Alternative Routes for Teacher Certification in SREB States

State Alabama4

Alternative Routes for Teacher Certification in SREB States

Name of Program1

Board Adoption/ Purpose of Legislation; Year Program


Alternative BaccalaureateLevel Approach


Increase pool of

Improvement Act; applicants



Subject Areas Open for Alternative Certification2

K-8: specialty subjects 6-8/9-12: core and specialty subjects. Special education for all grades was added in 1993/1997.

Requirements for Entry to Provisional Status

Bachelor's; 48 semester hours of credit in subject or equivalent in the field OR 24 months of professional experience in the field of certification; meet all requirements of Alabama Prospective Teacher Testing Program

Basic Requirements of the Program

Required Course Work

Other Requirements

Normal Time to

Professional Class3 Certificate


Must be employed with 12 semester hours; must May not be



certifying school district earn C or above in each employed more

for three out of four


than three years

years; have mentor for

with preliminary

first two years; referral


from a superintendent or

administrator to employ

applicant in teaching

field; pass Praxis II

Arkansas4 Non-Traditional Board of

Help teacher


Core and specialty subjects Bachelor's with 2.5 GPA; pass Must pay $1,200 fee 210 hours of intensive Teach both years



Licensure Program Education; 1987 shortage; increase

state skills test; pass subject- yearly; During year 1: teacher preparation and of program;

pool of applicants

area test

gain employment; issued 50 hours of preparation must teach a

certified mentor;

from site-based mentor; minimum of 120

background checks;

15 days in summer and days each year

summer sessions

monthly Saturdays for

year 2: prep sessions; two years

pass Praxis II and III

Delaware4, 5 Alternative Route Board of

Help teacher

Middle grades Critical-need subjects:

to Certification Education; 1997 shortage, mostly in and high

science, agriculture, math,

Bachelor's with major in the Mentoring and school subject area; basic skills test; administrative

Five graduate courses, Need beginning with a summer recommend-

12-18 months B

critical areas and school

foreign language, English, background check; employment supervision; evaluations institute; enter in cohorts; ation from


business, technology

as teacher before school

at school

two to three weeks during school

supervised by

education, music, art

enrolls; pass Praxis I and II

summer all day, then supervisor


Saturday sessions after

Standards Council

school during year

91 days in lieu of student teaching

Gain teaching experience and certification after 91 days of substitute teaching in one assignment during one year

Requires a letter from the school superintendent to DOE verifying 91 days and performance; must gain employment as full-time, contracted teacher within one year of 91 days

15 hours of professional development, as determined by district/charter school

91 days of substitute teaching

Prepared by Jenny Hite, Education Policies, Southern Regional Education Board, November 2011

For more information contact Joan Lord at joan.lord@


State Florida4, 6

Name of Program1

Board Adoption/ Purpose of Legislation; Year Program



Alternative Certification Professional Preparation and Education Competence Program Via School District

Board of Education; 2004

System of State- Help career-


Approved District changers gain

Programs; created certification

by the state, 2002- without enrolling

2003 school year in college courses

while working in

schools full time

Subject Areas Open for Alternative Certification2

Requirements for Entry to Provisional Status

Basic Requirements of the Program

Required Course Work

Other Requirements

Normal Time to

Professional Class3 Certificate


Core and specialty subjects; Bachelor's; 2.5 GPA in subject; Must pass Praxis I, Praxis Competency-based




vocational education and must gain employment in a II, and Florida Teacher alternative certification temporary

special education


Certification exams; have program must be offered certificate is non-

documentation of

by every district (Web- renewable

professional education based or district-made);

competence from

all programs must include

employing school district reading competency


State Legislature Help mid-career Pre-K-12

Core and specialty subjects; Bachelor's; 2.5 GPA in subject; Approved programs must Various courses and

Three year




made statute for changers and

vocational education and must gain employment in a provide field experiences training through EPI temporary

Program Through creation of

recent grads

special education

school; must also be enrolled in with administrative

certificate is non-



without an

Competency-Based Alternative supervision; EPIs provide




education major

Certification Program

a certification


Institutes (EPIs);

ombudsman; must pass


Praxis I, Praxis II, and

Florida Teacher

Certification exams

Georgia4, 5

Georgia Teacher Alternative Preparation Program (TAPP)

Early 2000s

Respond to 2001- Pre-K-12 2002 teacher shortage

P-12: specialty subjects; P-5: Bachelor's; 2.5 GPA;

early childhood education; 4- background check; pass basic

8: core subjects and reading; skills test; must gain

6-12: core and specialty

employment as teacher first;

subjects, and geography, acceptance to program

economics, political science, provider, such as district


program or online RESA at

Special education has


additional course


Phase I: one month of Summer courses or after

summer courses;

school if teacher starts

Phase II: two years;


classroom training period

with mentor; must take

Praxis II during first year

of teaching



Prepared by Jenny Hite, Education Policies, Southern Regional Education Board, November 2011

For more information contact Joan Lord at joan.lord@



Name of Program1

Kentucky4 Local District Certification

Board Adoption/ Purpose of Legislation; Year Program


Legislation; 1990 Create a path to teaching for professionals; programs developed and supported on the district level


Subject Areas Open for Alternative Certification2

All, except no special education

Requirements for Entry to Basic Requirements of Required Course Work


Provisional Status

the Program


Bachelor's; 2.5 GPA; have 30 Must complete program

hours of study in subject OR and one-year KTIP

five years of work experience internship; pass Praxis

in field; pass subject-area test; exam; formal evaluation

must gain employment as

by support team with

teacher with a district having an written recommendation

approved program

Eight weeks of training 250 hours of

before teaching; 18 weeks formal

of partial classroom


supervision; 18 weeks of basic outline of

full classroom

program, with


each district

developing own


Normal Time to

Professional Class3 Certificate


44 weeks


total: 8 full-

time seminar,

18 part-time

teaching; 18



Veterans of the General

Help teacher



Armed Forces Assembly; 2000 shortage and get

professionals into

the schools

Exceptional Work Legislation; 1998 Attract people Pre-K-12



with professional


experience in

subject matter;

rigorous review


University-Based General

Help teacher




Assembly; 2000 shortage



Prepared by Jenny Hite, Education Policies, Southern Regional Education Board, November 2011 For more information contact Joan Lord at joan.lord@

Bachelor's in subject or related Must complete a

field; 2.5 GPA; pass EPSB Kentucky Teacher

(Education Professional

Internship Program

Standards Board) subject test; (KTIP) during the first

must be released from active year of teaching for

duty under honorable

professional license

conditions after six years of

active duty immediately before

the discharge; then get

"statement of eligibility"; must

gain employment

Bachelor's with 2.5 GPA; must After meeting

major in subject area OR pass requirements, get

subject test/Praxis II; must have temporary certificate;

10 years of work experience in must complete one-year

the subject; submit application KTIP internship for

to district & EPSB; three to professional certificate;

five recommendations from submit all documents to

employers in the field

Board of Education for


Bachelor's; meet teacher and university admission requirements

Must complete a Kentucky Teacher Internship Program (KTIP); must pass assessments

Must complete all requirements before KTIP begins

No courses


needed; can also

apply to Troops

To Teachers for

funding and


No courses needed



Get certified

3 maximum D

while working

full time in

school; must

complete in

three years



Name of Program1

Board Adoption/ Purpose of Legislation; Year Program


Louisiana4, 5

Certification-Only 2010 Program Alternative Path to Certification

Provide a flexible Pre-K-12 means to certification; help teacher shortage, mostly in rural areas

Practitioner Teacher Program

Maryland4, 5

Maryland Approved Alternative Preparation Program (MAAPP) with a Resident Teacher Certification

Created by Blue Attract "highly K-12




candidates to the

piloted in 2001- profession

2002 with nine


Board of

Help teacher


Education framed shortage; draw


more "highly


candidates into the


Subject Areas Open for Alternative Certification2

Requirements for Entry to Provisional Status

Basic Requirements of the Program

Required Course Work

Other Requirements

Normal Time to

Professional Class3 Certificate


K-12: general education and Bachelor's; 2.5 GPA for private Professional guidance 27-33 credit-hours total Must work three 3 maximum; E

specialty subjects;

provider program OR 2.0 GPA during 80 contact-hours; OR 80 contact-hours of years in a state varies by

birth to five years; hearing for college program; pass basic attend courses through classroom-readiness

school; three


impaired; significant

skills test/Praxis I and II OR college or private

training, including 12 years for

disabilities; visual/blind

ACT score of 22/SAT score of provider

hours of Knowledge of Practitioner


the Learner training; six License

hours of method; six

hours of internship

Pre-K-3; 1-5; 4-8; 6-12; K-12: specialty subjects; special education (mildmoderate)

Bachelor's; 2.5 GPA for private Full-time internship in 21-33 hours with summer Do internship 1-3; varies by A

program or 2.2 GPA for college schools with direct

or fall teacher course after 21-33


program; pass basic skills

supervision and mentors; training; attend two

hours; one-year

test/Praxis I; pass subject

pass Praxis exams

seminars once employed license that can

test/Praxis II OR ACT 22/SAT

be renewed



Early childhood and

Bachelor's; 2.75 GPA; major in Enter a MAAPP through 135 clock hours of study Revised in May 6 months to 1 A

elementary education

subject OR have 30 semester a Maryland school

(90 before employment) 2010; now

year for full-

secondary education: core core hours in subject OR pass district, college or

passing state



content test; pass basics test; partnership; MAAPP

content test


TESOL and special education gain employment in a school requires a minimum 90

enters program


hours of study and a four-


to eight-week internship

certificate; 2

prior to employment;

years for full

additional courses and


mentored residency of


two weeks, as well

Urban Teacher Center Residency ProgramBaltimore City School

Designed with Lesley University in Massachusetts; piloted in Baltimore, 2002

Train teachers for urban setting; for urban, challenge schools, using model in other cities


Core and specialty subjects; Bachelor's with 2.75 GPA; Summer orientations; Seminars through MD Four-year



special education

must pass Praxis I and II to multiple mentors and Practitioner Teacher


First year as

enter; pass pedagogy test;

clinical supervision; one Program (MPTP) AND commitment to resident, the

interview; background check year of residency,

literacy courses at a

district; three to next two years

followed by two of full- university; all course four residents


time teaching; prove one work developed by

per school; all


successful year of

Lesley University; dual- residents earn

teaching subject; highly masters program; 50 general and

supportive with portfolio hours, September to May special

and observations



Prepared by Jenny Hite, Education Policies, Southern Regional Education Board, November 2011

For more information contact Joan Lord at joan.lord@



Name of Program1

Board Adoption/ Legislation; Year

Mississippi4, 6 ABCTE

Board of Education; 2006

Teach Mississippi Legislation, 2002; Institute (TMI) began Jan. 1, 2003

Purpose of Program

Grades Pre-K-12

Subject Areas Open for Alternative Certification2

Requirements for Entry to Provisional Status

Basic Requirements of the Program

Required Course Work

Other Requirements

Normal Time to

Professional Class3 Certificate


Core and specialty subjects, Bachelor's with a non-

Summer seminars or Before initial license and


except in elementary K-3; education major; pass Praxis I online course, followed entering school, eight-

Special education for 7-12 and II in specialty area; apply by a one-semester/three- week/nine college course


for TMI

hour internship; intern hour summer program at

while employed by

TMI OR eight- week

school; mentor available online course for no

college credit


Sponsored by

Alternative Path to Mississippi

Quality Teachers Community




Find more quality Pre-K-12 teachers


Lateral Entry

Carolina4, 5 License


Place skilled

Assembly, 1984; professionals in

began Jan. 1, 1985 schools; only

school system can

begin lateral entry

license process

Core and specialty subjects, except in Elementary K-3; Special education for 7-12 only

Bachelor's; GPA in major of 2.0 if graduated more than seven years ago and 2.5 if less than seven years ago; pass Praxis I and II; must gain employment in a school

Attend Teach MS Institute or college; induction program and evaluations by local school district in first year; mentor through internship

90 clock hours or three weeks of MAPQT training at participating college for initial license; nine Saturday seminars during first year internship for professional license



Core subjects

Bachelor's; 2.5 GPA; Major in Complete teaching

Two weeks of training Must meet all



subject OR 24 semester hours program at university OR before teaching as

requirements can extend

of related course work OR five Regional Alternative provided by school

within three initial license

years of relevant work

Licensing Centers; pass system; attend six hours years of lateral for 1 more

experience; pass basic skills Praxis I and II within of courses each school license's

year if

test; gain employment in a

three years; need referral year; do NC TEACH issuance

applicant has


by IHE or RALC; one modules through

earned 6

year of successful

approved program

course hours

teaching; mentor;

per year; if do

constant feedback; pass

not complete

subject test/Praxis II

in 3, must

wait 6 years

and pass

Praxis II to

reissue initial


Prepared by Jenny Hite, Education Policies, Southern Regional Education Board, November 2011

For more information contact Joan Lord at joan.lord@



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