50 Argumentative Essay topics

50 Argumentative Essay topics

1. Dieting does more harm than good. 2. Chivalry has no place in modern society. 3. Sexism is still a major problem in the workplace. 4. Government welfare is an excuse for laziness. 5. Capitalism is another name for evil. 6. Voting should be an obligation not an option. 7. More censorship is needed. 8. National security is an excuse for war. 9. High school students aren't ready to enter college. 10. Workplace CVs say nothing about the applicant. 11. 9/11 was an excuse for continuous war. 12. Privacy is a luxury not a right. 13. Alcohol should be illegal. 14. The age of consent should be raised. 15. Abortions should be legal. 16. The federal government should control the laws of each state. 17. Average workplace hours are too long. 18. Gay marriage should be legalised. 19. Oppressive regimes shouldn't be given any monetary aid. 20. Drunk drivers should be banned for life. 21. The death penalty should be reintroduced. 22. Technology is a major problem in society. 23. All people should be allowed to strike. 24. The music industry needs to get with the times. 25. A college education needs to be about preparing for the world of work. 26. There are too many degree options in colleges. 27. All citizens should speak a second language. 28. People should be encouraged to holiday abroad. 29. A life sentence should always mean life. 30. Restrictions on fuel consumption need to be implemented. 31. People should be encouraged to start their own businesses. 32. All citizens should dedicate an hour a week to community service. 33. Cheating on an examination should be a criminal offense. 34. Pornography should be illegal. 35. Brothels should be legalised. 36. All states should gain equal representation in elections. 37. Presidential elections should be held every five years. 38. The restriction on consecutive presidential terms should be removed. 39. Financial aid shouldn't be given to people with a criminal record. 40. Guns should be illegal. 41. People should have a bigger say in how the country is run. 42. The military needs to see major cuts. 43. An emphasis on sport in college should be removed. 44. Social Security Numbers should be abolished. 45. Elderly people shouldn't drive. 46. The rich should pay more tax.

47. Tax avoidance should be clamped down upon. 48. Essays are not an accurate reflection of a student's ability. 49. There are too many people in the U.S. 50. Immigration caps should be tightened.


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