Council has resolved that a ten minute “question time” be allowed at the beginning of each meeting, where members of the public can put their concerns before Council for discussion on the following basis:

• Requests to speak to be submitted in writing at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.

• Requests to be accompanied by a copy of any questions.

• Each speaker to be allowed three minutes.

The following requests have been received:-



SECTION A - Matters for information

1. LGSA, A3.9.1: Forwarding Weekly Circulars numbered 24/2007, 25/2007, 26/2007 and 27/2007.

Note: Councillors may obtain copies of selected items from the Secretary.

2. Department of Immigration and Citizenship, A3.7.10: Advising you that on 7 June 2007 the Governor General proclaimed 1 July 2007 as the commencement date for the Australian Citizenship Act 2007. The commencement of the new Act has some immediate consequences for local government councils arranging citizenship ceremonies on and after 1 July 2007.

Firstly, people making the pledge of commitment on and after 1 July 2007 will acquire citizenship under the new Act.

Secondly, from 1 July the date of conferral will need to be pre-printed on all evidence of citizenship.

Finally, the Preamble to the Act which must be read by the presiding officer at a citizenship ceremony has changed slightly.

May I take this time to thank you for your assistance with the conferring and welcoming of new Australian Citizens to your community.

3. The Hon Jim Lloyd MP, E1.3.1: Advising that the Bushfire Mitigation Programme has operated successfully for three years since its inception in 2004/2005 by assisting local communities to better prepare for bushfires. Building on the success of the initial funding, the Prime Minister extended the Bushfire Mitigation Programme for another four years to 30 June 2011, with $5 million available each year.

Funding will be able to be allocated to eligible Local Government bushfire trail activities, with costs to be shared on a one third each basis between the Australian, State and Local Governments.

I encourage your council to consider any eligible activities in your Local Government Area and take this opportunity to better prepare for unwelcome bushfire events.

Referred to Director Engineering

4. Lachlan Catchment Management Authority, E3.9.2: Forwarding minutes from the Lachlan Local Government Reference Group meeting held in Grenfell on the 22 May 2007. The focus of the day was the announcement of Round 2 of our new incentive package we have developed for Local Government.

Copy forwarded to delegates

5. Australian Local Government Association, A3.8.3: Concerning the Local Community Infrastructure Renewals Fund. Local government sustainability is the single most important issue facing councils across Australia which is why the ALGA has set up a Community Infrastructure Ideas Register.

The criteria for submissions on the Register is that the Fund would renew existing ageing infrastructure and that it has a community purpose. The Fund of $250 million over 4 years was recommended by the PricewaterhouseCoopers report into local government financing, commissioned by ALGA and released in December 2006. Neither water and sewerage infrastructure nor roads will be covered by such a fund.

ALGA is using the information submitted on the register to lobby both major parties to include an LCIRF in their election platforms in the lead-up to the federal election later this year.

To this end, I encourage you to submit entries to the Register if you have not already done so.

Referred to Directors

6. Department of Environment and Conservation NSW, A3.6.40: Writing in reference to the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Amendment (Licensing Fees) Regulation 2007 which commences on 30 June 2007 and will apply to all licence fees payable on or after 1 July 2007.

As the holder of an environment protection licence the Regulation will result in an increase to your annual licence fee of approximately 5%.

7. Department of Environment and Conservation NSW, A3.6.40: Referring to an inspection of the Weddin Shire Council sewage treatment plant conducted on 6 June 2007.

During the inspection it was noted that waste generated from the screening process and deceased animals are being disposed of in pits on the premises. Waste generated outside the premises or by the premises cannot be disposed of on site. In future the screening waste and deceased animals should be disposed of at the Weddin Shire Council Landfill.

In addition it was identified that a small pond is being used freely by waste collectors to dispose of sewage and Group C waste. There was no evidence to suggest that council is able to ensure the waste is being disposed of lawfully or that any of the waste is undergoing treatment, processing or reprocessing. The DECC requires Council to review the process of disposal of sewage and Group C waste.

Lastly, there are a number of alterations to environment protection licence 1732 required to ensure that the licence conditions reflect current operations at the site. Could you please review the attached draft notice and provide any comment on the changes proposed by the 31 July 2007.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

8. Department Environment & Climate Change NSW, T2.3.11: Writing to provide details about the NSW Government’s new Rainwater Tank Rebate Program.

The rebate will be available from July 1 2007 and is part of a new $100 million residential rebate program under the NSW Government’s Climate Change Fund to help householders make their homes more water and energy efficient. As well as rebates for rainwater tanks, the program will include rebates for insulation (from 1 October 2007) and energy-efficient hot water systems (from 1 January 2008).

The rainwater tank rebate will provide up to $1500 and be available across NSW. To maximise the water savings, the rebate will be scaled so that the highest level will be paid for tanks which are connected to a toilet and washing machine.

Referred to Director Environmental Services

9. Electoral Commission NSW, C2.1.5: Writing to provide you with information that may assist in your budget for the September 2008 Local Government elections.

The NSWEC has estimated that the cost of all Local Government elections will be $31m. In the case of your council, Weddin Shire Council, we have estimated that there will be approximately 2,740 electors at the time of the election. This will work out at $7.14 per elector with a total budget of $19,600. The reason for providing you with this information now is so that you can allocate an amount of money in your 2008/2009 budget for the realistic cost of running elections in your area.

This estimate does not take into account costs associated with mayoral elections, referendums, polls or uncontested wards.

Referred to Director Corporate Services

10. CENTROC, U1.11.1: Forwarding an update for CENTROC Board members regarding the Federal Government’s commitments re broadband for the CENTROC area.

Copy previously faxed to Councillors

11. Cowra Shire Council, T4.4.1: Concerning Development Application No. 14/2007 for the Broula Magnetite and Limestone Mine.

Please be advised that on 25 June 2007, Development Application No. 14/2007 was considered by the Ordinary Meeting of Council. The Council resolved to approve the development subject to 48 conditions being met.

Please find attached a copy of the Notice of Determination for the Development Application for your information.

12. NSW Rural Fire Service, E1.3.8: Concerning the Bush Fire Management Committee and forwarding minutes from meeting held on 29 May 2007.

13. NSW Rural Fire Service, E1.3.8: Concerning the Senior Management Team and forwarding the minutes of the meeting on 13 April 2007.

14. Western Region Academy of Sport, C1.2.1: Advising it will present Regional Athlete and Coach Education lectures in all local government areas throughout the western region. These lectures provide valuable information to coaches, athletes, parents, staff, students and community members.

A community lecture will be held on Wednesday, 25 July 2007 at the Grenfell Bowling Club commencing at 6.00 pm.

15. Sonia Green, T4.5.7: Raising the matter of mobile phone use in the Community Technology Centre. I feel it is very bad manners for people to disturb other paying users in this way.

Referred to Director Corporate Services

16. Timothy Berry, P1.20116: Advising that due to ongoing health problems I wish to tender my resignation effective immediately. (14 June 2007)

17. NJ & AU Alcorn, P2.2.5: Advising the cemetery fence on western and southern sides needs replacing.

The fence is beyond patching, we consider a 50% contribution from Council and ourselves is required to re-fence. An early consideration on this matter would be appreciated. The fence is 210 metres.

Note: Council is not required to contribute to fencing of reserves.

Referred to Director Engineering

18. The Henry Lawson High School, C1.8.3: Advising it is hosting a night of entertainment on 31 July, where a travelling ensemble of gifted students from a range of school regions will perform. The night will also include performances from our own band and choir.

Flyer distributed to Councillors

19. Central Tablelands Water, U1.6.7: Forwarding a press release advising that due to a significant increase in the level at Lake Rowlands the water restriction level has been reduced to Level 1 across the entire Central Tablelands Water supply area.

Copy previously forwarded to Councillors

20. Forbes Rural Lands Protection Board, A3.6.26.1: Concerning rabbits in urban areas. Over the last couple of years there has been an increase in the number of reports of rabbits in urban areas in the Forbes Rural Lands Protection Board district.

The board would like councils to help by providing information about rabbit control to your urban ratepayers.

Rabbits can be hard to control inside the town boundary due to the limited control methods that can be used. One of the main methods is to reduce the amount of rabbit harbour around house yards.

Some houses may need to be fenced with netting around the bottom to stop rabbits entering under the house.

Poisoning around houses is not recommended due to the risk to non target animals and children.

I hope that you will convey this information to your ratepayers.

Note: to be publicised.

21. Terry Carroll Motors Pty Ltd, T3.4.7: Forwarding a copy of a letter forwarded to all parents who have children travelling on the Young Road School Bus run. This letter advises of minor changes.

Of the 29 families involved with students on the run, I have received one objection from Mr and Mrs A Robinson and two responses from Mrs C Baker and Mr and Mrs K Schaefer. (Copies attached). I also enclose my response to Mr Robinson.

I have forwarded the proposed change to the Ministry of Transport, Wollongong Branch, together with the copies of the three responses mentioned above.

Would you please submit these facts to the Weddin Shire Council Traffic Safety Committee and Council as a whole.

Referred to Director Engineering

22. Terry Carroll, T3.4.7: Concerning the Young Road school bus run and forwarding a copy of Ministry of Transport approval to the proposed route and time changes to the above run.

These changes will take effect from Monday, 16 July 2007.

23. Stephen White Management, T4.3.13: Concerning the Grenfell Concert and forwarding a copy of Hindole Pty Ltd insurance cover. This is our public liability for all shows we do.

24. Various Writers, T4.3.13: Regarding “Spirit of the Bush” Concert.

Messages of congratulations and/or appreciation have been received from:

Ros Webb, Michael Greenwood, Jenny and Graham Molloy, Barbara Wood and , Alf Atkin.

25. Parkes Shire Council, T4.3.13: Concerning the Spirit of the Bush concert.

Please accept the Council’s congratulations on the overwhelming success of this event last weekend.

Many residents of Parkes Shire took the opportunity to enjoy a very special event and all appeared most impressed by the manner in which it unfolded and by the hospitality extended to them.

Congratulations to Council and the hundreds of volunteers on a splendid effort that has done much to further enhance the profile of the Weddin Community.

26. Forbes Shire Council, E3.8.1: Forwarding minutes of the drought meeting at Forbes on 3 July 2007.

Copy forwarded to Councillors

27. Federal Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, G2.5.1: Advising that tourism operators in drought-affected areas have more time to lodge applications for funding assistance to help get their businesses back on their feet.

The Minister for Tourism today announced that the deadline for funding applications under round 5 of the Australian Tourism Development Program has been extended to Friday, 20 July 2007.

28. RTA, R2.51.11: Advising that the 2007/2008 Regional Roads Repair Program has now been finalised and the following project has been selected for funding under the program.

• MR398 pavement and shoulder widen of 5 km from 21.2 to 26.1 km from Mid Western Highway towards Barmedman - $150,000

Under the REPAIR Program, Council is required to complete the approved works within the 2006/07 financial year.

Also Council is reminded that the Environmental Clearance Certification is required prior to work commencing.

Referred to Director Engineering

SECTION B - Matters referred to Committees

29. Country Women’s Association NSW, E3.5.4: Regarding the pine tree growing in the yard of the Court House near our rooms.

The tree is causing many problems in the area. We replaced the guttering on our rooms twelve months ago and in less than three months it was full of pine needles again. We have just paid to have gutter guard put on, hopefully this will help keep out the pine needles. They are all around our rooms and we have to pay someone to clean them up.

The ladies feel very strongly about this and are asking if there is anything the council can do to help in this matter.

Referred to Director Environmental Services (TWC)

30. The Henry Lawson High School, C1.8.3: Confirming that the Year 12 Chemistry class from The Henry Lawson High School will be visiting the Weddin Shire Sewerage Treatment Works on Friday 29 June 2007.

The students have been studying sewerage treatment as part of their Chemistry HSC Course, Water Monitoring and Management Topic.

Referred to Director Environmental Services (TWC)

31. Kevin Reid, R2.4.20: Concerning a proposed change of rating to property.

I would (also) like to point out that flooding occurs occasionally due to poorly designed culvert at eastern end of Makin Street. This now causes water to run down the road and into my property.

Some mining has previously been carried out on two portions of property.

Request Council to inspect culvert and mined area before proceeding.

Referred to Director Engineering (TWC)

32. Loaders Coaches Pty Ltd, T2.2.23/06: Concerning DA 23/2006 for a new depot development 23 Brundah Street.

The following issues have come to our attention and we seek your advice on same.

• Water Llaying in Proposed Gateway

• Sewerage Connection

Referred to Director Engineering (TWC)

33. Glenda and Shane Tobin, A3.16.6: Concerning an ongoing problem with our neighbour on Bimbi Road.

Copy forwarded to Councillors

Referred to Director Environmental Services (TWC)

34. Various Residents, R2.4.11: Concerning the re-naming of Cross Street/Gooloogong Road after Jan (Lehane) O’Neil.

Responses were received from the following:

W Frampton, Stephen Mitton, Bill Green, Bruce Clifford, LH & CM Rolls, Beryl Murray, David and Kathleen McCue, Grenfell Country Club and Residents of Cross Street and Gooloogong Road

Copies forwarded to Councillors (TWC)

35. School Council, Grenfell Public School, T3.4.2: Advising that at our last School Council meeting the matter of safety at the school crossing was discussed following the Government changes on school crossings. As you are aware the Government is eventually going to install flashing lights at all school crossings to alert drivers to children crossing. The School Council believes it will be some time before this safety precaution is installed in Grenfell and would like Council to provide two portable flashing lights for the school.

Could you please advise if this is possible.

Referred to Director Engineering (LTC)

SECTION C - Matters with recommendations.

36. Gordon Garling Moffitt, R2.1.3: Concerning road widenings and closures for Ian Richard Hunter on MR239. We refer to previous correspondence and advise the above matter has now been finalised.

The lands comprised in Lots 3, 6, and 9 were to be transferred to Ian Richard Hunter and we advise such lands now vest in Ian’s name.

We enclose for safe keeping Certificate of Title Identifier 13/872222 from which you will note such title vests in the name of Weddin Shire Council.

RECOMMENDATION: that lot 3 DP 872222 be classified as community land.

37. SES, E1.5: Concerning the appointment of the Local Controller. The reappointment process for Ray Cawthorne the Weddin Shire Local Controller has commenced with him having undergone a performance review and personal development planning review.

Having completed Ray’s review I now write to you to seek confirmation of the councils continued support for his reappointment to this position.

Can I ask that if reappointment is supported by council that a letter from your office be forwarded to me as soon as possible but no later than 20 July 2007.

Note: in view of the deadline a letter of concurrence has been forwarded.


Confirm Action

38. Australian Red Cross Blood Service, H1.7.1: Forwarding a schedule for the Central West Donormobile for the year 2007-2008 and a copy of the Certificate of Currency for our public liability insurance.

The Australian Red Cross Blood Service and the Orange BDC, would like to thank you for your support and assistance over the past year and trust we will continue this valued association.

Note: Grenfell is scheduled for 28 August, 27 November 2007, 26 February and 27 May 2008.

RECOMMENDATION: that Council assist as in previous years.

39. Lachlan Regional Transport Committee, T3.5.2: Forwarding a copy of the minutes of the meeting held in Young 5 May 2007 and Professor Ian Gray’s “draft” for comment Generic steps which organisations can take toward establishing localized railways.

“Dues” for membership of Lachlan Regional Transport Committee for 2007-2008 the dues will stay the same as for 2006-2007. ie $250.00

Copy forwarded to delegates

RECOMMENDATION: that membership be renewed in the amount of $250.00

SECTION D - Matters for determination or consideration.

40. Wendy Johnson, P2.6.4: Concerning the new shire workshops and wondering if we could have an open day for the rate payers, to see where their money is going. I think the whole yard looks great and it is money well spent, but it would be great to see.

This has been done in Junee and Wellington with the jails, lets have an open day here.

41. Horsham Rural City Council, T4.3.13: Extending our best wishes for the upcoming “Spirit of the Bush” Drought Concert, to be held on Saturday, 30th June 2007 at Grenfell.

Copy forwarded to Councillors

42. Local Government and Shires Association, A3.8.2: Advising that Bankstown City Council has sought the Association’s assistance in relation to a court case in which it has been involved, and which culminated in action in the High Court.

Copy forwarded to Councillors

43. South West Alliance, C2.9.11: Forwarding the minutes of today’s meeting (2 July 2007). Following agreement to disband, the meeting proposed to hold biannual meetings of the current councils to discuss relevant local government issues and receive a presentation from the host council detailing their achievements.

44. Department Local Government, A3.9.3: Concerning Asset Management and Integrated Planning and Reporting Project Feedback.

Councils are reminded that the consultation period for the paper – Asset Management Planning for NSW Local Government – will close on 13 July 2007.

The Department has received more than 140 written submissions on the first paper in the suite – “Planning a Sustainable Future”.

These submissions have indicated conditional support for the “Option 3” model, which seeks to reshape the existing planning and reporting framework. A summary of feedback from the regional workshops program is attached for the information of councils.

Copy forwarded to Councillors

45. LGSA, C2.9.12: Inviting you and your council to attend the second Strategic Alliance Conference which will again be held at the Stamford Plaza, Sydney Airport on Monday 27 August 2007.

This joint project has been coordinated by the Department of Local Government, LGMA and the Local Government and Shires Associations.

The Minister for Local Government, the Hon Paul Lynch MP, will present a Keynote Address, followed by the release of a detailed Guidance Paper by Ross Woodward, the Deputy Director-General of the Department of Local Government.

46. Ross Armstrong, T4.5.1: Advising I am currently hoping to create a private wildlife refuge in my paddocks that join the Weddin Mountains National Part next to the camping area on the Holy Camp Road. To do this I will need to erect a fox-proof cat-proof perimeter fence. This will take about 4.5 kilometres of 1.8 metre high rabbit netting with two strips of netting laid on the ground each side of the fence with an electric wire on top.

Copy forwarded to Councillors

47. Department Local Government, A3.9.3: Forwarding Circular No. 07-30 regarding Constitutional referendums.

Copy forwarded to Councillors

48. Local Government Weekly 27/2007, A3.9.1: Advising that the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) have released information on heavy vehicle reform issues related to B-triples and AB-triples, Quad Axle semi trailers, and the Intelligent Access Program (IAP).

Copy forwarded to Councillors

49. Department of Lands, C2.1.4: Forwarding a print of the Ward boundaries I have come up with. Using the elector numbers from the AEC this is the one and only way I can get the Wards to fit within the 10% rule as stipulated by the legislation. Any other variations to these boundaries would need to be made in conjunction with a detailed property map of the Shire – indicating property names and boundaries.


50. Forbes Rural Lands Protection Board, A3.6.26.1: Advising it is currently working with a group of Boards preparing a submission for a new Kangaroo Commercial Harvest Zone. The proposed new zone will cover the area of the Forbes Rural Lands Protection board district east of the Newell Highway. This submission is being prepared on behalf of landholders groups, NSW Farmers Association and Industry Representatives.

The Board would like to request a letter of support from the Weddin Shire Council for the implementation of the new zone by Monday, 23 July 2007.

51. Department Transport and Regional Services, A3.8.1: Advising that your entry Mid Lachlan Alliance of Councils – Drought Submission Project, has been short-listed in the Innovation in Regional Development Category of the 2007 National Awards for Local Government.

I congratulate you on making it through to the second stage of the judging process.

The judging panel for this category will meet soon to determine the category winners and I anticipate that all category winners will be announced the week commencing 16 July 2007.

If your Council’s entry is selected as a category winner, you will be invited to send a representative to take part in the third and final stage of the judging process, the National Judging which will take place in Canberra on 27 and 28 August 2007.

52. Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, H2.8.2: Writing to advise you of the outcome of your application for the O’Brien’s Hill Gold Mine project submitted under Round 4 of the Australian Tourism Development Program (ATDP).

Unfortunately on this occasion your application has not been successful.

As you may be aware, Round 5 of the program opened on 1 June and was due to close on 13 July 2007. This round is open only to applicants wishing to undertake a project in exceptional circumstances (drought) declared areas. AusIndustry has decided to extend the closing date for Round 5 to Friday, 20 July 2007.

Referred to Director Corporate Services

53. ARTC, P2.1.10: Concerning the Grenfell Railway area – landscaping proposal.

Please find attached a copy of the toilet block plan.

In regards to the other issues raised in your letter:-

• the base of the old toilet block can be cleaned up

• the safety of the old water tank stand – we will conduct a further assessment to determine what course of action should be followed

• interpretive signs for on-site relics – at this time we have not been allocated a budget by RIC for the new financial year and until funding is known we are unable to commit to any expenditure.

54. RTA, R2.51.11: Concerning 2007/2008 grants for Regional Roads and Block Grant Traffic Facilities and forwarding two copies of the 2007/2008 Agreement. Please arrange for both copies to be signed, witnessed and returned to the RTA as soon as possible. Upon countersignature by the Regional Manager, one copy will be forwarded for your records.

RECOMMENDATION: that the Agreement be signed on behalf of Council.

55. Clr RW Atchison, C2.2.6: Requesting leave of absence from the Council meetings for the months of August and September 2007.

56. Katrina Hodgkinson MP, R2.11.7: Thanking you for Council’s recent letter informing me of the reason for the closure of the Bimbi Bridge on Main Road 398.

On 9 May 2007 I raised my concerns about safety at this bridge with the Minister for Roads by way of a Question on Notice in the Parliament.

I have again made representations on your behalf to the Minister for Roads, the Hon E Roozendaal MLC, strongly urging him to immediately approve funding to allow this bridge to be replaced.

57. Stephen White (Lee Kernaghan Management), T4.3.13: Concerning the drought relief concert.

We are all very proud of the whole event. It was a true success.

I can only thank you and all the local team for a magnificent job.

We will be seeing each other soon I am sure, we are keen to look at a yearly event with your town.


12 July 2007

The Mayor and Councillors

Weddin Shire Council


Dear Councillors

I wish to report as follows: -

1. Lot 1 DP 1063985 Memory Street, Grenfell, T2.2.19/2002

Staff have become aware that a residence (as above) has been constructed without availability of town water. The circumstances are summarised as follows:

• DA 18/2002 was submitted for a residential subdivision,

• the DA was reported to Council’s October 2001 meeting as a boundary adjustment, and approved by Council without the usual conditions regarding availability of power and water,

• simultaneously DA 19/2002 for a dwelling on the property was reported to Council for approval to reduce the setback: the dwelling was subsequently approved under delegated authority.

Central Tablelands Water advises it has no requirement that dwellings be connected to the town water supply. In this case an extension of the main would be required even though the neighbouring property already has a connection, presumably within the road reserve. The residence does have a rainwater tank.

This report is submitted in case public health issues should arise in the future, in which case Council may have to order the connection of water to the property. Property records will be noted for inclusion of advice on property certificates.

For Information

2. Drought Relief Concert, T4.3.13

Previous reports refer.

The concert took place on 30 June with an attendance estimated by the performers to be between 18,000 – 20,000 people. The high profile line-up was very well received and impressed visitors and locals alike.

Food and bar sales were busy throughout the day but not up to the anticipated level. Surplus food has since been returned for credit or sold at discounted prices, where possible. The many community groups involved gave excellent service and coped well with the conditions.

Parking and traffic control arrangements with SES and Rural Fire Service volunteers worked well throughout the day, despite a late afternoon downpour. The car parks reportedly emptied within half an hour, the shuttle buses worked well, and traffic and camping problems were minimal.

A full cleanup of the site was carried out by additional community groups. The final condition of the ground was not good, with several deep wheel tracks and areas of heavy disturbance in the frequently walked sections. Repairs will be carried out as the weather permits, to try to restore the surface for soccer.

The success of the concert was partly attributable to the professionalism of the promoter, but also to the efforts of the many local community groups, businesses and individuals who contributed. Letters of appreciation have been forwarded to all involved. The overall responsibility for Council’s role was carried by senior management, with all concerned contributing their expertise and many hours of unpaid work, to ensure a successful day.

The financial outcome of the concert will not be known for some weeks, when all accounts are received and settled, and a meeting of the organising committee will be held to finalise the proceeds. At this stage it is doubtful that all of Council’s costs will be recovered, but the benefits from the concert in terms of publicity and promotion will far outweigh any costs.

There is some talk about the possibility of another concert next year, with the performers apparently showing distinct interest. If so, Council may be well advised to follow this up to capitalise on the success of the drought relief concert. Any new concert would have to be a commercial undertaking and would be on a smaller scale, but with the benefit of Steve Forde’s contacts, it may grow into a significant annual event.

Grant assistance through NSW Sport and Recreation and Department State and Regional Development could be available to help initiate a venture of this type.


It is recommended that the Executive be authorised to investigate the possibility of another concert in 2008.

3. WorkChoices, P1.1.7

An LGSA seminar on WorkChoices was attended at Queanbeyan on 14 June 2007 by the General Manager, Director Corporate Services, Director Environmental Services and Pay Clerk Vicki Carter.

Matters of relevance from the seminar were as follows:-

• possible changes under a federal labour government (local government may revert to the state system),

• the Local Government Award has become a “NAPSA” which continues until March 2009,

• the most likely agreements for local government were employee collectives, union collectives and Australian Workplace agreements,

• a new Fairness Test has been gazetted for AWAs,

• information was distributed on the development of agreements,

• considerations for employee termination were addressed,

• the implications of referral agreements: the LGSA does not accept the position of the Department Local Government,

• problems with common law deeds.

Following the seminar a course of action for pay scales was determined as follows:-

i) the base for pay rates is the adopted salary system as at March 2006,

ii) rates of pay as adjusted for Award/NAPSA increase will be separately recorded,

iii) rates of pay as adjusted for increases from the AFPC will be separately recorded,

iv) where variations between 35 hour and 38 hour employees arise, the higher pay rate will be adopted,

v) the salary system at any one time will comprise the higher figure for (ii) and (iii) as the Entry levels for each grade, with other steps calculated accordingly.

The Consultative Committee has recently adopted Salary Systems as from 1 November and 1 December 2006, prepared on this basis.

For Information

4. Annual Returns of Disclosure of Interest, C2.2.2

The annual returns are required under the Act to be lodged by 30 September 2007 by all Councillors and other relevant persons. Draft forms are being separately forwarded.

It would be appreciated if the returns could be completed and returned by the due date of 30 September 2007.

For Information

5. Replacement of Chairs, A3.16.11

Previous reports refer.

Following the June meeting I wrote to councillors detailing the reasons for my intervention. Whilst no councillor has contacted me to discuss the matter, I have since been contacted by Mr Richard Murphy (Department Local Government) enquiring about the deferred debate. Mr Murphy stated that he supported my action.

Time has not permitted any further action on the chairs at this point.

For Information

6. Membership of Council Committees, C2.6.1

In my report to Council’s July 2006 meeting, reference was made to the report of the Public Inquiry into Brewarrina Shire Council as conducted by the Department Local Government. Council subsequently altered the composition of two of its operational committees, the OH & S Committee and the Consultative Committee, by replacing councillor members.

The matter of councillor representation on operational committees was discussed with Department Local Government Officer Mr Richard Murphy following his visit last month. Mr Murphy advised he could see no problems with councillors acting as representatives of community organisations (eg Concert Committee) or in their own right (eg Lawson Festival Committee) provided they were not there as councillors.

The distinction as proposed by Mr Murphy would enable councillors to separately carry out their role as community members without the restriction previously advised by the Department, and is considered a reasonable compromise.

For Information

7. 2006 Census, T4.3.2

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released population and other figures from the 2006 Census. Population figures for Weddin Shire are as follows:

2001. 3,857

2002. 3,845

2003. 3,812 (minimum)

2004. 3,817

2005. 3,845

2006. 3,847

Whilst there has been an overall drop of ten (10) people since 2001, there has been an increase of thirty five (35) since 2003, giving an average growth rate of 0.3% pa for this period.

A comparison of Weddin Shire with other surrounding local government areas is as follows:-

|Local Government Area |Population |Growth Rate (pa) |

|(Lachlan Region) |(2006) | |

| | |(2001-2006) |(2005-2006) |

|Bland | 6,562 |-0.3 |0.8 |

|Cowra | 13,260 |0.3 |0.6 |

|Forbes | 10,003 |-0.3 |0.2 |

|Lachlan | 7,355 |-0.5 |-0.3 |

|Parkes |15,099 |0.1 |0.5 |

|Weddin | 3,847 |-0.1 |0.1 |

|Others | | | |

|Boorowa | 2,505 |0.4 |0.8 |

|Harden | 3,799 |-0.3 |0.8 |

|Cootamundra | 7,645 |-0.1 |0.2 |

|Temora | 6,400 |0.2 |1.1 |

|Young |12,126 |0.5 |0.8 |

The population of Grenfell has increased from 1,922 in 2001, to 2,414 in 2006: however it is uncertain whether these figures were taken over the same area.

For Information

8. Management Plan 2006/2007 - June 2007 Quarterly Report, A3.4

In accordance with Section 407 of the Local Government Act a review of the annual Management Plan is to be presented each quarter.

Comments on significant matters relating to the principal activities as at 30 June 2007 are as follows:

Part A - Management Plan

1. Administration

a) Management Plan programs for 2006/2007 currently being finalised. Management Plan for 2007/2008 completed and adopted by Council. Annual Report for 2005/2006 completed and submitted by 30 November 2006.

Minor works, contract painting and removal of platform floor deferred to 2007/2008.

b) Annual Statements for 2005/2006 completed and forwarded to the Department within the required timeframe.

c) Ongoing training arranged by CENTROC as required. Employee assessments have been completed on time. Consultative committee meetings being held as required.

One Consultative committee meeting was planned for 25 October 2006 but was not held due to no quorum. Members did not request any further meetings during the year.

d) Second hand garbage truck purchased in April 2007. All plant maintained in good order.

e) Weekly staff meetings held to program engineering work. Equipment maintained regularly.

f) The new depot construction commenced in March 2007 and is about 50% completed.

2. Public Order and Safety

a) Regular meetings held with Rural Fire Service. Brigade equipment is in good working order and Service Level Agreement quarterly performance review carried out.

b) Animal Control Officer actively policing Companion Animals Act and carrying out usual pound keeping and stock duties. Complaints dealt with as received.

c) Assisting SES as required. LEMC meetings held on 12 September 2006, 29 November 2006, 28 February 2007, 10 April 2007 and 30 May 2007.

3. Health

a) Public nuisances attended to as required. Complaints dealt with as received.

b) Food surveillance attended to as required. Complaints dealt with as received.

c) Completed pool tasks are required.

d) Inspections and enforcements for noxious weeds continuing. Council participated in recent TV publicity campaign.

e) Dental surgery closed at end 2006 with dentist’s resignation, . Nnew dentist to be recruited. and rRelocation of premises to be investigated.

f) New doctor in the Weddin Street surgery performing well. Deferred works to extensions of premises.

4. Community Services and Education

a) New aged units constructed by Senior Citizens Committee in use.

b) Youth on Line facilities continue to operate from the Community Technology Centre.

c) Social Plan elements reported in Part B.

5. Housing and Community Amenities

a) 91 applications processed. Average process time 21 days.Development applications processed as received.

Heritage Advisory service continuing. Monthly meetings and consultation with ratepayers and Committee. Heritage grants processed and paid in financial year.Administration of heritage grants ongoing.

b) State of Environment Report for 2005/2006 has been completedprepared by consultant, included with Annual Report.

c) Grenfell tip operating well. Quandialla and Caragabal sites working wellLandfill site has been acquired. Interim recycling scheme continuing at Grenfell. Landfill Management Plans to be implemented.

Metal collected and green waste disposed of.

d) Maintenance of cemeteries continuing. Old maps from undertakerR Penrose are being incorporated onto new plans.

e) Public conveniences maintained satisfactorily.

f) Pollution complaints attended to as received.

g) A Ssection of carpet replaced at Star Street residence.

6. Sewerage

a) Annual return submitted to EPA. Sewer mains breaks and blockages repaired as required. Some sewer mains have been inspected by camera. Sewer main extended along Lawson Drive as part of the subdivision approval. One staff member attended operator training.

c) All employees accredited for sewer works and mains maintenance.

7. Recreation and Culture

a) Grant for upgrading Library building received under the Regional Partnerships Programme (RPP). Plans and specifications currently being finalised before tenders are called.

New books and equipment being purchased.

b) Museum lease finalised. Museum Advisor working well.

c) Pool closed, maintenance repairs commenced. Chlorine dosing plant installed. Ongoing Tenders monitoring. Water recycling grant returned – Project not able to proceed in timeline.have been called for painting the pool. Pool cleaned and joints being repaired.

d) Parks and ovals satisfactorily maintained except where affected by water restrictions. Rainfall from April to June 2007 has improved the condition of the parks and ovals.

e) Grant application for O’Brien Hill upgrade was unsuccessful, to be resubmitted.

9. Mining, Manufacturing and Construction

a) Construction Certificates processed. Staged inspections as per requirement of Act.

Building inspections carried out as required. New legislation requires more stringent inspections and documentation. Advice is provided as required.

10. Transport and Communications

a-i) All planned road and footpath maintenance completed. All RTA planned maintenance works, heavy patching and reseals completed by 31 March 2007 as per the Contract requirements. Due to the dry weather conditions and lack of water, a small portion of the 2006/2007 FAG programme has not been completed, but will be completed early in 2007/2008. The 2006/2007 Roads to Recovery Supplementary Programme will be completed by the due date of 2009.

g) Tree planting - minimal trees planted due to drought.

11. Economic Affairs

a) Caravan Park Manager appointed and completed probation. Minor works to amenities as required.Caravan Park operating at a loss. New manager employed and operating park in a proficiency manner. Major maintenance repairs required to amenities block. Injection of funds to upgrade showers, toilets, hand basins and new tiles to walls and floors

b) Bi-Monthly meetings of Grenfell Business Development Committee attended by Councillors, senior staff and Development Officer. Tourist attractions such as the Weddin Mountains being promoted. Events such as the Henry Lawson Festival and the Drought Relief Concert outstanding successes. Open Days/Trade Expo held on 6-7 October 2006.

c) Former bank building modified for dentist but now vacant. Residence occupied by Council staff member.

d) Sale of industrial blocks in progress. Industrial Estate drainage plan being prepared.

e) Remediation of old gasworks listed for ongoing investigation as opportunities arise. Stock fence erected around site to minimise public access.

f) Lawson Festival Plaques installed in Main Street with grant assistance from Premiers Department.

12. General Purpose Revenues

a) Rate notices issued on time.

b) Surplus funds invested to maximise return.

Part B - Social Plan

a) Suitable range of children books have been purchased for the Library. Maintenance of skatepark ongoing.

b) Cycleways – publicised in Social Plan.

c) New taxi purchased. Continuing to operate well. New taxi rank being planned.

d) Dentist resigned. New dentist to be recruited. Ongoing consultation with doctors.

f) Shop accesses being considered for improvement.

g) CTC obtained new software for training courses and new printer for printing tourism brochures. Operating very well.

h) Ongoing reporting to Police. Vandalism reported as required. Community service workers given meaningful work beneficial to ratepayers when with the Weddin Shire.

For Information



12 July 2007

The General Manager

Weddin Shire Council


Dear Sir

I wish to report as follows: -

1. Statement of Bank Balances as at 30 June 2007:

Bank Account

Westpac $424,131.56



Total Investments $5,500,000.00


I certify that the Cashbook for each Bank Account has been reconciled with the appropriate Bank Statement as at 30 June 2007.

The investments shown above are made with the Local Government Investment Service. I certify that these investments have been made in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1993, the Regulations and Council's investment policies.

For Information

2. A Summary of Income For The Month of June follows:

Rates Receipts 51,067.14

Accounts Receivable 29,549.96

Government Grants 15,236.11

Agency Collections 12,087.34

Interest on Investments 29,895.89

Other Income 18,008.52

Total $155,844.96

For Information

3. Roads and Other Expenditure 2006/2007:

Following are the up to date figures as at 30 June 2007.


|“A” Ward |337,838 |147,417 |

|Gravel Resheeting “A” Ward |0 |0 |

|“B” Ward |216,784 |130,450 |

|Gravel Resheeting “B” Ward |0 |0 |

|“C” Ward |228,498 |143,248 |

|Gravel Resheeting “C” Ward |0 |0 |

|“D” & “E” Ward |111,237 |120,861 |

|Village Maintenance - Caragabal |6,277 |8,491 |

|Village Maintenance - Greenethorpe |11,472 |10,307 |

|Village Maintenance - Quandialla |0 |12,056 |

|Reconstruct Village Streets - Caragabal |621 |0 |

|Reconstruct Village Streets - Greenethorpe |16,000 |0 |

|Reconstruct Village Streets - Quandialla |711 |0 |

|Town Streets Construction |70,261 |26,507 |

|Kerb & Gutter Construction |63,519 |0 |

|Footpath Construction |24,000 |0 |

|Main Street Project |2,031 |1,913 |

|Garbage Collection |47,000 |45,364 |

|Greenethorpe Collections |8,500 |6,195 |

|Trade Waste Collection |21,000 |10,489 |

|Tips Working Expenses |76,000 |74,153 |

|Noxious Plants |70,000 |55,369 |

|Parks & Gardens |142,500 |129,139 |

|Library Expenditure |103,589 |85,845 |

|Baths Income |-24,000 |19,918 |

|Baths Expenditure |101,722 |83,352 |

|Caravan Park Income |-32,500 |35,187 |

|Caravan Park Expenditure |56,669 |58,541 |



|2006/07 State Roads (SH 6) Maintenance |100,000 |95,299 |

|2006/07 National Roads (SH 17) Maintenance |100,000 |37,958 |

|2006/07 State Road (SH6) Ordered Work |313,943 |316,338 |

|2006/07 National Road (SH17) Ordered Work |305,550 |334,394 |

|2006/07 Regional Roads Block Grant |380,445 |380,445 |

|2006/2007 REPAIR Program MR237 |380,000 |303,166 |

|3 x 3 Program - MR 398 |68,000 |68,000 |

|2005/2006 Rural Local Roads |VOTE |EXPENDITURE |

|Maintenance general |240,891 |231,040 |

|Reseals |81,000 |70,509 |

|Caragabal - Quandialla |65,000 |65,000 |

|Gambara Road |33,000 |27,221 |

|Adelargo Road |33,000 |45,756 |

|Nowlans Road |55,000 |55,000 |

|Sandy Creek Road |27,000 |7,500 |

|Bimbi - Quandialla |55,000 |55,000 |

|Pinnacle Road |25,000 |57,865 |

|Gravel Resheeting |66,000 |66,000 |

| Total |680,891 |680,891 |

|2006/2007 Rural Local Roads |VOTE |EXPENDITURE |

|Maintenance general |250,163 |189,552 |

|Reseals |81,000 |81,000 |

|Caragabal - Quandialla |70,000 |0 |

|Gambara Road |33,000 |7,000 |

|Nowlans Road |55,000 |42,473 |

|Sandy Creek Road |55,000 |23,604 |

|Bimbi - Quandialla |55,000 |14,804 |

|Pinnacle Road |36,000 |46,885 |

|Gravel Resheeting |70,000 |28,345 |

| Total |705,163 |433,663 |

|2006/2007 Roads to Recovery |VOTE |EXPENDITURE |

|Grenfell Reseals |62,000 |62,000 |

|Quandialla Reseals |20,000 |20,000 |

|Caragabal Reseals |10,000 |10,000 |

|Greenethorpe Reseals |20,000 |24,641 |

|Bimbi – Quandialla Road |90,000 |90,000 |

|Caragabal – Quandialla Road |120,000 |77,466 |

|Sandy Creek Road |80,000 |117,893 |

|Total |402,000 |402,000 |

|2006/2007 Roads to Recovery – Supplementary Programme |VOTE |EXPENDITURE |

|Caragabal – Quandialla Road |56,700 |0 |

|Bimbi – Quandialla Road |56,700 |0 |

|Tyagong Creek Road |18,600 |12,044 |

|Sandy Creek Road | 120,000 |10,908 |

|Gambara Road |60,000 |4,546 |

|Derribong Lane |40,000 |5,456 |

|Ballendene Road |50,000 |3,636 |

|Total |402,000 |36,590 |

For Information

4. Library Development Project P2.3.5

Reference is made to the June 2007 Council meeting whereby it was resolved to accept the draft final plan “in principle” subject to the plan being referred to and adopted by the Property and Development Committee.

The Property and Development Committee met on Thursday, 5 July 2007 whereby the plans were adopted with the required alterations.

The General Manager and Mr Alan Lindsay will liaise with the architect to resolve a few small design issues before tenders are formally called.

For Information

5. Debt Recovery – Rates and Debtors, A1.7

Reference is made to the report to the June 2007 Council meeting advising of the status of debt recovery in regard to rates and debtors.

In regard to debtors it was reported last month that eleven (11) debtors had not responded to letters recently issued endeavouring to recover outstanding monies.

Summarised below is an updated table detailing the current status:

Table 1:

| |Debtors |Result |

| |3 |Paid |

| |3 |Made arrangements to pay |

| | |Properties to be sold |

| | |Returned - address unknown |

| |5 |No response to date |

|Total |11 | |

Legal action will now commence for the five (5) debtors who have not responded. The process will begin with the issue of a statement of liquidated claim or a summons.

In regard to rates it was reported last month that legal action would commence for the 48 ratepayers that had not responded to letters issued. Summarised below is the current status after further investigation and action by the ratepayers concerned:

Table 2:

| |Rates |Result |

| |4 |Paid |

| |2 |Made arrangements to pay |

| |- |Pensioners – no further action |

| |3 |Referred to sale of land for overdue rates |

| |1 |Properties to be sold |

| |- |Returned - address unknown |

| |38 |No response to date |

|Total |48 | |

The legal action process has commenced for the thirty-eight (38) ratepayers who did not respond which began with the issue of a statement of liquated claim or summons. They will have 28 days to respond before Council obtains judgement on the debt and proceeds with further legal action.

The debt recovery process to date has been very successful however having stated that our outstanding rates increased by 0.59% in the past year. It is critical that we continue with the process to ensure that our rates and annual charges outstanding percentage is reduced as it is one of the criteria that the department is using to asses our performance.

For Information

6. Insurance Renewals 2007/2008 A3.11.1

Quotations were received on the 22 June 2007 for Council’s Insurance Renewals for the 2007/2008 financial year.

Councillors may be aware that Insurance cover for Public Liability/Professional Indemnity, Fidelity Guarantee and Industrial Special Risks (property) classes of insurance is provided through “Statewide” Mutual Liability Scheme which is administered through Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Brokers. There are now no recognised Insurance Companies willing to underwrite Primary Liability Insurance for the Local Government Sector in New South Wales. This is a major concern for Local Government Authorities with our premium increasing by approximately 3.2% from last year (4.9% in 2006).

In the past the continuation of premium increases may have resulted from the continuing escalation of claims incurred by Councils, the generous attitude of the Courts in handing down favourable awards to plaintiffs and more recently insurance companies endeavouring to recoup monies from previous massive payouts. However, with the introduction of the new State Government Legislation in regard to Public Liability Insurance effective from 1 July 2002 and a refreshing change in attitude of the courts it is anticipated that a further reduction in Council’s premium increase may be expected in future years with the new legislation taking effect.

Council also qualified for the bonus under Statewides “Risk Management Bonus System” introduced in the 2004/2005 financial year which reduced Councils premium by $5,590. It is anticipated we will again qualify for the bonus in the 2007/2008 financial year which will also reduce our premium. With the Public Liability/Professional Indemnity excess remaining at $10,000 Council staff certainly need to ensure that all proper Risk Management Practices are in place.

Renewal terms offered to Council for the 2007/2008 financial year are detailed below:

|Class of Insurance |Insurer |2006/2007 |2007/2008 |

| | |Premium | |

| | |(GST Incl) | |

| | | |Premium |GST |Total |

|Fidelity Guarantee |Statewide Mutual |716.17 |574.94 |57.49 |632.43 |

|Councillors and Officers |Comm of Australia/St Pauls |8,393.77 |8,982.47 |898.25 |9880.72 |

|Liability |International | | | | |

|Members Accident |Mercantile Mutual |1,870.00 |1,700.00 |170.00 |1,870.00 |

|Industrial Special Risks |Statewide Mutual |43,036.64 |36,820.11 |3,682.01 |40,502.12 |

|(property) | | | | | |

|Motor Vehicles |Zurich |37,436.26 |35,669.16 |3,566.92 |39,236.08 |

|Workers Compensation |StateCover Mutual |44,976.54 |TBA |TBA |TBA |

In regard to Motor Vehicle Insurance the premium has increased by $1,799.82 which is a reasonable result. Council’s Property Insurance premium has decreased by $2,534.52 which is an excellent result most likely due to there being no claims and the fact our property insurance is part of a mutual scheme. These Mutual schemes are not only returning bonuses to Council but are now delivering reductions in premiums.

Workers Compensation is the one class of insurance where Council has in the past made significant savings with the introduction of State Cover Mutual Limited effective from July 2001. With the reduction in claims in the last twelve (12) months and the “Risk Management Bonus System” extending to Workers Compensation there has been a dramatic decrease in Councils premium from previous years.

StateCover is a mutual self insurance scheme for Workers Compensation and has been implemented by the Local Government and Shires Association of NSW (LGSA) to establish a specialised insurer for Local Government Authorities. This has the benefit of:

• The delivery of a wider range of services on an integrated and coordinated basis tailored to suit the industry's needs;

• A more responsive and consultative level of service;

• The provision of in-house and external loss management services, including the development of accident prevention strategies to tackle industry specific problems and the sharing of such solutions amongst all member Councils;

• The provision of in-house and external rehabilitation services, specialising in local government and the development of industry based rehabilitation strategies;

• The establishment of a local government specific workers compensation claims data base and a comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety information data base, accessible to all member councils;

• Greater "ownership" and accountability towards the costs of work related injuries by participating Councils; and

• Real and sustainable cost savings arising out of a reduction in claims frequency and severity.

RECOMMENDATION: that Council endorse the actions of the Director Corporate Services in accepting the Insurance Premium Renewals as listed above for the 2007/2008 financial year.

7. Country Week T4.3.7

Arrangements for Country Week to be held from 10th - 12th August 2007 at the Rosehill Racecourse are well underway with plans for various Councillors, Staff, a Real Estate Agent and a Community Representative to attend to promote the Weddin Shire. At this stage the possible attendees are as listed below:-

Council Representatives: Clr Simpson - Clr N Hughes

Staff Representatives: Mr M Foster - Mr G Eppelstun

Real Estate Representative: Mr G McClelland

Community Representative: Mr K Huckel

Mr Foster recently attended a meeting with fellow Economic Development Officers from the Mid-Lachlan Alliance Group to discuss arrangements. While it is planned we work together each Council will still have their own 3x3 area which will also allow each Council to also promote their own individual areas.

Mr Mike Foster is currently undertaking a skills audit to ascertain if there any job vacancies and enable us to identify where the skills shortages are. The results of this audit will be invaluable when we attend Country Week.

The timing of Country Week is excellent as it will be a perfect lead into our Open Days/Trade Expo to be held in October whereby we can follow up the prospective new residents, tradespeople or business people and issue an invitation to them to attend the event.

RECOMMENDATION: that Council authorise the representatives as listed above to attend Country Week from 10th – 12th August 2007 at the Rosehill Racecourse.

8. Open Days/Trade Expo T4.3.7

Reference is made to my report to the February 2007 Council meeting whereby it was resolved to conduct the Open Days/Trade Expo from the 5-7 October 2007.

Prior to the planning process commencing for the Trade Expo a community consultation process is being undertaken to obtain feedback from the local business people in regards to the Trade Expo being held on the Friday in the Main Street. Other feedback on how the event can be improved is also being sought.

If the responses are positive when they are received it is planned to re-activate the sub-committee of the Grenfell Business Development Committee (GBDC) to assist in organising the Open Days/Trade Expo event.

Both the Open Days/Trade Expo events will compliment each other as when people arrive for the Open Days they will be greeted by a vibrant business community and conversely the local business people will be able to showcase their goods and services to not only the local people but visitors as well.

For Information

9. Economic Development/Tourism/CTC Managers Position, T4.5.1

As advised to Councillors by fax, interviews for the above position were held on Wednesday, 27 June 2007 with two (2) applicants interviewed.

The interview panel consisted of the Director Corporate Services, Mr Peter Moffitt and Ms Roma Sinclair. After careful deliberation Mr Mike Foster was offered the position and subsequently accepted.

Mr Foster formally commenced duties in his new permanent position on Monday, 2 July 2007.

For Information

10. IT Trainee Position, T4.5.1

As advised to Councillors by fax, interviews for the above position were held on Wednesday, 4 July 2007 with two (2) applicants interviewed.

The interview panel consisted of the Director Corporate Services, Mr Mike Foster and Mrs Carol Hargraves. After careful deliberation Mr Joshua Dawes was offered the position and subsequently accepted.

Mr Dawes formally commenced his four (4) year traineeship on Monday, 9 July 2007.

For Information




12 July 2007

The General Manager

Weddin Shire Council


Dear Sir

I wish to report as follows:

1. Works Report (8 July 2007)

1.1 Classified Roads Maintenance

Routine maintenance has continued on a majority of classified roads during the month

MR236 - general maintenance

MR237 - general maintenance

- removed fallen tree

MR239 - general maintenance

- replaced rotten guardrail post over railway line

MR398 - general maintenance

- removal fallen tree

- replaced guide posts

SH6 - general maintenance

- removed fallen tree

- hand patching has been carried out

- filled large washouts on road edge

- guide posts have been replaced

SH17 - general maintenance

- hand patching has been carried out

- guide posts have been replaced

2. Classified Roads Reconstruction

MR237 progressing with 5 kms sealed

1.3 Rural Local Roads Programme

Routine maintenance has continued during the month

1.4 Ward Activities

“A” - general maintenance

- maintenance grading has been carried out on Barkers Road, Stewart Lane, Hancock-Williams, Hancock-Flynns and Boundary Road and Baas Lane

- inspected and drained wet roads

“B” - general maintenance

- maintenance grading has been carried out on Kangarooby Lane

- inspected and drained wet roads

“C” - general maintenance

- maintenance grading has been carried out on Maddens Lane, Lynchs Lane, Gannons Lane, Nealons Road, Mountain Road

- gravel resheeted 1 km Beasleys Lane

- inspected and drained wet roads

- replaced warning signs

“D&E” - general maintenance

- gravel resheeted Walshs Lane

- cleared all drains, grates and traps

- constructed inlet sump in Sullivan Street

- “Spirit of the Bush” concert preparations

- replaced footpath washout in Forbes Street

- removed large gum tree in Bogolong Street


Graffiti had to be removed from behind the Chinese Restaurant, Taylor Park toilets, Company Dam and various areas of the GTA

Total Cost: $500.00

Progressive Cost: $500.00

(from 1/7/2007 to date)

2. Parks and Ovals Report

• general maintenance of flower & rose beds and parks and ovals

• toilet and oval preparation for concert

• painted speed bump in George Street

• tidy lawn cemetery, topped up graves

• lifted footpath trees

3. Future Works

1. Wards

“A” Ward

• general maintenance

• patching sealed roads

• guide post maintenance

• sign maintenance

• maintenance grading

“B” Ward

• general maintenance

• patching sealed roads

• guide post maintenance

• sign maintenance

• continue MR237 Gooloogong Road widening

“C” Ward

• general maintenance

• patching sealed roads

• guide post maintenance

• sign maintenance

• complete Bimbi – Quandialla Road widening using Ward funds

• commence widening of 1.6 km of Caragabal – Quandialla Road

• gravel resheet 1 km of Lynchs Road

“D&E” Wards

• general maintenance

• patching sealed roads

• guide post maintenance

• sign maintenance

• commence kerb and gutter in town

• construct concrete lids for Nash Street

4. Other Works

1. Cemeteries

The following graves have been prepared:

- Grenfell Lawn – 2

- Grenfell – 1

- Bimbi – nil

- Caragabal – nil

2. Sewer Mains

Five (8) chokes have been attended to during the month being at 30 West Street, 42 Weddin Street, 30 West Street, 8 Camp Street, Forbes Street, 25 Dagmar Street, 9 Young Street and 8 Dagmar Street.

3. Private Works

• Hire of roller and operator for Pre-school carpark.

• Sold and delivered 14 loads of crushed gravel to Bob Denovan of Caragabal.

5. CENTROC Weight of Loads Group, C2.7.16

In the last month the CENTROC Weight of Loads Group detected NIL breaches

For Information

6. Plant Report

Significant plant and vehicle maintenance, in accordance with the details as listed below, was carried out during the month:-

|Plant No |Plant Item |Maintenance |

| |General plant |General maintenance |

|BFO 6752 |RFS Truck |Strip dogbox off back of second hand bushfire truck. |

|PI. 4098 |Jet Patcher |Fix aggregate feed. |

For Information

7. Engineers Alliance – Weddin, Forbes, Parkes and Lachlan, C2.9.9

The Asset Management Plan for roads is still being prepared.

For Information

8. RTA Single Invitation Maintenance Contract, R2.54.1

Routine maintenance works on SH6 and SH17 continue.

Plans are being prepared for the 2007/2008 rural and heavy patching programmes and reseal programmes.

For Information

9. New Depot, P2.6.4

The fitout of the amenities is currently underway, including the electrical works.

The weather has held up the pouring of the workshop concrete floor, but this will go ahead as soon as dry access is available. Brickwork will then follow.

For Information

10. Local Traffic Committee Presentation, A3.6.24

Mr Ben Gibbons attended the presentation given by the RTA on “A guide to delegation to Councils for the regulation of traffic”, including the operation of traffic committees in Wagga Wagga on 24 May 2007. Clr Taylor was an apology.

The presentation was as follows:-

• Delegation of exercising functions,

• Local Traffic Committee operation,

• Regional Traffic Committee,

• Traffic Management Plans,

It would appear that both the Weddin Local Traffic Committee and Weddin Shire Council operate within their functions.

For Information

11. The Spirit of the Bush Concert, T4.3.13

The Director Engineering, in conjunction with the Police and the RTA, prepared traffic control plans for:

• Detours around Grenfell

• Shuttle bus routes

• Internal parking arrangements at both Walshs Lane carpark and Bimbi Road carpark

Plans were also prepared for top Lawson Oval crowd control, crowd fencing, parking for toilets, stage and emergency vehicles.

These plans were approved by the Police and RTA and, whilst the inclement weather required some minor adjustments to be made, the planning arrangements were successful.

Continual liaison with the Police Operational Commander before, during and after the concert meant that the overall event control from a traffic and crowd point of view was carried out in a smooth manner.

For Information

12. National Local Roads and Transport Congress

The Mayor and Director Engineering attended the National Local Roads and Transport Congress in Newcastle from Sunday, 8 July to Tuesday, 10 July 2007. The theme of the Congress was “Delivering on the Local Government Strategy”.

Papers and addresses were given by the following speakers;-

• Clr Paul Bell (President Australian Local Government Association) – President’s address,

• Professor Peter Newman – gas and oil production peaking in 2010, then decline of oil fields production. Grain could be used for bio fuel,

• Senator Kate Lundy (Shadow Minister for Local Government) – spoke on localism,

• Tim Shanahan (Western??? Australian Chamber of Minerals and Energy) – WA contributes 33% Australians exports income but receives 22% of Auslink funding,

• the Hon Mark Vaile MP (Deputy Prime Minister) – Federal funding for roads extended to 2014, new rules for funding,

• Michael Deegan – routes for larger trucks such as HMV trucks. Problem with getting to the point of load/unloading on local roads,

• a draft communiqué was developed for submission to the Federal Government,

• Mr Adrian Beresford- Wylie (Chief Executive, Australian Local Government Association) – review of interstate distribution of local roads grants,

• the Hon Jim Lloyd MP (Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads) – Roads to Recovery funding to June 2014, Auslink to 2011/12,

• Dr Roland Williams – general aviation,

• Commissioner Graeme Innes – 20% of people have disabilities.

The Congress was attended by about 400 people from Australian and some from New Zealand.

A very strong message was directed from the Local Government Congress to the Federal Government about the lack of funding for roads maintenance throughout Australia and requesting further funds for access improvements.

Further questions can be directed to the Director Engineering.

For Information

13. Bimbi Bridge, R2.11.7

Signs have been ordered for the closure of the Bimbi Bridge, including detour information.

The closure will be advertised locally. The RTA has been advised and will advertise the closure in their road report and radio announcements as per their protocol.

It is proposed to close the bridge on Monday, 23 July 2007 subject to the signs being delivered.

For Information

14. Main Street – Proposed Taxi Rank, T3.6.3

The design of the proposed taxi rank has now been completed in accordance with the RTA specifications for a new taxi rank.

The specification requires that taxi should always stand parallel to the kerb and on the left hand side of the carriageway and only entering in a forward motion.

The length of the taxi rank for one (1) taxi to swing past the last 45( angle parked car space will be 15.0 metres.

This will be the equivalent of four (4) car spaces taken over by the taxi rank.

A plan of the proposal is on the noticeboard.

The assessment details for the new taxi rank are currently being determined, as is the costing of the installation of the taxi rank, signs and disabled access ramp construction.

For Information



12 July 2007

The General Manager

Weddin Shire Council

PO Box 125


Dear Sir

I wish to report to Council as follows:-

A. Public Health and Environmental Matters.

1 Sewerage Treatment Works, S1.1.1:

Total inflow through the Works during June 2007 was 13129 K/Litres with the daily average of 504 k/litres.

The highest daily recording of 957 K/Litres occurred for the 24 hours ending 6.30 am on 11 June 2007 and the lowest of 358 k/Litres for the 24 hours ending 6.30 am on

02 June 2007.

A total rainfall of 54 mls was recorded for the month.

For Council’s Information

2. Caravan Park Operations, P2.3.3:

Income for the month of June 2007 was $4530.00 with expenditure of $3945.95 resulting in an operational profit of $584.05 for the month.

There were 177 sites occupied for the month of June 2007.

For Council’s Information

3 Animal Control

Animal control activities for June 2007 were:

a. Companion Animals b. Stock

Animals impounded: - 4 Stock Impounded - 0

Animals released: - 3 Stock Released - 0

Animals returned to owners: - 2 Callouts - 3

Animals Sold:- 1

Animals surrendered:- 5

Animals destroyed:- 6

Call outs:- 1

Written warnings:- 5

Verbal warnings:- 2

Dog attacks:- 0

Nuisance Dog Order:- 0

For Council’s Information

B. Development Applications – Building Matters:

B1 The undermentioned applications were received and determined subject to specified conditions, by the General Manager under delegated authority issued on 17 January 2002 (Res. No. 369):

The undermentioned applications were received and determined subject to specified conditions, by the General Manager under delegated authority issued on 17 July 1998 (Res. No. 032):

|DA 63/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |Grenfell Preschool |

| | | |Kindergarten Inc |

| |Property: | |Lot 11 Sec: 10 DP758473 |

| | | |Parish Brundah, County Monteagle |

| | | |Forbes Street, Grenfell |

| |Zoning: | |2 (t) Township |

| |Purpose: | |Extension/Addition |

| | | |to Dwelling |

| | | | |

|DA 64/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |Peter Diprose |

| |Property: | |Lot B in DP 337337 |

| | | |Parish Brundah, County Monteagle |

| | | |Rose Street, Grenfell |

| |Zoning: | |2 (t) Township |

| |Purpose: | |Garage |

|DA 65/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |Monique Dwyer |

| |Property: | |Lot 1 in DP 972564 |

| | | |Parish Brundah, County Monteagle |

| | | |Tyagong Street, Grenfell |

| |Zoning: | |2 (t) Township |

| |Purpose: | |Replace Existing Carport |

| | | | |

|DA 67/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |Department of Education and Training |

| |Property: | |PTL: 0 SEC 1 DP 753110 |

| | | |Parish Brundah, County Monteagle |

| | | |Marsden & Wheoga St Caragabal |

| |Zoning: | |2 (V) Village |

| |Purpose: | |Erect COLA (Covered outdoor learning area) |

| | | | |

|DA 68/2007 |Applicant/Owner: | |Alan Laing |

| |Property: | |Lot: 3 SEC 1 DP 758473 |

| | | |Parish Brundah, County Monteagle |

| | | |West St Grenfell |

| |Zoning: | |2 (t) Township |

| |Purpose: | |Erect home and garage |

| | | | |

C. Other Matters

C1. Development Applications “Temporary Dwellings”

On 1 October 2005 the EP&A Act and Regulation –legislation wasere amended to include require all applications for development which involves the erection of a dwelling, or change of use of a building,, to a building containing a dwelling, must to have a BASIX certificate.

The plans and specifications must be clearly marked showing how the proposed building will meet the commitments made in the BASIX certificate.

A dwelling has been further defined in the regulation to be “a room or suite of rooms occupied or used, or so constructed or adapted as to be capable of being occupied or used ,as a separate domicile”

A building that has been given prior approval as a Class 10 non habitable private garage or shed must submit a development application, BASIX certificate and plans which will clearly demonstrate how the existing structure will be brought in to compliance with the standards for a Class 1 dwelling.

Occupation of a class 10 building as a “temporary dwelling” effectively ceased with the change of legislation.

Persons who occupy illegally may be subject to prosecution and or fines under the EP&A Act. and may require be issued with notices and orders to cease occupation.

C2. Tobin/Mash Complaint, Lot 320 DP 754578 Berrys Lane, Grenfell

Council staff investigated this matter on 13 July 2007. At the time of inspection Council’s officer’s found:

• 14 dogs

• 13 of those dogs were permanently identified.

• All dogs were well fed, exercised, and yard maintained.

• Fenced areas consisted of netting and metal materials.

Further enquiries resulted in finding that the dogs are aged between 5 and 9 years old and one dog requiring registration under the Companion Animals Act. 

Weddin Shire Council’s Local Orders Policy for the Keeping of Animals was adopted on 19 August 2004.  The policy applies to The Weddin Shire Council Area.

The policy limits the number of dogs over three months of age to (2) two, and further prescribes standards and distances from certain buildings.

Ownership of these dogs commenced prior to the current council policy.  The superseded Council policy dated 1996, placed a restriction to keeping of 2 dogs and was limited to the village area of Grenfell.

The owner of the land is a Mr B D Jones, Mr Marsh is the occupier of the land, (tenant).

Council may issue an order under The Local Government Act 1993, Section 124, Order Number 18. To keep animals or birds in such numbers as prescribed by the order. Any order will require the dogs to be reduced to a maximum of two.

Fencing Standards

Council has adopted two Policies’ for Fencing:

1. General Fencing Policy

2. Rural Residential DCP, 2004

Part 3: of the fencing policy provides that prior approval is required from Council.

Standards for fencing include a maximum height of 1.8 metres and fencing should be aesthetically suitable to the location.  There are general provisions that requires an applicant to take account of the visual impact and health and safety of all persons using public lands.

The Rural Residential DCP is more precise.  Clause 5.8 does not permit colour bond fencing.

Council has no record for an application to erect fencing.

RECOMMENDATION: that Council issue a Notice of Intention to Serve an Order, the Notice shall require the occupier to do the following:

• Reduce the number of dogs over 6 months of age to two, to comply with Council’s policy for the keeping of animals.

• That the proposed order be complied within 60 days.  Representations can be made on or before 7 August 2007 and that,

• Tobin and Jones resolve fencing issues with the Local Court, under Part 3 Clause 14. (a) (b) of the Dividing Fences Act.

• Council writes to Mr. Jones advising him that the metal fence has been erected without the prior approval of Council, and request that the whole of the metal fence is painted in a uniform colour approved by Council and that the work is completed within 90 days.






i) Circulation: 1,216 (including 4 ILL) over 13 days at a daily average of 93.54.

(May 2007 – 97.17, June 2006 – 114.93).

ii) Library Visits: 403 (May 2007 – 907, June 2006 – 577). Phone enquiries: 5. Reference

enquiries: 5 (all resolved).

iii) Cost-Recovery Activities: Photocopying: 48 copies for $16.10. Internet: 6 accesses for $10.20

Printing $12.20. Laminations: 31 for $41.50. Faxes: 2 for $8.00. ILL: $24.20.

Sundries: $9.00

iv) Interlibrary Loans: 6 requests, 3 loans.

v) Registrations: New registrations during April – 6 (all adult).

Total registrations as at 30th June, 2007 – 1,440

(995 adult, 3 depot, 23 housebound, 4 institutions, 415 junior).

vi) Additions of Stock: 72 items valued at $1,663.09

(4 ANF, 2 AF, 1 APB, 30 LP, 3 YPB, 5 JNF, 2 JPB, 4 E, 18 mags, 3 DVDs)

vii) Deletions of Stock: 52 items valued at $377.40

(1 LP, 47 mags, 1 V, 3 DVDs)

viii) Discretionary Spending as at 30.06.2007

Book Vote: $16,688.83 (c.$600 committed)

Magazines: $1,490.92

Local Special Projects: $5,250 (expended)


The library was closed for the Henry Lawson Festival from the 1st to 12th June. The metamorphosis from library to exhibition space and back went very smoothly this year and the assistance of many people in achieving that was appreciated.

An acquittal report for the 2006/7 Local Priority Projects grant funding (spent on extending the large print standing order) has been sent to the State Library. A report on how the 2007 Marketing Award prize money was spent including photos has been sent to the company sponsoring the Award.

The Greenethorpe Post Office has changed hands and the new proprietor is willing to continue the Deposit Station service with Jill Barr continuing to manage the exchanges. There was no exchange at any Deposit Station for June but one has occurred or is planned at each site for July. Continued renovations at the Quandialla Café has led to some disruption to the service there but is only temporary.

The librarian has prepared an entry in a national competition for innovative children’s services sponsored by Friends of Libraries Australia based on the “Giftpaks for Babies” programme.

The librarian has completed a shelving plan for the new library and while ‘tweaking’ is anticipated it is believed to be a workable foundation. The Zone Consultant from the State Library is visiting on Friday 6th July to discuss the whole redevelopment process with the librarian and also meet with Council executive.

TAFE has indicated an interest in relocating their Grenfell library collection from its present site to the new library and there has been preliminary discussion with the TAFE librarian at Cowra about how the collection might be integrated. Space for the TAFE collection has been included in the shelving plan.

The librarian was to attend a Reader Development Seminar at Orange on 29th June but this was postponed due to road and weather conditions. She plans to attend an information session on new census products at Dubbo on 3rd July, having committed Grenfell Library to the Census Partners programme.

Otherwise activities have been of a routine nature.

The librarian will be absent on long service leave from 16th July to 6th August, during which time Mrs Marguerite Walmsley will manage the library.



|All communications to be addressed to: | |

|Mid Lachlan Valley Team |Mid Lachlan Valley Team |

|NSW Rural Fire Service |NSW Rural Fire Service |

|PO Box 483 |26 Union Street |


|Telephone: (02) 6851 1541 |Facsimile: (02) 6851 1840 |

|e-mail: |

| | |Your Ref: | |

|Weddin Shire Council | | | |

|PO Box 125 | | | |

|GRENFELL NSW 2810 | | | |

| | |Our Ref: |ADM/011/130 |

Report for Weddin Shire Council

Yours sincerely


Ken Neville

Team Manager



I was speaking to Stuart Moorby from Cootamundra and he told me he had a new weed mapping program (Reflec) that was much easier to use then the current system. With most other shires in the Lachlan Valley group struggling to get the current system up and running it might be worth looking at. Kevin Nelligan and I and any one else interested will go and see how it works when Stuart gets all the bugs out of it in a month or so.


Coordinator, Megan Power has completed a draft Weed Management Strategy for the LVNPAC which includes prioritization of weeds. This groups weeds we have not got higher than weeds we have which is in line with the DPI’s thinking. There will be plenty of money to keep weeds out but not a lot to control them. Peter Gray also said Syd Lisle from DPI was looking at grouping weeds in categories and applying for funding in groups rather than single weeds. There is a meeting in Dubbo in a couple of weeks and Kevin Nelligan will report on the outcome of this to LVNPAC members. Hopefully it comes of because it will give weed officers a lot more flexibility in control programs. Stuart Moorby also pointed out Coolatai grass growing on the Newell Highway between Forbes and Parkes on the way to the meeting so it’s only a matter of time before we have it in our shire, if we haven’t already. The next meeting of the LVNPAC is at Orange on the 17/10/07.

With excellent rainfall for the last few weeks, this year will be a good one for weed growth and should give the opportunity to decrease the seed bank of noxious weeds in the shire.




P i p G i o v a n e l l i

Heritage and Conservation

Heritage Adviser's Report

10 July 2007

Watts Grave - Bumbaldry

Site inspection with George Bishop (land owner) and Mandy Howard (neighbour -phone 6345 5831 fax 6345 5802). Agreed on metal picket fence similar to patent garden fence eg as supplied by Bromar for Grenfell Museum. Fence to include corner and side posts with front gate, all approx 1.2 – 1.4 m in height x 3.6 long x 2.4 wide. George Bishop to check dimensions with tape measure before ordering fence. PG provided drawing to Bromar for quote. Mandy Howard also to obtain quotes from Cowra. Local community and owner to erect fence and $ contribution from Cyril Treasure ($500), family members and possibly Weddin Council (heritage grant?).

Associated items nearby include Child’s grave and stone fireplace. PG suggested that a security fence be erected around child’s grave site and loose material (small wire fence and cast iron posts) be reinstated to original location. Also stone fireplace to be stabilised (no fence needed).

Both grave fences to be done as one project. Stonemason needed to stabilise fireplace. Donna to co-ordinate Council’s role, Mandy to coordinate on site.

Grafton Street

The Baker’s have completed works required by Heritage Committee for final payment of Local grant.

Dagma Street house renovation (Donohue)

Works to rear will substantially alter roof profile as seen from Dagma Street, however the work is logical and the proposed new roof form is consistent with that of many Federation buildings in Grenfell. The work is supported on heritage grounds. Applicant sought a grant for the work, however Heritage Committee considered work was very low priority adaptation and did not support the application – see HC minutes.

Presbyterian Manse

Owner’s seek to build bathroom at rear under verandah. PG discussed options with the project manager. The place has local heritage value and PG advised DES (Col) that he would like to comment on DA.

Gutters on the building need repair. PG advised project manager to submit application for grant to Heritage Committee for their consideration before end of July if possible.


to date received from:

• Donohue (Dagmar Street)

• Walmsley (paint gutters and fascias)

• Quandialla Café

• Caragabal Hall

Future Applications may come from:

• Presbyterian Manse – Dagmar Street

• Watt’s Grave site - Bumbaldry

Pip Giovanelli PO Box 570 Curtin ACT 2605 ABN 99 972 030 898

Ph (02) 6281 3200 Fax (02) 6281 0039 Mobile 0438 813200


Main Street, Grenfell NSW 2810

Phone/Fax 02 6343 1720




The second term of training has finished. Most students are keen to return and we are building an ever increasing client base. With a new training room as part of the library renovations we would be seeking to expand the number and type of courses on offer.


The CTC window displays were quickly converted from the Henry Lawson Festival to the Spirit of the Bush. Information was displayed on the two monitors which ran 24 hours a day. A map of town offered directions to the venue and showground. The organisers, Stephen White Management had arranged their own brochure printing, and the Grenfell Record compiled and printed the 8 page insert with assistance from Council staff.


The CTC continues to operate well, with all equipment functioning normally. Ten computers now operate on Windows Vista and have TFT flat screens. The internet is running at 512/512 speed which offers a reliable performance when all computers are on the internet at the same time. We have a range of printers that offer photographic quality printing and colour laser speed, as well as CD printing, scanning and faxing.

Plans for the new library include renovation of the CTC building. These have been finalised and will provide the CTC with a dedicated training room that can be closed off for privacy. This is a requirement of some video conferencing clients, and has necessitated us closing the CTC during such VC’s in the past. A larger, more ergonomically designed workshop is incorporated, which will assist the CTC. One of the big design improvements in the new plan is the access to the library from the CTC. This will enable a flow of traffic in both directions within the whole complex.

Planning has been undertaken for the move to the Commonwealth Bank building when required.While it is a smaller area, the new location will be able to host ten computers, the admin computer and the workshop. The room previously used by Dr Charles Ma would be suitable for the Economic Development and Tourism Officer. Networking cables and power are already on site, and internet is currently connected.


Michael Foster





The Economic Development Managers Forum is due to meet in Orange on the 8th July. On the agenda is the proposal from CENTROC to establish joint projects between the EDO Forum and CENTROC.


Planning is underway between the four local councils banding together at Country Week in August of this year. The councils of Parkes, Forbes, Lachlan and Weddin are located in the same block of 3 metre by 3 metre stands at the Rosehill Exhibition Centre for Country Week. The upcoming event is an opportunity to advertise the Open Days to an expected attendance of 10,000 plus people who are looking for a “tree change”. The cooperative venture between the councils enables economic efficiencies and regional advertising. The sites that have been booked provide us with excellent exposure to visitors coming through the main entrance, and the corner site gives greater visibility. New brochures will be printed for the expo.


The Prime Television Business Awards is seeking nomination for best community event. I will submit applications for both the Henry Lawson Festival and the Spirit of the Bush Concert for this category. Nominations close in mid August and require supporting documentation, including photographs.

The Bendigo Bank’s Community Development Officer, Ray Chappell, approached me about potentially running their Community Awards in Grenfell in mid-September. The event would attract around 100 participants in a full day workshop with a Gala Dinner / Awards in the evening. The Grenfell Bowling Club is the likely venue. It may be another opportunity to submit the Festival and Concert as candidates for the best community events. The Bendigo Bank will sponsor the event and Mr Chappell will contact us shortly and advise us whether or not we have been selected to host the event.


Many local businesses reported greatly increased activity in the period leading up to and including the event. Takeaways and hotels were full until well into the night. All business managers I spoke to were positive about the prospects of running another similar event next year.


Mike Foster

Tourism & Economic Development



The 50th Henry Lawson Festival was conducted over the June long weekend. The event was the largest in the history of the Festival, and attracted an estimated 8,000 people throughout the four official days. Promotion of the Festival was taken on by Mardie Bucknell, Festival Promotions Coordinator. Mardie organised radio stations ABC and 2LF to attend live on the Friday and Saturday (ABC only on Saturday), in addition to promotions through several newspapers and periodicals.


The concert was held on June 30th at Lawson Oval and was considered to have achieved its aims of increasing awareness of drought in NSW. The interaction of almost 600 volunteers with around 15,000 visitors was a very strong promotional tool for how Grenfell is perceived. Feedback from those attending was that Grenfell is a friendly, welcoming town capable of very efficiently staging a major event. As a tourism promotion event the Concert was an outstanding success. The Grenfell Record, through its parent company Rural Press, produced an 8 page colour liftout for the local newspapers (distributed through 24 affiliated newspapers) and handed out around 4,000 copies at the concert gates. The liftout contained information about the venue and performers, but also tourism information about Grenfell and local events. A large ad for the Weddin Shire Council also appeared on the autograph page. The concert was also extensively advertised on radio and television before June 30. Lee Kernaghan, Adam Brand and Steve Forde also appeared on Channel 7’s Sunrise television program the day before the concert. Stephen White Management (Lee Kernaghan’s manager and the organiser for the event) organised several All Area Access passes which enabled Peter Soley and myself to record as much of the event as possible on digital camera and video. These photos and movies have been compiled onto a CD and will be useful not only as an historic record, but in promotional literature.

At the recent Economic Development Forum in Orange the event was widely heralded by the other councils as a great success and a coup for Grenfell Tourism. If the concert is to become a regular event in Grenfell there are considerable benefits to tourism promotions in the future.


The Weddin Shire, Forbes Shire, and Young Shire Councils met in Grenfell on Wednesday 20th June to discuss the promotion of our gold mining heritage. Also attending was Linda Raymond from NSW Museums. It was unanimously agreed that there were sufficient existing remnants of gold mines, mining activity, and other related industries to promote them jointly in a ‘Gold Way’ concept. Further meetings with tourism experts will be required to progress the project, which will include branding tourism routes through the area.


While Country Week in Sydney is predominantly an Economic Development event that aims to entice relocation to Grenfell, it is also an excellent tourism promotions tool. The Spirit of the Bush theme will be useful in our stand in Rosehill Exhibition Centre. Brochures and banners are being designed for the event.


Mike Foster

Tourism & Economic Development

Minutes of the Drought Relief Concert Committee meeting held at the Council Chambers Monday, 25 June 2007 at 8.00 am

Present: P Moffitt, T Lobb, G Carroll, S Jackman, R Cawthorne, J Fanning, C Drady, S Schneider, M Schneider, T Pickwell, B Pack, M Walker, B Fittler, J Gorman, T Pollock, P Blake, R Brown, R Hodson, G Hewen, T Franks, C Gilbert, B Atchison, C Lobb, J Mitton, G Hazell, G Johnson, M Liebich, S Lander, G Day, S Forde, G Howell, T Carroll, D Joyce, P Harris.

1. Apologies: J Black

Resolved: R Brown/T Pollock that the apology be accepted.

2. Adoption of Minutes

Resolved: C Gilbert / M Walker that the minutes dated 15th June 2007 be adopted as presented.

3. Business Arising

• All wristbands distributed. Database setup to register the names of farmers who have not obtained a wristband and wish to attend.

• DPI have advised they will contribute $2500.

• Council Expenses – to be offset by grant monies and offset from the pool.

• Fire Extinguishers – required for BBQ’s.

• Extension Leads – able to be checked for OH&S compliance at Councils Depot.

• Float - $1000 may be required. To be checked and signed off before commencement.

• Itinerary – currently being developed. S.Forde to forward to Council.

4. Correspondence


• Nil


• Nil

5. Local Events Coordinators Report

• Parking and Access plan – parking plan nearing completion. Access available Friday afternoon. No access after 10.00am Saturday.

• Shuttle Buses - Loaders Coaches will provide for a gold coin donation. Will run from the Showground via the Main Street and from Industrial area to venue via Holy Camp Road.

• Food quantities – quantities ordered accepted. Sally Jackman pursuing.

• Freezer Truck – Food Service Central donated truck to be manned by IGA staff.

• Generator – organised by promoter.

• Lighting – to be provided by promoter. Large internal lights from Main Oval to be turned around.

• Disaster Plan – currently being prepared.

• Cash Collection – to be collected on a regular basis.

• Volunteer tags – to be provided by promoter.

• Volunteer Sustenance – voucher system to be used or record kept to allow later re-imbursement.

6. Provision of Bar Facilities

Application for a temporary on – licence (function) lodged in the name of Grenfell Country Club. Copy served on Council and Police. Awaiting Response. Should not be a problem.

7. Catering Services

• Under control. Minor changes made to local organisations that are catering. Prices determined. i.e. Steak sandwich - $4.00.

• Collection and delivery will be 9.00am Saturday morning.

8. Parking

• RFS and SES currently arranging. Under Control.

9. Cleanup

• Caragabal Play Group and Christian Bookshop currently arranging. Under control.

10. Other Matters

• Steve Forde advised their will be a segment on Channel 7’s Sunrise program on Friday Morning featuring Lee Kernaghan.

• Water truck will be there Friday for organisations requiring water.

• Council vehicle will be available and will be the only vehicle allowed in the grounds.

• Lost and Found tent will be set up.

• BBQ for backstage required.

Next Meeting: Concert Debrief – To be Determined.

Meeting Closed: 8.57am



1. PRESENT: M Martens, W Twohill, G Carroll, V Carter and W Schneider.



Resolved: G Carroll and W Twohill that the minutes of the meeting held on 28 June 2006 be adopted as read.


4.1 Induction Manual – Director Corporate Services to pursue.


4.2 Presentation by General Manager – completed.


4.3 Award Restructuring Training – nil requirements at this time.



5.1 Ratification of Assessments for 2006

Director Corporate Services, Director Engineering and Director Environmental Services reports tabled.

Resolved: G Carroll and V Carter that the assessment results be ratified.


6.1 Workers Compensation Incentive

No further action.

3.12 pm at this point the Director Environmental Services (Colin Slade) attended the meeting

3.13 pm at this point the General Manager attended the meeting.


Resolved: V Carter and W Schneider that the committee adopt the 3.5% award increase salary structure from 1 November 2006.


In the salary system below Grade 12, back pay top up was applicable. The Grades 12 and above remained the same because the 3.5% was greater than the AFPC increase. The salary system has been adjusted for both the 35 and 38 hour a week.

Resolved: V Carter and M Martens that the committee adopt the amended salary system from 1 December 2006 with a single salary system for the 35 hour and 38 hour week employees.

The General Manager mentioned the impending Federal increase in July 2007.

The LGSA are considering further annual increases as the Award’s life ends in November 2007.

Resolved: G Carroll and W Twohill that the committee thank the General Manager and V Carter for the work that they have done.

At this point the General Manager left the meeting 3.45 pm.


5 November 2007

28 January 2008

7 April 2008

7 July 2008

6 October 2008

NEXT MEETING: 3.00 pm, 5 November 2007.

CLOSURE: There being no further business the meeting closed at 3.50 pm.


1. PRESENT: Clrs Simpson, N Hughes, McClelland, Atchison, Grimm and Taylor. Messrs T V Lobb, G Carroll, W Twohill and C Slade (Observers).


3. MINUTES: of meeting 30 May 2007.

Resolved: Clr Atchison and Clr N Hughes that the minutes be adopted as circulated.


4.1 Medical Centre – no further progress.

4.2 Dental Surgery – no further progress.


1. New Depot – Amenities building and workshop nearing completion. Fitout commenced. Power supplied but not connected. Tender for fuel to be called. Director Engineering to check if fuel is included in the $1.3 million budget.

2. Community Hub – plans tabled. Adopted by Council “in principle” at the June 2007 Council meeting subject to the plans being referred to and adopted by this committee. Portable divisions favoured. General Manager and A Lindsay to liaise with architects to resolve small design issues.

Resolved: Clr Taylor and Clr Atchison that the plans be adopted with the required alterations and that tenders be formally called.

Resolved: Clr Taylor and Clr Atchison that the roofing be galvanised iron as required.

• Tenders are to be called to allow the building to be constructed in two (2) stages.

6. NEXT MEETING: To be advised.

7. CLOSED: There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.33 am.


Present: Clr Nevin Hughes, Alana Dixon, John Niven, Lisa Eastaway, Mike Foster

1. Apologies: Clr McClelland and John Hetherington.

Resolved: A Dixon / L Eastaway that the apologies be accepted.

2. Adoption of Minutes:

Resolved: L Eastaway / M Foster that the minutes of the meeting held 13th June, 2007 be adopted as presented.

3. Business arising:

• Enquiries were made to the Director Engineering regarding the signs for caravan/motorhome parking at the George Street parking area. Advice received that the signs would be the same size and type as the ones currently in Forbes Street.

4. Correspondence:

In – Nil

Out – Nil

5. Projects

• Grenfell Brochures – the Grenfell Record has been approached about the possibility of producing their business directory and the main Grenfell brochure on alternative years. This will avoid having to charge local business with two promotional costs at the same time. Peter Soley will be invited to a future tourism meeting to discuss this.

• Weddin Mountain Tours – The Weddin Mountains National Park Ranger, Silvana Keating has agreed to attend the August meeting of the Tourism Committee. Issues include tours, access roads, Ben Halls Cave, bird trails and camping. Alana reported that she had recently visited Ben Halls Cave and was disappointed at the poor state of the trail to and from the cave.

• O’Brien’s Hill – Funding Application – Sarah Clifton has resubmitted the application for funding for the redevelopment of O’Brien’s Hill mine as a tourist attraction. Awaiting notification.

• Sound for Henry Lawson Bust and Festival Walk – the plaques have been a great success. Feedback has been very positive from locals and those attending the Festival. Brochures providing information on people recognised on the plaques will be made for tourism purposes.

• Bird Routes – sign design is with L&A Graphics in Cowra, who have created the first sign. This will be viewed at the next meeting in August and the Bird Trails discussed with the Ranger.

• Railway Station Development – the ARTC has been approached by the General Manager regarding further utilisation.

• Website – the Grenfell website is currently being updated to display a consistent menu and theme throughout Tourism, Business, Council and Community. At this stage no alternative hosting plan has been sourced that will allow easier updates. Mike to pursue.

6. Prioritising Projects Noted

7. Upcoming Events

• Grenfell Rugby Reunion – Lisa advised that the event will attract around 250 people to town. Mostly they will be billeted. Mike will make appropriate brochures available. The coloured lights will be left on during the event, and the Grenfell Record will put a welcome article in the newspaper.

• Grenfell Show/Muster – CTC is already producing large volumes of printed material for both these events. The websites will be updated for them through .au

• Forbes Motorhome Show – an article regarding Grenfell was produced in the Wanderer which is a periodical for the Campervan Motorhome Club of Australia. This was distributed among the 40,000 members of the CMCA. The event in October is expected to boost tourism throughout a large area around Forbes including the Weddin Shire.

8. Promotional DVD – Dunolly Victoria

• The committee viewed the Dunolly, Victoria CD mini-movie and several clips from Tourism NSW. Dunolly is a gold town near Maryborough in Victoria with a population of 1000. The CD has generated interest in Dunolly. It highlights the positives of the town in a friendly manner. The committee discussed investigating the possibility of doing a similar video for Grenfell.

Resolved: N Hughes / J Niven that costings be determined and funding opportunities be pursued for the production of a similar video.

9. General Business

• Lisa advised she would like to see the Grenfell Record run an article on the purpose of the Tourism Committee which would also invite comments from the public.

Next Meeting

Tuesday 7th August, 2007, 4.00 pm

Meeting Closed: 4.45 pm


1. PRESENT: Clrs G McClelland, N Hughes, D Taylor, Messrs C Slade DES, (Chair),

P Giovanelli, and Mrs C Lobb,

Observers: T Lobb (GM), D Gibbons.

2. APOLOGIES: Clr G Grimm, J Niven, M Simpson, Mr I Pitt and Mrs P Livingstone.

Resolved: P Giovanelli and N Hughes that the apologies be accepted.

3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: Wednesday, 13 June 2007.

Resolved: C Lobb and D Taylor that the minutes of 13 June 2007 be adopted.


4.1 Museum signage - Heritage Advisor supports moveable and permanent signage.

4.2 Lisa Baker – Grant for Grafton Street can be paid as work is completed.

4.3 Hospital façade – Letter tabled from Clr G McClelland.

Resolved: G McClelland and C Lobb that a letter be forwarded to our local state member, Katrina Hodgkinson, requesting her to lobby the Minister for Health about the dire need for exterior painting of the Ambulance Station, situated in Main Street, Grenfell and the Grenfell Hospital, both of which are Heritage Buildings.


5.1 Quandialla Café grant application considered.

Resolved: Clrs G McClelland and Hughes that a grant of $5000 be allocated.

5.2 Walmsley grant application considered. Considered lower priority, not accepted at this time.

5.3 Donohue grant application considered. Considered lower priority, not accepted at this time.

5.4 Caragabal Hall grant application considered.

Clr D Taylor declared a pecuniary interest as a committee member for the Caragabal Hall, and left the room.

Resolved: Clrs Hughes and McClelland that the committee support the grant in principle. Staff to inspect the building and report to the next Committee meeting.

Clr Taylor returned to the meeting.

5.5 G Bishop – Historical grave of Mrs Mary Watt.

P Giovanelli reported to the Committee of his visit to the site of Mrs Mary Watt’s gravesite. Proposed restoration of the original grave as well as a child’s grave found onsite and the original homestead chimney still standing.

Resolved: Clrs Hughes and McClelland that the grant be supported in principle pending quotations and possible family contribution to the restoration.


6.1 Heritage Advisors report

Mosman City Council DVD tabled by P Giovanelli and viewed by Committee.

6.2 NAB have altered their application to include projecting sign only. Pot holes left in the building to be filled as part of the Development Application conditions.

6,3 Heritage Advisor inspected the Presbyterian Manse. May apply for future grant funding.

7. Next Meeting: Tuesday, 7 August 2007

8. CLOSURE: There being no further business the meeting closed at 6.15 pm.


Present: Clr Simpson, Messrs T Lobb, G Carroll, W Twohill and C Slade.

Apologies: Clr N Hughes

Resolved: Clr Simpson and W Twohill that the apology be accepted.


Resolved: C Slade and W Twohill that the minutes of 18 June 2007 be adopted as circulated.

Review of Job List


General Business:

1A Administration

i) New Depot – reported in Director Engineering’s report.

ii) Ward Map – draft map forwarded to Council from Land and Property Information. May not be satisfactory.

(iii) Management Plan 2007/2008 – plan adopted at June 2007 Council meeting.

iv) Council Chambers – foundation contractor Uretek to inspect Council building to endeavour to ascertain reason for cracks in building. Survey marks fixed to building to monitor any enlargement of cracks. D Buttenshaw engaged to carry out required works in Council Chambers.

v) Better Practice Review – awaiting report from Department of Local Government. General Manager recently forwarded additional information requested.

vi) Annual Returns of Disclosure of Interest – now due.

1B Human Resources

i) Vacancies - Labourers - readvertised.

- EDO/TPO/CTC Manager – reported in Director Corporate Services report.

- CTC Officer - reported in Director Corporate Services report.

(ii) WorkChoices – reported in General Manager’s report. Australian Fair Pay Commission (AFPC) pay increase recently announced. Effective from 1st October 2007.

(iii) Salary System – reported in General Manager’s report.

(iv) LGSA CD – “A Matter of Respect” available for perusal if required.

2. Public Order and Safety


3. Health

(i) Medical Centre – no recent action.

(ii) Dentist Relocation – meeting with Dr Varejka to be arranged next week.

(iii) Hospital – local doctor resigned as a VMO at the Grenfell Hospital. Issue to be raised with Greater Western Area Health. Meeting with the local doctor to be arranged.

4. Community Services and Education


Director Corporate Services left the meeting at this point 3.07 pm.

5. Housing and Community Amenities

(i) Grenfell Tip – surveyor finalising boundaries of newly acquired portions. Master plan to be finalised.

ii) Bumbaldry Mine DA 26/2005 – Construction certificate issued for structures. No recent contact.

iii) Temporary Dwellings


6. Sewerage

(i) Water Grant for Effluent – EPA has indicated agreement to amend licence to permit unrestricted irrigation. Upgrading of tanks and mains can now proceed as intended.

(ii) Effluent Pond – this proposal can also proceed.

Resolved: Clr Simpson and W Twohill that negotiations be commenced to acquire additional land, consideration also to be given to area for new Sewerage Treatment Works.

7. Recreation and Culture

(i) Library Upgrading


ii) Pool Water Recycling – grants declined.

Resolved: Clr Simpson and W Twohill that the action be confirmed.

Director Corporate Services re-entered the meeting at 3.36 pm.

iii) O’Brien’s Mine – application for grant funding unsuccessful under Round 4 of the Australian Tourism Development Program (ATDP). Round 5 recently announced and closes on 20th July 2007 for drought affected areas only. Application for funding to be re-submitted.

8. Mining Manufacture and Construction


9. Transport and Communication

(i) RTA Contract – reported in Director Engineering’s report.

ii) Heavy Vehicle Routes – report by Director Engineering on Roads Congress. Circular regarding the issue in correspondence (Item 48) and forwarded to Councillors.

iii) Bimbi Bridge – reported in Director Engineering’s report.

(iv) Taxi Rank – reported in Director Engineering’s report.

(v) Other Programs – noted.

10. Economic Affairs

(i) Drought Relief Strategy – LGSA and NSW Farmers supporting upcoming meeting in Parkes in a joint initiative.

(ii) Drought Relief Concert – reported in General Manager and Director Engineering reports. Submissions to be forwarded for Prime TV and other awards.

(iii) Country Week – reported in Director Corporate Services report.

(iv) Open Days – reported in Director Corporate Services report.

11. General Purpose Revenues


12. Other Matters

i) Mayor’s comments on Hawkesbury City Council Sister City Relationship.


ii) Director Engineering advised that an OHS excellence award for the new depot is to be submitted.

Next Meeting: Monday, 13 August 2007 at 2.30 pm.

Closure: There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 4.11 pm.


|1. |PRESENT: Clrs Simpson, McClelland, and Atchison. |

| |Messrs T Lobb, G Carroll, W Twohill and C Slade. |

|2. |APOLOGIES: Clr Hinde |

|Resolved: Clr McClelland and Clr Simpson that the apology be accepted. |


| |

|Resolved: Clr Atchison and Clr McClelland that the minutes of 18 June 2007 be adopted. |


|Nil |


5.1 Country Women’s Association NSW, E3.5.4 (C29):

Resolved: Clr McClelland and Clr Atchison that the letter be forwarded to the Attorney Generals Department for their consideration and the CWA be advised accordingly.

5.2 The Henry Lawson High School, C1.8.3 (C30):


5.3 Kevin Reid, R2.4.20 (C31):


5.4 Loaders Coaches Pty Ltd, T2.2.23/06 (C32):


5.5 Glenda and Shane Tobin, A3.16.6 (C33):

Relevant policies etc to be clarified by Council meeting.


5.6 Various Residents, R2.4.11 (C34):

Resolved: Clr McClelland and Clr Simpson that the proposal to rename Cross Street/Gooloogong Road be relinquished and the Country Club be requested to consider naming their tennis complex the “Jan Lehane Tennis Complex”.


| |Nil |

|7. |REPORTS |

|7.1 |General Manager’s Report |

| |Lot 1 DP 1063985 Memory Street Grenfell and 2006 Census. |

| |Noted |

|7.2 |Director Corporate Services’ Report |

| |Reports on Town Costings, Library Development Project |

| |Noted |

|7.3 |Director Engineering’s Report |

| |Reports on Works Report, Ward Activities, Parks and Ovals, Future Works, Other Works, New Depot, The Spirit of the Bush |

| |Concert and Main Street – Proposed Taxi Rank. |

| |Noted |

| |Vandalism |

|Resolved: Clr Simpson and Clr Atchison that the police be contacted seeking advice on the idea of offering a reward to assist in |

|convicting offenders. |

|7.4 |Director Environmental Services’ Report |

| |Reports on Sewerage Treatment Works, Caravan Park, Animal Control, Town DA’s and Temporary Dwellings. |

| |Noted |


|Nil |

| | | |

|NEXT MEETING: Monday, 13 August 2007 at 5.00 pm. |

|CLOSURE: There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 5.57 pm. |



(a) The following are current items on the list submitted for Council’s consideration at the meeting on 19 July 2007.


November 2006 1. Swimming Club: Executives to meet with representatives to discuss maintenance issues (Exec).


October 2004 1. Industrial Estate: landscaping requirements to be reported (DES).

December 2005 2. Railway Land: seek removal of container (DES).

(Note: letter sent to ARTC).

November 2006 3. Sewerage Treatment Works: investigate additional effluent pond (DES/DE).

February 2007 4. Company Dam: investigate grants for desilting (DE).

March 2007 5. Dental Surgery: investigate possible relocation to Burrangong Street building (GM).

April 2007 6. Company Dam Desilting: ascertain EPA requirements, apply for grant (DE).

May 2007 7. Sewerage Treatment Works: apply for grant for additional effluent pond (DE).

June 2007 8. Dalton Street Depot: defer consideration (GM).

9. Good Sports Program: invite Police to give address, invite sporting organisations (GM).

10. Community Hub: refer design to Property and Development Committee (GM).

11. Councillors Chairs: staff investigate and purchase (GM).


Questions maybe put to councillors and council employees in accordance with clause 25 of the Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, as follows:-

“(1) A councillor:

(a) may, through the chairperson, put a question to another councillor, and

(b) may, through the chairperson and the General Manager, put a question to a council employee.

(2) However, a councillor or council employee to whom a question is put is entitled to be given reasonable notice of the question and, in particular, sufficient notice to enable reference to be made to other persons or to documents.

(3) The councillor must put every such question directly, succinctly, and without argument.

(4) The chairperson must not permit discussion on any reply or refusal to reply to a question put to a councillor or council employee under this clause. “

Questions should not be used to introduce business without notice. This is covered in Clause 17 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, as follows:-

“(3) …………….., business may be transacted at a meeting of a Council even though due notice of the business has not been given to the councillors. However, this can happen only if:

(a) a motion is passed to have the business transacted at the meeting, and

(b) the business proposed to be brought forward is ruled by the chairperson to be of great urgency.

Such a motion can be moved without notice.

(4) …………….., only the mover of a motion referred to in subclause (3) can speak to the motion before it is put.”

Questions on routine operational matters should be directed to the General Manager or the appropriate Director separately from and/or prior to the meeting.



The authority for Council to close a meeting to the public is given under Section 10 of the Local Government Act, for which the following excerpts apply:

[s 10A1 Which parts of a meeting can be closed to the public?


(1) [Meetings may be closed] A council, or a committee of the council of which all the members are councillors, may close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises:

(a) the discussion of any matters listed in subclause (2), or

(b) the receipt or discussion of any of the information so listed.

(2) [Grounds for closure] The matters and information are the following:

(a) personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors),

(b) the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer,

(c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business,

(d) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed:

(i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or

(ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council, or

(iii) reveal a trade secret,

(e) information that would, if disclosed, prejudice the maintenance of law,

(f) matters affecting the security of the council, councillors, council staff or council property,

(g) advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege

(h) information concerning the nature and location of a place or an item of Aboriginal significance on community land.

(3) [Closure of Resolution to close] A council, or a committee of the council of which all the members are councillors, may also close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises a motion to close another part of the meeting to the public.

(4) [Public's right to make representations] A council, or a committee of a council may allow members of the public to make representations to or at a meeting, before and part of the meeting is closed to the public, as to whether that part of the meeting should be closed.

[s 10C] Notice of likelihood of closure not required in urgent cases

10C Part of a meeting of a council, or of a committee of the council of which all the members are councillors, may be closed to the public while the council or committee considers a matter that has not been identified in the agenda for the meeting as a matter that is likely to be considered when the meeting is closed, but only if:

(a) it becomes apparent during the discussion of a particular matter that the matter is a matter referred to in section 10A(2), and

(b) the council or committee, after considering any representations made under section 10A(4), resolves that further discussion of the matter:

(i) should not be deferred (because of the urgency of the matter), and

(ii) should take place in a part of the meeting that is closed to the public.

[s 10D] Grounds for closing part of meeting to be specified

10D (1)[Record of grounds for closure] The grounds on which part of a meeting is closed must be stated in the decision to close that part of the meeting and must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

(2) [Details to he specified] The grounds must specify the following:

(a) the relevant provision of section 10A(2),

(b) the matter that is to be discussed during the closed part of the meeting,

(c) the reasons why the part of the meeting is being closed, including (if the matter concerned is a matter other than a personnel matter concerning particular individuals, the personal hardship of a resident or ratepayer or a trade secret) an explanation of the way in which the discussion of the matter in an open meeting would be, on balance, contrary to the public interest.

RECOMMENDATION: That Council form a Closed Council to consider the items listed below,

AND THAT the Press and the public be excluded from the Meeting of the Closed Council because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, as stated below:



1. General Manager – Review of Performance Agreement

Reason for confidentiality: staff matter (Section 10A(2)(a))


1. Performance Review - General Manager, P1.10041

Reason for confidentiality: staff matter (Section 10A(2)(a))

Other items may be referred to closed council during the course of the meeting.


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