Department of Health Care Administration

College of Health and Human Services

California State University, Long Beach


HCA 417 Technology, Ethics, and Society (3 Units)

Fall 2019

|Instructor: Henry O’Lawrence |Class Number: 3379 |

|On |Class Meets: 100% Online |

|Office Hours: Tuesday-4:30 -7:30 PM and by appointment on Wednesday | |

| |Additional Contact Information: |

|Office Location: HHS1 – 001 |HCA Program Administrative Coordinator: Deby McGill, |

| | |

|Office Phone: 562-985-8103 |Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886 |

Course Description:

A framework for understanding the ways in which human societies transform themselves through technological innovation; and understanding ethical questions concerning the social effects of technological change and students’ understanding of health care ethics, ethical issues, and ethical behavior in contemporary health care settings. Letter grade only (A-F).

Teaching/Learning Objectives

Students who have completed this course should be able to:

Learning Objectives, Domain and Competency Tab

|Learning Objective |Domain |Competency |Activity (A1), Assignment (A2) or|

| | | |Assessment (A3) |

|Define “technology” and “ethics” and discuss the various worldwide |5 |A. General Management |Online exercises and |

|impacts of technology upon society | | |reflection/critical commentary |

| | | |for each major function |

|Synthesize basic concepts and principles of organizational, |2 |A. Leadership Skills and |Questions on Midterm and Final |

|biomedical, and business ethics and demonstrate the ability to apply| |Behavior |Exam |

|them in defining and analyzing critical issues in health care | | | |

|settings | | | |

|Compare and contrast the effects that technology has had on the |1 |C. Facilitation |Conducting Meetings on Internet |

|human-made environment. | | |media as Skype, Google Docs, and |

| | | |BeachBoard (BB) |

|Develop a framework for ethical decision-making, especially as it |3 |A. Personal and |Team presentation via |

|applies to the export of technology | |professional accountability|PowerPoint/Prezi and peer |

| | | |feedback |

*Instructor reserves the right to alter or change assignments. Changes in the syllabus will be announced via email and on the Beachboard (BB). It is a student’s responsibility to remain updated on course changes.

Required Text:

|[pic] |Johnson, C. E. (2018). Organizational ethics: A |

| | |

| |practical approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage |

| | |

| |Publishing. |

| | |

| |ISBN: 978-1506361758 |

|[pic] |Moskop, J. C. (2016). Ethics and health care: An |

| | |

| |introduction. New York, NY: Cambridge |

| | |

| |University Press. |

| | |

| | |

| |ISBN:978-1-107-60175-8 |

| | |

|Recommended Text: | |

|[pic] |American Psychological Association. (2010). |

| | |

| |Publication manual of the American |

| | |

| |Psychological Association (6th ed. 3rd printing). |

| | |

| |Washington, DC: Author. |

| | |

| |ISBN: 978-1433805615 |

| | |

| | |

Methods of Instruction

• Discussion Board

• Small group problem-solving activities

• Informal peer content critique/feedback

• Informal and formal critique/feedback by the instructor

• Readings from class texts, class notes/material, and from additional sources

• Individual field and research activities/case report

• Quizzes


Your unit grade will be based on the following criteria:

|Syllabus Quiz |10 |1% |

|Introduction on Discussion Board @ 6 points | | |

|Comments – 2 @ 2 points |10 |1% |

|APA Quiz |20 |2% |

|Cultural Relativism Web Exercise |30 |3% |

|500 Word Essay |80 |8% |

|Ethics Videos Quiz |10 |1% |

|Discussion Board |120 |12% |

|6 Discussion Board Assignments @ 10 points each (80 points) | | |

|Discussion Comments to other student’s postings – 12 @ 5 points (60 points) | | |

|Quizzes over Weekly Readings 12 @ 10 points each |120 |12% |

|Movie Critique - Gattaca or The Island or Erin Brockovich or Wall-e or The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008 version) |80 |8% |

|Midterm |100 |10% |

|Group Project Proposal |50 |5% |

|Group Project (PowerPoint Presentation) |100 |10% |

|Group Project Comments 2 @ 5 points each |10 |1% |

|Culture and Quality Quiz (10 points) |50 |5% |

|Write up of Analysis of results (40 points) | | |

|Final Examination |100 |10% |

|Final Research Paper |100 |10% |

|Retrospect |10 |1% |

|Total Points |1000 |100% |


Please note that an A in this class is a 92.5% or better.

Course Grades will be assigned based on the following percentages/scores:


|Percentages |Numeric Score |Letter Grade |

|100% to 92.5% |1000 - 925 |A |

|92.4% to 82.5% |924 - 825 |B |

|82.4% to 72.5% |824 - 725 |C |

|72.4% to 62.5% |724 - 625 |D |

|62.4% to 0% |624 - 0 |F |

6 The University’s General Education policy requires students in this course to write a minimum of 5,000 words in the course of the semester


Attendance: There is no attendance policy in this class in a traditional sense—the students are not required to participate in the class activities at any specific time each week. However, every assignment in this class has a due-date—such assignments must be submitted/presented on time.

Late Work: No late work will be accepted or rewarded any credit unless the failing to submit an assignment on time is due to those circumstances outlined in the CSULB Attendance Policy as Excused Absences (Academic Senate Policy #01-01). Please refer to the CSULB Catalog or visit the CSULB Academic Senate site to get familiar with the policy ().

Participation: In this class, Participation is a set of specific weekly activities with the established deadlines. The nature of these activities and the evaluation criteria for them are described in detail further in this syllabus.

Contacting Instructor

Please always show the course number and section in the subject line.

Example: HCA 417 05


Assignments, other than discussion boards and exams will be submitted to dropbox.

Please save any files that you send in the following format:

Please submit in word files


Basic Technical Requirements:

Internet access, E-mail account and access, Word Processing with MS Word compatibility: many of the class notes, documents, and additional readings are stored as MS Word files and documents; you will need this program in order to retrieve and open these documents and files; you will also need to use a MS Word compatible program to submit some of your work to the instructor.

APA Format

The Health Care Administration Department follows the APA format for writing. You will be expected to successfully write your assignments using APA guidelines. There are several documents on BeachBoard that will give you hints and directions regarding APA. There are also a number of websites, as well as the APA manual 6th edition, 3rd printing.

Helpful cites:

Individual Assignments:

All individual assignments must be computer-typed and word-processed, in the format described in the latest APA manual. It is very important that you note that the writing style guide that the department requires for citations is APA 6th Edition. It is highly recommended that all students have a copy of the book. A quick style guide can be accessed through the University Library is on BeachBoard. More information about APA style is on Beachboard (BB) content for the course.

YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES - Successful students follow both oral and written instructions. The syllabus and information on BeachBoard (BB) are the primary sources of instructions; so successful students should read the instructions carefully and refer to them regularly. Successful students ask question before due dates. Successful students look up information first so that they ask informed questions. If they can’t find the answers, they contact the instructor via voice mail or email or texting.

Successful students pay close attention to how they can best and most easily learn the material in a particular subject area. You may find it helpful to take a learning styles inventory to guide your study habits. If you have difficulty figuring out how best to learn the material in this class, please make an appointment to see me.

Syllabus Quiz

Online classes are very different than the traditional face to face classes. It is imperative that you read the syllabus carefully in order to be successful. Oftentimes students simply scan the syllabus thinking they will look up topics as they need them. This is not a successful plan. Students need to study the syllabus and plan their semester accordingly. For this reason, I am adding a syllabus quiz to the requirements. You must read the syllabus to be able to answer the questions. The quiz is located under the quizzes tab.

APA Quiz (20 Points)

Watch the following videos and review the APA documents on BeachBoard. Then complete the APA quiz. The quiz is located under the quizzes tab.

Introduction on Discussion Board (400 to 500 words)

Introduce yourself on the discussion board – anything you would like the class and me to know about you. Be sure to include your major, your career goals, your life goals, hobbies, etc…

Additionally, write about what you expect to learn in the class and what ethical behavior means to you.

As part of the introduction, you are required to put a picture of yourself on the BeachBoard Profile. You will not receive credit for the introduction if you do not upload a picture to the BeachBoard profile. You do not need citations for the introduction.

Comments on Introductions (150 to 200 words)

Choose two classmates postings and comment on their posting. You can write about similarities with you or differences. You can also comment on their definition of ethical behavior.

What is Ethics and Business Ethics?

Watch the two videos below on ethics, then complete the quiz over the two videos.

Mandatory Essay

It is a University requirement to ask students to submit a 500-word essay. This written requirement is in addition to the course assignments required for this class. However, it is also required by the school. You can use any topic about technology and/or ethics. Remember, it has to be at least 500 words. Use MS Word. Please follow APA guidelines. You must cite at least 3 references. Be sure to cite them in the text and in the reference list at the end. You need a cover page but no abstract for this assignment.

You will lose points if you do not follow the APA format!

You will be submitting the paper through Turn-It-In. The Turn-it-In percentage must be 25% or less which can be seen via your “originality” report.  If you have a percentage between 25% and 35%, you can receive no higher than a 70%. All assignments with a higher than 35% will not be accepted and you will receive an F (0 grade) for the assignment.

Discussion Questions:

Discussion Board Lessons

Must show a word count

400-500 word essays addressing the questions stated in the assignment. The essays should demonstrate your familiarity with the reading material and concepts, understanding of the topic discussed and your ability to conduct additional relevant topic research and integrate the knowledge from the class material and other sources with your personal and professional experience. You are expected to cite and reference a minimum of three sources of information both in the text and in the reference list in APA format; it might include the class textbook, lecture notes. You must have at least one reference other than the sources you find from the textbook and BeachBoard. This reference must be 5 years or newer. A date before 2012 will not be accepted.

Evaluating Criteria for Discussion Questions

Must show a total word count – count does not include references.

The responses to each lesson’s Discussion Questions will be assessed according to the following rubric:

10 points per lesson--relevant content provided to all questions for the lesson;

well-organized, good writing mechanics (check spelling and grammar), evidence of relevant research; at least 3 sources are cited and referenced according to APA format

8 points per lesson—relevant content provided to all questions for the lesson, well organized, good writing mechanics, and evidence of relevant research at least 2 sources are cited and/or referenced according to APA format

6 points per lesson—relevant content provided to most of the questions for the lesson, reasonably well organized, writing mechanics is acceptable with only some spelling and grammatical errors, and at least 1 source is cited showing evidence of relevant research

5 points per lesson—relevant content provided to most of the questions for the lesson, reasonably well organized, writing mechanics are acceptable with only some spelling and grammatical errors, BUT no evidence of relevant research (no citations or references)

0 points per lesson—no response posted OR the content is insufficient, no organization, no evidence of research.

Discussion Participation Lessons

Constructive comments on other classmate’s postings, respectful communication style and overall active participation in the discussion board. You must have at least one source for each of your comments.


Evaluating Criteria for Discussion Participation:

Must show a word count

Your comments must contain at least 150 words each. You must have at least one source for each of your comments. The comments to each lesson’s Posting will be assessed according to the following rubric:

5 points per comment—at least two comments are posted per lesson; the comments are constructive, acknowledge some of the points, arguments, propositions stated in the discussion posting(s) to which the comments are made. Comments must be at least 5 sentences for each one.

3 point per comment—the comment is constructive, acknowledges some of the points, arguments, propositions stated in the discussion posting to which the comment is made. Comment does not have the required amount of words or sentences or does not acknowledge the points in the posting.

0 points per comment—there are no comments posted; OR the comments are openly hostile; OR the comments are limited to simple greeting-like statements (“I agree/disagree”; “Well said,” etc.) without explanation or justification

Submission Instructions

Discussion Questions; Discussion Participation Comments:

Type (or copy/paste from a word file) your answers, comments, and reference entries into the class main discussion board under the forums designated by the instructor. It is to your advantage to develop your posting in a word processing document and then copy it to BeachBoard (BB). The word processor will check spelling and grammar, so you do not lose points on something easily correctible.

Cultural Relativism Web Exercise - Do the web exercise

Go to

Print the final page that says you have completed the exercise, write your name and date on the page, either scan it or take a picture of it and upload it to the dropbox. If you are able to right click and save it and then use photoshop to put your name and date on it and save it and then upload to the dropbox, that is satisfactory also. The end result is the page must be personalized with you name and date when uploaded to the dropbox.

Quality and Culture Quiz

Complete the Quality and Culture Quiz online –

Right click on the certificate and save the image, then upload it to the dropbox.

Write a statement (350 to 400 words) - upload it to the dropbox.

After reviewing your results, write an analysis of your reaction to the results of the quiz. Are you surprised? What steps will you take to help improve your knowledge in this area? What information sources will you use to improve your knowledge in your areas of weakness? Do you think it is important to be culturally competent and why do you think it is or is not important? The analysis must be APA formatted and grammatically correct. You need at least 3 references that can be from sources you reviewed to increase your knowledge in the areas the quiz showed improvement was needed. You must show a word count.

You need a cover page, but you do not need an abstract.

Movie Critique Essay – Choose one of the following movies - Gattaca or The Island or Erin Brokovich or Wall-e or The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008 version)

This written essay should be typed using MS Word (PDF is not acceptable), it should not exceed 500 words, and should be double-spaced. The objective of this written assignment is to help you identify the key ethical implications of the technology presented on the chosen film. Your essay should attempt to provide an analysis of the ethical implications to society brought about by the technology presented in the film selected. I am NOT looking for a recount of the movie, but a summary of the key ethical aspects of the technologies in question if it were to be applied to society. You should have at least 2 references other than the movie, the movie will the third reference. References are to be listed on the bottom of the second page. Submit the essay to the dropbox.


Maximum length: Must be between 450 and 500 words (You must learn how to stay in the word count limits. Points may be deducted for going beyond the maximum length.)

Formatting: APA, Title page, no Abstract, Header should be in the header area of the page. The paper must be grammatically correct.

References: 3 including the movie reference, must be cited in the text and the reference list – are not included in the word count

You will be submitting the paper through Turn-It-In. The Turn-it-In percentage must be 25% or less which can be seen via your “originality” report.  If you have a percentage between 25% and 35%, you can receive no higher than a 70%. All assignments with a higher than 35% will not be accepted and you will receive an F (0 grade) for the assignment.


You will have 12 true/false/multiple choice quizzes over the reading assignments from the textbooks. You will be allowed to take the exam one time. Once you open the exam, you must finish it. You cannot save it and return later. You can see the questions you missed and the answers on Tuesday at 2:00 pm after the closing of the quiz. This will stay open so you can use it to study for the midterm and final. All weekly quizzes, midterm and final will be opened 8:00 am on Thursday and closed 11:55 pm on Sunday.

Viewing submission information and graded quizzes (From BeachBoard Help)

The instructor might allow different submissions views, including quiz score and question answers, to be released after you have taken the quiz. To access information about your submissions, from the main Quiz List, click the [pic] Submissions icon beside the quiz you want to view. If you have more than one attempt completed for that quiz, the attempts will be listed. Click on the attempt you wish to see the submission view for to be taken to the submission view page. Contact BeachBoard if you have any questions about accessing the submission views.

Midterm and Final Exams

There will also be a midterm and a final exam. All exams are multiple-choice and true/false. The exams are a random selection from the same question pool as the weekly quizzes. The final will cover material covered after the midterm. You will only have one attempt for the midterm exam and the final exam.

Retrospect Review:

Thinking about the class and the group activity – complete form located on BeachBoard under the content and submit to the dropbox

Group Assignments:

There will be one group assignment in this course—Team Power Point Presentation. Each student will be assigned to a team by the instructor. Each team will be able to communicate through its own discussion section on BeachBoard (BB); team members can also communicate via e-mail, phone, or any other preferred and accepted mode of communication by all members. You will select an area of ethics and/or technology and present how this topic has helped to change the world. Please note, that it is NOT expected that the team should meet in person; however, this decision is within each team’s discretion as long as all members consent.

Group Project Proposal: The proposal is to be between ½ and 1 page long. Using APA style, define your topic and explain why your group chose this topic. You must use at least one reference for each member of the group for the proposal. So, if you have 5 members, you need 5 references on the proposal. When you submit it to BeachBoard (BB), be sure everyone’s name is in the comment section. Only one member will submit the proposal. You need a cover sheet.

Group Project: You will be assigned to groups of 5 to 6 and together as a group you will select an area of technology and present how this technology has helped to change the world. Together, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation (PREZI WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED) of at least 3 slides per group member and post it to the discussion board. The team leader will submit the Presentation to BeachBoard (BB) and to the dropbox. Be sure every member’s name is on the cover page. I expect to see creativity, graphics and information that is thorough enough for the reader to understand. Since this is strictly posted and not presented in person, the information must be clear and concise. Each member of the group is responsible for at least 3 references which will be cited in the text and in a reference list on the last slide. The first slide and the last slide do not count as part of the minimum number.

Group Project Comments: Make constructive comments on two of your classmate’s group projects.

Final Research Paper:

The paper must be a minimum of 2000 words and a maximum of 2200 words, double spaced, using a size 12 font of either Times Roman or Arial, the title page, abstract page and reference page are not included in the word count. The paper should address the issues of ethics (theory and practices in work-related aspects of society). The focus is up to you. You may consider topics such as Globalization, Economics, and Human Rights, Information Technology, etc…, as it relates to ethics in today’s world. In general, choose a topic that is relevant to the course topics and discussions, on the one hand; and on the other, something that is relevant to your own professional, personal, and/or academic experience and interests.

The Paper must be written and organized according to APA format; particularly, pay attention to citations and references of research sources, and to the correspondence between citations in text of your essay and references at the end. It is expected that you will be using at least 10 different sources (minimum); that will include academic publications, national/international database, media/news reports, etc… The paper will be submitted to the dropbox. This is the assignment designated to be used in your e-portfolio.


Must be submitted in a Word document – PDF is not acceptable.

Minimum/Maximum length: 2000/2200 words – title page and reference pages are not included in the page count. (This assignment is training for you to learn how to convey the information within the maximum number of words.) One aspect of this assignment is learning how to consolidate and organize your paper so it stays within the limits of the 2200 word count. Points may be deducted for more pages then the maximum number allowed.

Formatting: APA, Title page, Abstract, Header should be with the page number in the header area of the page. The paper must be grammatically correct. (See last page for template.)

References: 10 different sources

Please copy link below for example paper of formatting style:

You will be submitting the paper through Turn-It-In. The Turn-it-In percentage must be 25% or less which can be seen via your “originality” report.  If you have a percentage between 25% and 35%, you can receive no higher than a 70%. All assignments with a higher than 35% will not be accepted and you will receive an F (0 grade) for the assignment.

All assignments must be submitted by the specified due dates outlined in this syllabus


Cheating and Plagiarism. Please be aware of and ensure that your behavior conforms to University Policy, as contained in the California State University, Long Beach Policy Statement 80-01:.  All papers will be screened for plagiarism using the “Turn-It-In” software system.  The Turn-it-In percentage must be 25% or less which can be seen via your “originality” report.  If you have a percentage between 25% and 35%, you can receive no higher than a 70%. All assignments with a higher than 35% will not be accepted and you will receive an F (0 grade) for the assignment.

NOTE: All written assignments must be grammatically correct and formatted using APA.

HCA 417

Course Schedule

|Weeks/Assignment |Due Date |Description |

|1 |8-27-19 |Read the syllabus and complete the syllabus quiz |

|SYLLABUS | |Complete the Introduction and Post to Discussion Board |

|& | | |


| |8-29-19 |Comments to classmate’s introduction |

| |8-29-19 |Post Discussion Board 1 Responses |

| | |Read Introductions/Summaries |

| | |Read Objectives |

| | |Review Chapter PowerPoints |

| | |Review the APA PowerPoint Presentation under the |

| | |Course Outline |

| | |Read Johnson Chapter 1 (Pages 1-32) |

| | |Read Moskop Chapters 1 & 2 (Pages 1-29) |

| | | |

| | |Watch the following videos: |

| | | |

| | |Ethical theories kept simple |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Ethical dilemma |

| | | |

| |9-1-19 |Post two comments on classmate’s Discussion 1 |

| | |Complete Weekly Quiz 1 |

| | | |

| | |Stay current! Read about ethical dilemmas raised by the media, public or |

| | |Government. |

| | | |

| | |Look for the latest articles related to this topic as part of your discussion |

|2 |9-3-19 |Review all APA information on BeachBoard and watch the APA videos. Complete |

|APA QUIZ | |APA quiz online |

| | | |

| | |APA Format and Citations: Sixth (6th) Edition |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Using APA style for references and citations |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |How to format a Word doc for writing an APA style college paper |

| | | |

|ETHIC’S |9-5-19 |Watch the Ethics videos and complete the online quiz |

|QUIZ | | |

| | |Introduction to ethics |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |What is Ethics? What is Business Ethics? |

| | | |

|2 |9-5-19 |Read Introductions/Summaries |

| | |Read Additional Thoughts |

| | |Read Objectives |

| | |Review Chapter PowerPoints |

| | |Read Johnson Chapter 2 (Pages 33-58) |

| | |Read Moskop Chapters 3 & 4 (Pages 30–62) |

| |9-8-19 |Complete Weekly Quiz 2 |

|MANDATORY |9-10-19 |Mandatory 500-word essay due – submit to dropbox |

|ESSAY | | |

|3 |9-12-19 |Post Discussion Board 2 Responses |

| | |Read Introductions/Summaries |

| | |Read Additional Thoughts |

| | |Read Objectives |

| | |Review Chapter PowerPoints |

| | |Read Johnson Chapter 3 (Pages 59-91) |

| | |Read Moskop Chapters 5 & 6 (Pages 63-89) |

| | | |

| | |Watch the following videos: |

| | | |

| | |Introduction to Ethics – (also watched for earlier in the semester Quiz) |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Creating Ethical Cultures in Business - |

| | | |

| |9-15-19 |Post comments on classmates Discussion 2 |

| | |Complete Weekly Quiz 3 |

|CULTURAL RELATIVISM WEB |9-17-19 |Cultural Relativism – Web Exercise Due |

|EXERCISE | |Go to |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Take a screen shot of the last page showing you completed it, personalize it |

| | |as directed above in the body of the syllabus and submit it to the dropbox. |

|4 |9-19-19 |Read Introductions/Summaries |

| | |Read Additional Thoughts |

| | |Read Objectives |

| | |Review Chapter PowerPoints |

| | |Read Johnson Chapter 4 (Pages 94-120) |

| | |Read Moskop Chapters 7 & 8 (Pages 90–113) |

| |9-22-19 |Complete Weekly Quiz 4 |

|5 |9-26-19 |Post Discussion Board 3 Responses |

| | |Read Introductions/Summaries |

| | |Read Additional Thoughts |

| | |Read Objectives |

| | |Review Chapter PowerPoints |

| | |Read Johnson Chapter 5 (Pages 121-154) |

| | |Read Morskop 9 & 10 (Pages 114-137) |

| |9-29-19 |Post two comments on classmate’s discussion 3 |

| | |Complete Weekly Quiz 5 |

|6 |10-3-19 |Read Introductions/Summaries |

| | |Read Additional Thoughts |

| | |Read Objectives |

| | |Review Chapter PowerPoints |

| | |Read Johnson Chapter 6 (Pages 155-188) |

| | |Read Moskop Chapters 11 & 12 (Pages 138–178) |

| | | |

| | |Watch the following videos on |

| | | |

| | |The Story of Dolly the Cloned Sheep: |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |No, Cloning Won’t Bring Your Dog Back – |

| | | |

| |10-6-19 |Complete Weekly Quiz 6 |

|7 |10-9-19 |Group Project Proposal Due – team leader submits to Dropbox on Group |

|GROUP PROPOSAL | |Assignments: |

| | |There will be one group assignment in this course—Team Power Point |

| | |Presentation. Each student will be assigned to a team by the instructor soon |

| | |after the midterm exam. Each team will be able to communicate through its own |

| | |discussion forum accessible only to the assigned members of the team; team |

| | |members can also communicate via e-mail, phone, or any other preferred and |

| | |accepted by all members modes of communication. Please note, that it is NOT |

| | |expected that the team should meet in person; however, this decision is within|

| | |each team’s discretion as long as all members consent. |

| | | |

| | |Group Project Proposal: The proposal is to be 250 to 400 words. Using APA |

| | |style, define your topic and explain why your group chose this topic. You must|

| | |use at least one reference for each member of the group for the proposal. So, |

| | |if you have 5 members, you need 5 references on the proposal. When you submit |

| | |it to BeachBoard (BB), be sure everyone’s name is in the comment section. Only|

| | |one member will submit the proposal. |

| | | |

| | |Group Project: You will be assigned to groups of 5 to 6 and together as a |

| | |group you will select an area of ethics and/or technology and present how this|

| | |topic has helped to change the world. Together you will develop a PowerPoint |

| | |presentation of at least 3 slides per member and post it to the discussion |

| | |board under the correct date. Each member of the group is responsible for at |

| | |least 3 references which will be cited in the text and in a reference list on |

| | |the last slide. |

| | | |

| | |Group Project Comments: Make constructive comments on two of your classmate’s |

| | |group projects. |

| | | |

| | |BeachBoard (BB) – only one submission per group |

| | |Dropbox – only one submission per group |

| | |Be sure all members names are on the first slide |

| | | |

| | |The team leader will submit the presentation to both the dropbox and the |

| | |BeachBoard (BB). When submitting to the dropbox, please put all members name |

| | |in the comment section in the dropbox. |

|MIDTERM EXAM DUE |10-13-19 |Midterm exam due (Posted from 10-10-19 to 10-13-19) |

|8 |10-17-19 |Post Discussion Board 4 Responses Read Introductions/Summaries |

| | |Read Additional Thoughts |

| | |Read Objectives |

| | |Review Chapter PowerPoints |

| | |Read Johnson Chapter 7 (Pages 190-227) |

| | |Read Moskop Chapters 13 & 14 (Pages 179-212) |

| |10-20-19 |Post two comments on classmate’s discussion 4 |

| | |Complete Weekly Quiz 7 |

|QUALITY |10-22-19 |Due - Complete the Quality and Culture Quiz online and analysis |


|AND | |quality-quiz |


|9 |10-24-19 |Read Introductions/Summaries |

| | |Read Objectives |

| | |Review Chapter PowerPoints |

| | |Read Johnson Chapter 8 (Pages 228-256) |

| | |Read Moskop Chapters 15 & 16 (Pages 213–241) |

| |10-27-19 |Complete Weekly Quiz 8 |

|MOVIE CRITIQUE |10-29-19 |Essay on one of the following movies (your choice) Due: |

| | |Gattaca or The Island or Erin Brokovich or Wall-e |

| | |or |

| | |The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008 version) |

|10 |10-31-19 |Post Discussion Board 5 responses |

| | |Read Introductions/Summaries |

| | |Read Additional Thoughts |

| | |Read Objectives |

| | |Review Chapter PowerPoints |

| | |Read Johnson Chapter 9 (Pages 258-294) |

| | |Read Moskop Chapters 17 & 18 (Pages 242–262) |

| |11-3-19 |Post two comments classmate’s discussion board 5 |

| | |Complete Weekly Quiz 9 |

|11 |11-7-19 |Read Introductions/Summaries |

| | |Read Objectives |

| | |Review Chapter PowerPoints |

| | |Read Johnson Chapter 10 (Pages 295-326) |

| | |Read Moskop Chapters 19 & 20 (Pages 263–306) |

| |11-10-19 |Complete Weekly Quiz 10 |

|12 |11-14-19 |Post Discussion Board 6 responses |

| | |Read Introductions/Summaries |

| | |Read Additional Thoughts |

| | |Read Objectives |

| | |Review Chapter PowerPoints |

| | |Read Johnson Chapter 11 (Pages 327-354) |

| | |Read Moskop Chapters 21 (Pages 307–327) |

| | | |

| | |Watch the following videos on ethics: |

| | | |

| | |Incompetent vs Competent Cultural Care - |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Cultural Competence for Healthcare Providers - |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Cultural Competence: Managing Your Prejudices – |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Diversity in the Workplace - |

| |11-17-19 |Post two comments on classmate’s discussion 6 |

| | |Complete Weekly Quiz 11 |

|FINAL PAPER |11-19-19 |Final Research Paper submitted to dropbox |

| 13 |11-21-19 |Read Introductions/Summaries |

| | |Read Additional Thoughts |

| | |Read Objectives |

| | |Review Chapter PowerPoints |

| | |Read Johnson Chapter 12 (Pages 355-383) |

| |11-24-19 |Complete Weekly Quiz 12 |

|14 |11-27-19 |Thanksgiving Break (11-27-19 to 12-1-19) |

|15 |12-5-19 |Read Additional Thoughts |

| | |Work on Group Projects |

|GROUP PROJECT |12-6-19 |Group Project Posted to Discussion Board - team leader also submits to dropbox|

| | |– only one submission per group |

| |12-8-19 |Post two Individual comments on group postings |

|RETROSPECT/REVIEW |12-9-19 |Due - Thinking about the class and the group activity – complete form and |

| | |submit to the dropbox |

|FINAL EXAM |12-15-19 |Final Exam – will be posted 12-12-19 to 12-15-19 |

| | | |

*Instructor reserves the right to alter or change assignments. Changes in the syllabus will be announced via email and on the BeachBoard (BB). It is a student’s responsibility to remain updated on course changes.

Commitment to Inclusion

California State University, Long Beach is committed to maintaining an inclusive learning community that values diversity and fosters mutual respect.  All students have the right to participate fully in university programs and activities free from discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, and retaliation.  Students who believe they have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, or retaliation on the basis of a protected status such as age, disability, gender, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, veteran/veteran status or any other status protected by law, should contact the Office of Equity and Diversity at (562) 985-8256, University Student Union (USU) Suite 301, .       

Classroom Accommodation

“Students with a disability or medical restriction who are requesting a classroom accommodation should contact the Disabled Student Services at 562-985-5401 or visit Brotman Hall, Suite 270 during 8AM-5PM weekday hours. Disabled Student Services will work with the student to identify a reasonable accommodation in partnership with appropriate academic offices and medical providers. We encourage students to reach out to DSS as soon as possible.”


Al-Rodhan, N. (2015). The many ethical implications of emerging technology. Scientific American. Retrieved from


Badaracco, J. (2016). Defining moments: When managers must choose between right and right. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Publishing.

Baillie, H. M., McGeehan, J. M., Garrett, T. M. (deceased), & Garrett, R. M. (2012). Health care: Principles and problems (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Beranger, J. (2015). Medical information systems ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing.

Boylan, M. (Eds.). (2014). Business ethics (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing.

Eshaghian-Wilner, M. M. (Eds.). (2016). Wireless computing in medicine: From Nano to Cloud with ethical and legal implications. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing.

Hammaker, D. K., & Knadig, T. M. (2017). Health care ethics and the law. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Harmon, L. C., & Cornelius, F. (2017). Ethical health informatics (3rd eds.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Harris, D. M. (2014). Contemporary issues in healthcare law and ethics (4th eds.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Isaacson, W. (2015). The innovators: How a group of hackers, geniuses and geeks created the digital revolution. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster Publishing

Kominski, G. F. (2013). Changing the U.S. health care system: Key issues in health services policy and management (4th ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Jossey-Bass

Lenoir, V. C. (2016). Ethical efficiency: Responsibility and contingency. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing.

MacKinnon, B. (2012). Ethics: Theory & contemporary issues – Concise Edition (2nd ed.). Lexington, KY: Cengage Learning.

Moskop, J. C. (2016). Ethics and healthcare: An introduction. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Pelle, S., & Reber, B. (2016). From ethical review to responsible research and innovation. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing.

Pozgar, G. D., & Santucci, N. (2015). Legal aspects of health care administration (12th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Pozgar, G. D. (2016). Legal and ethical issues for health professionals (4th eds.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Ritter, L. A., & Graham, D. H. (2107). Multicultural health (2nd eds.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Spinello, R. (2017). Cyberethics (6th eds.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Stanton, P., & Stanton, S. (2016). Understanding business ethics. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.

Stanford, C. C., & Connor, V. J. (2014). Ethics for health professionals. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Tavina, H. T. (2015). Ethics and technology: Controversies, questions, and strategies for ethical computing (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing.

Van de Poel, I. (2011). Ethics, technology, and engineering: An introduction. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing.

Winston, M. E., & Edelbach, R. D. (2014). Society, ethics, and technology. (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Group/Thomson Learning.

Journals, Online Websites and Blogs References: (These references are not APA formatted – the sources below additional cites you can visit for information.)


Journal of Medical Ethics

The New England Journal of Medicine

AMA Journal of Ethics

BioMed Central (BMC) Medical Ethics

American Journal of Bioethics

Science and Engineering Ethics

Journal of Health Ethics, Policy and Law

Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal




Appendix A

CSULB HCA COMPETENCIES - From ACHE Competencies Assessment Tool, 2010

The Healthcare Leadership Alliance (HLA) Competency Directory is comprised of 297 specific competencies, organized into 5 domains (). CSULB’s Health Care Administration Department has adopted these competencies as the basis for its curriculum, effective 2010. The domains are listed and defined below, with the principal areas included in each domain. HCA graduates are expected to demonstrate competence in aspects of all five domain areas.

Domain 1 – Communication and Relationship Management. The ability to communicate clearly and concisely with internal customers, establishes and maintains relations, and facilitates constructive interactions with individuals and groups.

Relationship Management

Communication Skills

Facilitation and Negotiation

Domain 2 – Leadership. The ability to inspire individual and organizational excellence, create a shared vision and successfully manage change to attain the organization’s strategic ends and successful performance. According to the HLA model, leadership intersects with each of the other four domains.

Leadership Skills and Behavior

Organizational Climate and Culture

Communicating Vision

Manage Change

Domain 3 – Professionalism. The ability to align personal and organizational conduct with ethical and professional standards that include a responsibility to the patient and community, a service orientation, and a commitment to lifelong learning and improvement.

Personal and Professional Accountability

Professional Development and Lifelong Learning

Contributions to the Community and Profession

Domain 4 – Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment. The understanding of the healthcare system and the environment in which healthcare managers and providers function.

Healthcare Systems and Organizations

Healthcare Personnel

The Patient’s Perspective

The Community and the Environment

Domain 5 – Business Skills and Knowledge. The ability to apply business principles, including systems thinking, to the healthcare environment.

General Management

Financial Management

Human Resource Management

Organizational Dynamics and Governance

Strategic Planning and Marketing

Information Management

Risk Management

Quality Improvement

My Rubric for Grading Research Paper

Levels of Writing Quality Research Paper for the Following Classes

(HCA 417i, 410, and422i, 457i)

Writing quality research paper for my course will be evaluated using the features defining the four levels. A passing grade for the writing quality of the paper will be achieved by writing at Level 3.

Level 1 Writing (Beginner). Features of these papers:

Ill-defined or no thesis

Unfocused sense of audience

Inadequate organization and/or development

Inappropriate or insufficient details to support ideas

Does not demonstrate understanding of topic beyond a surface level

Multiple errors in grammar, diction, sentence structure, or spelling

Level 2 Writing (Novice). Features of these papers:

Vague purpose or multiple purposes

Sense of audience wavers

Evident but inconsistent development

Does not advance an argument with adequate support

Demonstrates some understanding of the topic, but does make connections among ideas

Lack of language facility with frequent errors

Level 3 Writing (proficient). Features of these papers:

Expresses a clear, coherent thesis

Sticks to the purpose and provides adequate transitions among ideas

Connects ideas within the material and to other ideas and sources

Moves beyond surface understanding and demonstrates facility with topical and disciplinary knowledge

Conveys a sense of audience with appropriate use of disciplinary language

Advances argument with sound evidence and references

Readability enhanced by facility with language and sentence conventions

Level 4 Writing (Advanced). Features of these papers:

Insightful, creative or skillfully designed purpose

Sense of audience demonstrated through form and language

Demonstrates disciplinary understanding and interconnections; makes links that suggest the discovery of new information or new ways of designing/displaying information

Effective organization contributes to full development of presentation

Innovatively or expertly advances argument with well-researched evidence and documentation

Work enhanced by facility in language use, range of diction, and syntactic variety

Dichotomous Scale for Evaluating Writing

Yes No

Substance ___ ___ 1. Paper addresses the issue.

___ ___ 2. Paper has a focus, central idea.

___ ___ 3. Paper develops major aspects of the central idea.

___ ___ 4. Paper shows awareness of importance of main ideas.

Organization ___ ___ 5. Structure or pattern of the paper is clear.

___ ___ 6. Paper has an introduction, development, and


___ ___ 7. Each paragraph is coherent.

___ ___ 8. Transitions from one idea to next are logical.

Mechanics ___ ___ 9. Sentence structure is coherent

___ ___ 10. Sentences are not awkward.

___ ___ 11. Sentences are varied.

___ ___ 12. Errors in use of verbs are few.

___ ___ 13. Errors in use of pronouns are few.

___ ___ 14. Errors in use of modifiers are few.

___ ___ 15. Errors in word usage are few.

___ ___ 16. Punctuation errors are few.

___ ___ 17. Spelling errors are few.

Evidence ___ ___ 18. Statements are accurate.

___ ___ 19. Opinions are adequately supported.

___ ___ 20. Sources are identified and documented



(alternative) ___ ___ Paper shows control of grammar.

___ ___ Paper shows control of syntax.

___ ___ Paper has few misspellings.

Appendix D


A Grade

Participate in all group activities/assignments/discussions

Take all quizzes (92.5%)

Write a research paper (must include 10 references, not less than 7 pages, written in APA style, must grammatically sound, and must be a very good quality report)

Take mid-term examination (must score 92.5%)

Take final exam (must score 92.5%)

B Grade

Participate in all group activities/assignments/discussions

Take all quizzes (82.5% or higher)

Take mid-term examination (must score 82.5% or higher)

Take final exam (must score 82.5% or higher)

Research paper acceptable

C Grade

Participate in all group activities/assignments/discussions

Take all quizzes (72.5%)

Take mid-term examination (must score 72.5% or higher)

Take final examination (must score 72.5% or higher)

Poor final research paper

Components of a Research Report

Overview of Expectation:

Abstract (2%)

Introduction (10%)

Statement of the problem/purpose of study (10%)

Need of the study/report/objective (Educational Value) (8%)

Literatures (10%)

Findings/Analysis (35%)

Conclusion (5%)

Recommendations (5%)

References (5%)

Overall APA format (10%)

* Note: All research projects must be written in APA style


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