I.E.S. Santa Eugenia

Present simple & continuous, past simple & continuous

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the present simple, present continuous, past simple or past continuous.

drink go play speak stay swim watch

I always drink coffee in the mornings.

1 This season, my favourite football team

……………………………… really well.

2 I ……………………………… on holiday to Corfu in 2011.

3 Nick ……………………………… five languages!

4 While we ……………………………… the film, David arrived.

5 My uncle ……………………………… in Vienna this week.

6 This time last week, I ……………………………… in the sea.

Past simple & past perfect

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple or the past perfect.

After John had visited (visit) Barcelona, he decided (decide) to go university there.

1 When Sarah ……………………………… (arrive) at the party, Rita ………………………………

(already / leave).

2 She ……………………………… (have) a bath after the children ……………………………… (go) to school.

3 After they ……………………………… (eat) their dinner, they ……………………………… (put) their dishes in the sink.

4 Sandra ……………………………… (call) her mother after the plane ……………………………… (land).

5 After he ……………………………… (finish) his homework, he ……………………………… (play) on his computer.

6 The students ……………………………… (not / be) hungry because they ……………………………… (just /eat) dinner.

Present perfect & past simple

3 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect or the past simple.

Chloe Ball-Hopkins, who suffers from a rare form of muscular dystrophy, celebrated (celebrate) her seventeenth birthday by going skydiving. She had always wanted to skydive and (1) ……………………… (be) very excited when the big day (2) ………………… (arrive). She (3) ……………………… (jump) 3,000 metres from the sky to raise money for a charity. This charity is helping to find a cure for the disease that (4) ……………………… (leave) Chloe in a wheelchair. So far, she (5) ……………………… (raise) over £80,000 for the charity. Chloe said that she

(6) ……………………… (write) a list of things that she wants to do because she doesn't know when her condition might change.

Present perfect simple & continuous

4 Complete the sentences with suitable verbs. Use the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous.

How many times have you been ice skating?

1 You look exhausted – what …………………………… ?

2 How long …………………………… your best friend?

3 I’m bored because I …………………………… all morning.

4 Hurry up – she …………………………… for us for three hours already!

5 Look! Somebody …………………………… a football into that tree.

6 I …………………………… that DVD you lent me, so you can have it back now.

Future forms

5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use an appropriate future form.

call have (x2) leave rain spend win

I’ll have a coffee and a ham sandwich, please.

1 I promise that I ……………………… you as soon as we land in Los Angeles.

2 The train ……………………… at 08.45 tomorrow morning.

3 I ……………………… lunch with Mario next Tuesday.

4 I ……………………… the summer with my friends in Holland.

5 I don’t think that the president ……………………… the next election.

6 Look at the sky – it ……………………… .

Tenses: question forms

6 Write questions using the prompts.

Who / tell / you / about / this website?

Who told you about this website?

1 Where / you / go / on holiday / last year?

2 What / you / do / this time last week?

3 Who / give / you / that watch?

4 Who / you / see / at the party / yesterday?

5 When / you / last / go / swimming?

6 How long / be / it / since / we / last / go / to Spain?

Reported speech: tense changes

1 Read the report. Then complete the text underneath with the correct forms of the verbs in bold.

Privacy and social media

A survey was recently carried out to discover what information people are sharing on their social media pages. It showed that most people (1) post photos of themselves and (2) reveal the name of their town. However, not many people (3) display their phone number.

The majority of Facebook users (4) have set their profiles to be private. These people (5) are also confident that they can manage their privacy settings.

I read a survey recently about what information people were sharing on their social media pages. It showed that most people (1) ……………… photos of themselves and (2) ……………… the name of their town. However, not many people (3) ……………… their phone number.

The survey went on to say that the majority of Facebook users (4) ……………… their profiles to be private, and that these people (5) ……………… also confident that they can manage their privacy settings.

Reporting verbs & structures

2 Complete the second sentence. Use reporting verbs and pay attention to pronouns and time expressions.

‘I’ll call you tomorrow,’ Julia told Irene.

Julia promised Irene that she would call her the following day.

1 ‘I didn’t break the window yesterday,’ said Pat.

Pat denied

2 ‘Don’t use this website, Sara,’ said the teacher.

The teacher warned

3 ‘Remember to give these apples to your grandmother,’ Mum told Helen.

Mum reminded Helen

4 ‘Shall I give you a lift tomorrow?’ David asked Kim.

David offered

5 ‘I lost the money last week,’ said Julia.

Julia admitted

6 ‘It’s a bad idea to take the train,’ Simon told Ian.

Simon advised

Reported questions

3 Rewrite the questions as reported questions.

‘Did you see this man?’ the police asked me.

The police asked me if I had seen that man.

1 ‘Which websites do you look at regularly?’ Jon asked Paco.

2 ‘Where did you buy your phone?’ Miriam asked her brother.

3 ‘How often do you eat meat?’ the doctor asked me.

4 ‘Why were you crying yesterday?’ Silvia asked Esther.

5 ‘When will you be ready?’ Sonia asked her sister.

6 ‘Who told you about this place?’ Alicia asked Dan.


4 Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

This computer is (be) really old – I

(1) …………………… (have) it since I was fifteen! I

(2) …………………… (want) one for years before that, but my parents (3) …………………… (tell) me that I had to pay for it myself. It took me a long time to save up enough money. I usually (4) …………………… (spend) about three or four hours a day on my computer, although at the moment it’s more than that because I (5) …………………… (do) a lot of research for a college project. Next year, I

(6) …………………… (buy) a new computer and my IT teacher has advised me (7) …………………… (get) a tablet. She suggested (8) …………………… (shop) online to find the best deals.

5 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

My dad asked me if I wanted to go to university.

1 My friend advised me

2 By next June, I

3 This time yesterday, I

4 Next summer, I

Relative pronouns & adverbs

1 Complete the sentences with one relative pronoun or adverb each.

Sunday is when we usually play baseball.

1 This is the gym ………… I work out.

2 Alex Ferguson was a football manager ………… had a lot of success with Manchester United.

3 Andy Murray, ………… coach is Ivan Lendl, has won many tournaments recently.

4 Snowboarding is a sport ………… is becoming more popular every year.

5 August is the month ………… most people go on holiday.

6 New York is a city ………… is always very busy.

Defining & non-defining clauses

2 Complete the text with one relative pronoun or adverb in each gap. Then choose whether each relative clause is defining or non-defining.

The world’s most popular sporting events

• Number 5: The fifth most watched sporting event is the Monaco Grand Prix, which has been held every year since 1929. It usually has around 25 million viewers.

• Number 4: The Super Bowl is also a sport

(1) ………… is very popular. In 2012, there were 111.5 million people (2) ………… watched the biggest game in American football.

• Number 3: In third place is the ICC Cricket World Cup Championship, (3) ………… was watched by several hundred million people in 2011.

• Number 2: It’s the FIFA World Cup (4) ………… has the second biggest audience in sport. In 2010, there were 700 million people watching

(5) ………… Spain played the Netherlands.

• Number 1: In the summer of 2012, everyone was watching London, (6) ………… the Olympics opening ceremony had an estimated 1 billion viewers.

defining / non-defining

1 defining / non-defining

2 defining / non-defining

3 defining / non-defining

4 defining / non-defining

5 defining / non-defining

6 defining / non-defining

which, what & that

3 Translate the sentences into your language.

1 Is this the fastest that your car can go?



2 He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.



3 These tickets were the cheapest ones that I could find.



4 I saw the Olympic 100m sprint final, which was amazing.



5 All that I want to do now is sleep.



Formal & informal structures

4 Complete the second and third sentences so that they mean the same as the first sentences. Use one formal and one informal structure.

We were talking about the Australian Open Tournament.

a) Formal: The Australian Open is the tournament about which we were talking.

b) Informal: The Australian Open is the tournament which we were talking about.

1 The students were talking to Professor Lee.

a) Formal: Professor Lee is the person

b) Informal: Professor Lee is the person

2 I studied at Harvard University.

a) Formal: Harvard is the university

b) Informal: Harvard is the university

3 They have been training for the decathlon.

a) Formal: The decathlon is the event

b) Informal: The decathlon is the event


5 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence. Use the words in bold.

I borrowed my brother’s coat. He’ll be back tomorrow. (whose)

My brother, whose coat I borrowed, will be back tomorrow.

1 I’ve lived in this house all my life and it’s for sale. (where)

This house, ………………………………………, is for sale.

2 ‘I didn’t hit your car, Mr Long,’ said Dan. (denied)

Dan ……………………………………… Mr Long’s car.

3 ‘Who told you about the problem, Simon?’ asked Jane. (had)

Jane asked Simon ……………………………………… about the problem.

4 First, he ate the cake, then he drank some tea. (had)

After he ………………………………………, he drank some tea.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in bold.

Gemma promised to text me when she got home. (text)

1 Kamil apologized for ………………………… his mother’s birthday. (forget)

2 By the time you arrived, we …………………………

for three hours. (already / wait)

3 Sam advised his sister ………………………… to the party. (not / go)

4 ………………………… James yesterday? (see)

5 Sorry, I forgot the money. I ………………………… it tomorrow, I promise. (bring)

6 ………………………… the Taj Mahal? (ever / visit)

Active & passive forms

1 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the passive or active form.

The one-day sale starts (start) tomorrow at 8 a.m. and (1) ……………………… (end) at 6 p.m. Many items

(2) ……………………… (reduce) by up to 50%. Extra discounts (3) ……………………… (give) to the first 100 customers. Last year, over 2,000 people (4) ……………………… (come) to our one-day sale and hundreds of items (5) ……………………… (sell) at bargain prices! Come early so that you (6) ……………………… (not / miss) your chance to get one of those bargains!

Passive with two objects

2 Complete the sentences in the passive in two ways.

She gave Rachel some chocolates.

a) Rachel was given some chocolates.

b) Some chocolates were given to Rachel.

1 He taught Mandarin to the students.

a) The students

b) Mandarin

2 She will give the phone to her cousin.

a) Her cousin

b) The phone

3 We’re sending some photos to Uncle Harry.

a) Uncle Harry

b) Some photos

to Uncle Harry.

Impersonal & infinitive forms

3 Translate the sentences into your language.

1 It is thought that sales will increase over the summer.

2 This shop is rumoured to be closing down.

3 It is believed that customers spend more money if the shop is repainted.

4 It is reported that many families buy essential things with credit cards.

The causative

4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

check cut decorate mark spill steal take out

Kim had her tooth taken out by the dentist.

1 We’re having our house ……………… at the moment.

2 I had soup ……………… on me in the restaurant.

3 He had his blood pressure ……………… by the doctor yesterday.

4 He’s having his hair ……………… in the morning.

5 Jake had his phone ……………… last month.

6 The students are having their exams ……………… at the moment.


5 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in bold.

This time tomorrow, I’ll be sitting on a beach. (sit)

1 While we ………………………… for the bus, it started to rain. (wait)

2 David warned his sister ………………………… at that restaurant. (not / eat)

3 At the moment, the baby ………………………… by his mother. (fed)

4 Jane congratulated me on ………………………… engaged. (get)

5 It started to rain while the football match ………………………… between France and Germany. (play)

6 Choose the correct options or complete the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Pop-up shops, which / where are temporary shops that appear for a short period of time, are becoming more common. Pop-up shops (1) ……………………… (use) by businesses because they are often more affordable than having a permanent shop. They are also useful for promoting a business because their sudden appearance (2) ………………………

(usually / notice) by passers-by and potential customers. They (3) ……………………… (give) businesses the opportunity to test new products on the market, (4) which / who helps them for the future. The temporary nature of a pop-up shop also (5) ……………………… (encourage) people

(6) which / who are browsing to make quick purchases. There are some customers (7) whose / who admit (8) ……………………… (buy) items from pop-up shops that they might not buy in normal shops.

as long as, even if, providing that, unless

1 Complete the sentences with as long as, even if, providing that or unless.

They’re going sailing tomorrow unless it’s too windy.

1 You can borrow my car …………………… you don’t damage it.

2 She’s determined to go travelling …………………… her friends don’t want to join her.

3 We could go to the cinema …………………… you’d rather do something else.

4 He’s going to work today …………………… he doesn’t get paid.

5 You won’t pass your exams …………………… you work hard.

6 You can go to the concert …………………… you’re back by midnight.


2 Complete the quotations with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

be demand feed have never be forgotten

not / help not / put

‘If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.’ Mother Teresa

1 ‘If a free society …………………… the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.’ John F Kennedy

2 ‘If we only …………………… great companies, we will merely have a prosperous society, not a great one.’ Jim Collins

3 ‘If the Wright brothers …………………… their lives on the line, we would not be flying around the world these days.’ Felix Baumgartner

4 ‘If history were taught in the form of stories, it …………………… .’ Rudyard Kipling

Conditionals with modals

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence, using an appropriate modal verb. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

If I’d studied more, it’s possible that I would have passed the test.

If I’d studied more, I might have passed the test.

1 If you like sushi, I suggest that you try the new sushi restaurant in town.

If you like sushi,

2 If we learn Spanish, it’s possible that we’ll move to Madrid.

If we learn Spanish,

3 If you’ve finished eating, you’re allowed to leave the table.

If you’ve finished eating,

4 If she’d read the manifesto, it’s possible that she wouldn’t have voted for him.

If she’d read the manifesto,

5 If they pass their exams, it’s possible they’ll apply to university.

If they pass their exams,

6 If you care about this city, it’s essential that you vote for me.

If you care about this city,

Wishes & regrets

4 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence.

I really want to be able to play the piano.

I wish I could play the piano.

1 He really wants to be able to speak Arabic.

He wishes he ………………………… Arabic.

2 I really want the builders to stop digging up the road.

If only the builders ………………………… the road.

3 I shouldn’t have stayed up all night studying.

If only I ………………………… all night studying.

4 I should have worn a smarter suit.

I wish I ………………………… a smarter suit.

5 I really wanted the children to come inside.

I wished the children ………………………… inside.

6 I really want to be able to run a marathon.

If only I ………………………… a marathon.


5 Chose the correct options or complete the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Squatters are people who / what occupy property (1) which / when they (2) ………………… (not own). This is called ‘squatting’. In 2012, it (3) ………………… (become) a criminal offence to squat in the UK. If a person (4) ………………… (squat) in an empty property, then they can (5) ………………… (send) to prison for up to six months or fined up to £5,000. In 2013, a year after this law (6) ………………… (pass), a new exhibition (7) ………………… (open) by squatters in London, (8) who / which looked at the history of squatting in the city. One of the show’s organizers, William Ronan, (9) said / told that they wanted to tell the story of squatting (10) even if / unless there is now a law against it.

6 Write sentences. Use suitable forms and the prompts given.

This time / next week / we / sit / beach.

This time next week, we’ll be sitting on a beach.

1 The burglar / break in / while / they / sleep / last night.

2 The teenager / admit / steal / the watch / from / the shop.

3 He / give up / his job / before / he / join / the commune / last year.

4 If / it / be / cold/ tomorrow / we / not go / for /a picnic.

5 I / wish / I / not / wake up / late / this morning.

Functions of modal verbs

1 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets and a suitable modal verb. Use an affirmative or negative.

In the USA, most school students don’t have to wear (not wear) a uniform, but in the UK the majority of schools say that their students

(1) …………………………… (wear) one. Chloë, a fifteen-year-old student from the UK, says that while a shirt, tie and blazer isn’t a great outfit, she believes that wearing a uniform (2) …………………………… (not be) a bad idea because it helps to create an identity for a school. Her teacher agrees and adds that wearing uniforms (3) …………………………… (help) students to prepare for when they leave school and (4) …………………………… (dress) smartly for work. Macy, a student, says that her school (5) …………………………… (not ban) the uniform because it means that everyone looks the same and students don’t feel pressurized into wearing fashionable clothes.

Ability, permission & prohibition

2 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence. Use the modal verbs in the box.

are allowed to can can’t couldn’t is able to managed to mustn’t

It’s against the law to drop litter in some countries.

You can’t drop litter in some countries.

1 She’s allowed to wear her own clothes to college.

She ………………………………… her own clothes to college.

2 Passing my test was difficult but I did it in the end!

I ………………………………… my test in the end!

3 He can speak French very well.

He ………………………………… French very well.

4 You can apply for your licence now.

You ………………………………… your licence now.

5 It’s against the rules to run in the corridors.

You ………………………………… in the corridors.

6 When I was young, I wasn’t able to ice skate.

When I was young, I ……………………………… .


3 Complete the sentences giving advice using an appropriate modal verb. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

‘My hair is getting very long.’

‘You should go to my hairdresser because he’s very good.’

1 ‘I need some new shoes.’

‘You ……………………… go to the new shoe shop because there’s a lot of choice.’

2 ‘I’m going to buy a burger.’

‘You ……………………… get one from that dirty burger van or you might get food poisoning.’

3 ‘I’ve run out of money.’

‘You ……………………… go to the cash machine and get some.’

4 ‘I’m going to go home now.’

‘It’s raining. You ……………………… walk or you’ll get very wet.’

5 ‘I want to get a new handbag.’

‘You ……………………… try this website because it sells some great accessories.’

Obligation & no obligation

4 Translate the sentences into your language.

1 We must take our student identity card to the shop to get a discount.

2 You don’t have to stand up when she enters the room.

3 We needn’t stay here if you don’t want to.

4 You have to arrive by 10 a.m. if you want to get in.

Possibility, deduction & modal perfects

5 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. Use an affirmative or negative modal.

can / spend could / stay might / come might / visit must / have should / study should / wear

We should have studied for the exams.

1 She …………………………… those shoes with her jeans because they were the wrong colour.

2 We …………………………… the Eiffel Tower next week if the queues aren’t too long.

3 You …………………………… all your money already – it’s only 10 o’clock!

4 They …………………………… a good time on holiday this week. They’re always smiling!

5 You …………………………… with my parents when you’re in London because they have a spare room.

6 I …………………………… to the party if you’d told me about it.


6 Choose the correct options.

A: You should / must have come with me to the sales, (1) when / which start tomorrow!

B: What time (2) does the shopping centre open / is the shopping centre opening?

A: It opens at 8 a.m., but we (3) need to / couldn’t get there earlier so that we (4) could / can be at the front of the queue!

B: Oh, why didn’t you (5) tell / say me about this yesterday?

A: Sorry, I (6) forgot / was forgetting.

B: I’m sure that I (7) didn’t arrive / wasn’t arriving early for the sales last year.

A: Yes, but if we don’t get there early, all the best bargains (8) will be buying / will be bought by somebody else!

B: OK, I (9) ’ll / ’d be there early, (10) as long as / even if you promise to buy me lunch!

A: It’s a deal! You’ll thank me (11) when / which you get home tomorrow with lots of new clothes!

Gerunds & infinitives

1 Complete the text with the verbs in the box. Use a gerund or infinitive. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

do eat get make (x2) put wear

Job interview mistakes

Nobody wants to make a mistake in a job interview, but some people can’t help (1) ………………… something wrong.

• One interviewee wanted (2) ………………… a good impression by (3) ………………… a smart suit, but half way through the interview she realized that she’d forgotten (4) ………………… on her smart shoes and was wearing white trainers!

• Another interviewee walked into the interview with a burger and then started (5) ………………… it! Unsurprisingly, he failed (6) ………………… the job!

2 Write sentences. Use a gerund or infinitive.

Tina / refuse / play tennis / with Sam/ yesterday.

Tina refused to play tennis with Sam yesterday.

1 George / can’t stand / eat / seafood.

2 they / wait / see / the headmaster / at the moment.

3 swim / be / the best / form of exercise.

4 Sue / be looking forward to / study / economics / next year.

5 you / remember / see / this film / last year?

6 the students / prepare / take / their exams / now?

Verb + object + infinitive

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence. Use object + infinitive.

‘Stay away from the dog,’ Kim told Luke.

Kim warned Luke to stay away from the dog.

1 ‘You must dance,’ Nina said to me.

Nina forced .

2 ‘Don’t walk on the grass,’ the teacher told John.

The teacher warned .

3 ‘Please, Peter, don’t do it,’ Katie said.

Katie begged .

4 ‘Would you like to go to the cinema, Louise?’ asked James.

James invited .

5 ‘Don’t forget to buy flowers,’ Tom told his brother.

Tom reminded .

6 ‘Sit down and be quiet,’ the teacher said to the class.

The teacher ordered .

Participles & participial phrases

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the correct participle or participial phrases. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

check cry live run shake shock walk

Running around the track, he got very tired.

1 …………………… to hear the news, he turned pale and left the room.

2 Having …………………… all his messages, he put down the phone.

3 …………………… in the countryside, he’s lost touch with many of his friends in the city.

4 …………………… into the job interview, he tripped and fell over.

5 The teacher saw Vicky …………………… and asked her what was wrong.

6 I felt the ground …………………… beneath my feet and ran outside.


5 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

Next year, I hope to study English literature at university.

1 Next summer, I intend

2 I always avoid

3 I usually enjoy

4 My friend once persuaded

5 I would love

6 Choose the correct options.

A: Hi, how did / was the interview go?

B: OK, I think. The interviewer seemed (1) to like / liking me.

A: What did they ask you (2) to do / doing?

B: Well, first I (3) was having / had a formal interview, (4) who / which lasted 30 minutes. Then I (5) might have done / had to do a written test.

A: When do you expect (6) to hear / hearing if you’ve got the job?

B: They said that they hope (7) to call / calling me some time tomorrow. Even if they (8) don’t give / hadn’t given me the job, they will still offer

Language & communication

1 Correct the underlined mistakes in the sentences.

Janis speaks Polish fluent. fluently

1 Leah and Kim had an arguing yesterday. …………………

2 What’s your parent tongue, Mario? …………………

3 Let’s make sure that we keeper in touch next year. …………………

4 I can’t comment in that website because I don't use it. …………………

5 I don’t think you should spray a rumour about your friend. …………………

6 Can you tell me what the mean of this word is, please? …………………

2 Translate the sentences into your language.

1 The word ‘once’ is a false friend in Spanish and English because it looks the same but has a different meaning.

2 The word ‘accent’ is a cognate in Spanish and English because it looks similar and has the same meaning.

3 The word ‘angry’ is a synonym of the word ‘cross’.

4 Idioms and slang words vary from language to language.

The internet & social networks

3 Complete the text with the correct forms of the nouns in the box.

account cyberbully internet addiction online screen time social network status update

Do you suffer from internet addiction? If you answer ‘yes’ to three or more questions, then you may have a problem …

• Do you go (1) ………………………… to ‘surf the internet’ more often than you'd like?

• Do you waste hours a day looking at

(2) ………………………… such as Facebook or Twitter?

• Are you constantly checking these sites for

(3) ………………………… from your friends?

• Do you have more hours of

(4) ………………………… a day than time spent with your family?

• Have your parents ever asked you to delete an (5) ………………………… because you spent too much time using it?

4 Correct the mistakes in the nouns and verbs in the sentences. One sentence is correct.

My sister is getting help for internet addict. addiction

1 I try not to pass online more than three times a day. ……………………

2 I deleted my accounter so that nobody would be able to read my personal information. ……………………

3 Jack has more than 500 followers on Twitter. ……………………

4 Facebook has more than one billion uses. ……………………

5 Have you seen Kim’s profile updata? ……………………

On the phone

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb from A and a preposition from B.

A call get listen run switch top turn

B back down in off out of through up

Could you switch off your phone, please? The film is about to start.

1 I’m having trouble …………………………… to my sister. I think her phone must be broken.

2 I must …………………………… the volume of my text alert – it’s too loud!

3 I’m sorry, Mr Smith is not here. Could you …………………………… later, please?

4 I’m going into my bedroom so Mum can’t …………………………… on our conversation.

5 I’ve …………………………… credit, so I can’t make any more calls until I ……………… it ……………… .


1 Complete the text with the correct forms of the nouns in the box.

competition crowd endurance event participant race spectator

The Colour Run is a five-kilometre race that’s different from other races. That’s because it’s more about having fun than winning a / an (1) ………………… . Runners start the race wearing white clothes and, after each kilometre, they are covered in different-coloured powdered paint. This means that all the (2) ………………… finish the race covered in colour. Lots of people walk large parts of the race, so it’s not a test of (3) ………………… but about having a good time with your friends. When runners get to the end of the race, it's time for the ‘Finish Festival’, a party to celebrate health and happiness. There are always (4) ………………… of (5) ………………… along the way who cheer on the runners and enjoy the (6) ………………… .

2 Write the bold words in the text next to the correct definitions.


teams: groups of people on the same side in a sport

1 ……………………: a large number of people gathered in one area

2 ……………………: the people who are taking part in a competition

3 ……………………: the people who want a particular team to win

4 ……………………: a large building where important sports events take place

5 ……………………: the last round of a competition

Movement verbs

3 Translate the sentences into your language.

1 The hikers climbed along the mountain.

2 He managed to get over the high wall.

3 We swam through the cold water.

4 The children had to jump across a puddle.

5 He crawled through the bushes to look for the ball.

Keeping fit

4 Replace the underlined words with the correct forms of the verbs and phrasal verbs in the box.

bulk up enrol in keep fit lose weight

make an appointment put on weight take up

The doctor told her to gain kilos. put on weight

1 I’m going to start cycling. …………………………

2 Why don’t you arrange a time to go to see a personal trainer? …………………………

3 Lots of people have already signed up to do this class. …………………………

4 I’m eating extra protein and lifting weights so that I can make my body bigger. …………………………

5 I’ve joined a gym because I want to stay healthy.


6 Sam has shed kilos; he's much thinner now.



5 Correct the mistakes in the prepositions in the sentences. Two sentences are correct.

I’ve run on phone credit; I need to top it up. out of

1 Can you quieten down a bit, please? I’m trying to make a call. ……………………

2 The supporters came to cheer over the competitors in the race. ……………………

3 It was a difficult competition, but somehow I got in to the final. ……………………

4 I don’t like people calling me at night, so I switch over my phone when I go to bed. …………………

5 Helen commented on my status update.


6 I’ve got to go now. Can I call behind later?


6 Complete the sentences. Use the correct forms of phrasal verbs formed from the words in bold.

I’ve decided to sign up for a triathlon. (sign)

1 Jane couldn’t finish the race and …………………… ……… three kilometres from the end. (drop)

2 I don’t like it when people ………………………… on my conversations. (listen)

3 He finished talking to his friend on the phone and then ……………………… . (hang)

4 After answering my emails, I ………………………

………… the computer. (log)


1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs and phrasal verbs in the box.

afford browse deliver exchange order (x2) rip off save up

I found the perfect present for my mum, so I ordered it online.

1 Ben has been …………………… for six months to buy a new car.

2 Everything is reasonably priced in this shop. It doesn’t try to …………………… its customers.

3 If you don’t like your present, you can take it back and …………………… it for something else.

4 Can you …………………… to buy that dress? It’s very expensive.

5 They didn’t have my size in the shop, so I …………………… the coat online and it’s going to be …………………… to my house this week.

2 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

I like to browse in shops when I’m looking for presents for my friends.

1 If I buy something and then decide that I don’t want to keep it, I usually


2 I think that second-hand shops are


3 I often find bargains at


4 I usually wait until the sales to buy


5 I think that window-shopping is


6 I think that top brands are



3 Correct the mistakes in the idioms in the sentences. One sentence is correct.

I’m up to my eyelashes in bills. eyeballs

1 Lara is totally hooked in internet shopping.


2 My spending has got out of finger and I’ve got no money left. ……………………

3 Are you sure you want to buy this watch? It costs an arm and a foot! ……………………

4 I’m on a high because I’ve been paid and I can go shopping now! ……………………

5 Have you been bitten by the internet shopping insect yet? ……………………


4 Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in brackets.

Disposable (dispose) London

Every day, over 50,000 rubbish trucks collect almost 85,000 tonnes of (1) ………………… (waste). They take the rubbish to giant (2) ………………… (incinerate) on the outskirts of the city. Large boats also take rubbish to massive landfill sites where it is (3) ………………… (dump) and buried. This is not a (4) ………………… (sustain) solution though – 175 square kilometres of the UK are already being used to dispose of rubbish, and the (5) ………………… (environment) consequences are huge. Some items, such as unwanted fridges and other metal goods, are crushed and sent to China to be (6) ………………… (recycle) by (7) ………………… (manufacture) there.


5 Replace the underlined words with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in the box.

get through run out of take part in take up top up turn down

I need to add money to my phone. top up

1 We’re going to start pilates in the new year.


2 She finds it motivating to participate in a team sport. …………………

3 Mario made it to the final of the competition.


4 Your ringtone is very loud – could you reduce the volume? …………………

5 I haven’t got any remaining credit. …………………

6 Complete the sentences with suitable prepositions.

Charlie feels down because his team lost the match.

1 Make sure you keep ………… touch when you go away to university.

2 I think it’s time for me to go ………… a diet.

3 I can’t wait to dive ………… the sea.

4 Gina has to walk ………… hot coals as part of the obstacle course.

5 My brother is trying to bulk ………… at a gym by lifting weights.

6 I’m just ringing ………… to see if you’d like to go to the cinema.

7 Can you switch ………… your phones during the lecture, please?


1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.

citizen employ free healthcare poor tax

welfare state

What’s your idea of a perfect society?



2 Translate the sentences into your language.

1 The authorities are trying to change this law.

2 There’s a lot of poverty in this neighbourhood.

3 The population of this community has declined recently.

4 After slavery was ended, millions of slaves were given their freedom.

Phrasal verbs

3 Replace the underlined words with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in the box.

come up against hand over move out put up

set off set up share out

My house was built in just two weeks. put up

1 Martin Luther King encountered a lot of opposition to his ideas during his lifetime. ………………………

2 They transferred control of the project to another company. ………………………

3 Abraham Lincoln helped establish the Republican Party in the USA in 1854. ………………………

4 There’s enough food to feed everyone in the world, but it's not distributed fairly. ………………………

5 Sami is leaving home on Sunday to start university. ………………………

6 Tom will leave for Brazil early tomorrow morning.


Crime & justice

4 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

I think that people who commit a serious crime should always go to prison.

1 I think people who commit burglary should

2 I think that jury service is

3 I think that young offenders should

4 I think that community service is


5 Correct the underlined mistakes in the sentences.

The jury finally put a verdict in the case. reached

1 I’m hooked off this new TV show – I can’t wait for the next episode! ………………………

2 Chen is delighted because he’s finally got around to the customer service department.


3 Dave was up to his eyebrows in problems.


4 I’ve really put in weight over the holiday. ………………………

5 He was so tired that he had to fall out of the race. ………………………

6 ‘Once’ is a fake friend in English and Spanish because it looks the same but has different meanings. ………………………

6 Complete the sentences. Use the correct forms of phrasal verbs made from the words in bold.

What time do you set off in the morning? (set)

1 Suddenly, the phone line went dead – the person I was speaking to had ……………………… ! (hang)

2 My ring tone is very loud – I must ……………………… the volume. (turn)

3 James is going to the gym because he wants to ……………………… . (bulk)

4 In this shop, we make sure that we never ……………………… our customers. (rip)

5 The cyclist was completely exhausted, but he ……………………… to the finish line. (carry)

6 I’ve been ……………………… for ages to buy a new computer. (save)


1 Complete the text with the correct forms of the nouns in the box.

designer fashion show hairstyle make-up model piercing tattoo trend

London Fashion Week started this week with a number of designers showing their latest clothes at (1) ……………………… around the city. This year’s (2) ……………………… for (3) ……………………… can be seen on the catwalks, where many of the

(4) ……………………… have lots of nose-rings and ear-rings. Some of them even have (5) ……………………… on their skin, although these images are not likely to be permanent. (6) ……………………… this year are large and curly, held in place with lots of hairspray. (7) ……………………… is light and natural-looking.

Suffixes: -en, -ify, -ize

2 Complete the sentences with the correct verb form of the words in the box.

beauty dark flat justice smart special sympathy

People sometimes have cosmetic surgery to beautify themselves.

1 The village was ……………………… by the storm.

2 How can you ……………………… your decision?

3 The sky ……………………… and then it began to rain.

4 You must ……………………… yourself up before your job interview.

5 I really ……………………… with the hero of the film because he's so brave.

6 My brother is studying medicine at university. He’s going to ……………………… in psychiatry next year.

Describing people

3 Complete the sentences with a compound adjective formed with a word from A and a word from B.

A ankle- average- clean- friendly- scruffy- well

B dressed length looking (x2) shaven sized

After he removed his beard, he was clean-shaven.

1 His clothes were old and his hair was very messy – he was ………………………… .

2 She was wearing a blue T-shirt and a long, ………………………… skirt.

3 He was ………………………… in a suit and tie.

4 My sister is ………………………… . She’s always smiling.

5 He wasn’t fat or thin – he was ………………………… .

4 Complete the descriptions with your own ideas. Use compound adjectives.

My oldest friend is heavily built and dark-haired.

1 My best friend is

2 My favourite singer is

3 My neighbour is

4 The funniest person in my family is

5 My favourite actor is


5 Correct the underlined mistakes in the sentences.

This is my favourite beauty produce. product

1 The rider dropped outside of the race because he was injured. …………………

2 I tried to phone Sarah but I couldn’t get along.


3 The young offence wasn’t sent to prison. He was given community service instead. …………………

4 The government came up into a lot of opposition when it tried to pass the new law. …………………

5 I’ve been saving in for ages to buy a new games console. …………………

6 Shall I do an appointment for next week?


6 Translate the sentences into your language.

1 Alex and Sophia had an argument because he spread a rumour about her.

2 Competitors who take part in this race need to be very fit.

3 The defendant already has a criminal record for shoplifting and burglary.

4 This landfill site is not a sustainable way of disposing of waste.


1 Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

apply claim do drop get (x2) leave start teach

An interview with a young entrepreneur

A: So, when did you leave school?

B: In 2008. I started (1) ………………… a degree, but I didn’t like it at all, so I (2) ………………… out of university. That was a difficult time because I couldn’t (3) ………………… a job.

A: So how did you survive?

B: I was (4) ………………… benefits and sleeping on a sofa in my friend’s flat for a while. I (5) ………………… for over 50 jobs, but I wasn’t successful because I hadn’t (6) ………………… good grades at school.

A: So what did you do next?

B: I decided to (7) ………………… myself how to design websites. A few months later, I

(8) ………………… a business and now I’m the most successful website designer in the country!

2 Correct the underlined mistakes in the sentences.

I graduated to university last year. from

1 Theo got a pay rise because he did promoted at work. …………………

2 Emma is happy because she succeeded her exam. …………………

3 Bella finished university and started a grades in law. …………………

4 Maria and Simone are learning themselves to play the piano. …………………

5 I’ve got a new job and I’m starting works tomorrow. …………………

Compound nouns: jobs

3 Complete the compound nouns.

brain surgeon

1 data a…………………

2 film d…………………

3 hotel m…………………

4 shop a…………………

5 software d…………………

6 train d…………………

Personal qualities

4 Complete the sentences with antonyms for the underlined words.

My old boss couldn’t make decisions. He was completely decisive. indecisive

1 My secretary is very organized – she’s always losing my papers. ………………………

2 My friend is really rational – he gets angry for no reason. ………………………

3 My sister is very sociable – she doesn’t like meeting new people. ………………………

4 My colleague is responsible – he never does anything properly. ………………………

5 My brother is very motivated – he can’t be bothered to do anything. ………………………


5 Correct the mistakes in the verbs. Two sentences are correct.

I must go off my computer now. log

1 I’ve put on weight so I must go on a diet.


2 We celebrated because our favourite team quietened for the final. ………………………

3 The cinema darkified and the film began.


4 Which area of law do you specialize in?


5 The competitor cheered on and finished the race even though he was injured. ………………………

6 My sister is making a degree in engineering.


6 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of a phrasal verb made from the word in bold.

Sara moved out of her flat recently. (move)

1 She ………………… of university because she wasn’t enjoying the course. (drop)

2 The president ………………… power to the vice-president. (hand)

3 I think I’m going to buy these shoes, but I need to ………… them ………… first. (try)

4 I must ………………… the credit on my phone. (top)

5 New clothes shops are ………………… all over town. (spring)

6 This political party was ………………… in 1978. (set)

7 Only six entrants will ………………… to the final. (get)Grammar practice


Starter unit **


1 is playing / played

2 went

3 speaks

4 were watching

5 is staying

6 was swimming


1 arrived; had already left

2 had; had gone

3 had eaten; put

4 called; had landed

5 had finished; played

6 weren’t; had just eaten


1 was

2 arrived

3 jumped

4 has left

5 has raised

6 has written


Suggested answers:

1 have you been doing

2 have you known

3 ’ve been doing housework

4 ’s been waiting

5 ’s kicked

6 ’ve watched


1 ’ll call

2 leaves

3 ’m having / ’m going to have

4 ’m spending / ’m going to spend

5 will win / ’s going to win

6 ’s going to rain


1 Where did you go on holiday last year?

2 What were you doing this time last week?

3 Who gave you that watch?

4 Who did you see at the party yesterday?

5 When did you last go swimming?

6 How long is it / has it been since we last went to Spain?


1 Who did you see yesterday?

2 When did you last see Damion? / How long is it since you last saw Damion?

3 Where does your sister work?

4 Are you having a good time in London?

5 What are you going to do tomorrow? / When are you going to do some shopping?

6 How long have you been studying at university?

Unit 1 **


1 posted

2 revealed

3 provided

4 displayed

5 had set

6 were


1 that she had broken / having broken the window the day before.

2 Sara not to use that website.

3 to give those apples to her grandmother.

4 to give Kim a lift the following day.

5 that she had lost / having lost the money the week before.

6 Ian not to take the train.


1 Jon asked Paco which websites he looked at regularly.

2 Miriam asked her brother where he had bought his phone.

3 The doctor asked me how often I ate meat.

4 Silvia asked Esther why she had been crying the day before.

5 Sonia asked her sister when she would be ready.

6 Alicia asked Dan who had told him about that place.


1 ’ve had

2 ’d wanted

3 told

4 spend

5 ’m doing

6 ’m going to buy

7 to get

8 shopping


Students’ own answers.

Unit 2 **


1 where

2 who

3 whose

4 which / that

5 when

6 which / that


1 which / that defining

2 who defining

3 which non-defining

4 which / that defining

5 when defining

6 where non-defining


Students’ own answers.


1 a) to whom the students were talking.

b) (who / that) the students were talking to.

2 a) at which I studied.

b) (which / that) I studied at.

3 a) for which they have been training.

b) (which / that) they have been training for.


1 where I’ve lived all my life

2 denied hitting / having hit

3 who had told him

4 had eaten the cake


1 forgetting / having forgotten

2 ’d already been waiting

3 not to go

4 Did you see

5 ‘ll bring

6 Have you ever visited

3 Ethan suggested watching / that we watch the match.

4 I haven’t seen him for three months / since three months ago.

Unit 3 **


1 ends

2 will be reduced

3 will be given

4 came

5 were sold

6 don’t miss


1 a) were taught Mandarin.

b) was taught to the students.

2 a) will be given the phone.

b) will be given to her cousin.

3 a) is being sent some photos.

b) are being sent


Students’ own answers.


1 decorated

2 spilled

3 checked

4 cut

5 stolen

6 marked


1 were waiting

2 not to eat

3 is being fed

4 getting

5 was being played


1 are used

2 is usually noticed

3 give

4 which

5 encourages

6 who

7 who

8 (to) buying / having bought

Unit 4 **


1 provided that / as long as

2 even if

3 unless

4 even if

5 unless

6 provided that / as long as


1 cannot help

2 have

3 hadn’t put

4 would never be forgotten


1 you should try the new sushi restaurant in town.

2 we might / may move to Madrid.

3 you can / may leave the table.

4 she might / may not have voted for him.

5 they might apply to university.

6 you must vote for me.


1 could speak

2 would stop digging up

3 hadn’t stayed up

4 had worn

5 would come

6 could run


1 which

2 don’t own

3 became

4 squats

5 be sent

6 was passed

7 was opened

8 which

9 said

10 even if


1 The burglar broke in while they were sleeping last night.

2 The teenager admitted stealing the watch from the shop.

3 He had given up / gave up his job before he joined the commune last year.

4 If it’s cold tomorrow, we won’t go for a picnic.

5 I wish I hadn’t woken up late this morning.

Unit 5 **


1 must / have to wear

2 might not be

3 can help

4 need to / have to dress

5 shouldn’t / ought not to ban


1 can wear

2 managed to pass

3 is able to speak

4 are allowed to apply for

5 mustn’t run

6 couldn’t ice skate


1 should / ought to

2 ’d better not / shouldn’t / ought not to

3 should / ought to

4 ’d better not / shouldn’t / ought not to

5 should / ought to


Students’ own answers.


1 shouldn’t have worn

2 might visit

3 can’t have spent

4 must be having

5 could stay

6 might have come


1 which

2 does the shopping centre open

3 need to

4 can

5 tell

6 forgot

7 didn’t arrive

8 will be bought

9 ’ll

10 as long as

11 when

Unit 6 **


1 doing

2 to make

3 wearing

4 to put

5 to eat / eating

6 to get


1 George can’t stand eating seafood.

2 They’re waiting to see the headmaster at the moment.

3 Swimming is the best form of exercise.

4 Sue is looking forward to studying economics next year.

5 Do you remember seeing this film last year?

6 Are the students preparing to take their exams now?


1 me to dance

2 John not to walk on the grass

3 Peter not to do it

4 Louise to (go to) the cinema

5 his brother to buy some flowers

6 the class to sit down and be quiet


1 Shocked

2 checked

3 Living

4 Walking

5 crying / cry

6 shaking / shake


Students’ own answers.


1 to like

2 to do

3 had

4 which

5 had to do

6 to hear

7 to call

8 don’t give

9 to provide

Unit 1 **


1 argument

2 mother

3 keep

4 on

5 spread

6 meaning


Students’ own answers.


1 online

2 social networks

3 status updates

4 screen time

5 account


1 pass go

2 accounter account

3 (correct)

4 uses users

5 updata update


1 getting through

2 turn down

3 call back

4 listen in

5 run out of; top … up

Unit 2 **


1 competition

2 participants

3 endurance

4 crowds

5 spectators

6 event


1 crowd

2 competitors

3 supporters

4 stadium

5 final


Students’ own answers.


1 take up

2 make an appointment

3 enrolled in

4 bulk up

5 keep fit

6 lost weight


1 (correct)

2 over on

3 in through

4 over off

5 (correct)

6 behind back


1 dropped out

2 listen in

3 hung up

4 logged off

Unit 3 **


1 saving up

2 rip off

3 exchange

4 afford

5 ordered; delivered


Students’ own answers.


1 in on

2 finger hand

3 foot leg

4 (correct)

5 insect bug


1 waste

2 incinerators

3 dumped

4 sustainable

5 environmental

6 recycled

7 manufacturers


1 take up

2 take part in

3 got through

4 turn down

5 ’ve run out of


1 in

2 on

3 into

4 over

5 up

6 up

7 off

Unit 4 **


1 citizens

2 freedom

3 employment

4 healthcare

5 taxation

6 poverty


Students’ own answers.


1 came up against

2 handed over

3 set up

4 shared out

5 moving out

6 set off


Students’ own answers.


1 on

2 through

3 eyeballs

4 on

5 drop

6 false


1 hung up

2 turn down

3 bulk up

4 rip off

5 carried on

6 saving up

Unit 5 **


1 fashion shows

2 trend

3 piercings

4 models

5 tattoos

6 Hairstyles

7 Make-up


1 flattened

2 justify

3 darkened

4 smarten

5 sympathize(d)

6 specialize


1 scruffy-looking

2 ankle-length

3 well dressed

4 friendly-looking

5 average-sized


Students’ own answers.


1 out

2 through

3 offender

4 against

5 up

6 make


Students’ own answers.

Unit 6 **


1 doing

2 dropped

3 get

4 claiming

5 applied

6 got

7 teach

8 started


1 got

2 passed

3 career

4 teaching

5 work


1 analyst

2 director

3 manager

4 assistant

5 designer

6 driver


1 disorganized

2 irrational

3 unsociable

4 irresponsible

5 unmotivated


1 (correct)

2 quietened qualified

3 darkified darkened

4 (correct)

5 cheered carried

6 making doing


1 dropped out

2 handed over

3 try … on

4 top up

5 springing up

6 set up

7 get through

8 switch off

1 Despite

2 foremost

3 is more

4 also

5 while

Unit 2


1 were was

2 did had

3 (correct)

4 be forgetting forget

5 (correct)

6 (correct)

7 walked were walking

8 has completed completed


1 At first

2 then

3 As soon as

4 Since then


1C 2A 3D 4B


1 the moment when

2 excitedly

3 When

4 that

5 At first

6 slowly

7 like

8 afterwards

Unit 3


1 Dear Sir or Madam,

2 I am writing with reference to

3 Unfortunately,

4 I would be grateful if

5 I look forward to hearing from you.

6 Yours faithfully,


1 You want to order a larger size, don’t you?

2 You’ll arrive before midnight, won’t you?

3 You enjoyed the performance, didn’t you?

4 You’ve phoned twice before, haven’t you?

5 You’ll buy your tickets online, won’t you?

6 You’d planned to visit in January, hadn’t you?


Suggested answers:

I was pleased to receive your email. Good to hear from you.

I am writing with reference to You were asking about

Please confirm that you will be attending. You’re coming, aren’t you? / Are you coming?

I look forward to hearing from you. Keep in touch.

Yours sincerely, Take care,


1B 2D 3C 4A

Unit 4


1 therefore

2 despite

3 due to

4 Furthermore

5 so

6 what’s more

7 apart from

8 Nevertheless


1 He drives a lot for his job, and for this reason he likes to buy expensive cars.

2 She made some mistakes in a TV interview and consequently she lost the election.

3 He’s got a house in the city as well as (having) a cottage in the countryside. / He’s got a cottage in the countryside as well as (having) a house in the city.

4 Even though it was his first offence, he received a long prison sentence. / He received a long prison sentence, even though it was his first offence.

5 She set up an organization for foreigners living in the city. In addition, she teaches them English.

6 Besides having four cats, they’ve (also) got three dogs. / Besides having three dogs, they’ve (also) got four cats.


1D 2C 3A 4B


1 executives

2 benefits

3 making sacrifices

4 efficient

5 motivated

6 competitive

Unit 5


1B 2C 3A 4D


If we want to enjoy hot weather, all we need to do is keep our skin covered with a hat or light clothing, apply and re-apply a protective sun cream, and avoid the hottest hours of the day, when the sun is strongest.


Suggested answers:

These days, many people want to get a suntan because it is considered attractive.

Skin cancer is a very common form of cancer, and it causes thousands of deaths each year.

It’s easy to avoid skin cancer by protecting our skin during hot weather.

Sunshine can be good for us, but we must protect our skin too.


Students’ own answers.

Unit 6


1 inviting

2 you would

3 hearing

4 was advertised

5 finishing

6 I have


1 I have enclosed / I enclose a reference which was written by my head teacher.

2 As soon as I have received my bank account details, I will send them to you.

3 I was asked to contact you to confirm the details of our meeting.

4 (correct)

5 I was given a job as / employed as a website designer by Donald’s Ltd.

6 I worked in a shop after finishing school and before starting university. / After finishing school and before starting university, I worked in a shop.

7 (correct)


1D 2A 3C 4B


1 Dear

2 writing

3 was

4 to

5 grateful

6 forward

7 faithfully

8 Please ………………… your phone while you’re in the cinema. (switch)

(9) to provide / providing feedback on how I did in the interview.


In the stadium today, we have two teams who are playing a match to decide who wins this year’s Copa del Rey. The nervous crowd of supporters and the excited competitors are ready for the final to begin.

My idea of a perfect society is a(n) welfare state – a country where the government looks after its (1) ……………… . I think that everyone should have the (2) ……………… to learn and get a good education. People who are unable to find (3) ……………… should receive money from the state until they can get a job. Access to (4) ……………… is also a basic human right – why should only the rich be able to get medicine when they are ill?

In a perfect society, the amount of

(5) ……………… for wealthy people would be increased to help deal with

(6) ………………, so people would be able to feed their families.


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