General Comments

✓ Minutes should be taken by someone other than the chairperson of the meeting.

✓ Chairperson should review minutes of the previous meeting communicating any additions or changes before their distribution or board/committee meeting approval.

✓ During a meeting, chairperson should make notes next to each item on the agenda thus making it easier to review draft of minutes.

✓ Although secretary/recorder signs the approved minutes, the chairperson is ultimately responsible for the correctness of the information included.

✓ Everyone should know where the file of official minutes is retained.

Minutes, General

✓ Minutes should be impartial, giving credit where it is due, avoiding any indication of self-promotion. Board/committee may determine whether to include or not include individual speaker’s name with comments.

✓ Minutes should be drafted within one week of end of meeting, forty-eight hours would be even better because, as time passes, people’s recall decreases no matter how thorough the notes taken.

✓ Important information should be stated briefly, but thoroughly. If the meeting is going to be long, consideration should be given to taping the meeting or having a computer available for recording.

✓ Official motion should have the name of person who made motion, person who seconded motion, vote, and whether approved or defeated.

✓ If financial data or other figures are presented at the meeting, recorder should verify the numbers prior to sending draft minutes to chairperson.

✓ A full report/document should not normally be repeated in the minutes; indicate that a copy of the complete report/document is attached to the official minutes. An exception to this may be when a report/document is read verbatim into the record; if this is the case, clarify with the chairperson or board/committee the importance of the report/document being repeated.

✓ If minutes are long (five single space pages or longer) action minutes should be prepared. Action minutes include the actions required, the people responsible, and the deadline for each action to be completed.


✓ Header for Minutes

o Name of organization

o Minutes of Meeting of (date)

o Location of meeting (building and room number)

✓ List names of board/committee members present; on separate line, names of people excused; on separate line, names of guests

✓ Time meeting was called to order.

✓ Approval/lack of approval of minutes of previous meeting.

✓ Each agenda item listed with summary of discussion and whether there was any motion or vote taken.

Depth and formality of the minutes should be determined in consultation with the chairperson and be consistent with record-taking for the group over the years.

✓ Date and time of next meeting.

✓ Time of adjournment.

✓ Signature of the secretary/recorder.

✓ Date minutes approved.

Source of Outline:

Burleson, Clyde W., Effective Meetings: The Complete Guide. (New York: John Wiley &Sons, 1990.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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