Handout 5 - PDST

Differentiation Template for the ‘Wonder of New Life’ P170 in 3rd and 4th Class Resource Materials for RSE


|Womb |Fertilised |Grow |Egg |

|Baby |Birth |Centimetres |Months |

Using the template below, consider these aspects of the lesson given to your students so that all learners can be included in order that they can participate in and benefit from the lesson.

|1. DIFFERENTIATE BY CONTENT (In what ways can I vary what I am teaching?) |

|(A) Complexity of content: (concrete, symbolic, abstract) |

|Concrete |Symbolic |Abstract |

|( The teacher could consider asking a woman |Photographs, activity cards, models made out |Explain that babies grow and develop in the |

|expecting a baby to visit the class) |of plasticene |womb |

| | |Develop a sense of the wonder of new life |

|(B) Variety of resources |

|Story, photographs, cards with words and images, plasticene, ruler for measuring |

|(C) Variety of learning environments |

| |

|School |

|Home |


|What students must |What students should |What students could |

|know or be able to do |know or be able to do |know or be able to do |

|Understand that babies grow and develop in the|Understand that there are different stages in |Understand the concept of growth and change |

|mother’s womb over 9 months |the development of the baby | |

| | | |

| |Be able to sequence the cards in the correct | |

| |order and match them to the description | |

|2. DIFFERENTIATE BY PROCESS (How will I teach the lesson?) |

|Look at photos |

|Discuss the children’s own growth and development |

|Children sequence their own story line |

|Read a story to the children about the baby in the womb |

|Children match and sequence the picture and word cards in small groups |

|Children use a ruler or measuring stick to see how many centimetres the baby is |

|Answer questions/discuss with the children what they have learned |

|Option of using plasticene to model the foetus at different stages or using drama/music to act out the movements of the foetus |

|Give the parents the home-school link page from the lesson |

| |


|(How will the student demonstrate understanding?) |

| |

|Through discussion/question and answer |

|Through displaying their own time line |

|Through working in small groups to sequence the cards |

|Through making models in plasticene or acting out the movements of the foetus in drama |

| |

| |


|Invite a pregnant mother in to the school to talk about what it is like |

|Invite the mother or father of a new baby in to bath the baby and to talk about caring for the baby |

|Discuss how to care for a new baby |

|Practice caring for a baby by dressing/bathing dolls |

| |


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