Ms - Sheppard's Flock

Question: Please write on a topic of your choice. If an essay question for another college piqued your interest, feel free to submit your response to that question. Please limit your response to one page, or approximately 500 words. And please use the space bar instead of the tab key to create paragraph indentations. Tab spacing will not be preserved when you copy and paste responses from a word processing program.

I was an intern in tech support at the Ukrop's support center and for the past hour I had been staring at a spreadsheet. I focused on the dotted lines marching around the cells. It looked like the cells were slowly changing color, first gray, then black. I felt like I was going blind. I closed my eyes but the spreadsheet was burned into my vision. "Great, I hope this isn't permanent," I thought to myself.

I was shaken out of my daze when to my right, a red light came on followed by a small chirp. My phone was ringing for the first and only time. Although I worked in tech support, I never got to answer the phones. I doubted that anyone even had my number. Since I was an intern, I was given the jobs that were too easy to screw up. I picked up my phone and heard the voice of Chellam Manickam, the CIO. She told me to come down to Mr. Ukrop's conference room to fix something. I left my desk and headed in the general direction of Bobby's office. At Ukrop's there are no cubicles, rather there are color coded trapezoids and brightly colored furnishings and carpets. As I walked the hall I couldn't help thinking that the place looked like Smurf Village. I had to ask around but I eventually found the conference room. I expected the room to be empty but I walked in to find all of the big shots gathered around a table. Chellam said "hi" and pointed skyward.

Before I continue, it is necessary to mention that I am tall, around 6 foot 9. So tall that I tend to block out the sun, creating partial eclipses wherever I go. My volleyball team mates call me tree and I have more than one pair of jeans which I had to buy off the internet, because no real stores carry my size. I call them my internet pants. If there is a tall joke I have not heard, please tell me. But to the next person who asks how the weather is up there, I'll spit on him and tell him it is raining, or maybe not. But the same jokes get old.

What Chellam was pointing to was a projector hanging eight feet above the floor. The remote was missing and the meeting had stalled because the projector was off. I reached up and turned it on, a task which took all of my expertise and highly technical knowledge that equipped me for the rigors of tech support. Chellam then introduced me to Bobby and he thanked me for saving the day. I was then promoted to Executive Button Pusher/VP of tall stuff. So I've got that going for me.


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