Published by Cybermetrics Lab (Spanish National Research Council, CSIC)


2 February 2016

1. Introduction

The "Webometrics Ranking of World Universities" is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain. An edition of 2016 is built with the indicators obtained during January in order to maintain the freshness of the data of the most current and updated Ranking of Universities

The Ranking Web (or Webometrics Ranking) is published twice a year. Data is collected between 1st and 20th of January or July depending of the edition for being public at the end of both months. It covers more than 24,000 Higher Education Institutions worldwide.

Each variable is obtained at least two times during that period and the maximum value is chosen for discarding mistakes or errors. Volatility of search engines is very high so figures can be different and not easily replicated if the search is performed days later. Final publication is done about late January or July, usually not before the 28th.

2. Malaysia’s Performance

1. Universiti Malaya leads the ranking at 1st place out of 200 universities/institutions in Malaysia at 387th out of 23,887 universities worldwide followed by Universiti Sains Malaysia (515th). Universiti Teknologi Malaysia maintains it position at 3rd place with a rank of 547th worldwide. University Putra Malaysia drops from 1st place in 2015 to 4th place at 594th worldwide. The top 10 Web of University Ranking in Malaysia is shown in Table 1.

2. Table 2 shows Malaysia’s university rankings based on Design & Weighting of the indicators: Presence, Impact, Openness and Excellence. Further information on the four activities can be read at the Design & Weighting Indicators.

Table 1: Top 10 Web of Universities Ranking for Malaysia’s Institutions

|Universities |Rank |World Rank |Rank |World Rank |

| |2016 |2016 |2015 |2015 |

| |(n=200) |(n=24,000+) |(n=89) |(n=23,887) |

|Universiti Malaya |1 |387 |4 |646 |

|Universiti Sains Malaysia |2 |515 |2 |480 |

|Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |3 |547 |3 |552 |

|Universiti Putra Malaysia |4 |594 |1 |420 |

|Unversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia |5 |682 |5 |815 |

|Universiti Tenaga Nasional |6 |940 |- |- |

|University Teknologi MARA |7 |1009 |6 |936 |

|International Islamic University of Malaysia |8 |1389 |8 |1462 |

|Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia |9 |1437 |7 |1002 |

|University of Nottingham Malaysia |10 |1526 |- |- |

Table 2: Top 10 Web of Universities Ranking for Malaysia’s Institutions based on Design & Weighting of indicators

|University |Presence Rank* |Impact Rank* |Openness Rank* |Excellence Rank* |

|Universiti Malaya |579 |531 |195 |

|University of Tokyo |Japan |1 |40 |

|Peking University |China |2 |46 |

|National Taiwan University |Taiwan |3 |50 |

|Kyoto University |Japan |4 |63 |

|National University of Singapore |Singapore |5 |75 |

|University of Hong Kong |Hong Kong, SAR |6 |77 |

|Seoul National University |South Korea |7 |95 |

|Shanghai Jiao Tong University |China |8 |102 |

|National Cheng Kung University |Taiwan |9 |146 |

|Chinese University of Hong Kong |Hong Kong, SAR |10 |154 |

|Universiti Malaya |Malaysia |48 |387 |

3. Overall Performance

1. Again, the United States of America conquers the top ten ranking where Harvard University maintains 1st position followed by Stanford University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology which shared the same position, (2nd). University of California Berkeley improved one place to 3rd position. In this edition, the University of Wisconsin Madison and University of California Los Angeles UCLA entered the top ten positions. The top ten world university rankings can be seen in Table 4. Appendix A is the overall university in Malaysia included in the Webometrics Rankings.

Table 4: Top 10 World Ranking Web Of Universities

|Universities |Countries |Rank |Rank |

| | |2016 |2015 |

| | |(n=24,000+) |(n=23,887) |

|Harvard University |USA |1 |1 |

|Stanford University |USA |2 |3 |

|Massachusetts Institute of Technology |USA |2 |2 |

|University of California Berkeley |USA |3 |4 |

|Cornell University |USA |4 |5 |

|University of Michigan |USA |5 |6 |

|University of Washington |USA |6 |8 |

|University of Wisconsin Madison |USA |7 |- |

|University of Pennsylvania |USA |8 |9 |

|Columbia University of New York |USA |9 |10 |

|University of California Los Angeles UCLA |USA |10 |- |

|Universiti Malaya |Malaysia |387 |646 |

5. Methodology & Objective

1. The objective is not to evaluate websites, their design or usability or the popularity of their contents according to the number of visits or visitors. Web indicators are considered as proxies in the correct, comprehensive, deep evaluation of the university global performance, taking into account its activities and outputs and their relevance and impact.

2. The Ranking Web or Webometrics is the largest academic ranking of Higher Education Institutions. Since 2004 and every six months an independent, objective, free, open scientific exercise is performed by the Cybermetrics Lab (Spanish National Research Council, CSIC) for the providing reliable, multidimensional, updated and useful information about the performance of universities from all over the world based on their web presence and impact.

3. A survey was carried out, interviews were conducted with specialists in different fields, and a series of workshops and conference sessions were held with expert groups to interpret the research findings and to work out the three risk cases developed in the report.

4. Respondents are aged between 19 and 79, come from different types of organisations, different fields of specialist knowledge, and from over 200 countries.

5. Design and Weighting of Indicators

Activity (100%)

Changes in the calculation of indicators

Published figures are RANKS (lower is better), intended for showing individual performances, but they are not the values used in the calculations. Due to technical issues a few changes have been done:

PRESENCE: Total number of web pages, according to Google, excluding pdf files. Weight: 10%

VISIBILITY: We recover larger value of the two in links providers (ahrefs & Majestic), instead of using the average. For improving reliability we increase to the 20 top linking domains and their corresponding backlinks the values to be excluded. Weight: 50%

OPENNESS: Total number of pdf files according to Google. Weight: 10%.

EXCELLENCE: The Scimago data (top 10% most cited papers by discipline) for the five year period 2009-2013. New Weight: 30%

Appendix A






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