Los Angeles Mission College - Home

|In Attendance |

|ASO Board | |

| | |

|PRESIDENT: |Daniel Campos |

|VICE PRESIDENT: |John Soliman |

|TREASURER: |Marcelo Rodriguez |



|PUBLICATIONS: |Randy Gamez |

|RECRUITMENT: |Sandra Barahona (ENTERED 2:28PM) |



|INTERCLUB COUNCIL: |Brandon Urtiz (LEFT AT 3:57PM) |

|TECHNOLOGY: |Elizabeth Johnson (ARRIVED AT 2:10PM) |

| |(LEFT AT 3:25PM) |


| |Doleatha Young (LEFT AT 3:10PM) |

|ATHLETICS: |Guadalupe Llerenas (LEFT AT 4:34PM) |

|HISTORIAN: |Teresa Sanchez |



| | |

|ASO Advisor |Robert Crossley |

|ASO COACH |Monica Moreno |


|Brent Rosinski | |

|Claudette Parks | |

|Marie S. Crowe | |

I. Call to Order at 2:03 pm

II. Quorum was met

III. Review and Adoption of Agenda

Senator of Political Affairs & Community Relations, Doleatha Young: motioned to adopt agenda

Senator of Health and Security Services, Michael Griggs: Seconded

Motion carried: 11.0.0

Per Vice President comment made for correction of Senator of Social Activities

Executive Administrator: concurred error in listing Social Activities Senator

Amend agenda to reflect change in Social Activities Senator is still vacant

IV. Review and Approve (Adoption of Minutes)

Elizabeth Johnson, Senator of Technology enters meeting at 2:10pm

Executive Administrator, Evy Trezvant: Motioned to suspend orders of the day to move to New Business: ASO Time & Day

Senator of Political Affairs & Community Relations: seconded

Motion carried: 12.0.0

V. New Business

• ASO Meeting Time & Day

Daniel Campos, ASO President states that Michael Griggs, Senator of Health & Security Services is the only one that requires a new day and/or time.

Evy Trezvant, Executive Administrator : Point of Information states that Michael Griggs is NOT the only person requiring a new time as past minutes will show that several Senators, including the ASO, President have left early, thereby making it difficult to complete all the agenda items for the day because we do not meet quorum. Ms. Trezvant asked the Board to look at prior minutes to review the number of Senators, including the ASO President that leaves the meetings early.

Senator of Marketing & fundraising: motions to extend time by 5 minutes

Motion seconded

Motion carried: 12.0.0

Treasurer, Marcelo Rodriguez stated that the current time works best for him because he can’t make any other time.

Senator of Education, Andrea Soqui stated that she is ok with Monday or Wednesday at 12:30pm.

Vice President, John Soliman asked Mr. Rodriguez what time would work for him.

Treasurer, Mr. Rodriguez stated that neither of those times work for him.

Senator of Political Affairs & Community Relations, Doleatha Young agreed with Executive Administrator’s point to change time to help keep quorum.

Vice President, John Soliman moves to extend time by 5 minutes

Senator of Technology, Elizabeth Johnson: seconded

Motion carried: 12.0.0

Ms. Johnson, Senator of Technology states that 12:30pm is best for her also.

Mr. Aguayo, Senator of Marketing & Fundraising stated that it is important the entire E-Board be here at the meetings.

Mr. Soliman, Vice President: moved to have meetings at 12:30pm

Ms. Young, Senator of Political Affairs & Community Relations: seconded

Motion carried: 10.2.1

VI. Open Forum

Monica Moreno stated moving the Senators Reports to the end of the meeting instead of the beginning.

Marie Crow: Living Our Real Dreams presented. LAMC has hosted a toy drive in the past. They have 2 reams of paper to pass out to students and professors.

They have been doing he vent for 8 years.

Claudette Parks presented 2 programs to invite students from surrounding High schools. This year the event will be on Friday, October 28, 2011. They are asking help with tour guides for this event.

The event will begin at 9:45 am.

VII. Officer’s Reports

President, Daniel Campos Report:


Vice President, John Soliman’s Report:

Treasurer, Marcelo Rodriguez’s Report:

There will be a Finance Meeting on Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 3:00pm

Executive Administrator, Evy Trezvant’s Report:

Ms. Trezvant is still waiting for the complete audio for the September 26th ASO Meeting.

Mr. Oscar Aguayo, Senator of Marketing & Fundraising stated that he has the audio and will forward it to Ms. Trezvant

VIII. Senators’ Reports


Publications Senator, Randy Gamez Report:


Senator of Recruitment, Sandra Barahona Report:


Senator of Athletics, Guadalupe Llerenas Report:

Mentioned her new email address.

Vice President, John Soliman: Point of Information: Senators have Gmail accounts that were set-up in previous ASO Boards. Asked Mr. Crossley to please get those email addresses to Senators as soon as possible.

Main Issue: Attended ASO Leadership Workshop & ICC Meeting on half of Capoiera

Student Issue: Capoiera doesn’t have an advisor yet.

Historian Senator, Teresa Sanchez Report:

Attended the Student Support Services Meeting & ICC Meetings

Main Issue: Discussed Carnival (Halloween); College Day (Mission College Day)

Resolution: Have talked to someone about taking pics/video for that event.

ICC Senator, Brandon Urtiz Report:


Senator of Marketing & Fundraising, Oscar Aguayo Report:

Main Issue: Day Care field trip to the Pumpkin Patch in Los Angeles Pierce College on 10/14/11 from 9am – 12:30pm.

Ticket cost for pumpkin patch $7.00; bus expense $0.00

Comments: The Day Care program did a great job in fundraising. They raised the amount of funds to pay for the Pumpkin Patch tickets and for the bus ride.

The pre-kindergarten and kindergarten sold blue and yellow t-shirts and snacks to raise the money for the trip. Everyone in the Day Care is doing a great job in helping the students; the parents are noticing a big improvement in their children.

Main Issue: Obesity Prevention Day, October 22, 2011, 8am – 12Noon and it is hosted by Norris Dorsey.

• The purpose of Obesity Prevention Day is to deliver that will help fight the obesity and working together to spread the word.

• The Strategies and Solutions for Obesity is a cross training challenges (they will collaborate ears of the body and have solutions; for example, cross training, full body workout, athletic strength training.

Senator of Technology, Elizabeth Johnson Report:

Updated the ASO website under the section Members of the ASO to include newly appointed Senators. Also put up the Brown Act, so that anyone who might like to reference it can. Met with Mr. Crossley to show him how to edit the website, if need be.

Would like to have the password to the ASO Facebook page, so this resource can be used. Please let Ms. Johnson know of anything that should e uploaded or put on the website.

Senator of Political Affairs & Community Relations, Doleatha Young Report:

Senator of Educational Services, Andrea Soqui Report:


Mr. Soliman, Vice President: Point of Information: inquired to Mr. Crossley about the scribe pen.

Mr. Crossley stated that he has the live scribe pen, so we can start using it.

Mr. Soliman, Vice President: Point of Information, regarding the Brown Act; we cannot move items during our reports per Robert’s Rules of Order. We can only make recommendations, and with that said we are planning to rescind the motions to have Mr. Bishop come out to work shop in regards to last week’s meeting.

So that we may follow the rule correctly.

X. Advisor’s Reports

Mr. Crossley:

Attended the Facilities and Planning meeting last week; construction to be completed by May 2012.

They also discussed the ASP space, lighting Issues, Traffic coming out of the parking structure after 6pm.

2:55pm gavel was passed to the Vice President, John Soliman.

They also spoke about the disabled student’s inability to use elevator due to the location of the pay phone in the Campus Center.

Mr. Crossley inquired about the monies made y Jambi Juice and Inkberry during Welcome Week and asked the Treasurer if he followed up with the vendors to find out where our money is.

Marcelo Rodriguez, Treasurer stated that he contacted Jamba Juice and Pinkberry. He is waiting for someone to get back to him on those issues.

Mr. Crossley: Point of Information will no longer be using his personal monies or credit cards to make purchases for ASO sponsored events.

Mr. Crossley will be out of the office on Friday, October 21, 2011 attending an USC event.

Monica Moreno:

Reminded ASO students to volunteer for Shared Governance Committees. Also reminded students about the Leadership workshops on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 11:00 am.

Gavel passed back to President, Daniel Campos at 3:01pm.

XI. College President’s Report

Dr. Perez school was not in attendance and did not supply a report for this week.

Political Affairs & Community Relations Senator, Doleatha Young leaves mtg. at 3:10pm

XII. Committee/Shared Governance Reports

• ASO Unity Board Luncheon Committee

Vice President, John Soliman, would like to establish a time and date now.

Recruitment Senator, Sandra Barahona: motioned to have ASO Unit Luncheon @ Chaparral Restaurant

Historian, Teresa Sanchez; Seconded

So noted: per Committee Chair: Oscar Aguayo: The amount is $323.75, which includes tips, tax food and drinks.

Vice President, John Soliman please let minute reflect for Leadership Workshop to assist ASO in functioning.

Motion carried: 8.2.1

Senator of Technology, Elizabeth: Point of Information: When is this event scheduled?

• Publications AD Hoc Committee

Point of Information, Daniel Campos, President was approached by Dr. Grant. Dr. Grant says that the English Department is working on something like this now.

Mr. Ramirez/Dr. Grant will oversee the process. They will suggest Publications Committee work with them. Mr. Campos discussed the idea of English Department assisting the students with the newspaper.

Treasurer, Marcelo Rodriguez: Point of Information: wouldn’t that create bias and censorship?

Vice President, John Soliman: Point of Information: this is “our” (the students) newspaper. Students have final say on what goes into the newspaper.

Executive Administrator, Evy Trezvant: Point of Information: Is this a newspaper or a magazine?

Chair, Randy Gamez: it will e an e-zine

Senator of Marketing & Fundraising, Oscar Aguayo: motioned to suspend orders of the day to move to items in New Business: Drama

Vice President, John Soliman: seconded

Motion carried: 10.0.0

Drama Club Advisor, Mr. Aviles presented to the ASO. Turned in a proposal for $6,600.00 for production of and publicity of play.

Show based on Italian Folk Tale.

2nd proposal for loan for a total amount if they cannot get any donations. Request to please look at proposal and budget to consider their request.

Goal is to have the show by Spring 2012. They have looked everywhere possible for possible monies for show production.

Senator of Marketing & Fundraising, Oscar Aguayo: How much are the tickets

Mr. Aviles: $15.00 presale and $20.00 at the door.

Treasurer, Mr. Rodriguez: How much is Drama club looking for from ASO?

Mr. Aviles: they are looking for a grant which would be $6,600.00 and total production of play is about $16,000.00

Vice President: Point of Information

Technology Senator moved to extend time by 5 minutes

Vice President seconded

Motion carried: 10.0.0

Senator of Educational Services, Andrea Soqui leaves mtg. at 3:33pm

President passed gavel again to Vice President

President, Daniel Campos addresses the Board. Saw last play. Believes that art attracts people. This would be the biggest amount of money that the ASO would give to a club. He is in favor of something like this, if there is a plan.

Executive Administrator: Point of Information: has concerns with the amount for production.

Technology Senator, Elizabeth Johnson leaves at 3:25 pm.

Mr. Aviles needs to transform the LRC into a theater. There are costs and fees associated with construction and transformation to theater. Priority will be given to Mission Students in casting.

President, Daniel Campos: moved to extend time by 5 minutes

Senator of Marketing & Fundraising: seconded

Motion carried 9.0.1

Educational Services Senator: Is there any way we can find out how much money we have in the account?

Senator of Marketing & Fundraising, Oscar Aguayo: Are you going to be employing the students?

Mr. Aviles: absolutely, there will be professional mentors.

Publications Senator, Randy Gamez: stated we can use student labor to adjust costs/budget.

Guest: Brent Rosinski: stated that he is in the Interior Design Department would like for you to network with our department

President, Daniel Campos: suggested creating a committee in regards to the production of the play.

Executive Administrator, Evy Trezvant motioned to extend 1 minute

Recruitment Senator, Sandra Barahona: seconded

Motion carried: 9.0.0

Executive Administrator, Ms. Trezvant inquired, How long will production run?

Mr. Aviles: the production will run 2 weeks

Mr. Crossley has budget and proposal for the ASO Board

Mr. Campos, President suggested creating a committee

Drama Club Committee: Decameron Play

Brent Rosinski: Chair

Marcelo Rodriguez: Co Chair

Oscar Aguayo: member

Teresa Sanchez: member

Guadalupe Llerenas: member

Mr. Crossley: advisor

Aviles contact: avilesgg@lamission.edu; 818-364-7711

Gavel passed back to President, Daniel Campos at 3:40pm.

Mrs. Llerenas, Athletics Senator motioned for recess for 5 minutes

Publications Senator, Mr. Gamez: seconded

Motion carried: 9.0.0

Recess at 3:45 pm

Meeting called to order at 3:50pm

Senator of Health and Security Services, Michael Griggs returned at 3:50pm

• Mission College Day Committee (1st Tuesday each month)

There will be a meeting on Tomorrow at 12:30pm in the INST. Bldg.

XIII. Unfinished Business

• Halloween Ball (Carnival & Masquerade)

Halloween Ball/Masquerade/Club Day will be Thursday, October 27, 2011

There will be an ICC Committee Meeting at 12pm & 3pm.

President passed gavel to Vice President at 3:45pm

President, Mr. Campos stated he’s been visiting other meetings.

Proposal already put together by Michael Cortez

Mr. Soliman, Vice President: Point of Information: We are having a hard time keeping quorum. He asked that everyone try to remain in the conference room.

• ASO Business Cards (revisited)

President, Daniel Campos proposes to buy 1,500 business cards for ASO representatives and 500 business cards for the ASO President.

Mr. Aguayo, Marketing & Fundraising Senator suggested that ASO do some research on the business cards.

Ms. Trezvant, Executive Administrator suggested . The cards are free. You only have to pay for shipping.

Mr. Crossley stated that we discussed this in a previous meeting

Ms. Barahona, Recruitment Senator believes everyone should have their own business cards

President, Mr. Campos motioned to approve a budget to order and purchase business card based on the best budget.

Mr. Aguayo, Marketing & Fundraising Senator will do some research

Mr. Soliman, Vice President suggested Mr. Campos rescind his motion

Mr. Campos, President moved to amend his motion to create Ad Hoc Committee

Motion was seconded

Motion carried: 9.0.0

ICC Senator, Brandon Urtiz leaves at 3:57pm

XIV. Standing Items

• Club Charter

• Roboteca Space

Nothing to update

• Hot Dog Cart

Nothing to update

XV. New Business

• Senators Oath

Some Senators took their oath. Mr. Aguayo recorded this, but has since lost the audio; So there is no minutes to reflect which officers took oath.

• Discuss: Student Intimidation & Harassment

• Culinary Department: Student Issues

Board discussed both issues and concerns with follow-through on complaints.

Board will like to get an update to ensure that the student grievances are being handled properly and followed through.

Mr. Crossley will get back to Board to see if a Culinary Student can come and speak to Board to ensure follow-through

• Request for Conference Call Phone

Mr. Aguayo, Marketing & Fundraising Senator had recorded this meeting. The voice recorder that the Executive Administrator has is full. Ms. Trezvant is waiting to ensure that the minutes do not get deleted due to ASO issues. Mr. Aguayo stated that he was recording in the beginning of the meeting, however, Mr. Aguayo has since lost the audio for this meeting.

Motion did not carry.

This request was denied

• Ambassador of ASO

Do not have audio for this item. However, there was a committee formed. Mr. Campos is the Committee Chair. Mr. Griggs is also a member of committee. They will do more research on this item.

Ms. Trezvant, Executive Administrator motioned to adjournment meeting

Motion was seconded

Motion carried unanimously

Items Not Discussed

• Request for ASO Gavel

• Miguel Angel Vargas (deceased student)

• Printer, Copier, Fax Machine

XVI. Announcements

XVII. Agenda Item Requests

• Please send to Evy Trezvant : trezvae@lamission.edu

****Agenda items due no later than Wednesdays at 6:00pm***

XVIII. Adjournment at 5:09pm




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