Braille Challenge

Braille Challenge

2012 Preliminary


Charts and Graphs 1


The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is one way to measure the American stock market. The DJIA was about the same in the first 4 months of each year. This chart shows how the DJIA is compared within a two year time frame.

Questions for “Dow Jones Monthly Average”

1. Approximately, what was the DJIA mid January, 2007?

a. 1300

b. 1325

c. 1375

d. 1200

2. What was the approximate difference in the DJIA mid September for 2007 and


a. 1000

b. 1400

c. 700

d. 400

3. In 2007, during which mid month date did the DJIA increase by approximately 50


a. July 15th

b. April 15th

c. March 15th

d. June 15th

4. What was the DJIA mid November 2008?

a. 1400

b. 1375

c. 925

d. 1000

5. Which two months were approximately the same in 2007?

a. February and July

b. January and March

c. March and November

d. August and September

6. Between which months was there an increasing trend in the year 2008?

a. January and February

b. August and October

c. February and April

d. April and May

7. Between which two months was there no trend in the year 2007?

a. August and September

b. January and February

c. May and June

d. Both a. and b.

e. Both a. and c.

8. There was an increasing trend for both 2007 and 2008 during which months?

a. February and April

b. January and March

c. February and May

d. March and May

9. What prediction can you make for the years 2007 and 2008?

a. There was a stable economy for both years.

b. In the year 2007 there was a recession.

c. There was a recession the year prior to the year that there was a strong


d. The economy was strong the year prior to the year that there was a


e. Both b. and c.

10. Which statement(s) is true for the years 2007 and 2008?

a. In 2008, the DJIA lost the greatest amount of money in the stock market.

b. In 2007, the DJIA had a decline of 400 points.

c. In both 2007 and 2008, the stock market had the same ratio.

d. In 2007, the stock market was stable for more than a ½ of a year.

e. Both a. and d.

Braille Challenge

2012 Preliminary


Charts and Graphs 2


Questions for “Circles and Numbers”

1. Looking at the Venn Diagram, which number(s) is both even and prime?

a. 6

b. 4

c. 2

d. 2 and 6

2. How many even numbers are shown in the Venn Diagram?

a. 8 numbers

b. 7 numbers

c. 6 numbers

d. 4 numbers

3. Which number is both a multiple of 3 and prime?

a. 18

b. 9

c. 21

d. 3

4. Which number is prime, even, and a multiple of 3?

a. 12

b. 3

c. 2

d. none of these

5. How many numbers are both prime and a multiple of 3?

a. 4 numbers

b. 1 number

c. 7 numbers

d. 0 numbers

6. How many numbers are even OR prime?

a. 11 numbers

b. 1 number

c. 12 numbers

d. none of these

7. How many numbers are prime OR even AND a multiple of 3?

a. 1 number

b. 3 numbers

c. 7 numbers

d. 4 numbers

8. Looking at the Venn Diagram, which even numbers are not prime AND not a

multiple of 3?

a. 2, 4, 6, and 12

b. 4, 6, 8, and 10

c. 4, 8, and 10

d. 6, 8, and 10

9. According to the Venn Diagram, which two prime numbers can be listed as either

even OR a multiple of 3?

a. 2 & 6

b. 2 & 3

c. 3 & 4

d. 4 & 9

10. How many of the prime numbers are odd numbers?

a. 4 numbers

b. 5 numbers

c. 6 numbers

d. 8 numbers




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