Unit I – Introduction to Financial Modelling1.1 Financial Modelling - DefinitionFinancial modeling?is the task of building an?abstract representation?(a?model) of a real world?financial?situation.?This is a?mathematical model?designed to represent (a simplified version of) the performance of a financial asset or portfolio of a business,?project, or any other investment. Financial modeling is a general term that means different things to different users; the reference usually relates either to accounting and?corporate finance?applications, or to?quantitative finance?applications.?1.2 Applications of Financial ModelingThe key Applications of Financial Modeling areBusiness valuationScenario planningCapital budgetingFinancial statement analysisProject financeRisk ManagementPortfolio EvaluationData Representation1.3 Features of a Financial ModelUnlike simple spreadsheets, a financial model is much more1. It is structured–with a logical flow of assumptions, inputs, calculations and outputs2. It is Dynamic, thus allows the user to change inputs and observe what happens to outputs. This allows for sensitivity analysis.3. It is more Readable as compared to a general spreadsheet 4. It allows for Error Handling5. It should have an objective1.4 Importance in Financial ModelRemember, in today’s world, collaboration is very important. Multiple people work on the same project. Therefore, it is important for Financial Models to be1. Accurate and Reliable2. Flexible3. User Friendly1.5 Major Do’s and Don’ts in Financial ModellingFor a financial model, some major things to be taken care of areAll items should be in the same font – unless something is a header that needs to attract attentionDecimal points should be same across the entire modelUnits should be displayed prominently – INR, Million, Nos., %Model objectives should be clearly definedModel inputs, assumptions should be clearly definedModel flow should be clearly defined.1.6 Defining Model ObjectivesIt is important to define model objectives first, before embarking upon creating a financial model. Why are we building this model?Is it for comparing financials?Is it to look at asset allocation?Is it to do risk analysis?Is it to find out some repayment schedule?1.7 Process Flow for a ModelAssume we are building a valuation model for a company that runs cinema screens, like PVR or Inox. Let us lay down the objectives, inputs, model flow and outputs expected.Objective – Valuation of Equity (Method: Discounted Cash Flow/Relative Valuation)InputsCash FlowP & L A/c, Balance SheetRevenues, Costs and othersCost of CapitalRf, Beta, Rm-Rf, Wd, We, Cd and Tax rateRevenue Estimation – Ticket – Ave.Ticket Price x Seats x Occupancy x Screens x Shows x 365 +Food & Beverage – People Visiting x % of Eating x Ave. Spend +Advt – Advt/ Scree + Parking etc.Process RevenuesAssumptions: P&L, BS, CF, Debt Schedule, Capex Schedule, DCFLess: Costs Profits -- Cash Flow -- DiscountOutput: Result1.8 Identifying Inputs and VariablesWe need to define the key values we will need in any model to be able to arrive at the final conclusion. We have already seen examples of this. For example, while doing valuation, we need to identify what are the key inputs and assumptions in our model. How are we projecting those? We also need to mention these, or show them in a different color, so as to make sure that everyone understands what an assumption is, and what data that is given is.Defining DeliverablesThe Model Output has to be defined, so that we are clear about what is it that we can expect, and where can we find it. May be it could also be shown in a different color, and the model introduction should mention what we are trying to find?Stress TestingWhen a model has many inputs, they may start affecting the overall flow. It is therefore important to see if changes to one input are not affecting any other functionality anywhere. A model has to be stress tested to see if all linkages are working correctly, or not.1.9 DocumentationA financial Model is in complete without some documentation about how the model flow moves. Documentation can be done in 3ways1. Using Name Manager – Define Names for the Inputs such that understanding the model becomes easier.2. Using In Cell Comments –Defining comments for any assumption, so that a user can understand why those assumptions have been made.3. Using separate columns for comments, or using an entire sheet for documenting the key assumptions and Model Flow.A combination of the above can also be used.********Unit II – Portfolio and Options Modelling2.1 Variance CovarianceCalculating Daily returns for DLF, Eicher & Hindalco:In Cell E8 – use the formula = (Today Value – Yesterday Value) / Yesterday Value for calculating Daily returns – Convert into % and drag to right and down for the entire periodCalculating Daily & Annual Average returns and Standard DeviationsIn Cell E502, calculate Daily average returns =AVERAGE(E8:E500) and drag it up to H502In Cell E503, calculate Annual returns =(1+E502)^250-1 and drag it up to H503In Cell E504, calculate Daily Standard Deviation =STDEV.P(E8:E500) and drag it up to H504In Cell E505, calculate Annual Standard Deviation =E504*SQRT(250) and drag it up to H505.In Cell E506, calculate Daily Variance =E504*E504 and drag it up to H506 Calculating Variance and SD for Two Asset PortfolioIf there is a portfolio with 2 assets, we already know the returns and standard deviation of this portfolio. Returns are weighted average, while portfolio variance is given by the following formulaPortfolio Variance = w2A*σ2(RA) + w2B*σ2(RB) + 2*(wA)*(wB)*Cov(RA, RB)Take 2 asset out of the portfolio DLF and Eicher and assume you’re investing 40% with DLF and 60% with Eicher.In CellE510 calculate Portfolio average returns =B508*E503+B509*F503Calculate Covariance in Cell E513, F513, E514 and F514. For E513 =COVAR(E8:E500,E8:E500)For F513 =COVAR(E8:E500,F8:F500)For E514 =COVAR(F8:F500,E8:E500)For F514 =COVAR(F8:F500,F8:F500)Calculate Variance in Cell E517, E517, E518, F518.For E517 =E511*C513*E513For F517 =F511*C513*F513For E518 =C514*E511*E514For F518 =F511*C514*F514Calculate Variance in Cell B517 =SUM(E517:F518) and SD in cell B518 =SQRT(B517)Portfolio Variance for Three Asset PortfolioReturns are still weighted average, while portfolio variance is given by the following formulaPortfolio Variance = w2A*σ2(RA) + w2B*σ2(RB) + w2C*σ2(RC) + 2*(wA)*(wB)*Cov(RA, RB) + 2*(wA)*(wC)*Cov(RA, RC) + 2*(wB)*(wC)*Cov(RB, RC)Assume a portfolio with 3 assets. The weights are 20% for DLF, 35% for Eicher and 45% for Hindalco respectively. Below are the details of Standard Deviations and Correlations.Calculate Covariance between DLF,Eicher and Hindalco For Cell E529 =COVARIANCE.P(E8:E500,E8:E500)For Cell F529 =COVARIANCE.P(E8:E500,F8:F500)For Cell G529 =COVARIANCE.P(E8:E500,G8:G500)For Cell E530 =COVARIANCE.P(F8:F500,E8:E500)For Cell F530 =COVARIANCE.P(F8:F500,F8:F500)For Cell G530 =COVARIANCE.P(F8:F500,G8:G500)For Cell E531 =COVARIANCE.P(G8:G500,E8:E500)For Cell F531 =COVARIANCE.P(G8:G500,F8:F500)For Cell G531 =COVARIANCE.P(G8:G500,G8:G500)Calculate Variance between DLF, Eicher and HindalcoFor Cell E534 =$C529*E$527*E529For Cell F534 =$C529*F$527*F529For Cell G534 =$C529*G$527*G529For Cell E535 =$C530*E$527*E530For Cell F535 =$C530*F$527*F530For Cell G535 =$C530*G$527*G530For Cell E536 =$C531*E$527*E531For Cell F536 =$C531*F$527*F531For Cell G536 =$C531*G$527*G531Calculate Portfolio Variance in Cell B534 =SUM(E534:G536)Calculate Portfolio SD in Cell B535 =SQRT(B534)Using SolverGo to File – Options – Add Ins and Click Go to insert Solver in to your data tab.Go to Data Tab – Select Solver – Set objective with Cell K532 (Average of Returns) then click MinSelect changing variables as Weights Cells J528:J530Add Constraints – J528, J529 and J530 are >= 5%Add Constraint – J531 = 100%Add Constraint with K532 is >=30% and K536 is <=10% then Click Solve.Let you can able to see the changes in the weights as output.2.2 Portfolio Normal DistributionIn Finance, returns are expected to be distributed normally. Let us understand the normal distribution first.Assume a stock with expected return 15%, and standard deviation of 20%. How would the normal curve look like?Type Mean value and SD value in Cell B4 and B5Calculate Normal Distribution in Cells B10: B13 for Probability of returns less than 15%, -5%.-25% and 35%; =NORM.DIST(A10,$B$4,$B$5,1)Calculate Normal inverse for Probability of returns less than 15%, -5%.-25% and 35%; =NORM.INV(B10,$B$4,$B$5)Present inverse values in G4:G7 for presentation.2.3 Simulation – Monto Carlo SimulationSometimes, we may need to run a simulation to find out if the results that are expected are feasible or not.Take for example an investment product, that says that if you invest Rs100,000 today in an asset with mean of 20% and SD of 18%, you will be given 10lakhs, if the total investment value crosses 8 lakhs at the end of 10years, else you will be given Rs3 lakhs.Type mean value and SD value in Cell B4 and B5Type year 1 to 10 from E5:E14 and enter investment value as Rs.1,00,000 in Cell F4Calculate Return % in Cell G5; =NORM.INV(RAND(),$B$4,$B$5)Calculate returns in F5; =F4*(1+G5) and drag return and rate up to 14th row.In cell B11 link the 10th return value = 509,466For simulation and 1000 iteration enter number 1 to 1000 from cell A12 to A1011To get simulated return, Select A11:B1011 go to Data tab -> Select What-if-Analysis – Select – Data Table, keep empty the row input cell and column input select cell C11. You will get the data filled up to 1000 iterationsCalculate Average Ending Value in Cell B7 =AVERAGE(B12:B1011)Calculate Annualized return in Cell B8 by using CAGR formula =(B7/F4)^(1/10)-12.4 Option PayoffOptions – MeaningOptions are a kind of derivative instruments, where the holder of the option has a right but no obligation to buy or sell an asset. Unlike futures – where the buyer and the seller of the future enter into a contract for executing a transaction on a set date at a set price – the option, as the name signifies, is an option for the holder to decide whether or not he wants to execute the trade.Option Terminologies:Strike Price/Exercise Price – It is the price at which the option can get exercised,Spot Price – Underlying or current market pricePremium – It is the price we pay for the optionOption Writer – The entity who sells the option. This entity is said to short the optionOption Holder - The entity who buys the option. This entity is said to be Long the optionType of Options:Call Option – It is an option that gives the buyer of the option a right to buy the underlying asset at a predetermined price (Strike Price).Put Option – It is an option that gives the buyer of the option a right to sell the underlying asset at a predetermined price (Strike Price).Option PayoffsConsider a call option on a stock with an expiry this month. Its details are as mentioned below.Strike Price – Rs.2500; Step – 50, Premium – 25Let us create the payoff matrix for this optionType option type as Call in Cell B4 and Strike Price – Rs.2500; Step – 50, Premium – 25 in cell B5, B6 and B7Create a Payoff Schedule with Underlying Price, Profit/Loss, Premium paid, Total Buyer Payoff, Total Seller Payoff from A9 to E9Enter 2500 in Cell A15 and reduce the value by 50 to the above 5 cells and increase the value of 50 by below 5 cells.Enter Premium paid as -25 commonly from Cell C10 to C20Use nested IF formula for calculating Profit/Loss =IF($B$4="Call",IF(A10>$B$5,A10-$B$5,0),IF(A10>$B$5,0,$B$5-A10)) Calculate Total Buyer Payoff in Cell D10 =B10+C10 drag up to D20Calculate Total Seller Payoff in Cell E10 =-D10 drag up to E20Select Underlying Price A10:A20, Total Buyer Payoff D10:D20 and Total Seller Payoff E10:E20 go to Insert Tab and Insert Line Chart for Presentation.2.5 Cash Future ConvergenceConvergence is the movement of the price of a?futures contract?towards the?spot price?of the underlying?cash commodity?as the delivery date approaches.?Take Future Price & Spot Price from In Cell B7 type expiry date and in Cell B8 type date from NSE SiteCalculate days to expiry in Cell B3 =B7-B8Calculate daily implied interest rate in B6 =((B4/B5)^(1/B3)-1) and annual rate in C6 =B6*365Assume Annual Mean is 15% and SD is 18% in Cell F4 & F5Calculate Daily Mean in Cell E4 =(1+F4)^(1/250)-1 and In Cell E5 calculate daily SD =F5/SQRT(250)The headers in 10th row Days to Expiry, Future Price, Spot Price, Spot Return In 11th row link Days to expiry from B3, Future Price from B4 and Spot Price from B5Calculate Spot return in Cell D12 =NORM.INV(RAND(),$E$4,$E$5)Calculate Spot Price in Cell C12 =C11*(1+D12)Calculate Future Price in Cell B12 =C12*(1+$B$6)^A12Select from B12 to D12 drag down to 0 Expiry daysSelect Days to Expiry, Future Price and Spot price - A10:D45 Go to Insert Tab and Insert line chart for presentation. Unit III - Financial Modeling for Valuation and FSA3.1 Forecasting Revenues and CostsObjective: Forecast revenue and costs for the following data:?2009201020112012201320142015Year1234567Sales 411 488 737 1,174 ???RM Cost 236 287 459 697 ???Net Profit 46 86 142 174 ???Calculate by using any of the following three methods:1. Historical Average2. Trend Analysis - Linear Regression3. Proportion - Cost as % of salesMethod 1: Historical AverageCopy the data from sales to Net Profit completely and paste to the CELL down (A12:E14)Go Cell C12 Calculate Growth using the formula = (Current Value – Previous Value)/ Previous Value - > =(C8-B8)/B8. Keep Blank the B12 cell.Copy/Drag the formula for rest of the cells. Calculate Average for 3 years growth rate = AVERAGE (C12:E12), Similar for the two items.Go To -> Cell No. F8 and Calculate forecast Value = Previous Cell Value (E8) * 1+ Growth rate (1+F12)) and drag the same for two more years.Follow the same instruction for RM Cost and Profit forecast.Method 2: Trend Analysis - Linear Regression.Select the 3 items data for 4 years -> B8: E10 -> Go to Insert -> Line Chart -> Right in side chart add Trend Line (Linear) and Click Display Equation on the chart - > The Equation appears like this: y = 253.74x + 68.265Go to Cell F8, Calculate forecast value like this (253.74 *5) + 68.265; similarly for other cells by using manual formula.Second method of Forecasting is called as “FORECAST”Go To Cell F8 =FORECAST(x, known_y's,known_x's); Use following inputs for getting forecast valuesX = 5 (5th Year), known_y’s (Sales amount from 2009 to 2012 – $B$8:E8), known_x’s (Year 1 to 4; $B$7:E7). Use same FORECAST function for remaining cells.Method 3: Proportion - Cost as % of salesGo To Cell B12 and Calculate Cost as % of Sales by using the formula = RM Cost (B8) / Sales (B7) and drag the same up to E12. Calculate 4 years values as forecast = Average (B12:E12) and drag the same up to H12.3.2 Financial Statement Analysis and ProjectionRevenue Drivers:For calculating revenue per car -> Use Assumption sheet -> The Values: Installed Capacity, Car Sales are already given in the Assumption sheet for the year Financial Year 11 to 15.Link and bring the Revenue from operations Value from Profit and Loss Account -> = ='P&L'!B6 (Gross Revenue from Operations)Calculate Price per Car = Revenue from Operations / Car Sales – Total; =(C14*10^7)/C12. We are using *10^7 for converting value from Million to Crores. Drag both Cell C14 & C15 to G14 & G15.28575062674500Assume the Number of Sales is Same – 1292415 and Price per car is Rs.400,000. Calculate Revenue from Operations for FY16 = Rs.400,000 * 1,292,415 ( H15 * H12 / 10^7).Cost DriversCalculate Cost drivers from row 20 onwards.Calculating Cost of Material: calculate based on Price per Car -> Go To cell C21 -> Cost of Material *10 ^7 /Total Car Sales; =(C20*10^7)/C12 drag the same up to G21. Calculate average 3 years as Forecasted Cost of Material per car for FY16; =AVERAGE(E21:G21)Cost of Material for FY16 -> Total Car Sales for FY16 * Average Cost of Material per Car; =H12*H21/10^7Calculating other costs like Purchases of Stock-in-trade, Change in Inventories, Employees Benefits Expenses, other expenses and vehicles/dies for own use are based on % of Sales.Calculation as % of sales – Particular Expenses / Revenue from operations. = =C22/C$14Calculation of Expenses is Average for 3 years of % of sales * Revenue from operations. = H23*$H$14Working Capital DriversAll the working capital items are calculated based on % of Sales.right43309600Calculation of % of Sales for Working Capital items – Select working capital item value / Sales present as %Example: Short term Borrowing amount (C40) / Revenue from operations; =C40/C$14. For FY16 take the average of three months (Example for Short Term Borrowings is 1.5%). Do the same for others.Calculating in terms of days’ worth of sales= Percentage of Working Capital item * 365 days. Example for Short term Borrowing =C52*365Forecasting Working Capital Drivers for FY16Working Capital item value for FY16 = % of Sales of particular item * Revenue from operations.Example for Short Term Borrowings FY16 = Revenue from Operations (H14) * % of Sales of Short Term Borrowing (H52); =H52*H$14. Profit and Loss Account Forecasting/ProjectionLink revenue from operations value for FY16 from Assumption sheet =Assumptions!H14Use previous year(FY15) values of Excise duty, Other operating income and other income as same for current year(FY16) too.For calculating Total Operating Revenue- use the formula Netsales + Other Operating Revenue; =G8+G9.Link the expenses from Assumption Sheet. =Assumptions!H20, =Assumptions!H22, =Assumptions!H24, =Assumptions!H26, =Assumptions!H28, =Assumptions!H30.Calculate sum value as Total Operating ExpensesFor EBIDTA (G24) = Total Operating Revenue (G12) – Total Operating Expenses (G22).EBIDTA Margins = EBITDA / Net Sales. Example for FY11 = =B24/B8. Drag up to FY16.Use Same amount of Depreciation and Finance Cost from FY15 to FY16Calculating Tax rate = Tax amount / EBT drag up to FY15. Use FY15 percentage for FY16. Tax amount for FY16 = Tax rate * EBT for FY16.PAT or Net Profit = EBT – TaxCAPEX Schedule:Go To Capex Schedule worksheet -> Calculate Gross LT Assets per car Capacity -> Total Gross Long Term Assets *10^7/Capacity -> =B6*10^7/B10; drag upto FY14.Forecasting for FY15 use the same value from FY14.Forecasting for FY16 = Link FY15 value of Capacity + 5000 increasing and Gross LT Assets per capacity become same.Calculating Capex = (Capacity FY16 – Capacity FY15) * Gross LT Assets per Car / 10^7; =(G10-F10)*G12/10^7Calculating Debt – Assume Debt/Equity ratio is 1:2; = Capex * 1/3; =G14*33%Balance Sheet ProjectionLiabilities Projection is the first partShare Capital keep same value appearing the FY15Reserves & Surplus – FY15 value + PAT or Net Profit of FY16 from P & L Worksheet; =F9+'P&L'!G37Long term Borrowing – FY15 Value + Debt amount from Capex Schedule; =F13+'Capex Schedule'!G15.10160028130500Remaining Non-current liabilities values take same from FY15 for FY16.All Current Liabilities value link and take from Assumption Sheet. It is already calculated there. =Assumptions!H40, =Assumptions!H41, =Assumptions!H42, =Assumptions!H43Calculate Total Liabilities = Total Shareholder’s Funds + Total Non-Current Liabilities + Total Current Liabilities; =G10+G17+G24right1905000Assets classified into two parts Non-Current Assets and Current AssetsTotal Fixed Assets = FY15 Value – Depreciation from P &L for FY16 + Capex amount from Capex Schedule for FY16. =F34-'P&L'!G27+'Capex Schedule'!G14.Three items Non-Current Investments, Long Term Loans and Advances and Other Non-Current Assets are same. Link and take it from FY15 to FY16 Current Assets -> Current Investment Same Value from FY15 to FY16Link and take Inventories, Trade Receivables, Short Term Loans and Advances and Other Current Assets from Assumptions Sheet. = =Assumptions!H45, =Assumptions!H46, =Assumptions!H48, =Assumptions!H49.Link and Take the value of Cash and Bank Balances from Cash Flow Statement. ='Cash Flow'!D14.Total Assets = Total Fixed Assets + Non-Current investment + Long Term Loans and Advances + Other Non-Current Assets + Total Current Assets. =G34+G36+G37+G38+G47Calculate Balance between Total Assets and Total Liabilities = Total Assets (B49) – Total Liabilities (B26). Calculate Change in Net Working Capital for Cash Flow Statement - > Take Non Cash Current Assets (Excluding Current Investments & Cash and Bank Balances) - > =B42+B43+B45+B46. Link and take Current Liabilities from Cell =B24Calculate Net Working Capital = Non Cash Current Assets – Current Liabilities; =B54-B55Calculate Change in Net Working Capital = Current Year Net Working Capital – Previous Year Net Working Capital; =C57-B57 drag up to FY16.Cash Flow StatementPreparing the Cash Flow Statement, first link the Net Profit from P & L Account; ='P&L'!G37Depreciation link and bring from P & L Account; ='P&L'!G27Changes in Net Working Capital – link and bring from Balance Sheet Worksheet; ='Balance Sheet'!G58Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) – link and bring from Capex Schedule; ='Capex & Debt Schedule'!G14Changes to Debt – link and bring from Capex Schedule - ='Capex & Debt Schedule'!G15Calculate Total Cash Flow = Net Profit + Depreciation – Changes in Net Working Capital – Capital Expenditure + Changes to Debt; =D6+D7-D8-D9+D10Link and bring FY15 Cash as opening cash balance for FY16Calculate Closing Cash Balance = Total Cash Flow + Opening Cash Balance; =D12+D13Link the calculated closing cash balance to Balance Sheet (Cell No. ='Balance Sheet'!G44) ='Cash Flow'!D14Ratio AnalysisProfitability Ratios calculation: Operating Profit Margin = EBITDA/ Total Operating Revenue; ='P&L'!B24/'P&L'!B12EBIT Margin = EBIT/Total Operating Revenue; ='P&L'!B29/'P&L'!B12Net Profit Margin = Net Profit/ Total Operating Revenue; ='P&L'!B37/'P&L'!B12Return Rations – Return on Equity = Net profit/Shareholders Funds; ='P&L'!B37/'Balance Sheet'!B10Return on Capital Employed = EBIT / (Shareholder Funds + LT Loans); ='P&L'!B29/('Balance Sheet'!B10+'Balance Sheet'!B13)Coverage Ratio - Interest Coverage Ratio = (EBIT / Interest); ='P&L'!B29/'P&L'!B31Debt Equity Ratio = Total Debt/Equity; =('Balance Sheet'!B13+'Balance Sheet'!B20)/'Balance Sheet'!B10Solvency/Liquidity Ratios – Current Ratio =Current Assets / Current Liabilities; ='Balance Sheet'!B47/'Balance Sheet'!B24Quick Ratio = (Cash + Receivables) / Current Liabilities; =('Balance Sheet'!B44+'Balance Sheet'!B41+'Balance Sheet'!B43)/'Balance Sheet'!B24Turnover Ratios - Inventory Turnover Ratio = Sales / Inventory; ='P&L'!B12/'Balance Sheet'!B42Receivables Turnover Ratio = Sales / Receivables; ='P&L'!B12/'Balance Sheet'!B43Total Asset Turnover Ratio = Sales / Total Assets; ='P&L'!B12/'Balance Sheet'!B49Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio = Sales / Fixed Assets; ='P&L'!B12/'Balance Sheet'!B34Unit IV - Financial Modeling for Debt and Bonds4.1 Models for Debt RepaymentCompanies that take debt, need to create a schedule to repay it. The repayment has to be modelled in financial models. There can be various ways this debt can be repaid1. The debt could be repaid in equal monthly installments2. The Principal could be repaid in equal amounts over a tenure3. There could be a specific customized schedule for a certain loan4. The loan repayment could be to manage a certain debt service coverage ratioMethod 1: Equal Monthly InstallmentsBased on the following inputs prepare a Debt Repayment Schedule on Equal Installment Method – Principal Rs.150 Crore, Rate – 8%, Period/Tenure – 9 Years.Link and bring beginning principal from Principal – B3 i.e., Rs.150Calculate Installment in Cell no B11 by using PMT formula; =PMT(B4,B5,-B3,0) and link the same amount in to C11 and drag right up to Cell no J11.Calculate Interest payment in Cell B10 = Beginning Principal (B8) * Rate (B4); =$B$4*B8 and drag the same up to cell no J10Calculate Principal Repayment in Cell B9 = Installment (B11) – Interest Payment (B10); =B11-B10 and drag the same up to cell no J9Calculate Closing Principal in Cell B12 = Beginning Principal (B8) – Principal Repayment (B9); =B8-B9 and drag the same up to Cell J12Link Closing Balance in Cell B12 with Beginning Principal in Cell C8 and drag the same up to Cell J8Select Principal Repayment and Interest Payment -> Go to -> Insert Tab -> Select 2D Area Chart for presentation.Method 2: Equal Principal RepaymentsBased on the following inputs prepare a Debt Repayment Schedule on Equal Principal Repayment Method – Principal Rs.150 Crore, Rate – 8%, Period/Tenure – 9 Years.Link and bring beginning principal from Principal – B3 i.e., Rs.150Calculate Equal principal repayment in Cell B8 = 150/9; Principal (B3)/Tenure(B5); =B3/$B$5. Link the same amount in to C8 and drag the same up to J8.Calculate Interest Repayment in cell B9 = Beginning Principal (B7) * Rate (B4). Drag the formula up to J9Calculate Installment in Cell B10 = Principal Repayment + Interest Payment; =B8+B9, drag the same formula up to J10Calculate Closing Principal in Cell B11 = Beginning Principal (B7) – Principal Repayment (B8); =B7-B8 and drag the same up to Cell J11Link Closing Balance in Cell B11 with Beginning Principal in Cell C7 and drag the same up to Cell J7Select Principal Repayment and Interest Payment -> Go to -> Insert Tab -> Select 2D Area Chart for presentation. Method 3: Custom Repayment ScheduleBased on the following inputs prepare a Debt Repayment Schedule on Custom Repayment Schedule Method – Principal Rs.150 Crore, Rate – 8%, Period/Tenure – 9 Years. The bank has asked the repayment for the first 4 years to be 5% each, while the next 5 years to be 16% each.Link and bring beginning principal from Principal – B3 i.e., Rs.150Insert new row and name as Custom Payment Schedule. Enter 5% from Cell B11 to E11 and enter 16% from Cell F11 to J11.Calculate principal repayment in cell B12 = Beginning Principal (B10) x Custom payment % (B11). Drag the formula up to cell J12.Calculate Interest Repayment in cell B13 = Beginning Principal (B10) * Rate (B5). Drag the formula up to J13.Calculate Installment = Principal Repayment + Interest payment; B12 + B13 and drag the formula up to J14.Calculate Closing Principal in Cell B15 = Beginning Principal (B10) – Principal Repayment (B12); =B10-B12 and drag the same up to Cell J15Link Closing Balance in Cell B15 with Beginning Principal in Cell C10 and drag the same up to Cell J10.Method 4: Debt SculptingUnder this method, the company now incorporates how cash flows could define how much money is being repaid. In the earlier methods, whether the company was making money or not, we were creating a repayment schedule. In real life, that may not be practical. So here, we assume that debt payment would depend on how much cash the company has to service this debt. This can be captured by Debt Service Coverage Ratio.Calculate Cash Flow available for Debt Service by using the formula = EBITDA – Tax. Drag the same formula up to cell J12.Link Principal Amount 150 (Cell B4) with B14 in Beginning Principal.Calculate Interest Payment in Cell B16 = Beginning Principal (B14)*Rate(B5) drag the same up to J16Calculate Installment in Cell B13 = CFADS (B12) / DSCR (B7) and drag the same up to J13.Calculate Principal Repayment in Cell B15 = Installment – Interest, and drag the same up to Cell J15Calculate Closing Principal in Cell B17 = Beginning Principal (B14) – Principal Repayment (B15) and drag the same up to Cell J174.2 Bonds/Fixed Income SecuritiesCalculating Clean Price and Dirty PriceCalculate Full Price and Clean PriceAssume a Bond with above information’s and its face value of Rs.100. Calculate full price and clean priceCalculate number of periods to next coupon – Days to next coupon/Days between coupons; =D11/D12; 104/182 in Cell D13 along with that add 1 in the next cell E13 drag up to G13Fill/Calculate cash flows in Cell D15 – Face Value (Rs.100)*Coupon (10%)/2 – because of semiannual bond drag up to F15 and fill CF + Face Value i.e., 100+5 = 105 in cell G15Calculate Discounted CF in D16 – CF (D15)/(1+Semiannual Yield(D10-4%)^D13 drag the same formula up to G16Calculate Full Price in Cell D18 – sum of Discounted CF(D16:G16)Calculate Accrued Interest in Cell D19 – (Days in Since last coupon(C11 – 78)/Days between Coupon(D12-182))*CF(D15-5)Calculate Clean Price in D20 = Full Price(D18)-Accrued Interest(D19)Calculating Clean Price using Excel Function – PriceType Settlement date as today date in Cell H7, calculate next coupon date - =H7+104, calculate maturity date - =H9+183+365.Calculate Clean Price using Price function = Price(Settlementdate, Maturitydate,Rate,Yield,Redemption,Frequency,Basis); =PRICE(H7,H8,D8,D9,100,2,1).4.3 Calculation of DurationDuration is the measure of the price sensitivity to the changes in yield for a bondDuration of a bond gives us a measure of how much the bond will move for a 100 basis point (1%) movement in yields. An approximate measure can be found by just changing the YTM of a bond slightly and seeing how much difference does the change make to the price. Let us look at an example.Assume a bond with coupon rate of 8%, tenure of 5 years, face value of Rs100 and YTM (expected return) of 7.2%. The current price can be calculated using the NPV formula, or manually on excel.Coupon8%Years12345?Cash Flows 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 108.0 Price 103.26 Discount Rate7.2%??????DCF 7.46 6.96 6.49 6.06 76.29 Calculate DCF – CF/(1+7.2%)^t; In Cell D8 =D6/((1+$D$7)^D5) drag up to H8Calculate Price in B7 = sum of DCF (D8:H8)Vo in Cell C13 type 103.26, if Discount rate is 7.1% type against Vdecline i.e. Cell C14 – 103.68, if Discount rate is 7.3% type against Vincrease i.e. in cell C15 - 102.85.When Yield decline/Increase by 10 basis points the duration become 4.Calculating Duration by using MDuration and Duration Functions:Type today date in Cell C3, from Cell D3 = C3 +365 drag up to H3.Calculate MDuration in Cell I11 = MDURATION(Settlementdate,Maturitydate,Coupon,yield,Frequency,Basis); =MDURATION(C3,H3,B5,D7,1,1).Calculate Duration = MDuration value * (1+Discount Rate); =I11*(1+D7)Calculate Duration using function cell – I12 = DURATION(Settlementdate,Maturitydate,Coupon,yield,Frequency,Basis); =DURATION(C3,H3,B5,D7,1,1).4.4 Calculating Yield and Coupon FunctionsType today in settlement dateUse COUPDAYS function to find the days in period in Cell B13 = COUPDAYS(Settlement, Maturity, Frequency, Basis); =COUPDAYS(B4,B8,B9,1)To find Days in Coupon Period Over use COUPDAYBS function in Cell B14 = COUPDAYBS(Settlement, Maturity, Frequency, Basis); =COUPDAYS(B4,B8,B9,1)Calculate Accrued Interest in Cell B15 = =B14/B13*(B7/B9*B6)Calculate Clean Price in Cell B11 = Current Market Price – Accrued InterestCalculate Yield in Cell B10 = =YIELD (B4,B8,B7,B11/10,B6/10,B9,1) – Note Excel take Face Value only Rs.100. So, Convert that by divide 10)To find Days left in the Coupon Period use COUPDAYSNC function in Cell B17 = = COUPDASNC(Settlement, Maturity, Frequency, Basis); =COUPDAYS(B4,B8,B9,1) To find Next Coupon Date use COUPNCD function in Cell B18 = = COUPNCD(Settlement, Maturity, Frequency, Basis); =COUPDAYS(B4,B8,B9,1)To find Number of Coupons left use COUPNUM function in Cell B19 = COUPNUM (Settlement, Maturity, Frequency, Basis); =COUPDAYS(B4,B8,B9,1)To find Previous Coupon Date use COUPPCD function in Cell B20 = COUPPCD (Settlement, Maturity, Frequency, Basis); =COUPDAYS(B4,B8,B9,1)Unit V – Case Studies5.1 Case 1 – Investment Benefit ModellingYou are a financial advisor, who wants to explain to a client that early investing has its benefits. Your client wants to have Rs 5 crore by the time he retires, that is at the age of 60. He is currently 25 years old, but plans to save money only after he has a salary of greater than 15 lakhs. His current salary is Rs 2.5 lakhs per annum. Assume rate of return to be 12%, and show the sensitivity of the returns to the entire problem as well.You want to showcase that early investing can give him huge benefits, in terms of lower amount to be invested every year if started early.Steps: Type 15 in Cell B4 assume the age of the investor is 45 so, he have another 15 years of service to get retirementEnter Retirement Corpus required by the investor as Rs.5 Crore in B5Enter Expected return as 12% in B6Calculate Annual investment needed by using PMT function in Cell B8 =PMT(B6,B4,0,-B5)Calculate Monthly investment needed by using PMT function in Cell B9 =PMT(B6/12,B4*12,0,-B5)Link monthly investment needed i.e. B9 with E8 and type horizontally the return percentages like 10%,11%, 12%, 13%, 14% and 15%List the age 50 to 25 between the cell D9:D14 and period gap for retirement from Cell E9:E14 Select the table E8:K14 go to Data Tab – What-if-Analysis –Data table: Row input is return rate – B6 and Column input is time frame – B4 then click ok 5.2 Case 2 – Income Tax CalculatorYou want to create a short tax calculator for Salaried Individuals. You are broadly given the following data, and will ask the user to input some major parameters about the salary and investments. Based on this, the taxable income needs to be calculatedTax Slabs0 to 250,000 = 0%250,000 to 500,000 = 5%500,000 to 10,00,000 = 20%Above 10,00,000 = 30%Home Loan Interest Benefit = up to 2 lakhsInvestments in ELSS, Insurance Premium, PPF (80C) = up to 1.5 lakhsSteps:Enter input details Salary (B12), ELSS(B14), Insurance Premium(B15), PPF(B16)Calculate Total 80C in Cell B17 =SUM(B14:B16)Enter Home Loan taken – Yes/No by using Drop down menu – Data Validation – List – Select H19&H20 Click okEnter Interest Rate (B20), Tenure(B21) and Home Loan Amount(B22)Create EMI Schedule A33 to D45 with following headers month, emi, interest, principalCalculate EMI in Cell B34 =PMT(B20/12,B21*12,-B22,0) link with B35 and drag up to B45; Calculate Interest in Cell C34 – EMI – Principal link the formula in C35 drag up to C45; Calculate Principal by using PPMT formula in D34 =PPMT($B$20/12,A34,$B$21*12,-$B$22,0) link the formula with D35 and drag up to D45Calculate Interest Component in Cell B24 =IF(B19="Yes",SUM(C34:C45),0)Calculate Taxable Income in Cell B26 =B12-MIN(B17,150000)-MIN(B24,200000)Create Tax Calculation (C5), Incremental Tax Points (D5) and Remaining Table Salary HeadersUnder Incremental Tax Points (D6 to D8) enter the following Values – 250,000, 250,000 and 500,000Under Remaining Taxable Salary write the following formulas:In Cell D6 =B26-D6In Cell D7 =E6-D7In Cell D8 =E7-D8Under Tax CalculationIn Cell C6 = 0In Cell C7=IF(E6>0,IF(E6>D7,B7*D7,B7*E6),0)In Cell C8=IF(E7>0,IF(E7>D8,B8*D8,B8*E7),0)In Cell C9=IF(E8>0,B9*E8,0)Calculate Total Tax in Cell C10 = Sum(C6:C9)5.3 Case 3 – Return Calculation and Radio Button PresentationGiven a table of stocks with Returns and Standard Deviations, we need to1. Rank them based on Returns2. Sort them in another table based on ranks3. Format the entire row in the tables based on a selection of a radio button about the company market Capitalization.Steps:Calculate Rank in Cell E6 by using the syntax =RANK.EQ(C6,$C$6:$C$12,0) and drag it down.Type Rank 1 to 7 in Cell J6:J12 for creating table for proper arrange the do the following:Stock Name =INDEX($A$6:$E$12,MATCH(O14,$E$6:$E$12,0),1)Market Cap =VLOOKUP(O$15,$A$6:$D$12,MATCH(L$5,$A$5:$D$5,0),0)Return =VLOOKUP(O$15,$A$6:$D$12,MATCH(M$5,$A$5:$D$5,0),0)STD =VLOOKUP(O$15,$A$6:$D$12,MATCH(N$5,$A$5:$D$5,0),0)For Radio Button Creation Go to Developer and insert Check Box of three and rename the same as LargeCap, MidCap and SmallCapRight Click each radio button change color as Blue, Green and Red and Right Click each radio button – by using format control option link each radio button to next right cells(example: I6, I8 and I11)For Radio Button presentation – Go to Home Tab – Select Conditional Formatting – Select New Rule – Select Use a formula to determine which cells to format and write the following formulas:=AND($B6="LargeCap",$H$6)=AND($B6="MidCap",$H$6)=AND($B6="SmallCap",$H$6) 5.4 Case 4 – Stock Return Modelling & Normal Distribution CurveGiven a table of stocks daily prices1. Calculate Returns and Statistical Parameters2. Check how many days returns were positive3. Check how many days a combination of any two of the stocks gave positive returns4. Quick test for normality with distributions – discuss the variability of returns of eachSteps:Calculating Daily returns for DLF, Eicher & Hindalco:In Cell E8 – use the formula = (Today Value – Yesterday Value) / Yesterday Value for calculating Daily returns – Convert into % and drag to right and down for the entire periodCalculating Statistical Parameters:Calculate following descriptive statistics:Mean =AVERAGE(E6:E498)Median =MEDIAN(E6:E498)Standard Deviation =STDEV.P(E6:E498)Max =MAX(E6:E498)Min =MIN(E6:E498)Range =E503-E504Calculate Number of Positive Return Days =COUNTIF(E6:E498,">0")Calculate Total Days =COUNT(E6:E498)Calculate Days above mean return =COUNTIF(E6:E498,">"&E500)Calculate Days below mean return =E508-E510Find out Number of days 2 of the stocks gave positive returnsDLF & DLF(K504) =SUMPRODUCT(IF($E$6:$E$498>0,1,0),IF(E$6:E$498>0,1,0))DLF & EICHER (L504) =SUMPRODUCT(IF($E$6:$E$498>0,1,0),IF(F$6:F$498>0,1,0))DLF & HINDALCO (M504) =SUMPRODUCT(IF($E$6:$E$498>0,1,0),IF(H$6:H$498>0,1,0))EICHER & DLF (K505) =SUMPRODUCT(IF($F$6:$F$498>0,1,0),IF(E$6:E$498>0,1,0))EICHER & EICHER (L505) =SUMPRODUCT(IF($F$6:$F$498>0,1,0),IF(F$6:F$498>0,1,0))EICHER & HINDALCO (M505) =SUMPRODUCT(IF($F$6:$F$498>0,1,0),IF(H$6:H$498>0,1,0))HINDALCO & DLF (K506) =SUMPRODUCT(IF($H$6:$H$498>0,1,0),IF(E$6:E$498>0,1,0))HINDALCO & EICHER (L506) =SUMPRODUCT(IF($H$6:$H$498>0,1,0),IF(F$6:F$498>0,1,0))HINDALCO & HINDALCO (M506) =SUMPRODUCT(IF($H$6:$H$498>0,1,0),IF(H$6:H$498>0,1,0))Enter -3SD, -2SD, -1SD, Mean +1 SD, +2SD and +3SD in Cells C513 to C519Link Mean value from Cell E500, F500 & H500 with E516, F516 & H516In Cell E515 =E516-E502 drag above two cells and In Cell E517 =E516+E502 drag below two cells do same for Eicher & HindalcoFind out distribution of DLF – Copy and paset the SD values from C513:E519Use Frequency function for finding days equivalent to SD distribution =FREQUENCY($E$6:$E$498,$D$523:$D$529) Ctrl + Shift + Enter & drag down Find out percentage in Cells F523:F530 by dividing the distribution days by 493 =E523/493Do the same for Eicher and HindalcoSelect three stocks % of Frequency Distribution and create a new table in Cells H542:L5505.5 Case 5 – Constructing Z - TableConstruct a z-table in Excel – and plot a standard normal curveSteps:Enter a Value 0.0 in Cell A8 then add 0.1 in A9 drag it down up to A28; Enter a Value 0.0 in Cell B7 then add 0.1 in D7 drag it to right up to K7Use Norm Dist function for getting the value in to Cell B8 =NORM.DIST($A8+B$7,0,1,1) drag it to right and then downCopy the entire table and paste it to below in Cell B32, then in Cell B33 change the ‘+’ become ‘-‘ negative values of table will appearUse False Cumulative value create table and plot – enter value -3 in Cell A57 then add 0.1 in the A58 and drag it down up to A117 to get +3In Cell B57 calculate Z Value by using Norm.Dist Function =NORM.DIST(A57,0,1,FALSE)Select A57 to B117 – Go to Insert Tab – Insert Line chart – Perfect Normal Distribution chart will appear.*********** ................

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