Question I : Use of English (50 points)

Question I : Use of English (50 points)

1. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space. (10 points)

Becoming a parent

Very little in our lives prepares us for (1)…………………………. (PARENT). Suddenly, your life is turned upside down and all sorts of (2)……………………………. (FAMILIAR) demands are placed on you. How we ourselves were treated by our parents in our (3)…………………………….(YOUNG) can have an (4)………………………… (APPRECIATE) effect on who we become as parents. Our own (5)………………………… (OBSERVE) of how our parents responded to us creates a model of parenting that is (6)………………………….. (INTIMATE) connected to the kind of parents we become. It’s not uncommon for people to show the same child-rearing (7)………………………………… (CHARACTER) as their own parents. If your father was an (8)…….………………………… (SYMPATHY) figure who always seemed too busy to care about how you felt, then there’s a chance you will repeat the same behavior. If your mother was utterly (9)……………………. (SELF) in her devotion to her children, there’s a chance that you too will be equally giving and do all that is (10)………………………. (HUMAN) possible for your offspring.

2. For each question, write one word which can be used in all three sentences. (10 points)

1) Oh, tell Carrie that I send my ………………………………… when you see her.

When my mum and dad met, my mum says it was ……………………………… at first sight.

My …………………………………….... for travelling comes from the fact that we moved around a lot when I was young.

2) One of the reasons why Damian and I get on so well is that we have a lot in ………………………………… .

The architect told us that it was ……………………………… practice to start building before getting all the permits.

There are some words which are …………………………….. to a number of the languages spoken in the area.

3) I don’t really see myself settling down any time in the ……………………………… future.

People came from ……………………………. and far to attend the celebrity wedding of the year.

We just about managed to get to the airport on time, but it was a ………………………………….. thing.

4) The two countries are similar with ………………………………… to the divorce rates.

Of course we argue, but I don’t think we’re any different from other couples in that ………………… .

Todd lost a lot of people’s ………………………………… when they saw how he treats his wife.

5) One of the important …………………………. of the law is that it recognises the rights of unmarried partners.

In order to find the woman’s missing husband, the police asked if he had any distinguishing …………………………………. .

I was quite impressed by the safety ………………………………… on Bill’s new car.

3. Write one word in each gap. (10 points)

Rarely (1) ............................. neighbours have the best of relationships for any length of time. Of course, some people become close friends, but only if there is a lot of give and take (2) ..................... this possible. (3) ............................ common are disputes between neighbours that there are many laws to cover arguments over noise, property and rubbish. Before things go (4) ........................... far for the relationship to be saved, there are a few simple things you can do. The first is (5) ..................... speak to your neighbor. You’d be amazed at how many arguments are avoided by (6) ......................... a simple step. Not (7) ............................ does it give you the chance to express your complaint, it (8) ........................ gives your neighbour the chance to explain and, perhaps, take action.

Secondly, check your rights. On (9) .......................... account should you do anything to damage your neighbours’ property, or their overhanging trees if that’s the problem, without knowing what your legal rights are. (10) ............................ until you are sure you are acting within the law should you do anything. And remember – a little understanding ca go a long way.

4. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given. (20 points)

1) I had to clear the spare room before I could start decorating. cleared

Only when ..................................................................................... start decorating.

2) The phone rang again as soon as I put it down. had

Hardly .......................................................................................... it rang again.

3) I had no idea the manager wanted to see me to fire me. realise

Little ................................................................................. the manager wanted to see me to fire me.

4) I was told about the website by Charlie. who

It ...................................................................... me about the website.

5) Buying a plane ticket at the last minute isn’t often possible. to

Rarely ..................................................................... a plane ticket at the last minute.

6) They didn’t ask me anything about my plans for the summer. question

Not .............................................................. about my plans for the summer.

7) There is no situation in which we will allow the management to lower wages. no

Under ............................................................ the management to lower wages.

8) Mary didn’t find it difficult to pass her driving test. difficulty

Mary had....................................... her driving test.

9) Passengers can only board the plane when all bags have been checked. after

Only .................................................................. board the plane.

10) The website wouldn’t allow me to access certain pages. denied

The website ......................................................... certain pages.

Question II (50 points)

You are asked by the Principal of a college in Australia where you are studying to write a proposal for how to improve the college’s website.The suggestions given include the classrooms, library, language laboratory, canteen and sports field, and you are asked to choose two of these in order to give an idea of the variety of the facilities which the college offers.

Write your proposal in 300 words.

Notă: timp de lucru 3 ore. Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.

Answer key

























1.I had cleared the spare room could I

2.had I put the phone down when

3.did I realize (that)

4.was Charlie who told it possible to buy (single) question did they ask me/a (single) question did they ask me circumstances will we allow difficulty (in)

9.after all bags have been checked can passengers

10.denied me access to

Question II -Writing

Task achievement 10 p Accuracy 15 p

• Correct format Correct use of grammar structures

• Coverage of all points mentioned Wide range of grammar structures

• Length constraint Correct spelling and punctuation

Register and vocabulary 10 p Organization, cohesion, layout 10 p

• Appropriate register Correct layout, paragraphing

• Varied vocabulary Clear organization of ideas; linking words

Overall effect 5 p

• reader will be informed and persuaded


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