman Empire has many lasting achievements.” (use notes from ch 15 – law, architecture, government, trade, etc)

c. Section III: the final part should discuss the legacies of the Empire and where they are seen today. You should identify at least 3 examples of Roman legacies. You might begin with “Today, the Roman Empire influences our world in these ways.” (use notes from legacy activity in class-Latin, law, etc)

4. The rough draft will be completed in class on Friday and due Monday. Your rough draft must be read by another class mate or one of the teachers and be turned in along with the essay at the end of class.

Be creative!


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