Food and Health

Eat Smart, Cook Smart

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Frequent consumption of calorie-dense side-topped course increases risk of illness

Side-topped course (碟頭飯) is a common one-dish meal which we usually order in cha chaan teng (茶餐廳) or fast food shop. A survey shows that the calories and fat contained in such a big portion of meal exceed the daily requirements of average adults.

An environmental group tested 8 popular side-topped courses on market (including Baked Pork Chop with Rice, Yangzhou Fried Rice, Beef Brisket Curry with Rice, etc.). All tested samples were found calorie-dense, about 1 000 kcal per one course. According to a nutritionist, the daily caloric requirement is 1 500-2 500 kcal for a male adult and 1 200-2 000 kcal for a female adult. The caloric amount of Baked Pork Chop with Rice is even higher which has already surpassed the minimum daily requirement for women. Moreover, fats and cholesterol contents in side-topped course are also high, whereas that of carbohydrate is nearly twice the daily requirement. Frequent consumption of side-topped course will increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease.


( Able to modify a recipe for a one-course meal according to the principle of healthy eating

( Able to choose economical ingredients according to the budget plan

( Acquire food preparation skills

( Acquire basic cooking techniques

|Tasks |Contents of Task |Page No. |Finishing/ Submission |

| | | |Date |

|Task 1: Choosing a recipe |Choose a one-course meal recipe |P.5 | |

|Task 2: Modifying the recipe |Modify the unhealthy ingredients or cooking methods in |P.7 | |

| |the recipe | | |

|Task 3: Choosing economical ingredients |Complete a cost evaluation form of the dish |P.8 | |

|Task 4: Cooking healthy dishes together |Cook an one-course meal |P.10 | |

|My learning outcomes |Reflect on the learning outcomes after finishing the |P.12 | |

| |project | | |

|Extended learning |P.13 | |

A. Teacher’s Assessment

|Items |Score |

|Task 1 |A comprehensive recipe of a one-dish meal |10% |

|Task 2 |Recipe modification worksheet |10% |

| |The modifications fit the health principle | |

| |Adopt healthy cooking method | |

|Task 3 |Cost evaluation form |10% |

|Task 4 |Food Preparation Skills |20% |

| |Cooking techniques | |

| |Team work and time management | |

| |Taste of the dish (colour, aroma and taste) | |

|My learning outcome |10% |

|Learning attitude |20% |

|Involvement in the project | |

|Provide active help to group members | |

|Willing to communicate and cooperate | |

|Finish on time | |

|Total |80% |

B. Inter-group Assessment

|Items |Score |

|The dish fits the health principle |5% |

|The chosen ingredients are appropriate and healthy |5% |

|Taste of the dish (colour, aroma and taste) |10% |

|Total |20% |

Task 1: Choosing a recipe

Each group of students chooses one recipe for a one-course meal according to their preferences. Write down the recipe or stick it to the space provided below.

Name of the dish:____________________________________________

[pic] Time to think:

1. Why do you choose this recipe?





2. What cooking method(s) is/are used for the dish?





3. Which three nutrients does the dish provide?

Nutrient 1:                                    

Nutrient 2:                                    

Nutrient 3:                                    

Task 2: Modifying the recipe

To make a dish healthier, we can modify the ingredients and cooking method of the recipe.

A. Change of unhealthy ingredients

Think about the unhealthy ingredient(s) in the recipe that should be changed. State the reason why the ingredient(s) is/ are unhealthy and suggest an alternative for each of them.

|Ingredients in original recipe |Reason for being not healthy |Healthier alternative |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

B. Change of unhealthy cooking methods

Identify any unhealthy cooking method used in the recipe and suggest a healthier alternative for it.

| |Before modification |After modification |

|Cooking method | | |

C. Other amendment(s) of the recipe

Write down other amendment(s) of the recipe below if necessary.




Task 3: Choosing economical ingredients

Task 3: Choosing economical ingredients

Go to the wet market or supermarket to check the prices of the required ingredients in the recipe chosen by your group. Then estimate the cost of the dish.

[pic] Time to Think:

1. Is the cost of making the dish reasonable? Is it too high?




2. Do you need to substitute the expensive ingredients with cheaper ones in the recipe? Put down the ingredients that you consider necessary to change as well as the replacing ingredients in the following form. (Note: Replacing ingredients must fit the principle of healthy eating.)

|Original ingredients used in the recipe |Replacing ingredients |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Task 4: Cooking healthy dishes together

Think about the cooking utensils needed for cooking the dish and plan the cooking duties with your group members. Complete the form below.

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Recording the cooking process

Take photos of your final product. Stick the photos to the space below and add a brief description.

My Learning Outcomes

Reflect on your gains in this project and share with your classmates.

Video Clips

1. ETV: Food and Health

Put down three of the main points mentioned in the video.


1. Eat well (World Cancer Research Fund)

2. Healthy Eating (Hong Kong Dietitians Association)

3. Healthy Chinese Banquet? Good choices make all the difference (The department of Health)


1. Robin F., Brancato (2010). Food choices: the ultimate teen guide. Scarecrow Press

2. Whitney, E., & Rolfes, S. (2008). Understanding Nutrition. Thomson.

Teacher's Assessment Form

|Items |Score |

|Task 1 |A comprehensive recipe of a one-course meal | /10 |

|Task 2 |Recipe modification worksheet | /10 |

| |The modifications fit the health principle | |

| |Adopt healthy cooking method | |

|Task 3 |Cost evaluation form | /10 |

|Task 4 |Food preparation skills | /5 |

| |Hygiene level | |

| |Preparation process | |

| |Cooking techniques | /5 |

| |Team work and time management | /5 |

| |Taste of the dish (colour, aroma and taste) | /5 |

|My learning outcome |Understanding of the usage of nutrition labels | /10 |

| |Depth of reflections | |

|Learning Attitude |Involvement in the project |/5 |

| |Provide active help to group members |/5 |

| |Willing to communicate and cooperate |/5 |

| |Finish on time |/5 |

[pic] Inter-Group Assessment Form

|Items |Score |

|The dish fits the health principle | /5 |

|The chosen ingredients are appropriate and healthy | /5 |

|Taste of the dish (colour, aroma and taste) | /10 |

Assessing group: ______ Class: _________


What opinions do you have for your group members during the project period? Write down the words which you would like to share with your group members and send them the message.


One-course meal at home

Class: Group: 0

Score: /100

Group ( )

Members: ( )

Background Information

Beef Brisket Curry with Rice (Top left), Baked Pork Chop with Rice (Top right), Stir-Fried Ri

Class: Group:  

Score: /100

Group ( )

Members: ( )

Background Information

Beef Brisket Curry with Rice (Top left), Baked Pork Chop with Rice (Top right), Stir-Fried Rice Noodles with Beef (Bottom left), and Barbecued Meat with Rice (Bottom right)

We can cook a nutritious one-course meal at home. Not only can we eat healthily, but also help save the cost of dining out. Let’s learn how to make a nourishing and economical one-dish meal now!

Project Aims

Project Contents

Teacher can decide the finishing and submission dates of each task.

Assessment Criteria


Teacher’s comments


Teacher’s comments


Cost Evaluation Form for ____________________

|Ingredients |Required amount |Estimated Cost |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Total:  | |

Teacher’s comments


|Class: |Group members: |Date: |

| |( ) | |

|Group: | | |

| |( ) | |

_________________________ Duty List

Required cooking ingredients and utensils:

|Ingredient |Responsible group member |Utensil |Responsible group member |

|e.g. 1 egg |1 |1 small bowl |2 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

(Paste the photos of your cooking process and final product here.)

Teacher’s comments

|Assessment form | |

|Food preparation skills | /5 |

|Cooking techniques | /5 |

|Team work and time management | /5 |

|Taste of the dish (colour, aroma and taste) | /5 |

Teacher can photocopy the form according to the number of group members.

1. What did you learn after this project?

2. Have you encountered any difficulties during the project period? How did you resolve them?

3. How will you apply the knowledge gained in this project to the daily life?

4. After finishing this project, what strengths do you think you have? What can you improve?


Advice: low attaining students can watch the video clips as well as websites 1 and 2. They are not required to read the suggested books.

Extended Learning


Score: /80

Assessed group: _______ Class: ___________

Name: ________________ Name: ________________

Name: ________________ Name: ________________

Overall Comments

Teachers can photocopy the form according to the number of group members.

Score: /20

Assessed group: ___ Class: ___________

Name: ________________ Name: ________________

Name: ________________ Name: ________________

Overall Comments

Message to group members

Teachers can photocopy the form according to the number of group members.


The thing I appreciate you most is

__ .

I would like to tell you



Description: ____________________________________________________________



New Focus in Technology and Living

Project Learning Book

Project 2


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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