Accountability Questions - Mark Tittley

Accountability Questions

10 Accountability Questions:

1. Did I spend significant time in prayer and study this week?

2. Did I pray for the others, the church, ongoing concerns?

3. Did I make my wife (guy/girl friend) feel special and loved this week in a way she/he could identify? Did she/he get quality time alone with me this week?

4. Did I make my kids feel special and loved this week in a way they could identify? Did each kid get quality time alone with me this week?

5. Did I take time for myself? Did I read, play, get away, etc?

6. Did I put myself in an awkward situation with a person of the opposite sex this week?

7. Did I compromise my personal integrity this week?

8. What one sin most plagued me in my walk with God this week? What steps am I taking to overcome this sin?

9. Am I being financially responsible with what the Lord has given me, particularly with spending my money in a way that reflects his priorities?

10. What is God trying to teach me this week? Where do I need to grow?

75 Accountability Questions for Adult Leaders:

1. Have you had daily Time Alone With God in the last week?

2. How many Days Alone With God have you taken?

3. Have your thoughts been pure and free from lust?

4. Have you dated your spouse every week?

5. Have you taken a day off each week for rest and restoration?

6. Have you had a daily debriefing time with your spouse?

7. Is there anyone against whom you are holding a grudge?

8. Is there any emotional attachment with someone of the opposite sex which could develop dangerously?

9. With whom could such an attachment develop in the future?

10. Have you given unselfishly to your mate's needs?

11. Are there any unresolved conflicts with your mate?

13. How often have you had family altar since we last met?

14. How often have you shared your faith? When? What happened?

15. How much time have you spent with your children? Doing what?

16. Have you spread falsehoods about another slander?

17. Have you repeated hurtful truth about another gossip?

18. Do you have any unmade restitutions?

19. Are you discipling you child? Mate? How? When?

20. Is your practice of journaling up to date?

21. How much have you fasted since we last met?

22. Have you had nightly prayers with your spouse?

23. Report on your memorizing & meditating on scripture.

24. How are you improving in your relationship with your mate?

25. Is there a brother you should try to restore from sin?

26. When did you last give a thoughtful gift to your mate?

27. In what ways have you been tempted to be proud?

28. How have you given to the needy since we last met?

39. How much time have you wasted watching T.V.?

30. Have you seen questionable movies, magazines, or videos?

31. Are you completely out of installment debt?

32. How are you avoiding materialism?

33. Have you exaggerated or lied since we last met?

34. Have you been able to ignore carnal, complaining, petty people?

35. What spiritual growth books have you read since we met?

36. Of what are you afraid? How will you defy this fear?

37. How have you played "Team Ball" with others since we last met?

38. Have you had a critical spirit since we met?

39. In what special ways have you shown love to your mate?

40. Have you been fully submissive to authority?

41. Who is it that you are tempted to envy, or be jealous of?

42. Is there any believer with whom you are out of harmony?

43. Who are you discipling and mentoring? How?

44. Was there a time when your love for God was hotter?

45. How have you attempted to make peace between others?

46. Have you taken anything not belonging to you, large or small?

47. What sexual sin have you been most tempted to commit?

48. Have you a practice which may be a stumbling block to others?

49. Have you avoided outbursts of anger or rage?

50. About what have you been inclined to boast?

51. Have you been tempted to give up? How? Why?

52. How have you clarified your life's mission since we last met?

53. Have you avoided fighting, quarreling, dissension, and factions?

54. How have you shown enduring patience since we last met?

55. Have you avoided obscenity, foolish talk, and course jokes?

56. In what ways have you been tempted to greed?

57. Have you selfish ambition? How pure is your desire to achieve?

58. Is there hate, malice, or ill will in your heart for anyone anywhere?

59. Is there any sin, inward or outward, which has dominion over you?

60. How have you expressed thanksgiving to God and others?

61. How have you shown submission and respect to your husband?

62. How have you shown love and tenderness to your wife?

63. Have you frivolously wasted words since we last met?

64. Have you participated in fruitless arguments?

65. Do you have you a teachable spirit?

66. Have you shown favoritism toward the rich or powerful? How?

67. In what way have you launched out in faith since we last met?

68. Have you abused your power over others? How?

69. Have you deceitfully manipulated people for your own benefit?

70. Have you been guilty of worry, anxiety, or distrust of God?

71. In what ways have you shown brotherly kindness?

72. Is there any sin of another which you have come to tolerate?

73. How have you sought opportunities to serve, listen, and help?

74. How have you cared for the needy since we last met?

75. To whom did you show Christ's love since we last met? How?

50 Accountability Questions for Teens

1. Have you had daily time alone with God in the last week?

2. Have your thoughts been pure and free from lust?

3. Have you taken a day off each week for rest and restoration?

4. Is there anyone against whom you are holding a grudge?

5. Are there any unresolved conflicts with people?

6. How often have you shared your faith? When? What happened?

7. Have you spread falsehoods about another?

8. Have you repeated hurtful truth about another?

9. How are you going with reading and meditating on scripture?

10. Is there a brother you should try to restore from sin?

11. In what ways have you been tempted to be proud?

12. How have you given to the needy in the last week?

13. How much time have you wasted watching T.V.?

14. Have you seen questionable movies, magazines or videos?

15. How are you avoiding materialism?

16. Have you exaggerated or lied in the last week?

17. What spiritual growth books have you read in the last week?

18. Of what are you afraid? How will you defy this fear?

19. Have you had a critical spirit in the last week?

20. Have you been fully submissive to authority?

21. Who is it that you are tempted to envy, or be jealous of?

22. Is there any believer with whom you are out of harmony?

23. Who are you discipling and mentoring? How?

24. Was there a time when your love for God was hotter?

25. How have you attempted to make peace between others?

26. Have you taken anything not belonging to you, large or small?

27. What sexual sin have you been most tempted to commit?

28. Have you a practice which may be a stumbling block to others?

29. Have you avoided outbursts of anger or rage?

30. About what have you been inclined to boast?

31. Have you been tempted to give up? How? Why?

32. Have you avoided fighting, quarreling, dissension, and factions?

33. How have you shown enduring patience since we last met?

34. Have you avoided obscenity, foolish talk, and course jokes?

35. In what ways have you been tempted to greed?

36. Have you selfish ambition? How pure is your desire to achieve?

37. Is there hate, malice, or ill will in your heart for anyone anywhere?

38. Is there any sin, inward or outward, which has dominion over you?

39. How have you expressed thanksgiving to God and others?

40. Have you participated in fruitless arguments?

41. Do you have you a teachable spirit?

42. Have you shown favoritism toward the rich or powerful? How?

43. In what way have you launched out in faith in the last week?

44. Have you abused your power over others? How?

45. Have you deceitfully manipulated people for your own benefit?

46. Have you been guilty of worry, anxiety, or distrust of God?

47. In what ways have you shown brotherly kindness?

48. Is there any sin of another which you have come to tolerate?

49. How have you sought opportunities to serve, listen, and help?

50. To whom did you show Christ's love in the last week? How?

John Wesley's 'Four Questions' For Weekly Class Meetings:

1. What known sins have you committed since we last met? (If there is such, what shall we do about it.)

2. What temptations have you faced? (Describe the Devil's attacks)

3. How were you delivered from these temptations? (Tell the story)

4. What have you thought, said or done, of which you are uncertain whether it was sin or not? (If so, tell us and we will help you decide)

Some Basic Accountability Questions:

The Wonder Question

1. Have you maintained an attitude of awe and wonder toward God?

...or have you minimized him, placed him in a box, failing to contemplate his greatness?

Key issue: awe, wonderment, and WORSHIP versus ordinary, usual, and IDOLATRY.

The Priority Question

2. Have you maintained a personal (quiet) time with God?

...or have you allowed yourself to become too busy for God? Have you exchanged a vibrant, tender relationship filled with rich communication for a superficial acquaintance with God?

Key issue: time with God versus time without God.

The Morality Question

3. Have you maintained integrity with the way you live out your faith?

...or have you compromised what you know to be true with your actions?

Key issue: integrity versus compromise.

The Listening Question

4. Have you maintained a soft heart, sensitive to the things of God?

...or have you chosen to remain on the easy path, refused to be challenged to move out of your comfort zone?

Key issue: uncomfortable versus comfortable

The Relationships Question

5. Have you maintained peaceful relationships and resolved conflicts to the best of your ability?

...or have you caused conflict or offense?

Key issue: peace versus conflict; resolution versus ignored.

Coaching Questions

LISTEN: Actively

1. How is your ministry going?

2. How are you personally?

3. How is the family? Your spouse?

4. Tell me about last week’s meeting.

5. How are you and God doing?

6. What issues are important to you right now?

7. What concerns you right now?

8. Where are you feeling resistance?


9. What are you excited about?

10. What was your greatest accomplishment this month?

11. What prayers have been answered?

12. Where is He working in the ministry?

13. How has God been faithful?

14. What milestones have been accomplished?

15. Where have you demonstrated your best leadership?

16. Who are your most loyal ministry partners?

CARE: Personally

17. What concerns do you or your spouse have about your ministry?

18. What can I be praying with you about?

19. What help do you need?

20. Where do you receive support and encouragement?

21. How do you feel when you get resistance?

22. What have you done to play?

23. Are you sleeping well?


24. Are you comfortable and confident with your vision, values and missions?

25. Do you have a strategic plan for implementation? Is it complete and realistic?

26. What are your immediate priorities?

27. How are you continuing to attract and involve new people?

28. What is your vision for church multiplication?

29. Have you developed a ministry flowchart? Is it realistic? Working?

30. How is evangelism and spiritual growth happening?

31. How is leadership development happening?

32. What ministry systems do you need?

SKILL TRAINING: Evangelizing and Discipling Skills

33. How many unchurched families do you have contact with?

34. Does your life have integrity with unchurched people?

35. Are you seeing many decisions/converts?

36. How are they being assimilated into the church?

37. Where does discipling fit into your ministry?

38. What kind of time have you spent with anyone who is a non-Christian this past month?

SKILL TRAINING: Listening Skills Development

39. How and when do you listen to unchurched people?

40. How and when do you listen to God?

41. How and when do you listen to your spouse? Your children?

42. How and when do you listen to leaders?

43. How can you improve your listening skills?

SKILL TRAINING: Family Issues and Relationships

44. Do others see you as self-reliant, or dependent upon God?

45. How would you like to grow spiritually?

45. How are your family’s spiritual needs being met?

47. Are each of your family members getting enough of your time and attention?

48. When will you take time off with your spouse?

49. How is the balance of family and ministry going?

50. How often do you give your spouse a day off?

SKILL TRAINING: Interpersonal Relationships and Resistance

51. Where do you sense resistance in your leadership or core groups?

52. What are the issues and values involved?

53. How do you respond to resistance?

54. Are there any unresolved conflicts in your circle of relationships right now?

55. When did you last spend time with a good friend of your own gender?

SKILL TRAINING: Mobilizing Leaders and Volunteers

56. How do you encourage and motivate volunteers?

57. How have you practiced good coaching?

58. Have you created position descriptions for key leaders and volunteers?

59. How and when are you casting vision for leaders?

60. How will you begin an apprenticing system?

61. How will you appreciate and encourage volunteers this month?

62. How will you find the leaders you need?

63. How will you identify and raise up leaders?

64. What leaders do you have? What leaders do you need?

SKILL TRAINING: Prayer and Spiritual Disciplines

65. Do you have a personal intercessory prayer team in place?

66. What have you read in the Bible in the past week?

67. Where do you find yourself currently resisting Him?

68. What specific things are you praying for?

SKILL TRAINING: Time Management

69. What tasks that you are currently doing will you give to volunteers?

70. Tell me about your rest and recreation patterns.

71. What do you wish you had more time for?

72. What personal and time management tools or techniques do you use?

73. How and when do you say no?

74. How many hours are you giving to ministry?

SKILL TRAINING: Vision and Planning

75. How do you seek vision from God?

76. How do you communicate vision and values to others?

77. Share with me your mission statement.

78. Does it pass the tests of a good mission statement?

79. How have you approached planning in the past?

80. What planning tools have you found to be helpful?

81. When and how will you involve your team in a planning process?

DEVELOP: Character and Leadership

82. What is one area besides ministry where God is asking you to grow?

83. What are the specific tasks facing you right now that you consider incomplete?

84. What have you read in the secular press this week?

85. What would your spouse tell me about your state of mind, spirit, and energy level?

86. How might Satan try to invalidate you as a person or as a servant of the Lord?

87. How is your sexual perspective? Tempted? Dealing with fantasies? Entertainment?

88. Where are you financially right now? Under control? Under anxiety? In great debt?

89. What would you say are your fears at this present time?

90. What are your greatest confusions about your relationship with God?

91. How would you describe your leadership style?

92. What do your leaders need from you?

93. Who are you personally mentoring?

CHALLENGE: Specifically

94. What are your next steps?

95. What are you believing God for?

96. When will you seek vision from God? (calendar)

97. What are your highest priorities for this month?

98. When and how will you take time for planning?

99. What will you do to encourage the spiritual life of your group?


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