Pennsylvania Grant & Resource Directory





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October 2016

I am pleased to provide the 2016-2017 Pennsylvania Grant & Resource Directory. It is a free resource available to the public that includes a general overview of helpful government programs along with deadlines and contact information.

While the directory is not a full, comprehensive listing of all government programs, it is intended to provide a snapshot of some of the popular and helpful grants and resources available through state government. If you need more information about a particular program, I recommend visiting that government agency's website for additional details.

I hope you find this directory helpful. If you have any questions or need assistance in securing information from any program, please feel free to contact my office.


Frank Dermody 33rd Legislative District Democratic Leader

Pennsylvania Grant & Resource Directory


Introduction . . . i PA Departments . . . 1 Aging........................................................................................ 1 Agriculture............................................................................ 5 Community & Economic Development......................... 8 Conservation & Natural Resources..............................20 Drug & Alcohol Programs...............................................24 Education............................................................................. 25 Environmental Protection............................................... 35 General Services.................................................................40 Health................................................................................... 42 Human Services..................................................................50 Insurance.............................................................................. 53 Labor & Industry...............................................................54 Military & Veterans Affairs........................................... 58 Revenue.................................................................................61 State....................................................................................... 62 Transportation.................................................................... 63 Treasury.................................................................................71

Other PA Agencies . . . 73 Center for Rural Pennsylvania....................................... 73 Governor's Advisory Commission on African American Affairs........................................................... 74 Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs........................................................... 74 Governor's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs............................................................................... 74 Governor's Advisory Council on Veterans Services............................................................................ 75 Office of the Budget........................................................... 79 Office of the State Fire Commissioner.........................80 PA Commission on Crime & Delinquency...................81 PA Commission for Women............................................ 83 PA Council on the Arts.....................................................84 PA Developmental Disabilities Council....................... 87 PA Emergency Management Agency............................88 PA Fish & Boat Commission...........................................90 PA Gaming Control Board................................................91 PA Higher Education Assistance Agency....................99 PA Historical & Museum Commission...................... 104 PA Housing Finance Agency......................................... 105 PA Humanities Council................................................... 113 PENNVEST........................................................................ 114 PA Liquor Control Board................................................ 116 Pennsylvania State University....................................... 118 Public Utility Commission............................................. 119

It is important to note that grant and loan programs may change in a fiscal year. It is always best to check websites or contact the government agency to learn about the current status of any program.

PA Grant & Resource Directory

The Basics

1. Determine your need. Draft a plan and circulate for input. 2. Research and find opportunity. Search or browse websites, catalogs, and private foundations for potential

grants. This may require some creative thinking. Gather facts and figures to support your need. Often grant solicitations will describe what they do not want, but will not fully explain what they will accept. 3. Locate the grant contact person or website. Once you have identified potential funding sources, inquire with the grant contact to learn the application process and how best to present your request in a way that maximizes the chances of award selection. 4. Write proposal. Learn how to write grant proposals, incorporate the decision makers' terms, best interests or focus. 5. There are about seven components to a proposal: 1) introduction of the organization; 2) summary of the project or need; 3) problem/needs assessment; 4) project objective; 5) project design; 6) funding needs and project budget; and 7) project evaluation or review. 6. Review and edit the grant application(s). 7. Check regularly. Keep records, follow up as needed, and thank everyone for their help. Sign up for notifications and check websites weekly for updates and new grant postings.

How Your Representative Can Be of Further Assistance

? Partner or coordinate with local governments or regional groups on a shared goal(s). ? Direct the applicant to websites, contact persons, and grant writing sources. ? Write letters of support. ? Follow up with grant sources to ascertain status of the grant.

Common Funding Terms

? Appropriations ? State ? Legislation requiring the governor's approval authorizing an agency, department, board, commission or institution to spend a specified amount of money for a state purpose during a particular period of time, usually a fiscal year. The state government fiscal year begins July 1 and ends on June 30 of the next calendar year. Appropriations ? Federal ? An appropriation of monies received from the federal government. All federal funding, regardless of source, is deposited in the state treasury and must be appropriated. Federal funds are appropriated for a specific period of time. The Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) begins October 1 and ends September 30 of the following calendar year.

? Corporate Donations ? Corporate donors may set aside funds for public relations and philanthropic purposes. Companies often administer the donations directly or through their foundation. Check the corporate website to look at the philanthropic focus or links to corporate foundations.

PA Grant & Resource Directory


Common Funding Terms

? Grants ? Government grants are usually competitive in nature and are administered by federal, state and local government entities. Government grants are used to carry out a government-authorized purpose.

? Individual benefits ? The government provides assistance through benefit programs that serve an important purpose, such as job training, nutritional assistance, education, social security benefits, veterans assistance, Medicare, Medicaid. See or dhs.applyforbenefits/

? Private Foundations ? There are private foundations (usually funded by an individual, family or corporation) and public charities (community foundations or other nonprofit groups).

The Department of State provides an annual report on charitable organizations. The report provides an overview of registration, investigations and audits of charitable organizations

Some private foundations qualify for tax exemption under the IRS definition of 501(c)(3). Private foundations' annual IRS Forms 990-PF are available to the public. To request a copy of an application (including all supporting documents), or a tax return, an IRS Form 4506A is needed. More information is available at charities-non-profits/private-foundations

? Procurement: State ? The Pennsylvania Department of General Services (DGS) defines procurement as buying, purchasing, renting, leasing or otherwise acquiring any supplies, services or construction. DGS administers procurement activities through the Cooperative Purchasing Program or COSTARS program. Information is available at dgs.Local%20Government%20and%20Schools/COSTARS/Pages/default.aspx

Grant Writing Guides & Resources

? Pennsylvania Government Portal website ? The state's main webpage to all state agencies. Type in "grants" under the search feature, or go to the agency and in the homepage section, type a particular program name or enter the word "grant."

? Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) ? Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) provides a full listing of all federal programs available to state and local governments.

? EFFICIENTGOV ? EFFICIENTGOV is a free online resource designed to assist local leaders in search of grants, loans and other forms of federal assistance. There is a link to GrantFinder showing funding opportunities for federal, state, corporate, and foundation grants for municipalities and community nonprofits.

? Foundation Center's Proposal Writing Short Course has a short, self-paced free tutorial on how to start and organize a proposal. getstarted/tutorials/shortcourse/index.html

GRANTSPACE ? GRANTSPACE is a service of the Foundation Center. It has several guides on how to develop and write a proposal, lists free webinars, has a grantseekers blog, and staff suggestions of useful websites.

? The Chronicle of Philanthropy ? The Chronicle of Philanthropy is a subscription news source in print and online for nonprofit leaders, fund raisers and grant makers. Along with news, it offers lists of grants, fundraising ideas and techniques, statistics, reports on tax and court rulings, summaries of books and a calendar of events.


PA Grant & Resource Directory


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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