4th QUARTER PROJECT – STOCK MARKET GAME Honors Econ./Financial Literacy - Dr. AstutoAs your team tries to maximize returns, you have been asked to keep track of your statistics and research (the SMG helps you do this). After the close of the game, each team member must hand in a project, neatly done and worthy of the grade weight of the project.It must have letter-size pages using Times New Roman 14-point font, 1.5-line spacing, 0.5 inch margins, more than two & less than 4 pages (Why? Because someone asked!). Here are the things your project must include:? Your name, period and team identifier number (the username for the SMG).? A profile of the stock or mutual fund you are reporting on (you must author this yourself):If you chose a stock: a company profile. Include a description of its industry, what it does, where it operates, its strengths & weaknesses (especially in comparison to competitors), and basic financial data. Write as if your reader knows nothing about it.If you chose a mutual fund: a mutual fund profile including information about the fund management (Who manages the fund/What are their qualifications/How long have they been with the fund/etc.) types of investments it emphasizes, past performance, ratings, and basic financial data. Write as if your reader knows nothing about the fund.? Basic financial data: ? for a stock includes listing exchange, P/E ratio, trading volume, trading history (w/52-week high/low), stock splits, etc. ? for a mutual fund includes 52 week high/low, subscription volume, real-world sales charges and/or management charges for the fund, information about the offering company, etc. ? for either choice include metrics.”? Price of your stock or mutual fund at the close of the market each week. Print information in a spreadsheet/table AND create a (half-page or less) graph for your stock or mutual fund. This must be your work – a cut-and-paste job from other sources will earn you a zero.? Apart from this statistical analysis, include a practical analysis as well. Why did you choose that stock or fund; what did you expect it to do and why; what did it do and why; how did economic or news developments affect the stock/industry [link it up, don’t confuse correlation with causation]. Explain your investment strategy and why it worked . . . or didn’t. There is no penalty for losing money if you explain what went wrong and what you would do differently next time. This will be your 4th quarter project grade. Rubric is on the next page. Projects are due by 2:20 pm Friday, May 21st – NO EXTENSIONS ! ! ! Submit your work as a Word file through Turnitin. You may submit early; it might be to your advantage to get it out of the way sooner. NOTE: When the school announces a date by which all Senior grades must be finalized, this due date could be moved up, so don’t procrastinate!Good luck ! ! ! SMG Stock Competition Project - Grading Rubric0 points1 point2 points3 points4 pointsGroup stocks/mutual fundChose same equity as another team member, or Team ID # is incorrect--------------------------------------------------------------Each team member reports on a different equity investmentEquity Description/ ResearchNo identifiable submission/ response; or info is copied/ unoriginalIncludes little essential info; 1 or 2 facts or more than 1 question omittedAnswers include some essential info with few facts. May have omitted one questionMost questions clearly answered fully and in depth with complete informationAll specified questions: clear, in-depth answers with complete informationChartingNo identifiable submission/ response; or is copied/ unoriginalParagraph, table or chart includes little info or shows major delay in purchaseParagraph, table or chart includes some info or shows some delay in purchaseParagraph, table or chart includes most info & shows timely purchaseParagraph, table or chart includes all info & shows timely purchaseAnalysisNo identifiable submission/ response; copied/ unoriginalIncludes little essential info; 1 or 2 facts or more than 1 question omittedAnswers include some essential info with few facts. May have omitted one questionMost questions clearly answered fully and in depth with complete informationAll specified questions: clear, in-depth answers with complete informationGrammar & spellingMore than four errorsFour errorsTwo to three errorsOne errorNo errorsPlagiarismCopied work or the work of others passed off as your own will cause you to fail this assignment.Grading scale: 18-20 = A16-17 = B15-14 = C13-12 = DBelow 12 = FLate submission = minimum one grade lower ................

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