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Chapter 1 Study Guide: Living ThingsMultiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.____1.Which is the most abundant chemical found in living cells?a.waterb.carbohydratesc.proteinsd.nucleic acids____2.Spontaneous generation is a mistaken idea because living thingsa.exhibit binomial nomenclature.b.are produced only by living not reproduce.d.maintain homeostasis.____3.An organism that makes its own food is called a(n)a.heterotroph.b.eukaryote.c.autotroph.d.prokaryote.____4.Which is the broadest classification level?a.familyb.domainc.phylumd.species____5.To survive on Earth, the first cells needed the ability toa.take in oxygen from the atmosphere.b.make their own food.c.use chemicals in their surroundings for energy.bine to form multicellular organisms.____6.One characteristic used to place organisms into kingdoms they move.b.where they live.c.their ability to make food.d.their ability to reproduce.____7.A change in an organism’s surroundings that causes it to react is calleda.a response.b.a classification level is broader than the kingdom level?a.orderb.classc.familyd.domain____9.What is one way in which scientists get information about the evolutionary history of species? comparing organisms’ body observing where organisms observing what organisms studying how organisms move____10.Why do scientists organize living things into groups? they can find them in the wild more that the organisms are easier to they can make sense of the variety of rocks on products from living things can be easily found in groceries____11.The source of energy for most autotrophs isa.water.b.the sun.c.heterotrophs.d.other autotrophs.____12.One basis for placing organisms into different domains isa.habitat.b.the chemical makeup of their refers to an organism’s ability toa.maintain stable internal conditions.pete for living space.c.dissolve chemicals.d.obtain energy.____14.Which of the following characteristics do all plants share?a.being unicellularb.producing flowersc.being a prokaryoted.being an autotroph____15.Scientists hypothesize that the first life forms on Eartha.were multicellular organisms.b.lived on land.c.did not need oxygen to survive.d.resembled today’s plants.Modified True/FalseIndicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.____16.Archaea and Bacteria are two domains of eukaryotes. _____________________________17.Hypotheses about the first forms of life on Earth are consistent with evidence obtained from fossils of organisms that lived about 3.5 billion years ago. _____________________________18.A horse is a(n) heterotroph. _____________________________19.Mushrooms, molds, and mildew are members of the fungi kingdom. _____________________________20.In the name Acer rubrum, the word rubrum designates the species. _______________________21.Alligators and crocodiles are classified in the same order and therefore probably have different evolutionary histories. _________________________Short AnswerUse the diagram to answer each question.22.Why were Miller and Urey especially careful to keep oxygen out of their equipment?23.What kinds of substances accumulated inside the collection chamber within a week?24.What conditions were Miller and Urey trying to recreate in their experiment?25.Why did Miller and Urey send an electric current through the mixture?Use the diagram to answer each question.Table of Classification LabelsClassification LevelAardwolfGray WolfCoyoteLionBlue WhaleKingdomAnimaliaAnimaliaAnimaliaAnimaliaAnimaliaPhylumChordataChordataChordataChordataChordataClassMammaliaMammaliaMammaliaMammaliaMammaliaOrderCarnivoraCarnivoraCarnivoraCarnivoraCetaceaFamilyHyaenidaeCanidaeCanidaeFelidaeBalenopteridaeGenusProtelesCanisCanisPantheraBalaenopteraSpeciesProteles cristatusCanis lupusCanis latransPanthera leoBalaenoptera musculus26.Which of the organisms in the table is least similar to the others? Explain.27.Based on their kingdoms, what are the shared characteristics of the organisms in the table?28.In what two ways are the organisms in the table similar to organisms in the plant kingdom?29.Based on the information in the table, which two organisms would you say have the most similar evolutionary history? Explain.30.What classification groups do all of the organisms in the table have in common?puters use energy and respond to certain stimuli, such as commands from the user. Why, then, are computers not considered living things?32.Why is the protist kingdom sometimes called the “odds and ends” kingdom?33.Imagine a planet with an atmosphere like Earth’s atmosphere billions of years ago. Which organisms present on Earth today do you think would be most likely to survive on that planet? Explain your reasoning.34.A person tells you that two organisms belong to the same family but to different classes. Can that information be correct? Explain.35.Explain why the organisms that require oxygen today owe their existence to the early autotrophs on Earth.Chapter 1 Study Guide: Living ThingsAnswer SectionMULTIPLE CHOICE1.ANS:APTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:A.1.1.12.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:A.1.1.23.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:A.1.1.34.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:A.1.2.25.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:A.1.4.26.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:A.1.3.17.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:A.1.1.18.ANS:DPTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:A.1.2.29.ANS:APTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:A.1.2.410.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:A.1.2.111.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:A.1.1.312.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:A.1.3.113.ANS:APTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:A.1.1.314.ANS:DPTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:A.1.3.315.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:A.1.4.1MODIFIED TRUE/FALSE16.ANS:F, prokaryotesPTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:A.1.3.117.ANS:TPTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:A.1.4.218.ANS:TPTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:A.1.1.319.ANS:TPTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:A.1.3.320.ANS:TPTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:A.1.2.121.ANS:F, similarPTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:A.1.2.4SHORT ANSWER22.ANS:Miller and Urey wanted to recreate the conditions on early Earth that caused life to appear. The atmosphere of early Earth had little or no oxygen.PTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:A.1.4.123.ANS:The substances that accumulated were small chemical units that, if joined together, could form proteins.PTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:A.1.4.224.ANS:They were trying to recreate the conditions of early Earth’s atmosphere and oceans.PTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:A.1.4.125.ANS:The electric current was used to simulate lightning.PTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:A.1.4.126.ANS:The blue whale is least similar. All of the others are in the same order, but the blue whale is in a different order.PTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:A.1.2.227.ANS:All of the organisms are heterotrophs and multicellular.PTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:A.1.3.328.ANS:All are multicellular and eukaryotes.PTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:A.1.3.329.ANS:The gray wolf and the coyote probably have the most similar evolutionary history, since they are members of the same genus. All others belong to different genera.PTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:A.1.2.430.ANS:The groups in common are kingdom, phylum, and class.PTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:A.1.2.2ESSAY31.ANS:Computers do not have all of the characteristics of living things. Computers are not composed of cells. They cannot reproduce. They do not grow and develop.PTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:A.1.1.132.ANS:The protist kingdom is referred to as the odds and ends kingdom because its members differ so much from one another. Some are autotrophs and some are heterotrophs; some are unicellular and some are multicellular.PTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:A.1.3.333.ANS:The archaea that can live without oxygen and in extreme environments, such as polar ice caps, hot springs, or the mud of ocean bottoms, would be most likely to survive. Earth’s early atmosphere probably had little or no oxygen and was an extreme environment because of frequent volcanic eruptions, lightning, and violent weather.PTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:A.1.3.234.ANS:No, that information cannot be correct. A family is a subgroup of one order, and an order is a subgroup of one class. Therefore, any two organisms that belong to the same family must also belong to the same class.PTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:A.1.2.235.ANS:The early autotrophs produced oxygen as a waste product when they made their food. Over millions of years, oxygen accumulated in Earth’s atmosphere. The presence of oxygen made it possible for organisms that require oxygen to survive and evolve.PTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:A.1.4.2 ................

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