Somos Primos


The refugees and immigrants from Cuba are some of the most interesting people to the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) because the Cuban ancestors of these new Americans fought at Mobile, Pensacola, Central America, in the Bahamas, and were preparing to invade Jamaica when the Revolutionary War was ended by events in Europe.

Spanish records for the Revolutionary War period (June 1779 until Sep 1783) are among the best of the surviving records. Records of service were kept in bundles (called legajos) for each unit, and some have been published for the key persons in each unit. (The persons so listed would be called “the cadre” by those with experience in the American Army. They could be sent to form and train a new group as a unit.) The legajo lists the service of the person from first enlistment to the assignment at the time of the legajo. Most of the legajos were for the post war period, and they are included below through 1800. The records for 1765 were considered too early and the ones for 1809 and 1814 were considered too late. Only by studying the legajo or some other record of the time can one determine if the person was in service during the war.

In the following listing, asterisks are given for those known to be in service, but others may also be identified in service by careful study of the legajos or from other records or rosters. The units in Cuba were associated with certain localities or names to include: America, probably near Havana; Cuatro Villas, probably eastern Cuba; Cuba y Bayamo; Havana; Matanzas; Puerte Principe; Santiago de Cuba; and Trinidad. The legajos associated with Cuba are 7259, 7260, 7261, 7262, 7263, 7264, and 7265. Part of 7259 is from 1765 and considered too early. 7265 is from 1809 through 1815 and is considered too late.

The historian, Allan J. Kuenthe, listed the family surnames most frequently encountered as wartime leaders in the Cuban militia as Agramonte, Agüero, Arango, Armenteros, Arrendondo, Barerra, Basabe, Beitia, Beltrán, Boza, Caballero, Calvo de la Puerta, Camacho, Cárdenas, Castillo (of Havana), Castillo (of Puerte Príncipe), Chacón, Chavarria, Cisneros, Coca, Cruz, Duarte, Escobar, Ferrer, Hernández, Herrera, Jústiz, Lopez Silvero, Menocal, Meyreles, Miranda, Molina, Montalvo, Morales, Mustelier, Núñez, O’Farrill, Peñalver, Pita, Porlier, Pozo, Quesada, Sánchez, Santa Cruz, Socarrás, Sotolongo, Torre, Vásquez, Velasco, Zaldivar, Zayas (of Havana), Zayas (of Puerto Príncipe), and Zequera. Most of these names appear below.

Abad, Ramon. Sargento, 1st Class, Infantry of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:85.

Abarca, Juan. Lt, Militia Bn of Inf of Puerte Principe, 1793. Leg 7262:XXVII:16.

*Abascal, José Fernando. Brigadier, Lt of the King, Estado Mayor of San Cristóbal of Havana, 1797. Leg 7263:I:5.

Abella, Juan Jorge. Sargento, Inf of Havana, 1765. Leg 7259:XV:106. (Probably too old or deceased by 1779. No other names will be listed from 1765 unless they appear on other wartime records.)

Abileira, Nicolás Martín. Sargento, Militia Bn of Cuatro Villas, 1791. Leg 7261:XV:38.

Acosta, Antonio. Sargento, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:84.

Acosta, Francisco. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:57.

Acosta, Ignacio de. Lt, Estado Mayor de San Cristóbál of Havana, 1800, Leg 7264:II:9.

*Acosta, Ignacio. Lt Col, Estado Mayor de San Cristobál of Havana, 1800, Leg 7264:II:12. S:128, 130, Lt, Regt of Havana, 1781.

*Acosta, Joséde. S:121-122, Comandante of the Navy Yard at Havana, 1781.

Acosta, Manuel. Lt, Inf of Havana, 1791, Leg 7261:XXV:28.

Acosta, Pedro. Chaplain, Plana Mayor of the Bn of Morenos of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:VIII:11.

*Agramonte, Francisco. Capt, Militia Bn Inf of Puerto Principe, 1795. Leg 7262:X:6.

*Aguado, Santiago. Capt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:18.

*Aguero, Fernando. Capt, Militia Bn Inf at Puerto Principe, 1797. Leg 7263:XII:7.

Aguiar, Luis de. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1797. Leg 7263:XIV:49.

Aguiar, Rafael de. Chaplain, Militia Inf of Havana, 1799, Leg 7264:XIII:133.

Aguilar, Diego. Sargento, Inf of Cuba, 1790. Leg 7260:IV:56.

Aguilar, José. Lt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:129.

Aguilar y Arango, Juan Francisco. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:102. (Cadets could be as young as 12 years old, so anyone listed as a cadet as late as 1799 was probably too young to have served in 1779-1783.)

*Aguilera, Alejandro. Capt. Inf Bn, Militia of Cuba and Bayamas, 1797. Leg 7263:IX:34.

Aguilera, José. Sargento, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:94.

Aguilera, José Eugenio. Cadet, Inf Bn, Militia of Cuba y Bayamas, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:52.

Aguirre, Francisco. Sargento, Militia Inf of Havana, 1792. Leg 7261:VI:83.

Aguirre, José. Sargento, Bn of Militia, Cuatros Villas, 1789. Leg 7260:XIII:31.

Ainsa, Cristóbal. SubLt of granaderos, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:61.

Alamo, Fernando del. Sargento 1st Class, Cavalry Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:66.

Alamo y Rando, Antonio del. Lt, Cav., Militia of Havana, 1795. Leg 7262:VIII:17.

*Albear, Andrés de. Capt, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1799. Leg 7264:XV:16.

*Albear, Francisco. Capt, Comandande, Castillo de Jagua, Estado de San Cristóbal de Havana, 1800. Leg 7264:II:13.

Albear, Pedro. Lt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:25.

Alberto, Juan. Sargento, Militia Bn, Inf, of Cuba, 1792. Leg 7261:V:33.

Albuquerque, Diego. Lt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:23.

Alcantara, Francisco. Lt, Militia Inf of Havana, 1799.. Leg 7264:XIII:77.

Alcaraz, Jaime. Lt, Bn of Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1795. Leg 7262:V:14.

Alcaraz, Juan. Sargento, Separate Comp. of Cav, Cuba, 1791. Leg 7261:XXVIII:13.

*Alcazar, Antonio Maria del. Capt, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1799. Leg 7264:XV:14.

*Alcoriza, Antonio. C&C:105, from Havana Regt of Inf, wounded at the Battle of the Village at Mobile, 7 Jan 1781.

Aldana, Antonio. Lt of Grenadiers, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:27.

Aldana, Pedro. Lt, Militia Cav of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:21.

*Aldao, Josef. Soldier, Havana Regt, wounded at the Battle of the Village at Mobile, 7 Jan 1781.

Aleman, Salvador. Sargento, Militia Cav of Havana, 1797. Leg 7263:X:70.

Alentado, Juan. Lt, Militia Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:72.

*Alfonso, Francisco. Capt, Dragoon Militia of Matanzas, 1799. Leg 7264:VII:9.

Alfonso, Francisco. Cadet, Dragoon Militia of Matanzas, 1799. Leg 7264:VII:21, probably too young.

Alfonso, Ignacio. Cadet, Dragoon Militia of Matanzas, 1795, 7262:III:18.

Alfonso, Juan Alejandro. SubLt, Dragoon Militia of Matanzas, 1799. Leg 7264:VII:14.

Alfonso, Pablo. SubLt. Inf Militia of Havana, 1789. Leg 7260:IX:84.

Alfonso, Tomas. Lt, Dragoon Militia of Matanzas, 1799. Leg 7264:VII:11.

Alloran, José. Sargento, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Leg 7262:XX:51.

*Almonacid, Miguel. Capt, Inf of Havana, 1789. Leg 7260:VI:82. A2:VII:19, shows a Capt Miguel Almazid, c 1777, probably the same person.

*Almoren, Estevan. Soldier, 1781. A3:XI:37.

*Alonso, Juan. Comandante del destacamento, 1780, Mobile. Mob:378.

Alonso, Lorenzo. Sargento, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:63.

*Alonso, Manuel. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:52. A3:XII:5, shows a soldier, c 1781.

Alonso Miranda, Juan. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1792. Leg 7261:XI:109.

Aloy, Narciso. Surgeon-general, Squadron of Dragoons, America, 1793. Leg 7262:XXVI:4.

Alvarez, Antonio. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1792. Leg 7261:XI:64.

Alvarez, Antonio. Distinguished soldier, Cav. Militia of Havana, 1793. Leg 7293:XX:85.

Alvarez, Antonio. Sargento, Bn of Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Leg 7264:X:32.

Alvarez, Fulgencio. Sargento, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1791. Leg 7261:XXII:25.

Alvarez, Gregorio. Sargento, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1799. Leg 7264:XV:25.

Alvarez, Jose. Distinguished soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1791. Leg 7261:XVIII:80.

Alvarez, Juan. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:42.

*Alvarez, Lucas. Capt, Comp. Inf of Cataluña in Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:VI:3.

Alvarez, Manuel. SubLt, Militia Cav of Havana, 1789. Leg 7259:VI:40.

Alvarez, Manuel. Sargento, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:83.

*Alvarez, Miguel. Capt, Militia Inf of Havana, 1789. Leg 7260:IX:69.

Alvarez, Pedro. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:50.

Alvarez, Pedro. Cadet, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:84.

Alvarez-Lebron, Manuel. Sargent-Major, graduate Lt Col, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:3.

Alvear, Pedro. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1796. Leg 7263:XXIII:63.

Alloran, José. Sargento, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Leg 7262:XX:51.

*Ampudia, Manuel. Capt, Inf of Havana, 1792. Leg 7261:XI:13.

Anaya, Felipe. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:106, probably too young.

Anaya, José. Sargento, Comp of Cataluña Inf in Havana, 1793. Leg 7262:XIV:21.

Anaya, Ramon. SubLt, Bn of Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. 7264:XI:17.

Andujar, Francisco. Sargento, Inf Militia of Havana, 1795. Leg 7262:IX:84.

Andux, Roque. Sargento, Dragoon Militia of Matanzas, 1793. Leg 7262:XXIII:13.

Anillo, José. SubLt, Corps Arty of Havana, 1796. Leg 7263:XXII:15.

Anton, Felipe. Sargento, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:85.

Aracil, José. Assistant Adjutant, Bn Staff, Pardos of Havana, 1787. Leg 7259:VII:6.

Arada, Bonifacio. Lt, with grade of Capt, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:11.

*Arana, Melchor. Capt, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:10.

Aranda, Juan de. Sargento, Militia Cav of Havana, 1797. Leg 7263:X:66.

*Arango, Anastasio. Capt of Grenadiers, Militia Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:5.

Arango, Andrés. Cadet, Militia Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:55.

Arango, Antonio. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:97.

Arango, José Tiburcio de. Cadet, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1793. Leg 7262:XXIV:17.

Arango, Miguel. Adjutant, Plana Mayor of Bn of Morenos of Havana, 1792. Leg 7261:III:4.

Arango, Rafael. Cadet, Militia Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:57.

Arevalo, Clemente. Sargento, Militia Cav of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:74.

*Arias, Cristóbal. Capt, Bn Inf of Puerto Principe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:7.

Arias, José Venancio. Sargento, Inf of Havana, 1792. Leg 7261:XI:121.

Armenteros, Anastasio. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1795. Leg 7262:IX:47.

Armenteros, José. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:68.

Armenteros, José de Jesus. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1787. Leg 7259:VI:34.

Armenteros, Melchoir. Cadet, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:82.

Armenteros y Guzman, Melchor. Cadet, Cav Militia of Havana, 1789. Leg 7259:VI:77.

Armenteros y Zaldivar, Florentino. Cadet, Militia Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:50.

*Armona, Matías de. Brigadier, Inf of Havana, 1792. Leg 7261:XI:1.

Arocha, Antonio. Sargento, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:77.

*Arostegui, Martín Tomás. Lt Col of Militia, age 36, Vol. Cav. Regt of Cuba, 1781.

Arostigui, Miguel de. Cadet, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:48.

*Arrendondo y Ambulodi, José de, first Conde de Vallellana. Capt, age 33, Col Cav Regt, Cuba, 1781. K:185.

*Arrendondo, Nicolás de. Governor of Cuba, 1781. Ch1:15.

Arza, Francisco. Sargento, Inf Militia of Havana, 1795. Leg 7262:IX:106.

Asensio, José María. Cadet, Bn Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayama, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:32.

Aubiere, Pedro. Sargento, Inf of Cuba, 1790. Leg 7260:II:58. This is probably the same person as Auvier, Pedro, Sargento, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:74.

Aymerich, José. Sgt Major, grad Lt Col, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:2.

Aymerich, Mariano. Lt, Bn Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayama, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:39.

Badillo, Vicente. Sargento, Militia Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:41.

Baena, Andrés de. Lt, Plana Mayor, Pardos of Cuba y Bayama, 1787. Leg 7259:IX:3.

Balcazar, Juan. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1789. Leg 7260:X:46.

Balza, Manuel. SubLt, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1799. Leg 7264:XV:11.

Baratt, Pedro. Adjutant Major, Dragoon Militia of Matanzas, 1799. Leg 7264:VII:3.

Baren, Rafael. Surgeon, Staff of Bn of Morenos of Havana, 1792. Leg 7261:III:12.

Barquero, Ventura. Sargento, Bn of Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1792. Leg7261, IV:31.

Barra, Juan. Sargento, Inf Militia of Havana, 1797. Leg 7263:XI:108.

Barragan, Antonio. SubLt, Arty Corps of Havana, 1788. Leg 7259:IV:19.

Barreiro, Antonio. Sargento, Inf of Cuba, 1791. Leg 7261:XXVI:98.

*Barrera, Diego. Captain, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, 1800, Leg 7264:III:7.

*Barrera, Esteban de la. Lt Col, with grade of Col, Cav Militia of Havana, 1789. Leg 7260:X:2.

Barreto, Pedro. Sargento, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1799. Leg 7264:VII:19.

Barrios, Juan de. Sargento, Militia Inf of Havana, 1789. Leg 7260:IX:48.

*Barrosa, Francisco. Capt, Militia Inf of Havana, 1791. Leg 7261:XIX:54.

*Barrutia, Gregorio. Capt, Staff of Bn of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:V:1.

*Barrutia, Juan Antonio. Indendant of the Spanish Army, 1782, S:29.

*Basabe, Luis. Capt, Militia Cav of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:6. K:185, Capt, age 27, Vol Cav Regt, Cuba, 1781.

Basaco, Ildefonso. Sargento, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:65.

Basurto, Francisco. Sargento, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:33.

Batista, Luis Antonio. Lt, 3rd Comp of Independent Cav, under Cuba, 1791. Leg 7261:XXVIII:5.

Batista, Pedro José. SubLt, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:23.

Bayle, Eusebio. Sargento, Cav Militia of Havana, 1789. Leg 7260:X:60.

*Bazquez, Nicolás. Ch1:20, soldier, Havana Regt, assigned to Louisiana Picket, Aug 1779.

Becerra, Juan. Lt, Bn of Militia of Cuatros Villas, 1799. Leg 7264:X:15.

Beitia, Antonio José. Cadet, Dragoon Militia of Matanzas, 1792. Leg 7261:II:37.

*Beitia y Castro, Rentería y Espinosa, Antonio José, Second Marqués del Real Socorro (1751-1805). K:118, Lt Col in 1780. Capt, Graduate Lt Col, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:15.

Beitia, Francisco Javier. Cadet, Cav Militia of Havana, 1795. Leg 7262:VIII:81.

*Beitia, José Francisco de. Capt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:10.

*Bequet, Francisco. Capt, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, 1797. Leg 7263:II:4.

Bermudez, Pedro. Sgt Major, Bn Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Leg 7264:X:2.

Bethencour, José María. Chaplain, Bn Militia of Cuba y Bayamon, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:6.

Blanco, Antonio. Lt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:17.

*Bofarull, Casimiro. Lt Col of Cataluña Volunteers, Sgt Major of trenches at Pensacola, 1781. Mob:773, 779.

Boix, Buenaventura. SubLt, Independent Comp of Inf from Cataluña under Cuba jurisdiction, 1799. Leg 7264:VI:10.

Bonilla, Jose. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:49.

Borelli, Carlos. Lt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:37.

Borrego, Tomás. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1787. Leg 7259:VI:28.

Borrero, José Joaquin. Cadet, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:53.

Borrero, Manuel. Cadet, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:41.

Boza, Antonio. Sargento, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:75.

*Boza, Gregorio de. Col, Bn Militia Inf of Puerto Principe, 1791. Leg 7261:XX:1.

*Boza, José Agustin. Capt, Independent Comp of Cav, under Cuba, 1791. Leg 7261:XVIII:1.

Bramosio, Juan. Sargento, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:96.

Branly, Antonio. Lt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:27.

Branly, Domingo. Lt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:28.

Branly, Pedro. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:92.

Bravo, Cristóbal. Sargento, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:86.

*Brikdal, Mateo. Capt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:26.

Broseta, Bartolomé. Lt, Bn, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:17.

*Buelta Flores, Ramón de. Mob:226, Lt Col at Mobile, 1780. Capt, grad Lt Col, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1786. Leg 7259:XIII:2.

*Buenavista, Conde de. K:121, Lt Col, Regular Spanish Army, 1783. Col of Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Leg 7262:XX:1.

Buessa, Miguel. Ass’t Adjutant, Staff of Morenos of Havana, 1799. Leg 7263:VI:10.

Buniguet, Lorenzo. Sargento, Inf Comp of Cataluña in Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:VI:14.

*Burnengo, Francisco. Capt, Adjutant, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1789. Leg 7260:VII:1.

Caballero, Bruno. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1791. Leg 7261:XXVI:35.

*Caballero, Sylvestre. Capt, Bn of Militia of Cuatros Villas, 1789. Leg 7260:XI:8.

Cabello, Francisco. Lt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:41.

*Cabello, Manuel. Mob:563, Capt 1781, corresponded with General Ezpeleta. Col, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, 1800. Leg 7264:II:1.

Cabra, Diego de. Lt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:34.

Cabrera, Gregorio. Sargento, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:60.

Cabrera, José. SubLt, Corps of Arty of Havana, 1796. Leg 7263:XXII:14.

Cabrera, Juan de. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:31.

Cadenas, Diego. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1792. Leg 7261:XI:108.

*Cagigal, Juan Manuel de. Spanish Field Marshal in Havana and Pensacola during the war years. Caughey:208, 244, 247.

Calbeto, Manuel. Sargento, Comp. Inf of Cataluña, in Havana, 1796. Leg 7263:VI:15.\

Calderon, Antonio. Lt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:49.

Calderon, José Ignacio. Chaplain, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Leg 7262:XX:113.

*Calonge, Mariano. Capt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:15.

Calvo y Hererra, Miguel. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:49.

Callejas, José María. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:114.

Camacho, Felix. Sargento, Urban Cav Comp of Cuba y Bayamon, 1797. Leg 7262:XVIII:3.

Camacho, Joachin. SubLt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:28.

*Camacho, Joseph. Soldier, 1782. A2:VII:13.

Camejo, Nicolás. Sargento, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:69.

Campanoni, Anselmo. Lt, Bn, Inf Militias of Cuba y Bayamon, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:41.

Campos, Alejandro de. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:99.

*Campos, Francisco. Capt, Plana Mayor de Blancos agredada al Batalión de Pardos Libres Milicias Disciplinadas de La Habana, 1799. Leg 7264:V:2.

Canalejo, José María. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:67.

Canalejo, Miguel. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:118.

*Canalejo, Miguel. Capt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:14.

Canalejo, Nicolás. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:93.

Canales, Miguel. Sargento, Inf of Cuba, 1797. Leg 7264:XV:76.

Canapari, Francisco. Sargento, Inf Militia of Havana, 1795. Leg 7262:IX:35.

Canes, Jaime. Lt, Bn of Militia of Puerto Principe, 1792. Leg 7261:VIII:14.

Cano, Francisco. Lt, Bn of Militia of Puerto Princepe, 1792. Leg 7261:VIII:12.

Cano, Manuel. Sargento, Inf of Havana, 1792. Leg 7261:XI:115.

Cantero, Ramón. Sargento, Bn Militias of Cuba y Bayamon, 1787. Leg 7259:X:33.

Capiro, Juan. Capt, Bn of Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Leg 7264:X:12.

Capote, Antonio Abad. Sargento, Cav Militia of Havana, 1789. Leg 7260:X:71.

Caraballo, Antonio. Sargento of Grenadiers, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:70.

Caraballo, José Joaquin. Chaplain, Bn of Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamon, 1787. Leg 7259:X:6.

Caraballo, Rafael. SubLt, Militia Dragoons of Matanzdas, 1799. Leg 7264:VII:15.

Carballeda, Manuel. Sargento, Bn of Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1793. Leg 7262:XVII:46.

Cardenas, Agustín de. Cadet, Cav Militia of Havana, 1797. Leg 7263:X:79. He was SubLt by 1809, but probably too young to have served by 1783.

*Cardenas, Francisco ( - 1783). Col, age 64, Vol Inf Regt of Cuba, 1781. K:185.

Cardenas, José Mariano. SubLt, grad Capt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:32.

Cardenas, Juan de. Sargento, Bn of Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Leg 7264:X:51.

*Cardenas, Miguel de. K:185, Capt, age 29, Vol. Cav Regt of Cuba, 1781.

Cardenas, Miguel de. Cadet, Cav Militia of Havana, 1791. Leg 7261:XVIII:76.

Cardenas, Nicolás. SubLt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1797. Leg 7263:XI:32. This may be the same person who was SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799, Leg 7264:XII:29.

Cardenas y Peñalver, Agustín. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:39.

Carillo, José. Lt, Inf of Havana, 1791. Leg 7261:XXV:29.

Carmona, Agustín. Sargento, Staff of Bn Pardos Militia of Cuba y Bayamon, 1799. Leg 7264:IX:9.

Carmona, Miguel. Sargento, Inf Militia of Havana, 1795. Leg 7262:IX:99.

*Carne, Pedro. Mob:548, SubLt, Ligera Inf, 1781, Pensacola. Capt, Comp of Inf of Cataluña in Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:VI:4.

Caro, Eusebio. Garzón, Plana Major (?? Staff messenger), de Blancos agegada al Bn de Pardos Libres, Militia Disciplinadas Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:V:10.

*Caro, Ignacio. Capt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:128.

Carrión, Antonio. Lt, Inf of Cuba, 1792. Leg 7261:XII:28.

Carry, Pedro de. Sargento, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1799. Leg 7264:XV:28. Probably too young.

*Casa Bayona, Conde ( - 1780). Col, Vol Inf Regt of Cuba until his death. K:118.

*Casa-Calvo, Marqués de. Lt Col, grad Brigadier, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:2.

*Casa Montalvo, Conde de. Col, Dragoon Militia of Matanzas, 1793. Leg 7262:XXIII:1.

*Casa Montalvo, Conde de. Lt Col, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:5.

Casamijana, José. Sargento, Comp of Inf of Cataluña in Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:VI:13.

Casanova, José. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1793. Leg 7262:XXI:118.

Casanovas, Mateo. Lt, Bn Militia of Cuatros Villas, 1799. Leg 7264:X:17.

*Casas, Luís de las. A7:23, 203, Capt-General and Governor of Cuba, 1790 era.

Casau, Antonio. Sargento, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1795. Leg 7262:X:31.

Casquillo, Juan. Adjutant, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:19.

Castely, Fernando. Sargento, Inf of Havana, 1792. Legajo 7261:XI:66.

Castely, Guillermo. Sargento, Bn Inf Militias of Puerto Principe, 1789. Leg 7260:XI;38.

Castellanos, Anastasio. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:45.

Castellanos, Francisco Antonio. Chaplain, Plana Mayor de Blancos agregada al Bn de Pardos, Militia Disciplinadas Inf de Cuba y Bayamon, 1799. Leg 7264:IX:10.

Castellanos, Manuel. Adjutant, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:30.

Castellanos, Ramón. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:59.

Castilla, Antonio. SubLt, Comp. Inf of Cataluña in Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:VI:11, probably too young.

Castilla, José. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:98.

Castilla, Juan. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1791. Leg 7261:XXV:47.

Castilla, Luis. Sargento, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:62.

Castilla, Manuel. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1788. Leg 7259:II:60.

Castilla, Manuel. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:112.

*Castilla, Manuel. Capt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:22.

*Castilla, Pedro. Capt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:17.

Castilla, Vicente. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:106.

Castillo, Agustín de. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1787. Leg 7259:VI:31.

Castillo, Carlos del. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1789. Leg 7260:IX:53.

Castillo, Félix del. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Leg 7262:XX:90.

Castillo, Francisco del. Cadet, Bn Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamon, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:54.

Castillo, Francisco del. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1792. Leg 7261:XI:129.

*Castillo, Juan Francisco del. Col, Agregado Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:126.

*Castillo, Manuel del (1749 FL - ). Served in Louisiana as a Sargento during the war. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1792. Leg 7261:XI:43.

Castillo, Miguel del. Chaplain, Plana Mayor Blancos en Batallón Pardo Milicias de Cuba y Bayamo, 1793. Leg 7292:XVI:8.

Castillo, Pedro del. SubLt, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1791. Leg 7261:XX:24.

Castillo, Ramón. Ae:XIV:13, soldier, c 1785. Sargento, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:76.

Castillo, Salvador Bautista del. Sargento, Bn Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1793. Leg 7262:XVII:39.

Castillo y Morales, Juan del. SubLt, Cav Militias of Havana, 1793. Leg 7262:XX:29.

*Castillo y Sucre, Juan Núñez del. Capt, Vol Cav Regt, Havana. K:184.

Castro, Agustín de. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:109.

Castro, Antonio de. Lt, Inf of Havana, 1792. Leg 7261:XI:26.

*Castro, Elias de. Capt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:12.

Castro, José Antonio de. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:108.

Castro, Pedro de. Sargento, Cav Militia of Havana, 1797. Leg 7263:X:68.

Castro, Pedro de. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:110.

Castro, Rafael de. Lt, Bn Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:15.

*Castro Palomino, Antonio de. Capt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:10.

Castro Palomino, Juan Miguel. Cadet, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1799. Leg 7264:XV:37.

Castro Palomino, Manuel. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:112.

Catafal, Pablo. Lt, Comp Inf of Cataluña, in Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:VI:6.

*Catala, José Rafael. Capt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:5.

Catala, Pedro. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:117.

Ceballos, José. Sargento of Grenadiers, Inf Militia Bn of Puerte Príncipe, 1795. Leg 7262:X:30.

Ceballos, Francisco Miguel. Sgt, Inf of Cuba, 1790. Leg 7260:IV:96.

Ceballos, Miguel. Lt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:44.

Celi, Francisco de Paula. Chaplain, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:85.

Cepero, Francisco. SubLt, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1799. Leg 7264:VIII:30.

Cequeira, Rafael Gabino de. SutLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:55.

Cerralbo, José. Sargento, Squadron, Dragoons of America, 1786. Leg 7259:XIII:24.

Cerrato, Pablo. Sargento, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:87.

Cespedes, Antonio. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1790. Leg 7260:IV:37.

Cespedes, Manuel Hilario de. SubLt, Bn Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:35.

*Cespedes, Tomás de. Capt, Staff, San Cristóbal, Havana, 1800. Leg 7264:III:6.

Cespedes, Vicente de. Lt, Inf of Cuba, 1791. Leg 7261:XXVI:24.

Cisneros, Agustín de. Chaplain, Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:55.

*Cisneros, Joaquin. Lt Col grad, Inf Militia Bn of Cuba y Bayamo, 1793. Leg 7262:XIX:9.

Cisneros, José Felipe. Capt, Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:12.

Cisneros, Juan. SubLt de Bandera, Bn Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:4.

*Clar, Andrés. Capt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:23.

*Clar, André Felipe. Capt, Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:12.

Cisneros, Juan. SubLt de Bandera, Bn Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:4.

*Coca, Hubaldo de. Capt, age 38, 1st Bn, Vol Inf Regt of Cuba, 1781. K:185.

Coca, Miguel de. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:47.

*Coca, Miguel de. K:185, Capt age 46, 1st Bn, Col Inf Regt, Cuba, 1781. Capt, grad Lt Col, Inf Militia of Havana, 1797. Leg 7263:XI:4.

Cocio, Miguel. Cadet, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:44.

*Colas, Juan Jose. Capt, Arty Corps of Havana, 1796. Leg 7263:XXI:2.

Colomina, Luis. Lt, Comp Inf Cataluña in Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:VI:7.

Conde, Santiago. Sargento, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1794. Leg 7262:XII:23.

*Contador, Rafael. Capt, Inf of Havana, 1788. Leg 7259:II:10.

Cordoba, José de. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:90.

*Cordoba, José Félix. Lt Col, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:87. K:188, Lt Col, age 51, Vol Cav Regt of Cuba, 1809.

Corona, Gabriel. Sargento, Bn Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799.. Leg 7264:XI:47.

Cortes, Pedro. Sargento, Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1793. Leg 7262:XXVII:35.

Corral, Félix del. Lt, Militia of Pardos of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Leg 7264:IX:5.

*Cotarro, Felipe Carlos. Col, Inf of Cuba, 1791. Leg 7261:XXVI:1.

Cotilla, Juan de. SubLt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:29.

Cotilla, Luis. Lt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:25.

*Cotilla, Rafael de. Capt, Inf of Havana, 1792. Leg 7261:XI:93.

*Cotilla, Tomás de. SubLt, retired, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, 1800. Leg 7264:III:17.

*Cobarrubias, José. S:260-264, with Saavedra in Mexico. Ch1:23, Purser of the Army of Havana.

Covarrubias, Juan. Lt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:38.

Creach/Creagh, Sebastian. Lt, Inf of Cuba, 1790. Leg 7260:IV:86.

Crespo, Antonio. Lt, Inf of Cuba, 1792. Leg 7261:XII:19.

Crespo, Blas. Sargento, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:88.

*Crespo, José. Capt, Militia of Cuatros Villas, 1799. Leg 7264:X:8.

Crespo, Juan. Sargento, Inf of Havana, 1791. Leg 7261:XXV:65.

Cruz, Bartolomé. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1792. Leg 7262:VII:105.

Cruz, Francisco de la. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Leg 7262:XX:107.

Cruz, Francisco de Paula. Sargento, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:84.

Cruz, Gregorio de la. Disinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Leg 7262:XX:91.

Cruz, José María de la. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Leg 7262:XX:82.

Cruz, Juan de la. Lt, retired, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, 1797. Leg 7263:II:11.

*Cruz, Sebastian de la. Capt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Leg 7262:XX:6.

Cuadra, José. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:41.

Cuellar y Zaldivar, Juan de. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:52.

*Cueto y Vierna, Manuel. Capt, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1799. Leg 7264:XV:9.

Cuevas, Francisco de las. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:103.

*Curbia, Ignacio. Capt, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, 1800. Leg 7264:III:5.

Chacon, Bonifacio. Lt, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1795. Leg 7262:VII:22.

Chacon, Francisco. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1797. Leg 7263:XI:46.

*Chacon, Manuel. Capt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:9.

Chamizo, José. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:95.

*Chaves, Francisco de. Capt of Grenadiers, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, 1800. Leg 7264:III:1.

Chaves, José María. SubLt of Grenadiers, Militia of Cuatros Villas, 1799. Leg 7264:X:20.

Chaves, José María. SubdLt of Bandera/Scouts, Dragoon Militia of Matanzas, 1799. Leg 7264:VII:4.

Chenard, José. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:63.

Chenard, Juan. Lt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:42.

Chenard, Manuel. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:59.

Chicarony, Vicente. Sargento, Dragoons of America, 1791. Leg 7261:XXII:23.

Chicharro, Juan Vicente. Sargento, Inf of Cuba, 1792. Leg 7261:XII:44.

*Chinchilla, Antonio. Capt, grad Col, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:7.

Chinique, Feliciano. Sargento, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:106.

Choisie, Pablo. Surgeon, Inf Militia of Havana, 1789. Leg 7260:IX:62.

*Daban, Juan. Lt Col & Sgt Major, Havana Regt of Inf, 1765, Governor of Havana, 1782. Leg7259:XVI:51, and S:234, fn164.

*Dascampos. Soldier, 1781. A3:XI:62.

Delgado, José María. Sargento, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1799. Leg 7264:VII:18.

Delgado, Manuel. Sargento, Inf Militia of Havana, 1797. Leg 7263:XI:113.

Diaz, Agustín. SubLt, Militia of Cuatros Villas, 1799. Leg 7264:X:22.

Diaz, Angel. Sargento, Cav Militia of Havana, 1789. Leg 7260:X:75.

Diaz, Antonio. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Leg 7262:XX:101.

Diaz, Felipe. Sargento, Dragoons of America, 1799. Leg 7264:XV:26.

Diaz, Francisco. Sargento, Militia Inf of Puerto Principe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:34.

Diaz, Francisco, Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:94.

Diaz, Gabriel José. Cadet, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1793. Leg 7262:XVII:56.

Diaz, José. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Leg 7262:XX:95.

Diaz, José Benito. Sargento, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:26.

Diaz, Juan. Sargento, Inf Militia of Havana, 1792. Leg 7261:VI:105.

Diaz, Juan. Capt, Inf of Cuba, 1792, Leg 7261:XII:10.

Diaz, Leonardo. Lt, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1792. Leg 7262:XIX:22.

Diaz, Manuel. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1791. Leg 7261:XVIII:104.

*Diaz, Manuel. Capt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:65.

*Diaz, Pedro. Lt, grade of Capt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XIII:70.

Diaz, Santiago Emigdio. Sargento, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:25.

Diaz Pimienta, José Aniceto. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:115.

*Dominguez, Diego. Soldier, Regt of Havana, wounded at the Battle of the Village at Mobile, 1781. Mob:546.

Don, Juan. Sargento, Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:30.

Doneaud, Pedro. Chief Surgeon, Dragoons of America, 1788, Leg 7259:III:29.

*Doz del Castellar, Joaquín. Capt, Havana Corps of Arty, 1796. Leg 7263:XXI:5.

Duarte, Carlos. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:37.

*Duarte, Manuel. Capt, age 54, 1st Bn, Vol Inf Regt of Cuba, 1781. K:185.

*Du Bouchet, Blas. Lt Col, Comp of Inf from Cataluña in Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:VI:1.

Du Bouchet, Ignacio. Cadet, Compañias Inf of Havana, 1799 (probably the company from Cataluña). Leg 7264:VI:20.

*Echavarria, Diego. Capt, Independent Comp of Cav, jurisdiction of Cuba, 1791. Leg 7261:XXVIII:3.

*Echevarria y Elguzúa, Fray Santiago Joseph. Bishop of Santiago de Cuba, 1781. S:101, 154.

*Eduardo, Miguel Antonio. Caughey:89, merchant of Havana who arranged supplies for Americans during the war.

Eligio, José. Lt of Grenadiers, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Leg 7264:XVII:51.

Enriquez, Pedro. SubLt, Corps of Arty of Havana, 1788. Leg 7259:IV:18.

Entrena, Diego María. Cadet, Cav Militia of Havana, 1795. Leg 7263:VIII:80.

Escarra, Andrés. Sargento, Comp. Inf of Cataluña at Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:VI:15.

*Escobar, Bernardo. Capt, Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1797. Leg 7263:XII:6.

Escobar, Luis. Cadet, Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:51.

*Escobar, Pedro Roque de. Capt, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1793. Leg 7262:XXIV:3.

Escriba, Francisco. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:62.

Esmenota, Francisco. Sargento, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1791. Leg 7261:XXII:22.

Espert, Bernardo. Sargento of Grenadiers, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7f264:XVI:71.

Espinosa, José. Sargento, Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:31.

Espinosa, José Manuel. Sargento, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Leg 7264:X:53.

Espinosa, Mariano. Surgeon, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:86.

Espinosa, Pablo. Sargento, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Leg 7262:XX:66.

*Espinosa de Contreras y Jústiz y Zayas-Bazan, José María de Jesús, second Conde de Gibacoa. Lt Col, c 1790, Matanzas Dragoons. K:120.

Esquivel, Juan. Guidon Bearer, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:53.

Esteban, Pablo. Lt, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1793. Leg 7262:XIX:23.

*Estenoy, Hilario. Caughey:151, Capt, in 1779 Junta de Guerra.

Estenoz, Antonio. Lt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:41.

*Estenoz, Pedro. Capt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:21.

Esteves, Andrés. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1795. Leg 7262:VIII:25.

Esteves, Juan. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XII:28.

*Estrada, Andrés José. Capt, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:37.

Estrada, Diego. Surgeon, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1787. Leg 7259:X:7.

*Estrada, Francisco. Capt, Comp of Urban Cav of Cuba y Bayamo, 1797. Leg 7263:XVIII:6.

Estrada, Gabriel José de. Cadet, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1797. Leg 7263:IX:52.

Estrada, Ignacio de. Lt, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1794. Leg 7262:XII:10.

Estrada, José María. Cadet, Inf Militia of Puerto Principe, 1799. Leg 7264:XIV:54.

Estrada, Juan de. Cadet, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Leg 7264:XI:56.

*Estrada, Juan José. Capt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:9.

Estrada, Luis de. Cadet, Comp of Cav, Urban, of Cuba y Bayamo, 1797. Leg 7263:XVIII:10.

Estrada, Manuel de. Cadet, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1797. Leg 7263:IX:54.

*Estrada, Manuel. Lt Col, Inf of Havana, 1799. Leg 7264:XVI:127.

Estrada, Rafael. Capt, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1797. Leg 7263:IX:32.

Estrella, Fernando. Sargento, Inf of Cuba, 1791. Leg 7261:XXVI:50.

*Ezpeleta, José de. Spanish Col, Regt of Navarre, later Governor of Mobile after its capture in 1780. Caughey:191.

Ezquerra, Antonio. Capt, Inf of Cuba, 1789. Leg 7260:VI:5.


This continues the listing of Cuban Patriots who served during the period of Jun 1779 until Sep 1783. For more information, and the A-E listing, see the February 2006 Somos Primos.

This listing is made for the benefit of those who descend from the soldiers or other patriots listed and who wish to join the Sons of the American Revolution. The author, Granville W. Hough, is available at gwhough@ to assist those who wish to join that organization.

One might ask how one can access the records in Cuba which would be most helpful. The first answer is that this listing can be downloaded and saved for the future. I can assure anyone that Fidel Castro will not be an impediment to research, on-site, in Cuba, forever. I am his age and know he is just as mortal as I. The second answer is that it may now be possible to hire researchers in Cuba to go into the archives and find what you need. I do not know who has tried that approach. It should work just as well in Cuba as in the United States, Mexico, or Spain. Genealogy is non-political, or always has been, in my experience.

Juan Fabre. Adjutant, 1799, Plana Mayor del Bn de Morenos, Havana, Legajo 7264:VIII:8.

*Antonio Fajardo (1756 Galicia - ). SubLt in 1779, Lt in 1780, with Comp. Islas, San Juan de Ulua, Capt, Inf Puebla, 1800, Havana, Legajo 7277:VI:24.

*Jorge Farragut. C:71, pp 269-270, Spanish privateer during Spain's 1779-1783 War with England.

*Manual Faus. K:123, 125, drill instructor who whacked a negro soldier who strayed out of line during drill so hard he killed him. Legajo 7264:VIII:2, Capt in 1799, Plana Mayor del Bn de Morenos, Havana.

Manuel de Febles. Sargento, 1799, Militia Inf, Havana. Legajo 7264:XIII:116.

*José de Félix Cordoba. Capt, 1796, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7263:XXIII:74.

Gaspar Feo. SubLt, 1789, Mil Cav, Havana, Legajo 7260:X:43.

*Joseph Feran. A3:XI:57, soldier, c 1781.

*Andrés Fernándes. Capt of Grenadiers, 1789, Mil de las Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7260:XIII:3.

*Antonio Fernández (1721 Zilleros, Spain - ), entered service in 1738, Capt, grad Lt Col in 1781, 1786, and 1788 in Dragoons of America, married. Tanner:41, Lt Col in East Florida in 1784 sent to bring in McGirt outlaws. Legajo 7263:I:6, Col in 1797, Estado Mayor de San Cristóbal, Havana.

*Antonio Fernández Trebejo. Mob:216, 691, engineer at Mobile, 1780.

*Benito Fernández. Ch1:11, soldier of the 20th Comp., arrived in Havana, Mar 1779.

Eduardo Fernández. Cadet, Cav. Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:80.

Felipe Fernández Lugo. Sgt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1792. Legajo 7261:VII:69.

*Francisco Luís Fernández (1741 Antequera - ), Sgt in 1777, Sgt, 1st Comp, Dragoons of America, 1786, “casada con Mujer Decente.” Adjutant, 1800, Plana Mayor of Santiago, Cuba, Legajo 7264:I:3.

José Fernández. SubLt, 1786, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7259:XII:52, probably the person who was aide to Governor Zéspedes in East Florida.

*José Fernández (1750 - ). Entered service 1768, 1st Sgt, Havana Cav, 1787, Lt, 1799, Cav Mil of Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:26.

*José Fernández del Cueto (1741 Esquibias - ), Sgt of Grenadiers, 1778, SubLt, Havana Regt, 1786, single. Lt of Grenadiers, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:29.

José Domingo Fernández. Sgt, Bn Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1797. Legajo 7263:VIII:45.

José María Fernández. Sgt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:79.

*Juan Fernández (1770 Havana - ), Cadet in 1782, Cadet in 3rd Comp, Dragoons of America, 1786 and in 2d Comp, 1788.

*Juan Fernández. Mob:546, soldier, Regt of Havana, killed at the Village, 1781.

Juan Fernández de Lara. Cadet, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:61.

*Juan Fernández Remedios. Capt, 1796, Corps of Arty, Havana, Legajo 7263:XXI:4.

Lazaro Fernández. Lt, 1800, Estado Mayor of San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:II:7.

Manuel Fernández de Lara. Cadet, Militia of Cuarto Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:62.

Tomás Fernández. Sgt, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:38.

*Andrés Fernero and brother of Havana. Chávez:225, in 1781 lenders of money for the French Navy.

*Domingo Ferradas (1723 - ), married. Entered service 1747, Lt, 1787, and 1789, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7260:IX:72.

Francisco Ferraez. A2:IX:39, mentioned c 1779.

*José Ferraras. Soldier and Cpl, 1770-1785, Regts Saboya and Corona, in Veracruz, Havana, and Guarico operations, 1st Sgt, Inf of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277.

*Luís Lorenzo Ferrazas. A2:VIII:62, 63, Naval Lt, c 1778. R80II:101, wounded at Mobile, Mar 1780.

*??? Ferrer. Mob:448, head of transport boat, Pensacola convoy, 1780.

*Josef Ferrer. Mob:546, fusilier, wounded at the Village, 1781.

*José Ferrer (1741 - ). Entered service 1760, Capt, 1st Comp, 1787 and 1799, Mil Inf de Cuba y Bayamos,

Legajo 7264:XI:9.

José Antonio Ferrer. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:131.

Miguel Ferrer. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:104.

Rafael Mariana Ferrer. Cadet, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI;27.

*José Feu of Havana. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money for the French navy.

*Antonio Figueroa. Capt, 1800, Commandant, Castillo de Atarés, Estado Mayor de San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:II:10.

Faustino Figueroa. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:108.

*José María Figueroa (1756 Havana - ), entered service in 1777, at Pensacola in 1780, SubLt in 1781, 1786, and 1788, 1st and 2d Comp, Dragoons of America, single. Legajo 7265:II:169, Adjutant Major, Esquadrón Dragoons of America, 1809.

Juan Figueroa. Surgeon, 1799, Mil de las Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7264:X:73.

*Patricio Figueroa (1734 Havana - ), Lt in 1779, at Pensacola in 1781, Lt, grad Capt, Havana Regt, 1786, married. A3:XI:61, Lt, c 1781. Legajo 7261:XII:7, Capt, Cuban Inf, 1792.

*Pablo Figuerola. Starr:208, Haarman:130, 131, Naval officer, 1781. Mir:185, commanded trenches at Pensacola, 1781.

*Pedro Figuerola of Havana, Cuba. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money for the French navy.

Diego de Fleytas. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:42.

*??? Florentín. Mob:719, his Mobile sloop assigned to Regt of Havana, 1781.

Martin de Flores Quijana. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:67.

*Felipe de Fonsdeviela y Ordeano, Marquis de la Torre. Chávez:26, Captain-General at Havana in the early part of the war at the time Unzaga was Governor of Louisiana.

*Mariano Fontdorrona. A3:XII:21, 29, Capt, c 1782.

*Manuel Fous (1741 - ). Entered service 1751, Adjutant for the Morenos, 1787.

Francisco Franco. Sgt, Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1793. Legajo 7262:XXVII:34.

*Gerónimo Franco. Ch1:20, soldier, Havana Regt, sailed for LA picket, Aug 1779.

*Isidro Franco (1743 Canary Islands - ), 1st Sgt in 1778 and 1786, Havana Regt, single. Legajo 7263:XIV:46, SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1797.

*Cristóbal Fresneda (1747 - ). Entered service 1766, 2d Sgt, Havana Cav, 1778, Sgt, 1789, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7260:X:65.

*Juan Manuel de Fromista (1753 - ), entered service 1769, Sgt 1st Cl and Adjutant Garzón, 1787, Plana Mayor de Pardos de Cuba y Bayamos, Legajo 7259:IX:6.

*Alonso Frutos (1736 - ), Adjutant, Pardos of Cuba y Bayamo, 1787. Adjutant, grad Capt, 1799, Mil Inf of Puerto Rico, Legajo 7264:XIV:3.

José María de Fuentes. Sgt, Cav. Militia of Havana, 1797. Legajo 7263:X:52.

*Juan Antonio Fuentes (1753 - ), entered service in 1773, Adjutant, 1787 and 1799, Plana Mayor Bn de Pardos, Havana, Legajo 7264:V:5.

*Antonio Fundora (1759 - ), entered service 1773, 2d Sgt, Havana Cav, 1787. Sgt, 1793. Legajo 7263:XX:59.

Antonio Fur. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:43.

*Mariano Gajate (1755 Pradilla - ), Cpl in 1775 in Regt of Aragon, Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1788, single. Legajo 7263:XI:98, Sgt, Militia, Havana Inf, 1797.

*Joseph Gallego. A3:XI:2, Capt, c 1781.

Domingo Gallegos. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:68.

Miguel Gallegos. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:115.

*José Gallegos. Cadet in 1781, at New Providence, Havana, and Guarico in 1782, Lt, Grenadiers, San Carlos de Perote, Regt Corona of New Spain, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:III:33.

*Narcisso Gallegos. Cadet in 1779, was in New Providence and Guarico operations in 1782, Capt, San Carlos de Perote, Regt Corona of New Spain, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:III:29.

Francisco María Gallos. Cadet, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:59.

*Bernardo Vicente Pólinarde de Gálvez y Gallardo (1746 Macharaviaya, Málaga - 30 Nov 1786 Mexico City). Beerman:292-293, Caughey:247, Cummins:207, Governor of Louisiana, 1777-1784. Woods:77, Col., and Governor, md on 2 Nov 1777 Feliciana de St. Maxent. They bap ch in 1778 and later. RM2:57, 225, Major General and former governor of Louisiana, in 1783 designated head of French and Spanish forces to capture Jamaica from the British.

*José de Gálvez y Gallardo, Marqués de Sonora (1720 Macharaviaya, Málaga –1787 Aranjuez). Caughey:140-141, Spanish Minister of the Indies, 1776-1786, after being Visitor-General for King Carlos III in New Spain. He was apparently first married to María Magdalena Grimaldo y Lucía Romet and secondly María Concepción Valenzuela.

*José Ganuza. Capt, 1792, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7261:XII:15.

Bartholomé Garaballo. Ch1:19, unmd CI recruit, deserted in Havana, Aug 1779.

*Manuel de Garay. Mob:444, brought supplies to Mobile on Felicité in 1780.

*Agustín García (1746 - ), entered service 1764, Adjutant Garzón, 1787 and 1793, Plana Mayor de Blancos dn Bn Pardos Mil de Cuba y Bayamos, Legajo 7262:XVI:4.

Alonso García. Lt, 1800, Estada Mayor (Major Staff) of San Cristóbal of Havana, Legajo 7264:III:15.

Andrés García. Lt, 1799, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XIII:26.

*Antonio García (1735 Cuchia - ), entered service 1754, SubLt in 1777, Lt, 2d Comp Dragoons of America, 1788, Lt, 3rd Comp, Dragoons of America, 1786. Legajo 7261:X:2, Adjutant Major, Esquadrón, Dragoons of America, 1792.

*Antonio García (1745 Granada - ), entered service in 1762, Sgt in 1778, Sgt, 4th Comp, Dragoons of America, 1786, 3rd Comp in 1788. Legajo 7260:VII:18, Sgt, 1789, Dragoons of America.

*Antonio García. K;185, SubLt, 1st Bn, Vol Inf Regt of Cuba, 1781.

Antonio García. A3:XV:64, soldier, c 1787. This may be the person in Legajo 7263:XI:104, in 1797 a Sgt in Militia Inf of Havana.

*Diego García. A3:XI:24, 36, 2d Cpl, c 1781.

Esteban García. Distinguished Soldier, Cav. Militia of Havana, 1763. Legajo 7262:XX:76.

Francisco García. Sgt, Inf Militia of Cuba & Bayamo, 1795. Legajo 7262:VII:35.

Gaspar García. Adjutant, 1799, Plana Mayor del Bn de Morenos of Havana, Legajo 7264:VIII:6.

Ignacio García. MP:24, servant to Saavedra in 1780.

*José García (1748 - ). Entered service in 1773, 2d Sgt, Havana Cav in 1787, Sgt, 1789, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7259:VI:70.

*José García. Capt, 1799, Mil of las Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7264:X:3.

*Joseph García. A3:XI:31, soldier, c 1781.

*José García-Pizarro. K:114, SubVisitor of Qiito, South America, 1781.

*José Antonio García. Capt Adjutant, Mil de las Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7261:IV:11.

José María García. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:38.

*Juan García. A3:XI:35, mentioned c 1781. This may be the soldier who was Sgt, Plana Mayor Bn. Militia Pardos of Cuba y Bayamo. Legajo 7263:VII:8.

*Pedro García. Capt, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:24.

*Pedro García de Lerena (1755 - ). Entered service 1771, SubLt, 1788, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7259:II:61.

Ramon García. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:37.

*Roque García. Mob:113, App G, Lt, 2d Bn of Spain, recommended for promotion after Mobile, 1780.

*Tomás García (1753 Havana - ), entered service, 1770, SubLt in 1776 and grad Lt, Havana Regt, 1786, married. Lt, 1788 and 1792, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7261:XI:24.

Tomás García. Sgt, Militia of Cuatros Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:46.

*Jaime Garcini. Legajo 7264:XVI:14, Capt, Havana Inf, 1799.

*Vicente Garciny. Ch1:Attachment, Col, Pensacola Staff, 1781.

Antonio Garnery. Sgt, 1790, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7260:II:91 or 61.

*Antonio Garro y Sayas (1766 - ). Entered service in 1782, Capt in 1787 and 1795, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7262:VIII:9.

*Jayme Garziny (1757 - ), entered service in 1772, Lt, Inf Vets of Havana, 1788.

Conde de Gasola. H:24, Inspector-General of Artillery, 1778.

Antonio Gasau. Sgt, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1792. Legajo 7261:VII:33.

Juan Gascon. Sgt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:75.

*Ignacio Gatica. Mob:277, Capt, goleta Del Rey San José, Mobile, 1780.

Antonio Gavilan. Surgeon, 1793, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7262:XXI:120.

*Luis Gavilan (1756 - ), entered service 1778, Cadet, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787. He was probably the Capt, Inf Militia of Havana in 1809. Legajo 7265:I:89.

*Rafael Gavilan (1763 - ), entered service Mar 1783, Cadet, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787.

*Joseph Gavino Tamayo (1747 - ), entered service 1764, SubLt, 2d Comp Blancos Cuba y Bayamo, 1787.

*Antonio Gelabert. Mob:245, soldier, Catalonian Company, taken prisoner, 1780, at Mobile.

José Antonio Gelabert. Cadet, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1795. Legajo 7262:V:63.

*Juan Gemmir Lleonart. Lt Col, 1792, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7261:XI:90.

*??? Genes. Mob:448, head of transport boat, Pensacola convoy, 1780.

*Pedro Georget. Mob:196, owned balandra Belona, used in Mobile, 1780.

Diego Gerardo. Lt, Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:16.

*Juan Germón. Mob:207, 210, Capt, Baton Rouge, to Mobile, 1780.

*Conde de Gibacoa. Col, 1799, Mil Dragones de Matanzas, Legajo 7264:VII:1.

*Agustín Gil. V:Jesu:74, 1779. Ch1:19, unm CI recruit who joined Matanza Dragoons of Havana, Aug 1779.

Fernando Gil. A3:XI:36, mentioned c 1781.

Mariana Gil Reinoso. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:70.

Vicente Gil. A2:VI:69, soldier, c 1776. Legajo 7264:XIII:24, Lt, Mil Inf of Havana, 1799.

*Manuel Gilavert. In 1787, he had served 12 years 11 months 23 days. Lt Inf Puebla, 1800, Havana, Legajo 7277:VI:38.

*Antonio Gili (1759 Sineu - ), “En America conel Exto Operations,” Sgt, Havana Inf, 1788. Legajo 7262:XI:17, Sgt, Comp Inf of Cataluña in Havana, 1794.

*Andrés Giron. Capt, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:16.

*Gerónimo Girón y Montezuma, Marqués de las Amarillas (1741 Ronda – 1819 Sevilla). Beerman:294, M:13, 49, 59, 71, Col and Division Commander at Mobile, 1780. Caughey:210, Haarman:129, 132, Spanish infantry assault commander at Pensacola. Thonhoff:75, descendant of Moctezuma. His wife was Isabel de las Casas.

Joaquin Godoy. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:80.

*Juan Godoy (1760 - ), entered service in 1777, Lt, 1788, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7259:II:38.

*Miguel de Goicoechea. M:73, 106:App C, Commander, frigate El Cayman, 1780, during Mobile campaign. Mob:667, ZPR:233, Capt of frigate Santa Cecilia at Pensacola in 1781.

Miguel Félix de Goicoechea. CubaP:49, 99, and others, probably the same person as above.

*Antonio Gomez (1741 - ), entered service 1771, Sgt, 1st Comp, 1787 and 1789, Mil Inf de Cuba y Bayamo, Legajo 7260:XIX:37.

*Antonio Gómez. Sgt, Inf of Cuba, 1791, Legajo 7261:XXVI:44.

*Bartolomé Gómez (1731 - ). Entered service in 1750, Adjutant Major, grad Capt, Blancos, Cuba y Bayamo, 1787.

Francisco Gómez. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1795. Legajo 7262:IX:111.

Josef Gómez. A2:IX:67, soldier, c 1779. This may be José Gómez, Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1791, Legajo 7261:XIX:36.

*Jose Antonio Gomez. Lt, 1795, Bn de Mil de las Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7262:V:17.

*Juan Gómez. Capt, 1799, Dragoons of Matanzas, Legajo 7264:VII:10.

Juan Jesús Gómez. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:51.

*Julian Gómez (1743 Murcia - ). Entered service in 1760, 1st Sgt of Carabineros, Havana Cav, 1787, Lt, 1799, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:22.

Lucas Gómez. Sgt, Inf Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:43 (bis).

*Nicolas Gómez (1742 - ), entered service 1759, SubLt, Blancos of Havana, 1787. Capt, Inf Militia of havana, 1809, Legajo 7265:I:84.

Agustín González. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1797. Legajo 7263:XIV:114.

*Alonso González (1751 - ). Entered service, 1770, 1st Sgt, 1787, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7259:V:61.

Andrés González. Chaplain, 1793, Mil Inf de las Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7292:XVII:71.

Antonio González. Cadet, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:49.

*Antonio González (1726 - ). Entered service in 1740, Lt, grad Capt, 2d Comp, Cuba y Bayamo, 1787. A2:VII:37, 42, Capt, c 1778. This may be Lt Col, grad, Mil Inf of Cuba y Bayamo in 1795, Legajo 7262:VII:18.

Antonio González Terino. Cadet, 1790, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7260:IV:97.

*Bartolomé González (1760 - ). Entered service in 1776, 2d Sgt, Havana Cav in 1787. Portaestandarte, 1799, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:54.

*Benito González (1750 - ), entered service in 1768, Adjutant Garzon for Morenos, 1787. In 1799 Sgt, Cav of Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:58.

Bernardo González. SubLt, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:21.

*Cristóbal González. Capt, 1795, Mil Inf of Cuba and Bayamo, Legajo 7262:VII:8.

Diego González Noroña. SubLt, Inf Comp. of Cataluña in Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:VI:12.

Domingo González. Sgt, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1795. Legajo 7262:X:34.

*Francisco González (1762 - ). Entered service Feb, 1783, Cadet, 1787, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7259:V:84.

Francisco González. SubLt, 1791, Comp Independent Cav, Cuba, Legajo 7261:XXVIII:8.

Joseph Gonzáles. A2:IX:37, mentioned c 1779, prob one of those below.

*José Gonzáles. Ch1:17, soldier from Veracruz to LA on La Matilde, Feb 1780 (prob. one of those below.)

*José González (1754 - ). Entered service 1772, Sgt, 1788, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7259:II:71.

*Jose González (1747 - ), entered service 1774, 2nd Sgt, Havana Cav, 1787.

José González. Sgt Major, 1792, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7261:VII:3.

*José González. Lt, 1795, Mil Inf, Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7262:V:13.

José González. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:112.

José González. Portaestandarte, 1795, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7262:VIII:47.

*José González. Capt, Adjutant, 1799, Mil Inf of Cuba and Bayamos, Legajo 7264:XI:3.

José Antonio González de Rojas. Cadet, Inf Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:57.

José Manuel González. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:56.

José María González. Sgt, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1795. Legajo 7262:III:31.

José Mariana González. Cadet, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:33.

*Juan González. A3:XII:22, soldier, c 1782.

Juan Antonio González. Sgt, Inf Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1793. Legajo 7262:XVII:45.

*Juan Benito González. Capt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:8.

*Luís González (1735 - ), Entered service 1749, Capt, 1787, 3rd Comp, Mil Inf de Cuba y Bayamo, Legajo 7259:X:10.

*Luís González de Rojas. Capt of Grenadiers, 1799, Mil Inf de Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7264:X:4.

*Luís González de la Torre. Lt, 1792, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7261:XI:99.

*Manuel González (1750 - ). Entered service 1773, 1st Sgt, Inf Blancos of Havanna, 1787. A3:XII:57, Sgt, c 1782, may have served in Louisiana. Probably the Sgt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:77.

*Manuel González. Capt, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1795, Legajo 7262:X:5.

Marcos González de Rojas. SubLt, Inf Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:23.

*Miguel González (1760 - ). Entered service 1776, SubLt Blancos of Havana, 1787. Capt, 1799, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XIII:68.

Pedro González. Sgt, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1792. Legajo 7261:II:34.

*Pedro González. Capt, 1799, Mil Inf of Cuarto Villas, Legajo 7264:X:10.

Rafael González. SubLt, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:20.

Santiago González. FD3:382, he and wife Micaela Rodríguez had a family in Santo Domingo during war years.

*Sebastián González (???), wartime service in Inf de Navarra, 1st Sgt since 1784, Havana Regt, 1786 and 1788. Lt, 1796, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7263:XXII:28.

Vicente González. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:103.

José Goy. Lt, 1799, Plana Mayor del Bn Pardos, Havana, Legajo 7264:V:6.

José Goy. Adjutant, garzón, 1793, Plana Mayor Bn Morenos of Havana, Legajo 7262:XV:10.

Calixto de Gracia. Sgt, Inf Militia of Cuartro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:34.

*José Graciós. Mob:449, head of transport boat, Pensacola convoy, 1780.

Miguel Granados. Sgt, Inf Militia, Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:41.

Miguel Grande. A3:XI:37, mentioned c 1781.

Rafael Grande. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:105.

*Feliz Grau. Mob:18, commanding galley El Santo Cristo del Calvario, at Mobile, 1780.

Andrés Grillo. Sgt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:75.

*Enríque Grimarest (1741 Cataluña - ), widower, son of Brigadier. M:111:App F, Capt, Navarre Regt, Sgt Major of Trenches at Mobile, wounded, Mar 1780, later Governor of Mobile. Legajo 7296:IV:1, Col and Lt of the King, Estado Mayor de la plaza de Campeche, 1787.

*Juan Gruel. A2:X:29, mentioned c 1780.

*Pedro Guarch. A3:XV:26, 41, Capt, c 1787.

Agustín Gregorio de la Guardia. Sgt, Comp. Cav. Urban, of Cuba y Bayamo, 1797. Legajo 7263:XVIII:9.

Francisco de la Guardia. Cadet, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1799. Legajo 7264:VII:36.

*Juan Güell. Mob:207, commanding galley Santa Rosalia at Mobile, 1781.

Francisco Guerard. A3:XII:25, Capt, c 1783.

*Santos Guérin (1759 - ), entered service, 1778, 1st Sgt, Inf Vets of Havana, 1788.

*Joseph Guerra. A3;XI:67, soldier, c 1781.

*Luís Guerra. Capt, 1799, Bn Mil Inf of Puerto Príncipe, Legajo 7264:XIV:8.

Manuel Guerra. SubLt of Grenadiers, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:19.

José Tomás Guerrero. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1763. Legajo 7262:XX:111.

*Miguel Guillemas. A3:XII:50, soldier, c 1782.

*Ventura Guinea. Mob:245, SubLt, sloop Baton Rouge, at Mobile, 1780.

Domingo Guiral. Cadet, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:83.

*Manuel de Guirior. Mob:xxix, wartime Spanish official in America.

José Ignacio Gutiérrez. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:115.

*Juan Gutiérrez. A3:XI:1, Capt, c 1781.

Onofre Gutiérrez de Rojas. Lt, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:45.

José Guzman. Distinguished soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:109.

*Juan de Dios Guzman (1743 - ), entered service in 1780 but prior service in Havana Inf Mil, 1st Sgt, Havana Cav, 1787.

*Gaspardo de Hair. Appeals Case 95, mariner in Nov 1782 on Spanish San Antonio.

*José Ricardo Harrill (1749 - ). Entered service 1764, 2d Capt and Comandante, grad Lt Col, Havana Cav, 1787.

Francisco de Heredia. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:120.

Vicente de Heredia. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:121.

Agustín Hernández. Legajo 7262:X:26, SubLt, Inf Mil of Puerto Príncipe, 1795.

*Andrés Hernández (1749 - ), entered service 1763, SubLt, Inf Blancos, Havana, 1787. Capt, 7261, Capt, Inf of Havana, 1792. Legajo 7261:VI:57.

Francisco Hernández (1751 - ). Legajo 7261:XVIII:44, SubLt, Cav Mil of Havana, 1787 and 1791.

*José Hernández (1748 - ). Legajo 7264:IX:4, entered service 1772, Adjutant Garzon, Pardos, 1787, Lt, Bn Pardos Mil of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799.

José Hernández. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:109.

José Hernández. Sgt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:76.

*José Damián Hernández (1731 Salamanca, Spain - ), married by 1788. Legajo 7290, Capt grad, 1782, Inf Vols of Santo Domingo. FD4:38, he and wife Josefa María Gutiérrez Galán de Vargas of Malaga, Spain, had ch in Santo Domingo during war years. Legajo 7265:I:30, Lt Col, Inf Mil of Havana, 1809.

Juan Antonio Hernández. Sgt, Inf Militias of Havana, 1797. Legajo 7263:XI:103.

*Manuel Hernández (1741 - ), entered service 1763, 2d Sgt, Mil Inf de Havana, 1787, Legajo 7261:VI:90.

Manuel Hernández. Surgeon, 1795, Plana Mayor del Bn de Morenos de Havana, Legajo 7262:IV:11.

Manuel Antonio Hernández. Legajo 7262:XVII:41, Sgt, Inf Mil of Las Cuartro Villas, 1793.

Manuel Hernández de Vera. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:69.

Miguel Hernández. A4:XVII:60, Cpl, c 1790. Legajo 7264:XII:71, Sgt, Militia Cav of Havana, 1799.

Miguel Hernández de Mesa. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:110.

Nicolás Hernández. Legajo 7262:IX:107, Sgt, Havana Mil, 1795.

Dionisio Herrada. Sgt, Inf Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:48.

*Francisco de la Herran (1736 Gamano - ), SubLt of Grenadiers in 1782, Lt, Havana Regt, 1786, widowed. Capt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:13.

*Ignacio Herrera (1765 prob Cuba - ). K:187, Capt, Vol Regt of Cav, Cuba, age 44 in 1809. Legajo 7264:XII:14, Capt, 1799.

*Juan de Herrera. Mob:17, commanding galley San Peregrino, for Pensacola, 1781.

*Miguel Antonio de Herrera. K:187, Capt, Vol Cav Regt, Cuba, 1781. Legajo 7261:XVIII:3, Primer Comandante, Cav Mil of Havana, 1791.

Miguel Herrero. Sgt, Inf Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legaho 7264:X:33.

*José Antonio Herrezuelo (1742 Cuba - ), in taking of Pensacola, 1781, Lt, Havana Regt, 1786, single. Legajo 7264:XVI:4, Capt, Havana Inf, 1799.

Pedro León Hidalgo. Sgt, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamon, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:24.

Félix de Hita y Salazar. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:110.

*Juan Hogan. Irish:223, Capt, Irish Brigade, Pensacola, 1781. Chávez:225, Paymaster, Regt of Hibernia/Ybernia, of Havana, in 1781 lender of money to the French navy.

*Miguel Hormigo (1749 - ), entered service 1767, 1st Sgt, Inf Blancos, Havana, 1787, Legajo 7262:XXI:81.

*Pedro Horruitimer (1739 San Agustin, Florida - ), entered service 1779, Lt, 1787 and 1795, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7262:IX:17.

*Joaquin Horruitinel (1766 Havana - ), entered service 1780, Cadet, Inf Vets of Havana, 1788, Havana Inf Regt, single. Lt, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:39.

*José Horruitinel (1739 Florida - ), Lt of Grenadiers in 1782, Capt, Havana Regt, 1786, single. Capt, 1792, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7261:XI:94.

Tomás de Horta. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XXI:116.

**Carlos Howard (1739 Ireland - ). Tanner:26-27, Secretary to Governor Zéspedes, 1784. He had served with Spanish forces since 1761. H:129, Col, 1806, LA Regt, in Expedition to America, 1780, and served on Santo Domingo, single. Legajo 7292:X:2.

*Hoyos. Mob:275, blacksmith/armorer, Mobile, 1780.

*Pedro Hoytaben (1744 Veran, Galicia - ), 1st Sgt in 1777, at Pensacola 9 Apr 1781, 1st Sgt, Havana Regt, 1786, single. Lt, 1796, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7263:XXII:39.

*Luís Huet. Caughey: helped plan attack at Pensacola. M:7, Engineer involved in attack on Mobile, 1779. Tides:72, figure 13, maps of Cuba, 1776. Ch1:Attachment, Brigadier and Quartermaster, Pensacola, 1781. Lewis:7, 19, 112, as a Col., he prepared the plans for attacking the Bahamas in 1781.

*Bautista Hugón. Mob:444, commander of detachment of Morenos from Havana, 1781. H:245, Capt, NO Mul Mil, 1792.

*Francisco Hurtado. Ch1:Attachment, Lt, Engineers, Pensacola Staff, 1781.

*Fernando Ibáñez. Ch1:11, family of Malaga, wife & 3 ch, arr in Havana, Apr 1779.

*Miguel Ibañez of Havana. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money to the French navy.

*Agustín de Ibarra (1754 - ). Entered service 1770, Adjutant Major, Arty of Havana, 1788. Capt, 1796, Corps of Arty, Havana, Legajo 7263:XXI:3.

*José Caridad Ibarra (1753 - ). Entered service Feb 1783, Surgeon, 1787 and 1789, Plana Mayor de Pardos de Cuba y Bayamo. Legajo 7260:XVII:11.

*Benito Icarel. A2:IX:16, Lt, c 1779.

*Pedro Imán. Mob:17, owner brig San Juan Bautista, for Mobile in 1780.

*Martín Inega/Iñigo/Iñago. A3:XII:27, 28, Cpl, c 1781.

*Francisco Infanta. Ch1:8, sent from Havana to LA Bn, Nov 1779. A2:X:21, mentioned 1780.

*Francisco Javier Infante (1744 - ). Entered service 1760, Lt, 1779, Adjutant 1787, Plana Mayor Bn Pardos Mil de Cuba y Bayamo. Legajo 7264:IX:2.

*Lorenzo Inhavrige. Ch1:18, soldier, Veracruz to LA, June 1780, on Santa Rosalia or San Jose.

Ignacio Insunsa. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:109.

Manuel Interiano. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:92.

Clemente Iribarren. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1797. Legajo 7263:XI:93.

*Diego de Irra (1757 - ), entered service 1773, Lt, Arty of Havana, 1788.

*Francisco Irujo ( - 1787). FD4:93, soldier, and wife Francisca González may have been alive in Santo Domingo during war years. All identified ch had died.

*Mateo Irungaray (1739 Garzuine, Valle de Bastun - ), entered service as Lt in 1781. Lt, 1794, Dragones de Guatemala, Legajo 7269:IV:12.

Pedro Iruretagoyena (1751 Vizcaya - ), single in 1787. Lt, 1784, Mil Regladas de Inf de Blancos de Maracaibo, Legajo 7293:VI:8, prior service not recorded.

Julian Izaguirre. A2:VI:81, Capt, c 1776.

*Francis D. Izoguirre. Jersey:469.

*Juan Izquierdo. Sgt, 1788, Inf of Voluntarios Blancos Valles de Aragua, Legajo 7293:XII:28.

*Juan de Dios Izquierdo (1742 Grenada - ), single in 1787. 2d Sgt, 1774-1784, Zueta garrison. Sgt, 1787, Inf Veterana de Caracas, Legajo 7293:II:38.

*Julián Izquierdo. Adjutant, 1799, Mil Discip de Blancos de Carupano, Province de Cumaná, Legajo 7295:VII:31.

*Manuel Izquierdo (1740 - ), entered service 1762, Lt 1788, Capt, 1796, Corps of Artillery, Havana, Legajo 7263:XXII:9. Mob:565-566, SubLt of Artillery, at Mobile.

*Bernardo Jeas. M:350, Capt of schooner galley Jesus Maria in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

Antonio Jiménez. Cadet, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1799. Legajo 7264:VII:35.

Diego Jiménez. Sgt 2d class of Grenadiers, Inf Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:39.

Eusebio Jiménez. Garzón, 1800, Bn Inf of Pardos Libres of Panama Province, Legajo 7282:X:3.

Félipe Jiménez. Cadet, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1799. Legajo 7264:VII:34.

*Francisco Jiménez (1752 Argot - ). Sub-Lt, 1782, Lt, 1795, Mil Discip Inf of Puerto Rico, married, Legajo 7289:VII:36.

*Jose Jiménez. Lt, grad Capt, 1799, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XIII:71.

*Juan Jiménez (1753 Sadava, Aragon - ), in Expedition to Providence in 1782, 1st Sgt, Havana Regt, 1786.

Juan Jiménez. Lt, 1799, Plana Mayor Bn Pardos Mil of Cuba & Bayamo, Legajo 7264:IX:3.

*Juan de Dios Jiménez. Capt, 1799, Mil Dragones of Matanzas, Legajo 7264:VII:24.

Juan José Jiménez. SubLt, Inf Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:26.

Pedro Jiménez. A3:XI:40, c 1781.

Enrique Jimeno. Sgt, Dragoons of America, 1799. Legajo 7264:XV:30.

Mariano Jimeno. Sgt, Dragoons of America, 1797. Legajo 7263:XIII:27.

*??? Josef. R80I:346, in 1780 Capt of the San Justo, a Spanish naval vessel with 600 men.

*Tomás Juara (1749 - ). Entered service in 1781, Surgeon, Morenos, 1787.

*Bernardo de Junco. Capt, 1799, Mil de Dragones de Matanzas, Legajo 7264:VII:25.

Vicente del Junco. Cadet, 1799, Dragoon Militia of Matanzas, Legajo 1764:VII:22.

*Antonio Jung. Appeals Case 95, steward in Nov 1782 on Spanish San Antonio.

*Antonio Jurado. A3:XII:20, soldier, c 1782.

Francisco María Justiniani. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:103.

*Ambrosio de Jústiz. K:119, Capt, Cav, Havana, 1779.

Andrés José Justis. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1791. Legajo 7261:XXV:127.

Francisco de Justis. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1796. Legajo 7263:XXII:101.

José de Justis y Landa. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:54.

José María Justis. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1791. Legajo 7261:XXV:126.

José María Justiz. Cadet, Comp. Cav, Urban, Cuba y Bayamon, 1797. Legajo 7263:XVIII:4.

*José Santiago de Jústis/Jústiz (1754 Havana - ), entered service 1771, SubLt in 1781 and 1786 in Havana Regt, single, SubLt of Grenadiers in 1788. Legajo 7264:XVI:22, Lt, grad Capt, Havana Inf, 1799.

*Manuel del Jústis. Legajo 7260:VIII:31, Lt Cuban Inf Regt, 1789.

*Vicente Jústiz (1733 Havana - ), Lt Col of Grenadiers in 1776, married. Legajo 7259:XII:6, Capt of Grenadiers, grad Lt Col, Havana Inf, 1786.

Cuba Patriots of the American Revolution, Part 3, (K-M)

The explanation of Spanish participation in the Revolutionary War, and the role of Cuban soldiers, sailors, and citizens are explained in the January and Februrary issues of Somos Primos. Descendants of those who served are eligible to join the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR). Anyone interested may contact Granville W. Hough, at gwhough@ for assistance.

*Andrés Kiss (Cataluna - ). Soldier and Distinguished Cpl, 1771-1783, served at Gibraltar, Pensacola, and Cadiz, Lt, San Carlos de Perote, Regt Corona of New Spain, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:III:37.

*Thomas Labaia. M:349, Capt, ship La Union in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

Pedro Lachi. Sgt, 1791, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7261:XXVI:57.

*Lacoute & Company. Neeser:6, 132, Conyngham:483, merchants at Cadiz, Spain, who traded with Americans.

*??? LaForre. Mob:719, furnished boat for Regt of Spain to move troops from Mobile to Pensacola, 1781.

Domingo Antonio de Laji. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1792. Legaho 7261:XI:118.

*M. Lalone/LaLonne. MP:153, 186, Commandante of the Serpent. Mir:175, off Pensacola in 1781.

Domingo Ramón de Lamadriz. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XXVI:94.

*Francisco Javier de Lamadrid/Lamadriz (1748 Havana - ), entered service in 1764, Adjutant Major in 1782, Capt, Havana Regt, 1786, married. Sgt Major, Inf of Havana, 1799, Legajo 7264:XVI:3 and 61.

Nicolás de Lamadriz. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:119.

Pedro José Lamadriz. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:105.

*Joaquín de Landa (1747 Florida - ), in Expedition to Providence, 1781, Lt, Havana Regt, 1786, married. A3:XI:61, mentioned c 1781. Capt, 1792, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7261:XI:97.

*Juan de Landa. Capt of Grenadiers, grad Lt Col, 1765, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7259:XVI:2, this may be

*??? De Landecho. Chevalier:355, Spanish navy captain of the Septentrion, 60 guns, in combat 20 Oct 1782.

*??? Landiburu. Beerman:136, 144, Mob:667, Capt, packetboat, Santa Cathalina, Pensacola, 1781.

Manuel Langele. Cadet, Squadron, Dragoons of America, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:88.

*Joaquin de Langelet. Adjutant, 1799, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:88.

Antonio Llamas. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:107.

*Joseph de Llano. Klotz:34, Capt of the Santander captured and condemned in MA in 1779.

Francisco Lleonard. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:111.

Tomás Llorente. Lt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:35.

*Manuel de Lanzos. CubaP:1224 and many others, HamV:333, 336, Governor of Mobile, 1791.

*J. B. LaPuente. M:349, Capt brigantine La Maria in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

*Francisco María de Lara (1749 - ). Entered service 1766, 1st Sgt, Havana Cav, 1787 and 1799. Legaho 7264:XII:57.

**Josef de Lara. M:113:App G, Ensign 2d Bn of Regt of Spain, rec. for promotion after Mobile, 1780.

*Manuel de Lara. MP:95, tax collector in the Trinidad area of Cuba, 1781.

*Antonio Lareo. Capt, 1799, Mil Dragones de Matanzas, Legajo 7264:VII:8.

*??? Larizosa. MP:164, Naval Captain in Pensacola expedition commanding the trenches on 1 May 1781.

*Mariano LaRocque. Ch1:Attachment, Lt, Pensacola staff, 1781. Tanner:28, went to East Florida in early 1784 as chief engineer.

Miguel Larrea. Sgt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:78.

Luís de Las Casas. K:126, Governor of Cuba, 1790.

*Rafael Laso (1748 - ), entered service, 1766, Adjutant Garzon, Morenos, 1787, Lt, 1799, Plana Mayor de Morenos, Havana, Legajo 7264:VIII:5.

José Francisco Latorre. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1792. Legajo 7261:IV:37.

José María de Latorre. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:64.

*Marciana de LaTorre. Ch2:15, at Pensacola, 1781.

Carlos Laurent. Sgt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:81.

*José Joaquín de Layas (1745 - ), entered service, 1763, Capt, Havana Inf, Blancos, 1787.

Pablo de Leiva. Cadet, Comp. Independent, under Cuba, 1791. Legajo 7261:XXVIII:16.

*Pedro Martin de Leiba of Havana. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money to the French navy.

*Ignacio Leite Vidal. Lt, 1792, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7261:XI:105.

*Gregorio Lemes. A3:XIII:10, 1st Cpl, c 1783.

Agustín de León. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:103.

*Francisco de León. Lt, Grad Capt, Staff for Pardos of Cuba y Bayamo, 1789. Legajo 7260:XVII:2.

Francisco Miguel de Leon. Cadet, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:57.

Joaquin León. Lt, Staff, Bn of Pardos of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:V:7.

José Joaquin de León. Cadet, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:53.

*Miguel de León. Woods:235, Sgt Regt of Havana, sponsored bap, 1779, New Orleans.

*Tw. Lerama. M:349, Capt, snow El Camiero, in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

*Francisco Lezame. Mob:667, Capt, packetboat, Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Pensacola, 1781.

*Pedro Lezaun/Lesaun. A3:XI:30, Ensign, c 1781.

*Federico Lilis (1723 Tortusa - ), Capt Comandante in 1780, Comandante, Grad Lt Col, Havana Inf, 1788, married. Capt, 1792, Comp Inf, Cataluña in Havana, Legajo 7261:IX:1. Mob:296, Capt, Volunteers of Cataluña, at Mobile, 1780.

Andrés de Lima. SubLt, Mil Dragones de Matanzas, Legajo 7262:III:22.

*Nicolás de Limia (1737 - ), entered service 1753, Lt Blancos of Havana, 1787. Lt, grad Capt, 1799, Mil Inf Havana, Legajo 7264:XIII:20.

*Isidro de Limonta. Brigadier, 1800, Plana Mayor de Santiago, Cuba, Legajo 7264:I:1.

*Nicolas de Limonta (1761 Cuba - ), Cadet in 1779, SubLt of Bandera, Havana Regt, 1786, single. Adjutant, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:33.

*Rafael de Limonta (1719 Cuba - ), Capt in 1779 and 1786, Havana Regt, married. Capt, 1792, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7261:XI:91.

Joaquín Liriano. Sgt, 1791, Mil de Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7261:XV:40.

*José Lleonard (1769 Bayamo - ), Cadet in 1781 and 1786, Havana Regt, single.

*Juan Lleonard/Gemmir y Lleonart (1731 Havana - ), Lt Col in 1777, in 1786 Plana Mayor, Havana Regt, married. K:126, Havana, Lt Col, 2d Bn, Cuban Inf Vol, 1788. Legajo 7264:XVII:1, Col, Inf of Cuba, 1799.

*Juan Lhenard (1765 - ), entered service, 1782, Cadet, Inf Vets of Havana, 1788.

*Juan Bautista Lleonard (1767 Bayama - ), Cadet, 1780 and 1786, Havana Regt, single. Lt, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:36.

Tomás Llorente. Lt, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:35.

Francisco Loisel (1740 San Cristóval de la Laguna - ), service record begins as Capt Agregado in 1785 which rank he held in 1786 in Havana Regt. Legajo 7264:XVII:10, Capt, Cuban Inf, 1799. It is probable that he had prior service.

Joaquin Loisel y Fromesta. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:117.

*Alvaro López. A2:X:25A, soldier, c 1780.

*Antonio López Gavilan (1739 - ). Entered service 1776, Surgeon, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787.

*Antonio López de Toledo. Capt, 1792, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7261:XI:7.

Antonio López de Toledo. Lt, Inf of Havana, 1799, Legajo 7264:XVI:26.

*Diego López (1752 - ), entered service 1770, Adjutant Garzon, Pardos, 1787. Legaho 7261:XXVI:54.

*Felipe López Carrizosa. Thonhoff:38, Haarmann:129, Naval Captain of the Ship, Fourth Brigade Commander at Pensacola. MP:155. C&C:116, commanded the fourth brigade of five at Pensacola, 1781.

*Francisco López (1730 - ), entered service 1758, 1st Sgt of 6th Comp, Blancos, Cuba y Bayamo, 1787.

*Francisco López de Gamarra (1755 Havana - ), Lt in 1775, Lt, 4th Comp, Dragones de America, 1786, married, Legajo 7259:XIII:11.

Francisco Javier López. SubLt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:24.

Gabriel López de Castro. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:46.

*Ignacio López (1733 Craxell - ), in Expedition of Mobile and taking of Pensacola, SubLt, Havana Inf, 1788, widowed. Lt, 1799, Comp Inf de Cataluña, Havana, Legajo 7264:VI:5.

*José López Ganuza. Capt, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:25.

José Justo López de Toledo, Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1792. Legajo 7261:XI:68.

*José Manuel López of Havana. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money to the French navy.

*Juan López (1760 Bisbal - ), at Mobile and Pensacola, SubLt, Havana Inf, 1788, single. Legajo 7264:VI:9, SubLt, 1799, Inf of Cataluña in Havana.

Juan Crisóstomo López de Toledo. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1792. Legajo 7261:XI:78.

Juan José López Ramos. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:38.

Juan Manuel López Perez. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:113.

Justo López. Sgt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:82.

Manuel López de Queralta. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1797. Legajo 7263:XV:94.

Mariano López Villavicencio. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:112.

Nicolás López. SubLt, 1789, Mil de las Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7260:XIII:24.

*Pedro López. M:351, Capt sloop La Sacristana in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

*Prudencio Lorenzo (1740 - ), entered service 1763, SubLt, Blancos, Havana Inf, 1787.

*??? Losa. M:350, Capt, brig galley La Regna de los Angeles in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

Angel Losada. Sgt, Inf of Cuba, 1792. Legajo 7261:XII:50.

Felipe Losada. SubLt, Mil Inf, Cuba & Bayamo, Legajo 7262:VII:25.

Gabriel José Loyola. Cadet, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1793. Legajo 7262:XVII:54.

Francisco Loysel (1740 - ), served from June, 1785, Capt Inf Vets of Havana, 1788. There may have been prior service, otherwise he bought his commission.

*Phelipe Lozada (1739 - ), entered service 1764, SubLt, 1st Comp, Blancos, Cuba y Bayamo, 1787.

*Juan Lozano (1758 - ), entered service 1776, Adjutant Garzon, Morenos, 1787. Lt, 1797, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7263:XI:22.

*Eugenio Lucas (1754 Castilla la Vieja - ). Soldier and Cpl, 1776-1788, in Gibraltar blockade and in American operations, 1781-82, SubLt, Inf Puebla, 1800, Havana, Legajo 7277:VI:49.

Andrés de Luna. Ch1:12, Lt, Prince's Regt of Inf, to LA Picket from Havana, Aug 1779.

Antonio de Luna. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:47.

*Antonio de Luque (1727 - ), entered service 1745, Lt of Grenadiers in Blancos, Cuba y Bayamo. Lt, grad Capt, 1799, Mil Inf de Cuba y Bayamo, Legajo 7264:XI:38.

*Antonio de la Luz (1749 - ), entered service 1765, Lt and Adjutant Major, Inf Vets of Havana, 1788. Lt Col, 1799, Mil Inf of Havana, Legasjo 7264:XIII:4.

*Ignacio de la Luz. Capt, grad Lt Col, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:9.

Román de la Luz. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799l Legajo 7264:XII:30.

*Pedro Macedo (1750 - ), entered service in 1766, 1st Sgt, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787. Legajo 7261:XIX:31.

Antonio Macias. SubLt, 1794, Mil Cav, Havana, Legajo 7262:VIII:41.

Francisco Macias. Lt, 1799, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XIII:23.

*Diego Madrid (1760 Extramadura - ). Soldier and Cpl, 1776-87; in Gibraltar blockade and in American operations, went to Lima after the peace, SubLt, Inf Puebla, 1800, Havana, Legajo 7277:VI:52.

Antonio José Madrigal. SubLt of Bandera, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:71.

*Félix Madrigal. Capt, 1792, Mil de las Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7261:IV:6.

Antonio Madruga. Lt, 1799, Mil Dragones de Matanzas, Legajo 7264:VII:27.

José Maestrati. LSgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1797. Legajo 7264:IX:43.

*José Magarola. Mob:18, Capt, frigate, San Ignacio de Loyola, for Pensacola, 1781.

Antonio Magno. Sgt, Comp Inf from Cataluña in Havana, 1794. Legajo 7262:XI:23.

*Bartolomé Mañán. Mob:277, owner, bercha La Mobileña, use by troops at Mobile, 1780.

Antonio María Mancebo. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:65.

Bernardo Mancebo. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:102.

Estanislaus Mancebo. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:125.

*Juan Mancebo (1757 Ciudad Cuba - ), at Mobile 7 Mar 1780, on 20 Mar 1781 on warship Gallardo with Grenadiers, Cadet, Havana Regt, 1786. SubLt, 1792, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7261:XI:111.

Pedro Mancebo. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:124.

*Santiago Mancebo (1748 Cuba - ), married by 1787. He was a Cadet in the Cuban Militia prior to 1779, then Cadet, 1779, SubLt, Bandera, 1781, Vol Blancos, Aragua. Poss SubLt of Grenadiers, 1799, Inf of Cuba y Bayamo, Legajo 7264:XI:5.

Matías Mainar. Sgt, Staff, Bn of Pardos Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:IX:7.

*José Mannrique. Lewis:34, 39, 47, 51, Brigadier General and Squadron Commander returning from Nassau to Havana, 1782.

José Rafael Manressa. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:105.

*Francisco Mantilla. Mob:546, soldier, Regt of Havana, wounded at the Village, 1781.

*Josef Manzano Gonzales. Ch1:9, New Spain recruit for LA Regt, on Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Mar 1779.

*Tomás del Manzano. Mob:19, Lt of Militia, goleta La Pureza de María, 1780, at Mobile.

*Tomás Salas Manzano. A2:IX:7, 25, 46, Capt, c 1779, and A2:X:75, c 1780.

Miguel Francisco Manzo. Sgt, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:46.

Manuel Mariño. Cadet, Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:31.

*Josef Maristán. Mob:466, Capt, packetboat, Nuestra Señora del Rosario, #16, at Pensacola, 1781.

Maximiliano Marñant. A3:XII:33, mentioned c 1782.

Miguel de Marquiz. A3:XII:33, mentioned, c 1782.

*J. D. Marrera/Merrera. M:349, Capt snow El Carmen in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

*Juan Ramon Marrero. Ch1:19, unm CI recruit who joined Havana Matanza Dragoons, Aug 1779.

*Pedro Marrot. Capt, 1796, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7263:XXIII:76.

Tadeo Marti. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:71.

Cándido Martin. Sgt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:61.

*Fernando Martín de Zéspedes. Mob:148, 149, SubLt from Havana Regt, at Mobile, 1780.

*Jan Martin. Appeals Case 95, crewman in 1782 on the Spanish San Antonio.

José Rafael Martin. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:106.

*Alonzo Martínez. C&C;101, soldier, Regt of Havana, killed at the (Mobile) Village in 1781.

Bernardino Martínez. Surgeon, 1795, Mil Inf, Cuba & Bayamo, Legajo 7262:VII:7.

Claudio Martínez de Pinillos. Porta-Estandarte, 1799, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:55.

Diego Martínez. Sgt Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:59.

Dionisio Martínez. Lt, 1799, Mil Dragones de Matanzas, Legajo 7264:VII:13.

*Feliz Martínez. Appeals Case 95, cook’s mate, on the Spanish San Antonio, Nov 1782.

Francisco Martínez. Cadet Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:118.

Francisco Martínez. Adjutant, 1799, Plana Mayor del Bn Morenos, Havana, Legajo 7264:VIII:7.

*José Martínez (1750 - ), entered service 1766, 2d Sgt, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787.

José Martínez. Cadet, Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:119.

Juan Martínez Vallejo. Adjutant, 1799, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:16.

Juan José Martínez. Sgt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1797. Legajo 7263:X:60.

*Manuel Martínez. Legajo 7264, XVII:17, Capt, Cuban Inf Regt, 1799.

*Manuel Ulpiano Martínez (1744 la corde de Madrid - ), Distinguished Soldier, 1776, Supernumerario and Cadet, Havana Regt. Legajo 7259:XII:120.

Ramón Martínez. A2:X:54, mentioned, c 1780.

*Vicente Martínez (1755 - ), entered service in 1773, 1st Sgt, Inf Vets of Havana, 1788. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799, Legajo 7264:XVI:57.

*Isidro Mas. Capt, 1786, Comp Inf de Cataluña in Havana, Legajo 7259:XI:3.

José Mas. Cadet, Comp. Inf from Cataluña in Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:VI:19.

*??? Masas. Mob:667, Capt, schooner La Concepción, at Pensacola, 1781.

*Antonio Masias (1748 - ), entered service in 1769, 2d Sgt, Havana Cav, 1787. Legajo 7264:XII:48.

*Francisco Masias (1758 - ), entered service, 1776, 1st Sgt, Inf Blancos, Havana, 1787.

*José Masot. Capt, 1796, Arty of Havana, Legajo 7263:XXI:8.

*Antonio Matanza. Lt, 1793, Mil de las Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7262:XVII:11.

*Joaquín Matas y Alos. Capt, 1796, Corps Arty of Havana, Legajo 7263:XXI:1.

*Francisco Mathcos/Matheos. A3:XI:62, Cpl, c 1781.

Domingo Matienzo. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1788. Legajo 7259:II:105. Also a Cadet in 1791, Legajo 7261:XII:73.

José Matienzo. Cadet Inf of Havana, 1788. Legajo 7259:II:104. He may be the Cadet in 1792 in Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7261:XII:61.

*Ramón Mauduit y Varela. Capt, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:21.

*Matias Maynar (1762 - ), entered service in 1779, 1st Sgt, Inf Blancos, Havana, 1787, Legajo ???.

Diego Mayoli. Lt, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:47.

Pedro Mayordomo. Sgt, Inf of Cuba, 1797. Legajo 7263:XV:69.

*Luís de Medina (1754 Valencia - ), in Pensacola Expedition, 1780, SubLt, Havana Inf, 1788, married. Lt, 1796, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7263:XXIII:78.

*Rafael Medina of Havana. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money to the French navy.

*Francisco Medrano. Capt, 1799, Mil Inf de Puerto Príncipe, Legajo 7264:XIV:9.

*Juan Melo (1755 - ), entered service 1773, Lt, Blancos of Havana, 1787.

Juan de Melo ( - 1799). FD5:154, he and wife Bibiana Villalona (died 1823, Baní), had ch during war years.

Juan Mena. Surgeon, 1799, Plana Mayor Bn Pardos Mil de Cuba & Bayamo, Legajo 7264:IX:11.

*José Mendez (1758 - ), entered service 1773, Lt in Havana Arty, 1788. Capt, 1796, Corps Arty Havana, Legajo 7263:XXI:7.

*Leonardo Mendez (1753 - ), entered service 1778, 1st Sgt, Havana Cav, 1787. Lt, 1799, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:27.

Tomás Medina. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1797. Legajo 7263:XV:91.

Juan Medinilla. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1793. Legajo 7262:XVII:38.

*Antonio de Mendoza (1757 - ), entered service 1776, Lt, Havana Arty, 1788. Legajo 7263:XXII:10, Capt, Arty Corps of Havana, 1796.

*Joaquin Mendoza (1757 - ), entered service 1775, Sgt, 4th Comp, Dragoons of America, 1788. Legajo 7264:XV:24.

*José Cayetano de Mendoza (1743 Island of Gomera - ), entered service in 1762, 1st Sgt of 8th Comp in Cuba y Bayamo Blancos. Lt, 1797, Mil Inf Cuba & Bayamo, Legajo 7263:IX:37.

Gabriel Menocal. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:92.

Joaquin Menor. Cadet, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:19.

*Sebastián Merancourt/Betancourt. A3:XI:13, 13, 15, c 1781.

Manuel Merino (1755 Madrid - ), entered service 1784, Lt in Blancos of Havana, 1787, married. Lt, 1789, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7260:IX:27. There may have been prior service.

*Juan Bautista Mesa. A2:X:17, 1st Cpl, c 1780.

Tomás de Mesa. Sgt, Militia of Havana, 1792. Legajo 7261:VI:38.

Jorge Mesh. BR:541, German soldier in Cuban Inf, bur 1792, SJO.

*Francisco Mestre. A2:X:47, Capt, c 1780. Mob:277, Capt, packetboat Carmen at Mobile in 1780.

*Simón Mexino. A3:XIII:18, 2d Cpl, c 1782.

*??? Meyreles. Mob:667, Capt, sloop El Rosario, Pensacola, 1781.

*José Luís Meyreles (1752 - ), entered service 1773, SubLt, grad Capt, Blancos of Havana, 1787, married. K:185-186, 188, subLt in 1781, later Capt, Cuban Vol Inf Regt. Legajo 7265:I:7.

*Pedro Mier. Lewis:93, 135, Official Mayor of the Cuban Intendancy, sent to Nassau in 1783 by the Exchequer.

*Bernardo Miguel. Appeals Case 95, mariner in Nov 1782 on the Spanish San Antonio.

*Joaquín Milot (1754 Alicante - ), entered service 1775, at Pensacola and Mobile, Sgt, 4th Comp, Dragoons of America, 1786, single. Legajo 7260:VII:19, Sgt, Dragoons of America, 1789.

Jose Millan. Sgt, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:36.

*Juan de Miralles y Trajan/Troyllón (1713 Petral, Valencia – 1780 Morristown, NJ). Abbey:61, footnote 17, and 64, 1779 Havana merchant. Cummins:208, Spanish observer at Philadelphia, 1778-1780. James:253-254, originated Spanish policy on Mississippi River. Beerman:294, wife was María Josefa Eligio de la Puente.

Felipe Miranda. Legajo 7262:XX:96, Distinguished Soldier, Cav Mil of Havana, 1793.

*Gaspár Miranda. Mob:667, Capt, packetboat, San José y San Joaquín, Pensacola, 1781.

*Juan Miranda (1731 Segovia - ), 1st Sgt of Grenadiers, 1775 and 1786, Havana Regt, single.

*Julián Miranda. Capt, 1797, Mil Inf de Puerto Príncipe, Legajo 7263:XII:4.

*Lorenzo Miranda. Capt, 1793, Mil Inf de Puerto Príncipe, Legajo 7262:XXVII:3.

Pablo Miranda. Cadet, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:45.

Carlos Mola. Surgeon, 1799, Bn Inf de Puerto Príncipe, Legajo 7264:XIV:56.

Antonio Molina. SubLt, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1799. Legajo 7264:VII:28.

*Francisco Molina (1757 - ), entered service 1775, 1st Sgt, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787. Legajo 7262:XXI:35, Sgt, Inf Mil of Havana, 1793.

Guillermo Molina. Sgt, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1795. Legajo 7262:III:30.

Manuel Molina. Legajo 7264:XVI:39, Lt, Havana Inf, 1799.

*Mauricio Molina. Capt, age 41 in 1781, Cuban militia.

*Pablo Molina. K:186, Capt, Cuban Vol Cav, 1792. Legajo 7264:XII:10, Capt, 1799.

Pablo Molina. Legajo 7264:XII:34, SubLt, Cav Mil of Havana, 1799.

*Pedro María de Moneda. Capt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:15.

*José María Mongeoti. Mob:18, Capt, frigate, El Corazón de Jesús, Pensacola, 1781.

*Juan Monroy. Lewis:130, was at Fort Montague, New Providence in 1783, according to his later declaration.

*Manuel Monservera. Mob:431, owner, boat used to move troops from Mobile to Pensacola, 1781.

*Manuel de Monsión. Din:19, Capt, El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, moving CI Volunteers to Havana.

*Francisco Montalvo (1756 Havana - ), prior service 1766 to 1786 was in Soria Regt. K:126, Lt Col, commanding 3rd Bn, Cuban Inf Vol, 1788. Legajo 7263:XXII:1, Brigadier, Havana Inf, 1796.

*Ignacio Montalvo & Ambulodi, first Conde de Casa Montalvo (1749 - 1795). K:190, Col Mananzas Dragoons, wife María Josefa O'Farrill.

*José Montalvo. Legajo 7263:XX:115, Capt, Cav Mil of Havana, 1793.

*Juan de Montalvo y O'Farril. Legajo 7264:XVII:6, Lt Col, Cuban Inf, 1799.

Alejandro Montano. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:107.

Matías Montenegro. Lt, 1799, Mil de Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7264:X:13.

*Antonio Montero (1751 Llorena - ), single in 1789, service record from 1786. He was Sgt 1st Cl, 1788, Inf Vets of Trinidad (which suggests he was either well educated or had prior service. Sgt, 1790:Corps Vet Inf, Trinidad, Legajo 7294:XVI:16.

Antonio Montero. Sgt, 1793, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7262:XXI:103.

Felipe Montero. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1792. Legajo 72662:XVII:50.

*José Montero. Brigadier & Commander, 1800, Castillo de la Cabaña, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:II:4.

*Lorenzo Montero (1752 Tavernas, Andalucia - ), entered service 1771, 1st Sgt, 1781, Inf of Spain, at Mobile and Pensacola, Agregado 1st Sgt, Havana Regt, 1786 and 1788, single. Adjutant, 1799, Plana Mayor Bn Pardos, Havana, Legajo 7264:V:4.

Pedro José Montero. Lt, 1800, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:III:16.

*Juan Montes (1756 Ciudad de Cuba - ), Cadet in 1778 and 1786, Havana Regt, single.. Lt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:31.

Juan Estanislao. Sgt, Militia of Cuarto Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:36.

*Pedro Monteseren. A2:IX:29, soldier, c 1779.

Ginés Montesinos. Sgt, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1793. Legajo 7262:XXVII:30.

Antonio Montoro. A2:X:22A, 35, mentioned, c 1780.

José Montoro. Surgeon, 1799, Mil Dragones de Matanzas, Legajo 7264:VII:7.

José María Mora. Sgt, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1797. Legajo 7263:V:15.

Simón del Moral. Lt, Inf of Havana, 1796. Legajo 7263:XXII:33. This may also be the staff officer of San Cristóbal in Havana, 1800. Legajo 7264:III:13.

*Valentin Moralejo (1750 San Miguel de la Ribera, Castilla - ), 2d Sgt in 1779, in picket participating in taking Manchac and Baton Rouge, 1st Sgt, Havana Regt, 1786. Legajo 7264:XVI:50, SubLt of Havana Inf, 1799.

*Ambrosio Benito Morales. Capt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1809. Legajo 7265:I:19.

*Antonio Morales. Mob:19, Capt, brig Nuestra Señora del Carmen, for Pensacola, 1781.

*Antonio Morales (1762 - ), entered service 1777, SubLt, Inf Vets, Havana, 1788. Legajo 7264:XVI:32, Lt, Havana Inf, 1799.

*Bartholomé Morales (1735 Algesiras - ), entered service in 1750, Capt in 1778, grad Lt Col in 1786, Havana Regt, married. Legajo 7264:XVII:3, Comandante/Col, Inf of Cuba, 1799.

*Francisco Morales (1767 la Palma, Mallorca - ), Cadet in 1781, Inf Príncipe, Cadet, 1786 Havana Regt, single. Legajo 7264:XVI:35, Lt, Inf of Havana, 1799.

*Francisco Morales. K:185, SubLt, age 37, 1781, Cuban militia. This may be the Lt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:35.

*Joaquín Morales (1768 Barcelona - ), Cadet, Feb 1783, Inf Príncipe, Cadet Havana Regt, 1786, single. Legajo 7259:II:88, Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1788.

*José Morales (1739 - ), entered service in 1757, Lt, 3rd Comp in Cuba Blancos, Cuba y Bayamo, 1787 and 1789, Legajo 7260:XIX:22.

Juan Antonio Morales. Sgt, Urban Comp. of Cav, Puerto Príncipe, 1797. Legajo 7263:XIX:4.

*Manuel Morales. Capt, 1799, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:15.

*Pedro Julián de Morales (1749 - ), entered service 1781, Capt, 1787 and 1799, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:8.

*Rafael Ignacio Morales (1755 - ), entered service, 1780, Capt, 1787 and 1799, Mil Cav of havana, Legajo 7264:XII:12.

Francisco Morejon. SubLt, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1799. Legajo 7264:VII:29.

Francisco Waldo Morejon. Cadet, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1795. Legajo 7262:V:68.

*Joaquín Morejon. Capt, 1795, Mil Dragones de Matanzas.

José Elias Morejon. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:95.

*Juan de Dios Morejon. Capt, 1792, Mil Dragones de Matanzas, Legajo 7261:II:22.

*Pedro Morejon (1758 Havana - ), entered service 1776, at Pensacola 16 Oct 1780, SubLt, Havana Regt, 1786, single. Lt, 1797, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7263:XIV:34.

Salvador Morejon. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:104.

José Morel. Sgt, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:37.

*??? Morell. Mob:667, Capt, sloop, Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Pensacola, 1781. He is also shown as Capt, sloop Nuestra Señora del Toro, at Pensacola, 1781.

Pedro Morell. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:89.

*Antonio Moreno (1736 la corte de Madrid - ), Capt in 1776, Capt, 1786, Inf of Havana, married, Legajo 7259:XII:11.

Antonio Moreno. Sgt, 1791, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7261:XXVI:100.

Antonio Moreno. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:53.

José Moreno. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:83.

*Juan Moreno (1737 Xerez de la Frontera - ), entered service 1758, Sgt in 1777, Sgt, 1st Comp, Dragoons of America, 1786, single. Lt, 1799, Escuadrón Dragones of America, Legajo 7264:XV:20.

Miguel Moreno Isabella, service record begins as SubLt in 1785. SubLt, 3rd Bn, 1786, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7259:XII:64. There was likely prior, wartime service.

*Millan Moreno. Soldier and Cpl, 1776-1782, in Regt Aragon to 1782, later Zamora, in Cadiz, Havana, and Pensacola operations, SubLt, Inf of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:IV:59.

*Pedro Moreno (1758 - ), entered service, 1771, Adjutant Garzón, 1787 and 1795, Plana Mayor Blancos Bn de pardos Mil Inf de Cuba & Bayamo, Legajo 7262:VI:6.

Casiano de Moya (1761 - ), entered service 1776, Cadet of 1st Comp, Blancos, Cuba y Bayamo, 1787. He was a SubLt in 1799, Legajo 7264:XI:19.

*Juan Crisóstomo Moya. Lt, 1791, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7261:XXV:30.

*Antonio Mozo de la Torre (1748 - ), entered service, 1780, Col Blancos, Cuba y Bayamo, 1787. Col 1799, Mil Inf of Cuba & Bayamo, Legajo 7264:XI:1.

*Francisco Munan (1728 - ), entered service, 1750. Legajo 7261:XXVII:11, Lt Arty Corps of Havana, 1788 and 1790.

Antonio José Muñoz. Cadet, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:60.

José Fernando Muñoz. SubLt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:21.

*Juan Dios de Muñoz of Havana. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money for the French navy.

Justo Muñoz. Lt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:24.

Manuel Muñoz. Lt, 1799, Mil de las Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7264:X:18.

*Santiago Muñoz de Velasco. Mob:446, Naval Capt, Pensacola convoy, 1780.

*Christóval Murillo of Havana. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money to the French navy.

*José Murillo. Capt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:11.

*??? Murruta. Mob:667, Capt, brig, El Marqués de Narros, Pensacola, 1781.

*Carlos Mustelier. Legajo 7263:XVIII:1, Capt, Urban Cav, Cuba y Bayamo, 1797.

*Felipe/Phelipe Antonio Mustelier (1737 - ), entered service 1752, Capt of Grenadiers in Cuba Blancos, Cuba y Bayamo, 1787. Legajo 7264:XI:8, Capt/Lt Col, Bn Inf Mil of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799.

Lorenzo Naranjo. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1797. Legajo 7263:VII:49.

Nicolás Naranjo. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:88.

*Diego Joseph Navarro García de Valladares (1708 Higuera, Andalucia – 1784 Madrid). Caughey:149, Cummins:208, Captain General of Cuba and Louisiana at Havana, 1777-1781. Abbey:58, Letters from the King and from Rendon, 1780.

*Martin Navarro (1722 Cataluña - ), entered service 1738, Adjutant Major, grad Capt, Havana Cav, 1787. Civil governor of New Orleans, 1779. Intendant, Army in Louisiana, 1780. Legajo 7263:X:11, Adjutant, grad Col, Mil of Cav, Havana, 1797.

*Francisco Xavier de Navas. M:115:App G, 2d Engr and Quartermaster at Mobile, 1780, recommended for promotion to Col. Caughey:191, Spanish officer at 4 May 1781 Junta on Pensacola. Ch1:21, Lt Col, Engineers on war packet boat San Pio in Feb 1781.

*Joseph Manuel de Navas. A3:XII:2, Presbyter, c 1782.

*Francisco Navia (1735 - ), entered service 1752, Lt, 1st Comp, Cuba Blancos, Cuba y Bayamo, 1787 and 1799, Legajo 7264:XI:13.

Manuel Antonio Navia. Legajo7262:XXIII:15, Sgt, Matanzas Dragoons, 1793.

*Victorio de Navia y Ballet (1723 Turin – 1795 Madrid). Beerman:295, Caughey:188, Spanish Commandant ( Lt Gen) of the Army of Operations at 11 Aug 1780 Junta in Havana. Tides:214, General in 1780. MP:7, 9, 10. His wife was María del Carmen Velásquez del Yerro, whom he md in 1784.

José Manuel Neira. SubLt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799, Legajo 7264:X:25.

Miguel Neira. Legajo 7261:XV:42, Sgt, Mil of Cuarto Villas, 1791.

*José Nevares (1761 - ), entered service 1778, 1st Sgt, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787. Legajo 7261:XIX:86.

*Felipe de Neve. MP:256n182, Comandante, Provincias Internas, 1783.Cuba:70, ltr to Miró from Neve in Arispe, Mexico, in 1783. Neve left no descendants.

*Downham Newton. Lewis:116, 121, 133, pilot for the Spanish fleet in the Expedition to the Bahamas, 1782.

*William/Jeremiah Newton. Lewis:116, 121, 133, pilot for the Spanish fleet in the Expedition to the Bahamas, 1782.

Antonio José Niebla. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1795. Legajo 7262:V:48.

José Rafael Niebla. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:54.

Antonio de las Nieves. BR:565, Arty soldier from Cuba, bur 8 Oct 1801, SJO.

*??? Ninstec. Mob:667, Capt, frigate Western Norland, hospital ship, Pensacola, 1781.

*Cristóbal de Nis of Havana, Cuba. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money to the French navy.

Antonio Nogales. A3:XI:13, mentioned, c 1781.

Lorenzo Joaquín de Noguera. Lt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:40.

*Pedro Nolasco de Flores of Havana. FD3:212, soldier, and wife Sebastiana Vicenta de Torres of Santo Domingo had ch during war years.

*Juan Antonio Noquera (1759 - ), entered service in 1782, Cadet of 4th Comp in Bayamo Blancos, Inf Mil of Cuba y Bayamo, 1787.

*Manuel Noriega (1752 Castilla la Nueva - ), entered service 1769, at Gibraltar in 1779, in the Expedition to America, 1780, in the Providence Expedition, 1782, 1st Sgt, Havana Cav, 1787, married. Legajo 7264, XII:56.

*Sebastian de Noroña (1754 Havana - ), entered service in 1774, SubLt in 1781, in 1786 in 4th Comp Dragoons of America, single. Legajo 7265:II:180, Capt, 1809, Dragoons of America.

*Francisco Notario. HamV:365, priest at Mobile, 1783.

José de Nova. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:37.

*Manuel de Novas (1740 - ), entered service 1762, Capt, 1788, Corps of Arty, Havana, Legajo 7259:IV:8.

*Francisco Ignacio de Nresberrta. Klotz:35fn20, involved in the cases of three Spanish vessels captured by American privateers and taken into Boston.

Miguel de la Nuez. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:73.

*Eduardo Nugent. JDLH:239, explored Red River for Gov. O'Reilly. Irish:223, Capt at Pensacola. RM8:404, Spanish Army Colonel of the Hibernia Regt. Active in Cuba, West and East Florida, 1783. Petrie:216, Capt in Hibernia Regt in East Florida, 1784.

Antonio Núñez. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:96.

Braulio Núñez. Legajo 7261:XVIII:107, Distinguished Soldier, Cav Mil of Havana, 1791.

*Jose Ignacio Núñez (1742 Havana - ), Lt in 1781, Lt and Adjutant Major, Havana Regt, 1786, married. Legajo 7264:I:2, Comandante, Plana Mayor Santiago de Cuba, 1800.

Manuel Núñez. Legajo 7261:VII:77, Distinguished Soldier, Cav Mil of Havana, 1792.

*Narcisso Núñez (1739 - ), entered service 1758. Legajo 7264:XII:18, Lt, Cav Mil of Havana, 1787 and 1799.

*Joaquín Oballe (1759 - ), entered service 1771, Lt Havana Arty, 1788.

*Pedro Obregón. M:446, App C, Lt, Sr Grade, packet boat San Pio, at Mobile, 1780. Mob:446, frigate Capt, Pensacola convoy, 1780.

*Antonio O’Carol. Beerman:182, Capt of frigate, Nassau operation, 1782.

Manuel Ochoa, Sgt of Grenadiers, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:93.

*Pedro Juan de Ochoa (1755 - ), entered service 1776, 1st Sgt, Havana Cav, 1787. Lt, 1799, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:24.

*Domingo de Ocio (1733 - ), entered service 1754, Lt, 1787 and 1789, Cav of Havana, Legajo 7260:X:27.

*James O’Fallon. Lewis:103, 136, Surgeon for the South Carolina during the 1782 Expedition to the Bahamas.

*José Ricardo O'Farrill (1749 - 1842). K:119-121, 190, Capt, graduate Lt Col, 1784, Vol Cav Regt of Cuba. Legajo 7264:XII:2.

*Juan O'Farrill y Arriola (1729 - 1779). K:119-121, 190, Col, Havana Cav Regt, 1779. He and wife Luisa María Herrera y Chacón had at least 7 ch, nearly all involved with the Cuban military.

Juan José O’Farrill. SubLt, Militia Cav of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:35.

*Juan Manuel O'Farrill (1754 - 1825), entered service in 1766, Lt in 1778, Capt Agregado, Dragoons of America, 1786. K:133-134, 190, Lt Col, Matanzas Dragoons, and planter, 1792. Legajo 7264:VII:2, Lt Col, 1799.

*Bernardo Ogaban. MP:95, Spanish prisoner on the French cartel ship which landed at Trinidad, along with Saavedra in 1781.

*Bartolomé Ogristiny (1745 - ), entered service 1763, 1st Sgt, Inf Vets of Havana, 1788 and 1792. Legajo 7261:XI:56.

James O'Kelly. Cummins 15, reported to Gov. Unzaga of Louisiana on conditions of West Florida, 1770.

*José Olazaval of Havana. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money to French navy.

*Geronimo Olibi (1741 - ), entered service 1772, Sgt, 2d Comp, Dragoons of America, 1788.

*Balthasar de Oliva (1742 - ), entered service 1762, 2d Sgt, Havana Cav in 1787 and probably in 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:47.

Francisco de Oliva. Distinguished Soldier, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:100.

*Ginés de Oliva (1743 Almasarron - ), SubLt in 1778, Lt, Havana Regt, 1788, married. Capt of Grenadiers, 1799, Inf of Cuba:Legajo 7264:XVII:18.

Diego Olivares. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo XVI:66.

*José Olivera (1753 - ), entered service 1768, Cadet, Inf Blancos, Havana, 1787. SubLt, 1793, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7262:XXI:70.

Luis de Olivera y Tory. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1792. Legajo 7261:XII:58.

*Jerónimo Olivi (1741 Puerto Santa María - ), soldier and Cpl in 1772, Sgt, 3rd Comp, Dragoons of America, 1786, single. Sgt, 1790, Squadron of Dragoons of America, Legajo 7260:III:20.

*José Oller. Cummins:126, Cuban cargo master, 1778, working for Robert Morris and Juan de Miralles to move supplies to the American Revolutionists.

*Joseph Olmedo. A3:XI:62, Cpl, c 1781.

*Pedro del Olmo (1740 - ), entered service 1756, Adjutant, 1787 and 1792, Plana Mayor del Bn, Pardos, Havana, Legajo 7261:I:3.

*Domingo Oñoro (1757 Havana - ), SubLt in 1781 and 1786, Havana Regt, single. Lt, 1797, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7263:XIV:33.

*Francisco Oñoro (1766 Havana - ), Cadet in 1781 and 1786, Havana Regt, single. Lt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:36.

*Francisco Oñoro (1730 Ciudad Rodrigo - ), Lt Col, grad, 1781, Capt, grad Lt Col, 1786, Havana Regt, widowed. Lt Col, 1800, Estado Mayor of San Cristóbal of Havana, Legajo 7264:III:2.

José María Oñoro. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:45.

Martin de Oñoro. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1786. Legajo 7259:XII:92.

*Juan Federico Opendal. A3:XI:47, soldier, c 1781.

Fray Lorenzo Ordoñez. Chaplain, Havana Regt, 1786.

*Conde de Oreylly. Col, 1799, agregado, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:5.

Antonio de Oria. Lt, 1799, Mil Dragoons of Matanzas, Legajo 7264:VII:26.

Gabriel O’Rian. Cadet, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:91.

*Gabriel O’Rian. Capt, 1790, Inf of Cuba. Legajo 7264:XVII:19.

*Antonio Oriega. R80I:346, Capt of the Spanish naval vessel Santa Rosalia in 1780.

José de Orta. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:79.

Rafael de Orta. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:94.

Tomás de Orta. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:121.

Francisco Ortega. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:74.

Joseph Ortega. A3:XIII:43, 44, mentioned, c 1783.

Miguel Ortega. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:86.

Juan de Oteiza/Oteyza (1757 Castilla - ), 2d Sgt in Navarra Regt in 1781 at Pensacola and in Guarico, 1st Sgt Agregado, Havana Regt, 1786, single.

Pedro Ortigas. Lt, 1799, Mil Inf de Puerto Princípe, Legajo 7264:XIV:13.

Francisco Ortiz. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:43.

José Rafael Ortiz. SubLt, Comp. of Cav Militia at Trinidad, 1797. Legajo 7263:XVI:3.

*Miguel Ortiz de Zarate. Capt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:6.

*Sebastián Oruño (1739 - ), entered service 1758, Adjutant, Pardos of Havana, 1787. Lt, 1800, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:III:9.

Juan Bautista de Oseguera. A3:XI:8, mentioned c 1781.

*Juan de Oteiza ( 1757 Castilla - ), at Pensacola and on Guarico, 2d Sgt in Navarra in 1781, 1st Sgt Agregado, Havana Regt, 1786, single, Adjutant Major, Militia Inf of Havana, 1809, Legajo 7265:I:91.

*??? Ourissa. RQ:21, intendente-general, 1781.

*Joaquín Ovalle. Capt, 1796, Corps of Arty at Havana, Legajo 7263:XXI:6.

*Ignacio Pablo. Lt, 1791, Comp Mil Cav, Trinidad, Legajo 7261:XXIII:2.

Gil José Pacot. Lt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:40.

*Matías Padura (1736 - ), entered service 1752, Lt, 1787 and 1793, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7262:XX:20.

Francisco Pajón. FD6:65-66, he and wife Josefa María Almonte had ch during war years.

*Manuel Palacios (1746 - ), entered service 1768, SubLt, Havana Cav, 1787.

*Antonío Palemino/Palomino (1752 - ), entered service 1766, Lt Inf Vets of Havana, 1788. Ch1:23, SubLt, Regt of Havana, aboard the Cayman, Feb 1781.

*Miguel Palermo. Capt, Bn Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:9.

*Pablo/Paulis Palmero. Mob:591, Capt, sloop Galvez, at Mobile, 1780.

Cristóbal Palomino. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1797. Legajo 7263:XV:k98.

*Gabriel Palomino (1764 Havana - ), Cadet in 1782 and 1786, PortaGuion in 1788, 1st Comp, Dragoons of America, single. Legajo 7264:XV:19, Lt, Escuadrón Dragoons of America, 1799.

*Jose Palomino. K:187, SubLt, age 42 in 1792, in Cuban militia. Capt, 1799, Inf Militia of Havana. Legajo 7264:XIII:13.

Nicolás Palomino. Cdet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:97.

José Panadero. Sgt, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1793. Legajo 7262:XXVI:25.

*Francisco Mateo de Pando (1758 Santander - ), entered service 1781, Capt of militia, 1781, Inf of Lima, Capt, Agregado, Havana Regt, 1786, single. Legajo 7261:XII:6, Capt, Inf of Cuba, 1792.

*José Antonio Pantaleon (1736 - ), entered service 1758. SubLt, 1787 and 1791, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7261:XVIII:41.

*Juan Paredes (1759 - ), entered service 1776. Adjutant Garzón, 1787, Garzón, 1797, Plana Mayor Bn Morenos, Havana, Legajo 7263:VI:7.

José Pargo. Legajo 7262:XX:74, Distinguished Soldier, Cav Mil of Havana, 1793.

Juan José Pargo. Distinguished Soldier Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:74.

Antonio Parreño. Chaplain, Inf Militia of Havana, 1792. Legajo 7261:VI:50.

Antonio Parreño. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo :XVII:120.

*Bernardo Parreño (1745 - ), entered service 1766, Capt, Inf Vets of Havana, 1788. Sgt Major, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:2.

José Parreño. Sgt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:73.

*Fray José Tomás Parreño (1743 Havana - ), entered army service as a Chaplain in 1771, Plana Mayor, Dragoons of America in 1786, single. Legajo 7264:XV:4, Chaplain, Dragoons of America, 1799,

Juan Manuel Parreño. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:122.

Julian Parreño. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:122 bis.

Teodoro Parrodi. Adjutant, Bn Morenos of Havana, Legajo 7264:VII:10.

*Antonio Pascuál. Mob:256, received letter from Governor Ezpeleta, 1780. Mob:448, head of transport boat in 1780 Pensacola convoy.

José Pastor. Sgt, Comp Inf of Cataluña in Havana, 1794. Legajo 7262:XI:21.

*Juan Patrón of Havana. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money to the French navy.

Juan José Patron. SubLt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:36.

José Ignacio Pazos. Sgt, Bn Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:49.

*Juan Pbonet. Appeals Case 95, pilot in Nov 1782 for the Spanish San Antonio.

José Antonio Pecora. Sgt, Bn Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:23.

Francisco Pedrazo. FD6:275, Capt of Infantry in Regiment of America, mentioned in a letter of 1789, but significance not known.

*José Pellicer (1748 Palma - ), at Gibraltar, Pensacola, and Providence, Sgt, Havana Inf, 1788, single. Legajo 7262:XI:16, Sgt, Catalonian Company in Havana, 1794.

*Dionisio de la Peña (1752 - ), entered service 1777, SubLt, Havana Cav, 1787 and 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:43.

*Ignacio Peñalver y Calvo (1744 Havana - ), Capt of Fragata in 1781, Lt Col Agregado in 1783, Lt Col, and Plana Mayor, Havana Regt, 1786. Tanner:xxvi, Lt. Col, and new Comandante at St Augustine, 1784. MP:100, Treasurer of the Army. Legajo 7261:XI:4, Lt Col, 1792. Chávez:225n, it appears that this is Ignacio Peñalver y Cárdenas of Havana, 1782 accountant for the Cuban loan to the French Navy.

*José María Peñalver. Legajo 7261:XI:18, Capt, Havana Inf, 1792. MP:235, 243-47, son of Ignacio, who accompanied Saavedra to Mexico.

Fray Luís Peñalver y Cárdenas. Tanner:164, LM2:preface, Bishop of Havana and later of Louisiana.

*Acadio de la Pera. Sgt Major, Bn Mil, Cuatros Villas, 1793. Legajo 7262:XVII:1.

Arcadio de la Pera. Cadet, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:39.

Ignacio Antonio de la Pera. Cadet, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:40.

Ignacio José de la Pera. Cadet, Bn Inf Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1793. Legajo 7262:XVII:62.

Pedro de la Pera. SubLt, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Prñncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:29.

*Pedro Peraza of Havana. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money to the French navy.

Francisco Esteban Perdomo. Sgt, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1799. Legajo 7264:VII:32.

*Rafael Perdomo. Appeals Case 95, notary public taking testimony in the 1783 MA case of Pere Debade vs San Antonio.

*José Perea (1731 Canary Islands - ), entered service 1757. PortaEstandante, Havana Cav, 1787, SubLt, 1792, Cav of Havana, Legajo 7261:VII:41.

*Josef Perea. Mob:446, naval Captain, warship San Juan Nepomuceno, Pensacola convoy, 1780.

*Cosme Peregun. M:350, Capt, brig galley San Antonio de Padua in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

José Pereira. Garzón, 1799, Plana Mayor del Bn de Pardos, Havana. Legajo 7264:V:9.

Francisco Perera. Portaguiín, 1799, Dragoons of Matanzas, Legajo 7264:VII:5.

Agustín Pérez. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1791. Legajo 7261:XIX:99.

Andrés Pérez. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:82.

Antonio Pérez. FD6:190, distinguished volunteer in 1st Comp of Santiago, had 4 years of service in 1788.

*Antonio Pérez Falcon (1737 - ), entered service 1760, Lt, Havana Cav, 1787. Lt, 1795, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7262:VIII:13.

Bartolomé Pérez de Prados. SubLt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:28.

*Benancio Pérez (1753 - ), entered service 1768, SubLt, Blancos of Havana, 1787, Legajo::::::::::::::::::????/.

*Benito Pérez (1730 - ), entered service 1748, SubLt, 1787 and 1791, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7261:XVIII:30.

*Buenaventura Périz/Pérez (1755 Florida - ), entered service 1773, 1st Sgt, Havana Cav, 1787, Legajo????????.

Buenaventura Pérez Barquero, Lt, 1799, Mil of Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7264:X:16.

*Cayetano Pérez. Lt, 1795, Adjutant, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7262:I:8.

Esteban Pérez y Justiniani. Cadet, Bn of Militia at Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:64.

*Francisco Pérez. A3:XII:6, soldier, c 1782.

*Francisco Pérez (1764 Havana - ), Campaigns of Mobile and Pensacola, 1780-81, SubLt, 1790, Lt, Inf Puebla, 1800, Havana, married, Legajo 7277:VI:37.

Francisco José Pérez. Cadet, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:34.

Francisco Pérez Ganuza. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1797. Legajo 7263:XI:54.

*Isidro Pérez. Ch1:11, soldier of the 1st ???, arr in Havana, Mar 1779. A2:IX:16, soldier, c 1779.

*Jacinto Pérez (1770 - ), entered service 1782, Cadet, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787. SubLt, 1793, Mil Inf, Havana, Legajo 7262:XXI:72.

*José Pérez (1759 Andalucia - ). Soldier and Cpl 1776-1788, Inf del Rey, at Pensacola in 1781 and Guarico, 1783, 1st Sgt, Inf Puebla, 1800, Havana, Legajo 7277:VI:58.

*Joseph Antonio Pérez (1751 - ), entered service 1775, Adjutant Garzon, Pardos of Cuba y Bayamo, 1787. Staff in 1799, Legajo 7264:IX:6.

*José Francisco Pérez de Corcho. Capt, 1799, Mil of Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7264:X:7.

*José Manuel Pérez de Alejos. Capt, 1795, Mil, Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7262:V:7.

José Mariano Pérez. Cadet, Bn Militia of Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7264:X:67.

*José Nicolás Pérez (1743 - ), entered service 1764, Capt, 7th Comp in Cuba Blancos, Mil of Cuba y Bayamo, 1787. Capt, 1799, Bn Inf of Cuba & Bayamo, Legajo 7264:XI:10.

*Juan Pérez (1757 - ), entered service 1773, Cadet, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787. SubLt in 1795, Legajo 7262:IX:75.

Juan Ambrosio Pérez. Cadet, Bn Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:30.

*Juan Bautista Pérez Alejos. Capt, 1799, Mil, Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7264:X:6.

Juan Evangelista Pérez. Cadet, Bn of Militia at Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:66.

*Juan Pérez de Guzman. Capt, 1799, Mil Inf, Havana, Legajo 7264:XIII:69.

Jusdo Pérez Barroso. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:97.

*Luís Pérez. Ch1:9, Capt of Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Havana to LA, Mar 1779.

*Manuel Pérez (1732 - ), entered service 1755, Adjutant of the Morenos, 1787. Legajo 7264:VIII:3, Capt, Bn of Morenos of Havana, 1799.

Manuel María Pérez. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:66.

Manuel Pérez Justiniani. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:125.

Miguel Antonio Pérez. Sgt, Bn Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:52.

*Pablo Pérez. K:122-123, Capt, 1792, Militia of Cuatro Villas, Cuba.

*Pablo Pérez Justiniani. Col, 1799, Bn Mil of Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7264:X:1.

Pedro Tomás Pérez Alejos. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:50.

*Ramón Perez de Alderette. Capt, Grad, 1797, Mil Inf, Havana, Legajo 7263:XI:12.

*Sebastián Pérez de Morales. Capt, 1799, Bn Mil, Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7264:X:11.

Tomás Honorio Pérez de Morales. Cadet, Bn Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:58.

Venancio Pérez. SubLt, 1787, Mil Inf, Havana, Legajo 7259:V:43.

*Vicente Pérez Justiniani (1741 - ), entered service, 1762, Capt, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787. K:188, Capt, age 68 in 1809. Legajo 7265:I:82, Capt/LtCol, 1809. FD5:60, this may be SubLt Vicente Pérez, of the real de San Carlos, acting as padrino in 1784.

*José Perily. Lt, Militia of Inf of Puerto Príncipe, 1791. Legajo 7262:XX:17.

*Buenaventura Peris. Sgt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1789. Legajo 7259:VI:63. This is probably the same person as Buenaventura Periz, SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799, Legajo 7264:XVII:58.

*??? Peynado. Mob:667, Capt, packetboat, San Juan Bautista, Pensacola, 1781.

José Piedrahita. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1792. Legajo 7261:XII:59.

Juan Pierra. Legajo 7264:XVII:48, Lt, Cuban Inf Regt, 1799.

Juan Manuel del Pilar. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:86.

Domingo Piña. SubLt, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:25.

*José Piñeiro (1741 Vigo, Galicia - ), entered service 1755, Sgt in 1764, Portaguion and SubLt, Dragoons of America, 1786 and 1788, married. SubLt, 1794, Squadron, Dragoons of America, Legajo 7262:XII:13.

*Enrique del Pino (1751 - ), entered service 1767, 2d Sgt, Fusiliers, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787. In 1809 Capt, Inf Militia of Havana, Legajo 7265:I:88.

*Felipe Pinto. A3:XI:61, soldier, c 1781.

Francisco del Pino. Sgt, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1793. Legajo 7262:XXIV:13.

*José Remigio Pita (1749 - ), entered service 1772, Capt, Blancos of Havana, 1787. K:185, 186, SubLt, age 32, 1781, in Cuban militia. Legajo 7265:I:6, Capt in 1809.

*Pedro Plana. A3:XII:56, Lt, c 1781.

Manuel Antonio Plaza. Sgt, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1799. Legajo 7264:VII:17.

*Leandro Poblaciones. Capt, Corps of Arty at Havana, 1788. Legajo 7259:IV:3.

*José Polo. Soldier and Cpl, 1776-1789, in Havana and Guarico operations in 1782, SubLt of Bandera, San Carlos de Perote, Regt Corona New Spain, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:III:64.

*Josef Francisco Polo. Ch1:8, arrived with wife from LA Regt to Havana, Nov 1779. Woods:245, soldier grenadier, and Angela Francisca Regalado, bap ch in 1779.

*Juan Polo (1768 - ), entered service 1782, Cadet, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787. Legajo 7260:IX:89, SubLt, Inf Mil of Havana, 1789.

Rafael Polo. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XXI:115.

*José Ponce de León (1746 - ), entered service 1760, SubLt, Havana Cav, 1787.

*José Manuel Ponce. Capt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:13.

*Lucas José Ponce. Capt, 1799, Bn Mil, Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7264:X:5.

Manuel Ponce de Leon. ND10:412, 414, Naval Notary, Havana, Cuba, 1777.

Manuel Ponce de León. Legajo 7259:VI:52, Standard Bearer for Cav Mil of Havana, 1789.

*Pedro Ponce de León. Legajo 7261:XII:84, Lt, Cuban Inf, 1792.

*Francisco de Porras (1740 - ), entered service 1763, Adjutant, Pardos, 1787. Adjutant, Plana Mayor, 1799, Bn Pardos of Havana, Legajo 7264:V:3.

Juan Portal. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1791. Legajo 7261:XXV:67.

*José Portillo. Capt, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:III:4.

Santiago Portuondo. Cadet, Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:28.

*Francisco Potau (1729 Tarragona, Cataluña - ), entered service 1745, Legajo 7259:V:3, Sgt Major/Col, Inf Mil of Havana, 1787, married.

*Manuel Poveda (1734 - ), entered service, 1750, SubLt, 5th Comp, in Cuba, Blancos of Cuba y Bayamo, 1787. Legajo 7262:VII:24, SubLt, Inf Mil of Cuba y Bayamo, 1795.

*Ignacio del Pozo (1743 - ), entered service 1763, 2nd Sgt of Grenadiers, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787.. Capt, 1800, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7265:I:86.

*Juan de Prada. Mob:198, Capt General of Cuba, 1780.

Manuel Prado. Lt, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:15.

*Nicolás Prados. Lt, 1791, Mil Dragoons of Matanzas, Legajo 7261:XIII:6.

Pedro de Prados. Sgt, Bn Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1795. Legajo 7262:V:49.

*Pedro Antonio de Prados. Capt, 1795, Bn Mil of Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7262:V:6.

*Eduardo Pralmon. Appeals Case 95, mariner in Nov 1782 on Spanish San Antonio.

Juan de Presno y Aguilar. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:100.

Roberto Prieto. Sgt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:70.

*Francisco Pruna. Mob:277, M:349, Capt, frigate El Carmen, Mobile, 1780, and also Capt, galley or letter Ángel de la Guarda, Mobile, 1781, and in the invasion of Nassau in May 1782..

*Isideo Puch. M:349, Capt brigantine San Juan in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

*Ramón Puch (1738 Cataluña - ), entered service 1755, Lt 1787 and 1789, Mil Cav, Havana, Legajo 7260:X:20.

*Fernando de la Puente (1746 Algeziras - ), entered service 1763, 1st Sgt in 1780 and 1786, Havana Regt, married. Lt, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:43.

*Francisco Puente. A2:IX:45, soldier, c 1779. Ch1:12, soldier, arr Havana, June 1779, Pareza de María.

*Juan Elegio de la Puente. Wright:67, 68, Chávez:71-74, 102, 122, observer of the American military for the Captain-General of Cuba, and of the British Military in East Florida. His death is shown as 1781. (It seems likely that this was a brother of the above, and that the activities of the two may be confused.)

*Juan Elipio de la Puente (1754 - ), entered service in 1786, probably with prior service as he was a Lt, Inf Vets of Havana, 1788. Legajo 7264:III:14, Lt, Staff, San Cristóbal, Havana, 1800.

Ignacio Puentes. Surgeon, 1799, Plana Mayor del Bn de Pardos, Havana, Legajo 7264:V:12.

Fernando Puga. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:79.

*Félix Puig. Ch1:16, Capt, Jul 1779, Nuestra Señora del Rosario.

Francisco Puig. A2:IX:72, 75, mentioned 1779.

Francisco Pujales. Sgt, 2nd of Grenadiers, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:111.

*Juan Puldas. M:350, Capt, schooner galley N. S. de los Remedios in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

Francisco Pulgaron. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:120.

Rodrigo Pupo. Sgt, Independent Companies of Cav under Cuba, 1791. Legajo 7261:XXVIII:14.

*José de Quadra (1754 - ), entered service in 1770, SubLt, Havana Cav, 1787.

Manuel de Queralta. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:100.

Cayetano Quesada. SubLt, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:27.

Ignacio Quesada. SubLt, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:28.

*Juan Nepumuceno de Quesada. MP:356n244, 266, 372, at Guarico in 1782 with the Spanish forces, later in 1790 – 95, Governor of East Florida.

*Mateo Quesada (1741 Ciudad Canaria - ), 1st Sgt, Aug 1783 and in 1786, Havana Regt, single. Legajo 7259:XII:79.

*Pedro Quesada. Legajo 7264:XIV:6, Capt, Inf Mil, Puerto Príncipe, 1799.

José Quijada. Sgt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1797. Legajo 7263:X:53.

*Lorenzo Quintana of Havana. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money to the French navy.

*Manuel Quintanilla of Havana. Chávez:225, 1781 lender of money for the French navy.

*Benito Quintero (1741 - ), entered service 1759, 1st Sgt, 5th Cuba Comp, Mil Blancos of Cuba y Bayamo, 1787 and 1793. Legajo 7262:XIX:34.

José Quiñones. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1791. Legajo 7261:XXV:85.

Hilario Quiroga. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:101.

*Antonio Raffelin (1730 Paris, France - ), Col in 1781, Col and Plana Maior, Dragoons of America, 1786, married. Legajo 7259:III:1, Col Esquadrón of America, 1788. Cummings:8, 69-72, Spanish trade representative in St. Domingue before Spain entered the war.

*Bernardo Ramírez. Col grad, Staff, San Cristóbal, Havana, 1797, Legajo 7263:II:1.

Hilario Ramirez Estenos. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:118.

José Ramírez. Sgt, 1791, Mil de las Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7261:XV:47.

José Luis Ramirez. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:126.

Juan Ramirez. Sgt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:78.

*Francisco Ramos (1743 - ), entered service 1767, SubLt, grad Lt, Carbineers, Mil of Cav, Havana, 1787, Legajo 7264:XII:40.

José Ramos. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:104.

Juan Ramos. Sgt, Militia of Havana, 1795. Legajo 7262:IX:97.

*Tomás Ramos (1745 - ), entered service, 1763. Sgt, 1788 and 1791, Squadron, Dragoons of America, Legajo 7261:XXII:21.

*Agustín Ranz (1746 Villa Altienza - ), 1st Sgt in 1782 and 1786, Havana Regt, single. Legajo 7261:XI:116, Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1792.

*??? Ravanel. MP:151, Captain of the Andromaque in the landing at Pensacola, April, 1781.

*Marquis de Real Proclamatión. RM7:496-497, merchant in Havana, probably doing business with Robert Morris, 1782.

Vicente del Real. Sgt, Militia Inf of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:32.

*Antonio José de Betís y Castro, Renteria & Espinosa, Marqués del Real Socorro/ dil Socorro. RM7:113, Col, Havana militia, member of Havana City Council, doing business with Robert Morris in 1781, Brigadier, 1799 and 1809, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7265:I:8.

*F. Rebas. M:349, Capt, brigantine San Rafael in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

*Antonio Regas (1734 Gerona - ), Lt in 1769, Capt, Havana Regt, 1788, single. Legajo 7264:VI:2, Lt Col, Inf Comp of Cataluña in Havana, 1799.

*Miguel Regayferos. Legajo 7263:II:18, Lt, retired of San Cristóbal, Havana, 1797.

Juan Regis de Castro Palomino. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:64.

Cayetaño de Reina. Legajo 7263:XXII:12, Lt, Arty Corps of Havana, 1796.

*Juan de los Remedios (1740 - ), entered service 1759, Capt, Havana Arty, 1788. Ch1:8, artillery SubLt, Havana to LA, Sep 1779. H:253, Ensign, NO Artillery Mil, 1780. M:115:App G, recommended for promotion after Mobile, 1780. Legajo 7261:XXVII:6, Capt, 1791.

Manuel Remón, entered service with this unit in 1786 as a Captain, probably with prior service with some other unit, Legajo 7263:XXII:6, Capt, Havana Inf, 1796.

Francisco Remon Ibarra. SubLt, Comp of Cav, Urban, of Cuba y Bayamo, 1797. Legajo 7263:XVIII:8.

*Pedro Repeto. Capt, 1800, Staff, San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:III:3.

*José Repilado (1747 Florida - ), SubLt in 1775, Lt, Havana Regt in 1786, married. Capt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:16.

Salvador Reus. Sgt, Militia Cav of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:64.

José Revollo. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:78.

*Manuel del Rey, Lt, 1792, Bn Mil, Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7261:IV:17.

*Agustín de los Reyes (1729 Canary Islands - ), entered service in 1746, SubLt, grad Lt, Mil Cav of Havana, 1787, Legajo 7260:X:30.

*Enrique Reyes (1745 - ), entered service, 1760. Capt, 1787 and 1795, Mil of Havana, Legajo 7262:IX:58.

*Francisco Reyes (1741 - ), entered service 1758, Lt, 1787 and 1795, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7261:VI:65.

José Reyes. Cadet, Independent Comp from Cataluña in Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:VI:18.

Juan Reyes. Cadet, Independent Comp from Cataluña in Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:VI:17.

*Rafael de los Reyes (1741 - ), entered service 1756, Lt, Blancos of Havana, 1787, Capt, 1800, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:II:5.

*Sebastián Ribero. Ch1:19, unm CI recruit who joined Matanza Dragoons in Havana, Aug 1779.

*Francisco Richard. A3:XII:5, soldier, c 1782.

*Ramón Riglos (1727 Aragon - ), entered service 1748, Lt, 1787 and 1797, Mil Cav, Havana, Legajo 7263:X:13.

Sylvester Rincon. Sgt 1st cl, Inf of Havana, 1797. Legajo 7263:XIV:71.

José del Rio. Sgt 1st Cl, Bn of Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:35.

José del Rio. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:47.

*Tomás del Río. Mob:667, Capt, frigate Nuestra Señora de la Merced, Pensacola, 1781.

Pedro Ripa. Sgt 1st Cl, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:79.

Pedro Vicente Risel. SubLt, Corps of Arty of Havana, 1796. Legajo 7263:XXII:13.

*Vicente Risel (1732 - ), entered service 1752, Comandant, Havana Artillery, 1788.

*Segismundo Riumbau. Mob:546, fusilero wounded at the Village, 1781.

*Benito Rivera (1765 Havana - ), Cadet in 1781 in America under Bernardo de Gálvez, Cadet, Havana Regt, 1786, single. Legajo 7259:II:84, Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1788.

Bernardo Rivera. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1796. Legajo 7260:II:73.

Francisco Rivera. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:60.

*Juan Rivera. Capt grad, 1797, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7263:II:8.

Juan Jose Rivera. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:99.

Juan Rivero. Sgt, 1792, Dragoons of America, Legajo 7261:X:26.

*Rafael Rivero (1757 - ), entered service 1775, 2d Sgt, Havana Cav, 1787. Sgt, 1789, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7260:X:66.

José Joaquin Rizo. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1793. Legajo 7262:XVII:36.

*José Robira. Mob:19, Capt, packetboat, San Magin, for Mobile, 1780.

Julián Roblejo. Sgt, Inf Militia of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:Xi:48.

Felipe Robles. Sgt, 1789, Squadron, Dragoons of America, Legajo 7260:VII:24.

*Luís Roca. Lt Col, 1800, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, 7264:II:8.

*Onofre Roch. A3:XIII:37, Capt, c 1783.

*Andrés Roche. Mob:598, owner, launch El Rayo, used at Mobile.

*??? Rodríquez. Mob:667, Capt, brig San José y las Animas, Pensacola, 1781.

Diego Rodríquez. Lt, 1799, Bn Mil Inf Puerto Príncipe, Legajo 7264:VIV:18.

Francisco Rodríquez. Sgt, Inf Bn, Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:49.

*Hipolito Rodríquez. A2:XI:24, 26, 1st Cpl, c 1781.

*José Rodríguez (1741 - ), entered service 1766, 2d Sgt, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787. Sgt Inf Militia of Havana, 1795, Legajo 7262:IX:96. Probably Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1799, Legajo 7264:XVI:76.

José Rodríguez. Sgt, Inf of Cuba, 1797. Legajo 7263:XV:72.

*José Rodriguez Lanza (1760 - ), entered service in 1775, in American operations under Dons Navia and Gálvez, 1780-83, Lt, 1787 and 1799, Mil Cav, Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:19.

José Francisco Rodríquez. Chaplain, 1799, Bn Mil, Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7264:X:72.

Juan Rodríguez. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:72.

Lorenzo Rodríquez. Chaplain, 1795, Mil Inf of Cuba & Bayamo, Legajo 7262:VII:6.

*Manuel Rodríquez (1753 Mexico - ), entered service in 1770, 2d Sgt in 1776, at Mobile and Pensacola and Isla Delfina, 1st Sgt, Havana Regt, 1786 and 1788, married. Lt of Grenadiers, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:32. Beerman:119.

Manuel Rodríguez. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:46.

*Melchor Rodríquez. C&C:92, Capt, schooner, Nuestra Señora de la Concepción, at Pensacola, 1781.

Simón Rodríquez. Lt, 1799, Mil Dragoons of Matanzas, Legajo 7264:VII;12.

Diego Roguel. Surgeon, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1797. Legajo 7263:VIII:73.

*Isidro Roig. Mob:548, Sgt, Light Infantry, at Mobile, 1781. C&C:101, wounded at the Village.

Domingo de Rojas. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:44.

José Antonio de Rojas. Cadet, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1795:, Legajo 7262:V:61.

Manuel Antonio de Rojas. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:45.

Manuel Rojo. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:104.

*Agustín Román. A2:VIII:7, 18, Capt, c 1778. A2:IX:10, Capt, c 1779.

Francisco Romero. Sgt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1795. Legajo 7262:V:50.

*José Romero (1743 - ), entered service 1761, 1st Sgt, Havana Cav, 1787.

José Romero. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1795. Legajo 7262:IX:100.

José Romero, Lt, 1799, Mil of Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:23.

Juan Manuel Romero. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:93.

*Tomás Romero. Adjutant 1798, Plana Mayor de Santiago, Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVIII:2.

Juan Rondau. A2:IX:55, Capt, c 1779.

Luis Roque. Sgt, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1799. Legajo 7264:VI:33.

*Pedro Roque de Escobal. Capt, 1799, Mil de Dragones de Matanzas, Legajo 7264:VII:23.

*Josef Ros. Mob:611, Capt, pingue, San Vicente Ferrer, Mobile, 1781. M:349, Capt, letter St Nicente Ferrer in May 1782 invasion of Nassau, probably the same vessel.

Carlos de la Rosa. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:77.

Francisco de la Rosa. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:83.

José de la Rosa. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:84.

Luis de la Rosa y Bermudez. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1792. Legajo 7261:XI:87.

*Pedro de la Rosa. Mob:465, Capt, saetía, San Francisco de Paula, at Mobile, 1780.

*Juan Rosales. Mob:19, C&C:92, Capt, coaster Nuestra Señora de Regla, for Mobile, 1780.

*Cristóbal Rosell. Mob:18, galley San Cayetano, for Mobile, 1780.

*Julián Rotuli. Lt, grad Capt, 1799, Mil Inf, Puerto Príncipe, Legajo 7264:XIV:12.

*Ignacio Royo (1748 Havana - ), entered service, 1768, SubLt in 1777, Lt, Havana Regt, 1786 and 1788, single. Capt, 1797, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7263:XIV:20.

*Antonio Roz (1743 - ), entered service 1761, 1st Sgt of Grenadiers, Cuba Blancos, Cuba y Bayamo Mil, 1787.

Lt, 1799, Mil Inf, Cuba & Bayamo, Legajo 7264:XI:14.

*Antonio Rubio. Col, Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1793. Legajo 7262:XXVII:2.

Martin Rubio. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:91.

Pedro Rubio. SubLt, Staff, San Cristóbal, Havana, 1800. Legajo 7264:III:18.

Antonio José Ruiz. Sgt, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1799. Legajo 7264:VII:31.

Bernardino Ruiz. SubLt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:81.

Ignacio Ruiz de Azpeitia. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:81.

Jorge Ruiz Castro palomino. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1792. Legajo 7261:XI;86.

*José Ruiz. Sgt, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1786. Legajo 7259:XIII:23.

José Ruiz. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1797. Legajo 7263:XIV:101.

*Juan Ruyz/Ruiz (1738 - ), entered service 1769, 1st Sgt, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787.

Juan Ruiz. SubLt, Staff of Bn of Pardos of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:V:8.

Marcelino Ruiz. Sgt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:68.

*Romualdo Ruíz (1750 - ), entered service 1763, Ayudante Garzon, Morenos, 1787. Lt, 1799, Plana Mayor Bn Morenos, Havana, Legajo 7264:VIII:4.

*Francisco Rustán. Mob:214, caulker working on ships at Mobile, 1780.

*Joseph de Saavedre (1734 Utrera - ), Capt in 1782 and 1786, Havana Regt, married. Tanner:202, 204, Captain in post-war East Florida. Legajo 7264:XVI:1, Lt Col, Havana Inf, 1799.

*Juan Saez (1744 Ciudad Burgos - ), at Mobile in March 1780 and Pensacola 16 Oct 1780, 1st Sgt, Havana Regt, 1780, married. Legajo 7291:VIII:60, SubLt of Grenadiers, Inf Regt of Louisiana, 1792.

*??? de Saint Domingue. MP:217, 231, Captain of the frigate Courageuse in 1781, which was to take Saavedra to Veracruz.

Juan Safores. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:45.

*José Salaberría. Beerman:181, 182, naval Comandante at Havana and chief of squadron, 1782.

*Juan Salado. Ch1:21, Capt, gunboat, San Diego, Feb 1781.

*Bartolomé de Salas (1744 - ), entered service 1778, Surgeon, Havana Regt, 1786 and 1788.

Manuel de Salas, entered service as a Lt with this unit in 1786, possibly with prior service in some other unit. Lt, 1789, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7260:VIII:29.

Ignacio Salazar. Lt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:38.

Nicolás Salazar. Surgeon, 1799, Bn Mil Inf, Cuba & Bayamo, Legajo 7264:XI:7.

*Sancho Salazar/Zalasar (1746 - ), entered service 1763, Capt, 1789, Inf Vets of Havana, Legajo 7260:VIII:12.

*Pedro Salcedo/Salzedo (1743 - ), entered service 1759. Legajo 7261:XXVII:4, Capt, Arty Corps of Havana, 1787 and 1791.

*José Saldivar/Saldibar (1751 - ), entered service 1769, Capt, Blancos of Havana, 1787.

*Alfonso Saldos (1752 Logrono, Castilla Vieja - ), 1st Sgt in Feb 1783 and 1786, Havana Regt, single. A4:XVI:83, 2d Lt, c 1789. Legajo 7259:XII:77, Sgt, Havana Inf, 1786.

*Leandro Salgado. A3:XII:22, soldier, c 1782.

*Joaquín de Salva. Capt de llaves, 1800, Staff at San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:II:3.

*José Samartin (1734 - ), entered service 1748. Adjutant, grad Capt, 1787 and 1795, Mil Inf, Havana, Legajo 7262:IX:67.

Antonio Sánchez. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:92.

*Bartholomé Sánchez (1758 Florida - ), entered service 1777, SubLt in 1781 and 1788, Havana Regt, single. Legajo 7264:XVII:28, Adjutant, Cuban Inf, 1799.

*Domingo Sánchez. Legajo 7264:XI:11, Capt, Bn Inf Mil of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799.

*Domingo Eugenio Sánchez (1740 - ), entered service 1755, SubLt, 3rd Comp, Cuba Blancos. Legajo 7263:XVIII:2, Lt, Cav, Cuba y Bayamo, 1797.

Francisco Javier Sánchez. Cadet, Comp. Cav, Urban, of Cuba y Bayamo, 1797. Legajo 7263:XVIII:5.

*Francisco Sánchez Griñan (1742 - ), entered service 1761, Sub-Inspector, Pardos, Cuba y Bayamo, 1787. Adjutant, 1799, Bn Inf Mil, Cuba & Bayamo, Legajo 7264:XI:2.

*Ildefonso Sánchez (1716 Florida - ), entered service 1735, Capt in 1777 and 1786, Dragoons of America, married. Legajo 7260:III:8, Capt, Escuadrón de Dragoons de América, 1790.

*Josef Sánchez Griñan (1769 Cuba - ), Cadet in Jul 1783 and 1786, Havana Regt, Legajo 7264:XVI:48, SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799.

Juan Sánchez. Legajo 7260:X:69, Sgt, Cav Mil of Havana, 1789.

Juan Sánchez Griñan. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:89.

Manuel Sánchez. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:114.

Miguel Sánchez. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:87.

*Pedro Sánchez (1758 - ), entered service 1776, 1st Sgt, Inf Blancos, Havana, 1787.

*Pedro Sánchez Griñan (1771 Cuba - ), Cadet in Jul 1783, SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799, Legajo 7264:XVI:49.

*Pedro Antonio Sánchez. K:122, Col, militia of Cuatro Villas, 1792. Legajo 7261:IV:1, Col, Bn Mil de Cuarto Villas, 1792.

Pedro Gabriel Sánchez. Cadet, Bn Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:68.

*Ramón Sanchez (1766 Havana - ), Cadet, March 1783 and Cadet, 4th Comp, Dragoons of America, 1786, single. Legajo 7265:II:183, Lt, Dragoons of America, 1809.

Salvador Dionisio Sánchez. Cadet, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:69.

*W. San Martin. M:350, Capt, brig galley El Correo de Cadiz in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

Torcuato Sanson. Cadet, 1789, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7260:VIII:78.

*Antonio Santa Cilia. Capt, 1797, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7263:XV:8.

Pedro Santa Cilia. Lt, 1800, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:33.

Ramón Santa Cilia. Lt, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:42.

*Marqués de Santa Clara. Historia:229, Archer:45, Capt-General of Cuba, 1796.

*Agustín Santa Cruz. Legajo 7261:XI:28, Lt, Havana Inf, 1792.

Joaquin Santa Cruz. Col, Inf Militia of Havana, 1809. Legajo 7265:I:3.

*Juan de Santa Cruz (1744 - ), entered service 1763, Capt, Blancos of Havana, 1787. K:185, Capt, age 37, 1781, in Cuban militia. Legajo 7262:IX;5, Capt/Lt Col, Inf Mil of Havana, 1795.

Juan Santalices. Chaplain, 1799, Plana Mayor del Bn Pardos, Havana, Legajo 7264:V:11.

Domingo Santaya. Lt, 1800, Staff, San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:III:8.

*José Santaya (1750 - ), entered service 1768, 1st Sgt, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787. Lt, 1800, Staff, San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:III:12.

*Elías Santiago. A2:IX:7, soldier, c 1779.

*Juan Santin. C&C:101, soldier Regt of Havana, killed at the Village, 1781.

*??? Santo Domingo. Beerman:198, naval capt of the French frigate, Courageuse, involved in money transport for Havana, October 1781. This is the ship mentioned by Saavedra as carrying 1,000,000 pesos, at the same time the vessel he was on was carrying 300,000 pesos to support the invasion of Jamaica.

Gabriel Santoyo. SubLt, Militia Dragoons of Matanzas, 1799. Legajo 7264:VII:16.

Lorenzo Sanz. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XXI:88.

N. Sapian. MP:151, Captain of the Carmen. Mir:174, at Pensacola, 1781.

Francisco Saquet. A2:VI:7, soldier, c 1776.

Juan Sarabia. Lt, 1800, Corps Prov Cav Lanceros de Veracruz, Legajo 7276:XIV:14.

Mariano Sarachaga Adjutant, 1800, Vol Inf de Santa Marta, Legajo 7282:XVI:6.

*Lordo Saratain. M:350, Capt brig galley La Susana in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

Manuel Sarate. A3:XI:1, mentioned, c 1781.

José Sardina. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:110.

*J. B. Sarrgoitia. M:350, Capt brig galley La Begnona in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

*Josef Sastre (1751 Ceuta - ), entered service 1762, Lt, Capt grad in 1781. M:114:App G, Lt, Navarra Regt, recommended for promotion after Mobile, 1780. Lt, Capt grad in 1786 and 1788, Havana Regt, married. Legajo 7264:XVI:2, Lt Col & Commandant, Inf of Havana, 1799.

José Cayetano de Sastre. Cadet, Inf of Havan, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:99.

José Sauri. SubLt, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:27.

*Phelipe Saussier. Mob:611, Capt, balandra Besaña, at Mobile, 1781.

*Pedro Savatie. Appeals Case 95, boatswain, Nov 1782 on the Spanish San Antonio.

*Felipe de Sayas/Zayas (1741 - ), Capt, Inf Vets of Havana, 1788. Col Commandant, 1800, Castillo del Morro, Staff, San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:II:6.

José Rafael de Sayas. SubLt, Bn Inf, Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:26.

Manuel de Sayas. Cadet, Bn Inf, Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legaj9 7264:XIV:43.

*Melchor de Seguera. Lt in 1780, served at New Providence and Havana, 1782, Capt, San Carlos de Perote, Regt Corona of New Spain, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:???

José Sehiso. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:113.

*Antonio Seidel (1742 - ), entered service 1756, Sub-Inspector, grad Capt, Morenos, 1787. K:123, SubInspector, 1789, Cuban militia. Legajo 7264:VIII:1, Col, Bn de Morenos of Havana, 1799.

*Gregorio de Selva (1744 - ), . Sgt, 1788, 2d Comp, Squadron, Dragoons of America, Legajo 7259:III:23.

Rafael Sequeira. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1792. Legajo 7261:XII:54.

José Esteban Serantes. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1791. Legajo 7261:XXVI:68.

José Ramón Serantes. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1797. Legajo 7263:XV:52.

*Pablo Serra of Havana. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money to the French navy.

Antonio Serrano. Sgt, Comp of Inf from Cataluña in Havana, 1792. Legajo 7261:IX:19.

José Serrano. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:72.

José Toribio Serrano. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1792. Legajo 7262:VII:110.

*Juan Serrano (1740 Moratalla - ), 1st Sgt in 1769, SubLt, Havana Regt, 1786, single. Lt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:30.

*José Serrato. MP:153, Capt of frigate, commanding chambequín/tender Caymán, Pensacola, 1781.

*Iñigo Sevilla. Beerman:204, operated prisoner transport and clandestine operation from Havana, 1781-82.

*B. Seyrera. M:349, Capt, letter La Mesericordia in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

*Vicente de Siera (1751 - ), entered service, 1761, SubLt, Inf Vets of Havana, 1788. Lt, 1797, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7263:XV:29.

*Francisco Antonio de Sierra. A2:IX:48, soldier, c 1779.

*Francisco de Silva. Lt, 1793, Comp Cav, Urbana, Cuba & Bayamo, Legajo 7262:XXV:2.

*Joseph Silva. A3:XI:12, 1781, and A4:XVI:19, soldier, c 1789.

*Gabriel Sistaré. Lewis:86-87, interpreter at Nassau, 1783.

Miguel Socarras. Cadet, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:50.

Ubaldo Socarras. Cadet, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV46.

*Marques del Real Socorro (1751 Havana - ), entered service 1767, Col Blancos of Havana, 1787.

*Francisco de Sola (1741 - ), entered service 1760, Lt Inf Vets of Havana, 1788. Woods:79, Sgt of pickets, Prince's Regt, marr. wit., 1779, New Orleans. Legajo 7264:II:11, Capt, Commandant of the Castillo de la Punta, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, 1799.

Francisco Sola. Cadet, Comp Inf of Cataluña in Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:VI:21.

*Josef Solano y Bote, Marqués del Socorro, also called José de San Martín (1726 Zorita, Cáceres – 1806 Madrid). Caughey:208, Harrmann:127, Spanish Chief of Squadron at Pensacola. Starr:205, he arrived with 1600 Spanish soldiers. Tides:169, made 1780 report on Gulf of Mexico. Floyd:157, Chief of Squadron at Havana who provided 13 ships for the Black River Campaign in 1782. C&R:125, wife was Rafaela Ignacia Ortiz de Rojas of Buenos Aires, and their family was in Santo Domingo for part of the war years.. Beerman:75, 79, 167, 296, received title of Vizconde de Feliz Ardid in 1780.

*José Soler. Mob:18, Capt, galley La Pura y Limpia Concepción, at Mobile, 1780. M:349, Capt same vessel in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

Fulgencio Solis. Cadet, 1790, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7260:IV:75.

Felix Solorzano, Cadet, 1789, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7260:VIII:90.

Bernardo Sori. Cadet, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:55.

*Pablo Sori. Capt, 1793, Mil de las Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7262:XVII:7.

José Sosa. Sgt, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1799. Legajo 7264:XV:31.

Juan de Sosa. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:87.

*Manuel de la Sotarriba. Cadet, Feb 1780, SubLt, May 1780, in Havana and New Providence Expeditions, 1782, Capt, San Carlos de Perote, 1800, Inf of the Crown, single, Legajo 7277:III:27.

*Antonio Soto (1762 Ciudad Cadiz - ), sailed from Cadiz in 1780 and stopped at Isla de San Christóval. Cadet, 1786, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7259:XII:114.

*José de Soto. Sgt Major, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:4.

*Francisco Sotolongo (1762 Havana - ), Cadet in 1781 and 1788, Havana Regt, single. Legajo 7261:XI:40, SubLt, Havana Inf, 1792.

José María Sotolongo. Cadet, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:81.

*Juan Sotolongo (1735 - ), entered service 1751, Lt, Blancos of Havana, 1787. Legajo 7264:III:11, Staff, San Cristóbal de La Havana, 1800.

*Tomás Domingo de Sotolongo (1750 - ), entered service in 1780, Capt, Havana Cav, 1787. K:185, Capt, Vol Cav Regt, age 31 in 1781. Legajo 7264:XII:7.

*Josef Suárez de Navarre. Ch1:19, unm CI recruit who joined Matanza Dragoons in Havana, Aug 1779.

José Antonio Suárez. SubLt, Bn Inf Militia of Cuba 6 Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:18.

*Joseph Antonio Suárez (1762 - ), entered service, 1778, Cadet, 1st Comp in Cuba of the Blancos, Cuba y Bayamo, 1787.

Fermin Subiran. Sgt, Inf of Cuba, 1792. Legajo 7261:XII:43.

Diego Sucre. ???, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:12.

Juan Tabela. Adjutant, 1799, Plana Mayor del Bn Morenos of Havana, Legajo 7264:VII:9.

*Gonzalo Tablada (1721 - ), entered service 1732, Sgt Major, Grad Lt Col, 1787 and 1791, Bn Inf Mil of Cuba y Bayamo, Legajo 7261:XVII:2.

*Andrés Tacón. NavChronIV:355, Capt of the Santa Rosalía, 34 guns, on the voyage to West Indies in Apr 1780 under Admiral Solano. MP:166, Starr:208, Naval Captain, 1781, at Pensacola. Mob:446, in 1780 Pensacola convoy. C&C:94, Capt, frigate, Santa Rosalía, at Pensacola.

Hilario Tamayo. Lt, 1797, Comp Cav Urbana of Cuba y Bayamo, Legajo 7263:XVIII:7.

José Fabino Tamayo. SubLt, Bn Inf, Militia of Cuba Y Bayamo, 1799, Legajo 7264:XI:42.

Manuel Vicente Tamayo. Cadet, Bn Inf, Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1993. Legajo 7262:XIX:46.

Marcos Tamayo. SubLt, Comp Cav, Urban, of Cuba y Bayamo, 1793. Legajo 7262:XXV:5.

*Fermin Tarro (1748 Barcelona - ), in the conquest of Providencia in 1782, Sgt, Havana Inf, 1788, single. Sgt, 1789, Comp Inf of Catalonia in Havana, Legajo 7260:V:16.

*Carlos Telles (1758 Havana - ), entered service 1775, at Pensacola 16 Oct 1780, SubLt, Havana Regt, 1786, single. SubLt, 1792, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7261:XI:32.

*Joseph Tenton. Cummins:64, Spanish observer in Santiago, Cuba, who reported on British activities in Jamaica.

*Luís Lorenzo Terrazas. Beerman:82, 83, Lt of the navy in Mobile operation, 1780.

*Carlos Testona/Festona of Havana. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money to the French navy.

*Antonio Tirada. M:350, Capt, sloop galley San Diego in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

*Juan Tirri/Terry y Lacy. Col, 1809, Dragoons of America, Legajo 7265:II:174.

*Antonio Toledo (1731 - ), entered service 1748, Capt, 1786, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7259:XII:19.

*Antonio de Toledo (1762 Florida - ), entered service 1777, at Pensacola 16 Oct 1780, SubLt of Bandera, Havana Regt, 1786, single. SubLt, 1788, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7259:II:50.

Benito Toledo. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:108.

*José de Toledo (1764 Havana - ), entered service as Cadet in 1782, Cadet 1788, Havana Regt, single, Legajo 7259:II:85.

Miguel Tornes. Lt, 1797, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7263:XI:20.

*Salvadór del Toro (1738 - ), entered service in 1753. Ch1:23, Lt, Arty, of Havana Regt, aboard Caymen, Feb 1781, for Pensacola. Capt in 1788, Corps of Arty, Havana, Legajo 7259:IV:3.


José Torralva. Sgt, Inf of Cuba, 1792. Legajo 7261:XII:48.

*Antonio María de la Torre (1726 Havana - ), entered service in 1740, grad Lt Col in 1781, Sgt Major and Plana Mayor, Havana Regt, 1786, widowed. K:126, Sgt Major of 1st Bn, Cuban Inf Regt, in 1788. Legajo 7263:XXII:2, Comandante/Col, Havana Inf, 1796.

Antonio María de la Torre. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:101.

*Bernabe de la Torre. Legajo 7264:XIV:4, Capt, Bn Inf Mil, Puerto Príncipe, 1799.

*Joaquín de la Torre. Mob:813, signed the map of Mobile, 1781. Legajo 7264:XVII:65, SubLt, Cuban Inf, 1799.

Joaquin de la Torre y Cardenas. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:73.

José Francisco de la Torre. Sgt, Bn Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:30.

José Ignacio de la Torre. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:60.

José María de la Torre. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1797. Legajo 7263:XIV:93.

*José María de la Torre (1756 Havana - ), entered service in 1769, Lt in 1782 and 1786, Havana Regt, married. Legajo 7261:XI:47, SubLt, Havana Inf, 1792. Legajo 7264:XVII:13, Capt, Cuban Inf, 1799.

*Marquís de la Torre, Felipe de Fonsdeviela y Ondeano (1725-1784). ND5:1339-1340, Cummins:208, Captain General of Cuba, 1771-1777. Abbey:58, Spanish official, 1776. Historia:215, MP:99n69, former Governor of Havana in 1777.

Rafael de la Torre. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:114.

*Seb. Torrens. M:349, Capt, letter St. Vincente Ferrer in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

*Antonio Torres. A2:IX:16, soldier, c 1779.

*Manuel de Torres (1758 - ), entered service in 1775, 1st Sgt, 1788, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7259:II:75.

Manuel Torres. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:62.

Matías de Torres. Sgt, Inf of Havana, 1797. Legajo 7263:XIV:83.

*Miguel Torres (1751 - ), entered service 1769, 1st Sgt, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787.

*Miguel Torres. Soldier and Cpl in 1780-82 in Grenada, Veracruz, Havana, and Guarico operations, 1st Sgt Grenadiers, Inf of Mexico, 1800, single, Legajo 7277:IV:65.

*George Townson. Lewis:121, ship captain who took messages from Havana to Nassau, c 1783.

*Angel de los Toyos (1743 - ), entered service in 1761, 1st Sgt, 1787 and 1789, Mil Cav of Havana, Legajo 7259:VI:56.

Francisco Toyos. Sgt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:72.

*Jaime Tremoll. Mob:448, Capt, galley Jesús María y José, Pensacola convoy, 1780. Mob:611, Capt, galley San Francisco de Paula, Mobile, 1781.

Luis Trevejos. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:VVI:90.

*Antonio Tur (c 1745 Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain - ), entered service 1764, 1st Sgt in 1781 and 1786, Havana Regt, married. H:224, Sgt 1st Cl, Dragoons of America, md.

Henríque Turen. BR:710, soldier of Light Inf of Cuba, bur 14 Aug 1792, SJO.

Francisco Uberty. Sgt, Squadron of Dragoons in America, 1797. Legajo 7263:XIII:22.

*Antonio Ugarte. SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1789. Legajo 7260:X:20.

*Domingo de Ugarte. Capt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:7.

*Martin de Ugarte. Sgt Major, 1792, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7261:XII:2. Prob same as Martin de Ugarte, Col, 1799, Cav Mil of Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:1.

*Tomás Ugarte (1757 Havana - ), entered service in 1775, wartime service in Louisiana Regt, Capt of Grenadiers, grad Lt Col, Havana Regt, 1786. Capt, grad Lt Col, 1799, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7264:XVII:8.

*Luís de Unzaga/Unzaya y Amezaga (1717 Málaga – 1793 Granada & Málaga). Beerman:296, Caughey:55-56, Governor of Louisiana from 1769 into 1776 who began helping Americans. Abbey:57, footnote 1, ordered to collect info on English in 1775. Woods:97, wife was Elizabet de St Maxent of Louisiana, bap ch in 1776 and later. Tanner:17, 21, Governor of Cuba, 1782. Cummins:208, Captain General of Cuba, 1782-85. Legajo 7259:XVI:54, Lt Col, Inf of Havana, 1765.

*José Uriarte y Borja. Ch1:23, Lt of frigate, San Ramon, Feb 1781.

Vicente de Uriarte. Surgeon, 1799, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XIII:59.

*Diego de Urra. Lt, 1788, Corps of Art of Havana, Legajo 7259:IV:10.

*Juan de Urra. K;185, SubLt, 1st Bn, Vol Inf of Cuba, 1781.

*Juan Ignacio de Urriza. MP:100n74, Caughey:192, Spanish Intendant of the Army in Havana reporting to José de Gálvez, Minister of the Indies, 1781. Cummins:65, Intendant of Cuba, 1777, arranged aid for the American Revolution. Lewis:35-37, Indendant of the Exchequer, Havana, Cuba, 1781-1782.

*Manuel Urrutia (1760 - ), entered service in 1776, SubLt, Blancos of Havana, 1787. Capt, 1799, Inf Mil of Havana, Legajo 7289:XIII:12.

*Sebastián Uruño. Adjutant, 1787, Plana Mayor del Bn Pardos of Havana, Legajo 7259:VII:3.

*Antonio Vaillant Bertier (1758 Cadiz - ), entered service 1772, Lt Havana Cav, 1787, Capt 1799, Staff of Bn Pardos Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, Legajo 7264:IX:1.

*Juan Bautista Vaillant (1736 Cataluña - ), entered service 1753, Col, Havana Cav, 1787. Historia:242, K:121, 126, Havana militia officer, commander of Cav Vols, 1778, later Governor of Santiago. Legajo 7259:VI:1, Col, Vol Blancos, Cav of Havana, 1787.

*Diego Valderas/Valladares. Mob:610, 667, Capt, packetboat, Jesús Nazareno, at Pensacola, 1781.

*Andrés de Valderrama. Tides:70, Captain ship San Juan Nepomuceno at Havana, 1775. Rush:55, frigate captain at Pensacola, 1781.

*Juan Valentin (1730 - ), entered service 1748, Capt, 1787, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7259:V:4.

*Antonio Valenzuela (1744 San Agustín de la Florida - ), entered service 1758, 1st Sgt of Grenadiers, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787. Lt, 1797, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7263:XI:74.

Francisco Valera. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:98.

Miguel Valera. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:52.

Juan Valiente. Cadet, Bn Inf of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:29.

*Pablo José Valiente. Tanner:114, Cuban intendant, 1787.

*Antonio Valland Bertier. Capt, Plana Mayor, 1799, Bn Pardos Mil, Cuba & Bayamo, Legajo 7264:IX:1.

*Antonio Ramón del Vallé. Cummins:129, 164, Secretary to the Captain General, 1779, arranging aid for the American Revolution. MP:100n73, Capt of Engineers, Secretarry to the Captain-General throughout the war years.

Fernando de Valle. Cadet, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo X:56.

*Juan Martínez Vallejo (1742 - ), entered service 1761, Adjutant Mayor, Grad Capt, Havana Cav, 1787.

Francisco Vallejos. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:63.

*Conde de Vallellano (1750 - ), entered service 1764, Capt, grad Lt Col, Havana Cav, 1787. Commandant, grad Col, Cav Mil, Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:4.

Joaquín de Vallenilla (1733 la Fuerza, Araya - ), married by 1787. Lt, 1779-1787, Inf Vets Cumanà, Legajo 7293.

*José Vallière/Valiere. Beerman:58-59, Spanish officer, born in France, took the Bernardo de Gálvez war diary from Havana to Madrid, 1779.

*Marcos Valls/Balls. ZPR:199, Corporal, normally at San Fernando de Omoa, Honduras, but absent in the Castillo de San Juan, Nicaragua, 1779.

Antonio Valverde. Cadet, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1799. Legajo 7264:XV:32.

*José Valverde (1724 Valladolid - ), entered service 1735, Capt Proprietario in 1764, Capt Dragoons of America, 1786, married. Lt Col, grad Col, 1799, Escuadrón de Dragones of America, Legajo 7264:XV:1.

*Pedro Valverde (1754 Havana - ), entered service 1772, SubLt of Grenadiers in 1782, Lt, Havana Regt, 1786, single. Adjutant, grad Capt, 1796, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7263:XXIII:17. Chávez:225, paymaster, Inf. Regt of Havana, in 1781 lender of money to the French Navy.

Vicente Varas. SubLt, 1790, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7260:IV:41.

*Francisco Varela (1741 Tordezillas - ), entered service 1759, Lt Grad in 1781, Lt in Havana Regt, 1786, married. Capt, 1796, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7263:XXII:10.

*José Ignacio Varela (1740 - ), entered service 1758, Lt, 1787 and 1799, Cav Mil of Havana, Legajo 7264:XII:20.

Miguel Varela. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1792. Legajo 7261:XII:68.

*Nicolás Varela of Havana. Chávez:225, in 1781 lender of money to the French navy.

*Alfonso de Vargas. Lt, 1789, Mil Inf of Havana, Legajo 7260:IX:74.

José de Vargas Manchuca of Havana, Cuba ( - 1780), he and wife Juana Rodríguez had ch during war years.

Manuel de Vargas. Sgt, Staff, Bn Pardos Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:IX:8.

Agustín de Varona. Cadet, Comp of Cav, Urban, of Puerto Príncipe, 1797. Legajo 7263:XIX:6.

Esteban Varona. Cadet, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:47.

Fernando Varona y Cespedes. Cadet, Bn of Militia Inf of Puerto Príncipe, 1793. Legajo 7262:XXVII:45.

*Ignacio Varona. Capt, 1799, Bn Inf Mil, Puerto Príncipe, Legajo 7264:XIV:5.

José Varona. Cadet, Bn of Inf of Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:42.

Serapio Varona. SubLt, Bn of Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:22.

Andrés Vasallo. Sgt of Grenadiers, Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:29.

*Antonio Vásquez Urriola. Capt, 1796, Bn Inf de Castilla de Campeche, Legajo 7297:I:32.

*Francisco Vásquez (1743 - ), entered service 1764, Capt, 2d Comp in Bayamo, Blancos of Cuba y Bayamo, 1787. Legajo 7264:XI:36, Capt, Bn Inf Mil, Cuba y Bayamo, 1799.

*José Vázquez. Legajo 7261:XII:13, Capt Cuban Inf, 1792.

*José Vázquez (1751 - ), entered service, 1768, Legajo 7259:II:20, Capt, Havana Inf, 1788.

*Juan Salvador Vásquez (1764 - ), entered service, 1780, Cadet in 2d Comp in Bayamo, Blancos of Cuba y Bayamo, 1787. Legajo 7264:XI:50.

*Lorenzo Vásquez (1758 - ), entered service, 1773, SubLt of Bandera, Blancos of Cuba y Bayamo, 1787. Legajo 7264:XI:45.

Manuel Vásquez. SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:69.

*Pedro Vásquez. Tanner:24, naval captain, 1784.

*Rafael Vásquez (1754 - ), entered service 1769, SubLt, 6th Comp in Bayamo, Blancos of Cuba y Bayamo, 1787. Legajo 7264:XI:43.

*José de Vega (1736 Granquillo - ), 1st Sgt in 1763 and 1786, Havana Regt, married. Sgt, 1788, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7259:II:135.

Agustin Velasco. SubLt, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIV:20.

*Cristóbal Velasco. Capt, Bn Militia of Inf at Puerto Príncipe, 1791. Legajo 7261:XX:4.

Joseph María de Velasco. A3:XII:51, mentioned, c 1782.

Juan de Velasco. SubLt, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1799. Legajo 7204:XIV:21.

*Vicente Velasco (1754 - ), entered service 1771. Legajo 7260:IX:96, Sgt, Inf Mil of Havana, 1787 and 1789.

Juan Bautista Velazquez. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:116.

Luis Velazquez. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:119.

*Francisco Velez (1749 - ), entered service in 1770, 1st Sgt, 4th Comp in Mayamo, Blancos of Cuba y Bayamo, 1787.

Ignacio Pablo Velez. Lt, 1797, Comp Mil Cav of Trinidad, Legajo 7263:XVI:2.

Juan Francisco Velez. Lt, 1799, Bn Inf Mil Cuba & Bayamo, Legajo 7264:XI:40.

Ramón Velez. Cadet, 1789, Inf of Cuba, Legajo 7260:VIII:91.

*Pedro Venero. A2:IX:46, SubLt, c 1779.

Alonso de Vera. Sgt, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:42.

José Antonio Vergera. Surgeon, 1799, Plana Mayor del Bn Morenos of Havana, Legajo 7264:VII:12.

*Francisco Verna (1754 - ), entered service 1772, SubLt, Havana Arty, 1787. Lt, 1796, Corps Arty, Havana, Legajo 7263:XXII:11.

*Joseph Vial/Viel. Appeals Case 95, mariner in Nov 1782 on the Spanish San Antonio.

Francisco Viamonte. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:116.

*Nicolás Viamonte. K:185, SubLt, age 39, in 1781 Cuban militia.

*Alonso/Alfonso de Viaña (1756 Almazán - ), entered service 1772, at Mobile and Pensacola in 1780, SubLt, Havana Regt, 1786, married. Lt, 1800, Staff, San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:III:10.

*Andrés Viciedo (1728 - ), entered service, 1748. Lt, grad Capt, 1795, Inf Mil of Havana, Legajo 7262:IX:64.

Juan Viciedo. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:122.

*Antonio Pasqual Vidal. M:350, Capt sloop galley San Juan Evangelista in May 1782 invasion of Nassau. Lewis:130, ship captain posted at Fort Montague, New Providence, 1782/83.

*Ignacio Leite Vidal (1742 Oporto, Portugal - ), SubLt in 1781 and 1786, Havana Regt, married.

Ramón Vidarrueta. Sgt, Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XIII:97.

*Antonio Viejo. Lt, 1793, Mil de Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7262:XVII:13.

Joaquin Vigil. SubLt of Bandera, Militia of Cuatra Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:70.

Pablo Vigil. Sgt, Militia of Cuatra Villas, 1797. Legajo 7263:VIII:56.

*Julián Vilar (1736 Baza - ), entered service 1752, Lt, 1st Comp, grad Capt, Dragoons of America, 1781-86, single. Capt, 1794, Escuadrón of Dragoons of America, Legajo 7262:XII:7.

*Juan Vilaró. Mob:19, Capt, brig San Juan Bautista, at Mobile, 1780.

*Juan Vilaró (1749 Barcelona - ), at Mobile and Pensacola, Sgt, Havana Regt, 1788, married. Legajo 7262:XI:13, Sgt, Comp Inf, Cataluña in Havana, 1794.

*Pedro de Villa. Capt, 1797, Comp Mil Cav, Trinidad, Legajo 7263:XVI:1.

Pedro José de Villa. Cadet Militia of Cuatro Villas, 1799. Legajo 7264:X:65.

*??? De Villages. Beerman:197-198, navy captain who transported one million pesos from Havana to Yorktown, 1781, with the frigate Amazona.

*Pedro Villalobos (1744 - ), entered service 1762, 1st Sgt of Grenadiers, Inf Blancos of Havana, 1787. Lt, 1799, Mil of Cuatro Villas, Legajo 7264:X:14.

*Benito Villalon (1755 Cuba - ), SubLt in 1778, SubLt in 1786, Havana Regt, married. Capt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:19.

*Jose Villanueva (1764 - ), entered service as a Cadet in 1782, 4th Comp, Dragoons of America, still a Cadet in 1788, SubLt in 1809. Legajo 7265:II:185.

Diego Villar. Cadet, Inf of Cuba, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVII:121.

*Juan Villar (1729 - ), entered service 1751, Lt, 1787 and 1791, Mil Cav, Havana, Legajo 7261:XVIII:10.

Marcus Villar. Sgt, Comp of Inf from Cataluña in Havana, 1794. Legajo 7262:XI:22.

*Agustín Villarreal (1754 Havana - ), entered service 1772, SubLt in 1779 and 1786, Havana Regt, single. Capt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:20.

*Seb. Villaseca. M:351, Capt, sloop La Leche in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

*Juan Pablo Villasoca. A3:XII:3, Capt, c 1782.

Juan Villavicencio. Distinguished Soldier, Cav Militia of Havana, 1793. Legajo 7262:XX:73.

José Vilena. Cadet, Inf Militia of Havana, 1792. Legajo 7261:VI:43.

*Jorge Villers (1771 Havana - ), Cadet in March, 1783 and 1786, Havana Regt, single. Legajo 7264:XVII:53, SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1799.

*Juan Villers (1770 Havana - ), Cadet in 1782 and 1786, Havana Regt, single. Legajo 7264:XVI:44, SubLt, Inf of Havana, 1799.

*Ramón de Villers (1740 Igualada - ), entered service 1755, Lt, 2d Comp, grad Capt, 1782 and 1786, Dragoons of America, married with “vastante familia,” “su muzer y 7 hijos…” Capt, 1799, Squadron of Dragoons of America, Legajo 7264:XV:15.

*José Villuendas (1753 Obonlugar, Aragon - ), entered service 1774, in 1st Bn at Pensacola 16 Oct 1780, 2d Sgt Grenadiers, 1782, 1st Sgt, Havana Regt, 1786, single. Adjutant of the Plaza, 1800, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:II:2.

*??? Virgili. Mob:667, Capt, frigate, Santa Rosalía, Pensacola, 1781.

*??? Vitori. Mob:447, head of transport boat, Pensacola convoy, 1780.

*Manuel Vizcayas (1728 - ), entered service 1744, Sub-Inspector, grad Lt Col, with Pardos, 1787.

Francisco Werty. Sgt, Squadron of Dragoons of America, 1794. Legajo 7262:XII:20.

*Federico Winterfeld. Capt, Inf of Cuba, 1791. Legajo 7261:XXVI:16.

*William Woodsides. Lewis:116, 121, pilot for the Spanish fleet during the Expedition to the Bahamas, 1782.

*José Ximénez (1736 - ), entered service 1743, Lt Blancos of Havana, 1787.

*Juan Ximénez (1753 Sadava, Aragon - ), entered service 1773, in Expedition to Providence, 1782, 1st Sgt Havana Regt, 1786 and 1788, married.

Juan Yague. Legajo 7262:XI:19, Sgt, Catalonian Comp of Havana, 1794.

*Mateo Ydoyage. M:349, Capt, ship San Luciano in May 1782 invasion of Nassau.

*Gaspar Yeo/Feo (1737 Canary Islands - ), entered service 1755, SubLt, Havana Cav, 1787.

*Felipe de Yturrieta. Lewis:86-87, 96-97, 136, Intendant of New Providence at Nassau, 1783.

Félix Yusta. Sgt, Cav Militia of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XII:67.

*José Zaldívar. K:185, Lt Col, Vol Inf Regt of Cuba, age 60 in 1781. Legajo 7263:XI;6, Capt/Col, Inf Mil of Havana, 1797.

*José Manuel Zaldívar, first Conde de Zaldivar. K:185, SubLt, Vol Inf Regt of Cuba, age 30 in 1781. Legajo 7265:I:81, Lt Col/Col, Havana Inf Mil, 1809.

Martín Zaldívar. Legajo 7262:XXI:42, Cadet Inf Mil of Havana, 1793.

*Manuel Zárate. A2:X:25A, soldier, c 1780.

*Rafael Zarilla. A3:XI:37, Cpl, 1781.

*Felipe de Zayas (1741 Malaga - ), Capt in 1776 and 1786, Havana Regt, married. Legajo 7259:II:6, Capt, Havana Inf, 1788,

Félipe de Zayas. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1797. Legajo 7263:XIV:98.

Francisco de Zayas. Sgt 1st Cl of Grenadiers, Bn Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:22.

Francisco de Borja Zayas. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:113.

Francisco de Paula Zayas. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1797. Legajo 7263:XIV:102.

*Joaquín de Zayas. K:185, Capt, 1781, age 36, Cuban militia. Legajo 7259:V:10, Capt, Inf Mil of Havana, 1787.

Joaquin María de Zayas. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264:XVI:93.

José Pablo de Zayas. Cadet, Comp Cav, Urban, of Puerto Príncipe, 1797. Legajo 7263:XIX:5.

*Juan Bruno de Zayas. K:185, Capt, 1781, age 36, in Havana militia.

Manuel Zayas. Cadet, Bn Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1795. Legajo 7262:X:45.

Rafael Zayas. Legajo 7262:X;29, Sub Lt, Bn Inf Mil, Puerto Príncipe, 1795.

Manuel Zenea. Cadet, Inf of Havana, 1797. Legajo 7263:XIV:109.

Manuel Zequeira. Adjutant, Inf of Havana, 1799. Legajo 7264::XVI:29.

Manuel José Zequeira. Cadet, Bn Inf Militia of Cuba y Bayamo, 1799. Legajo 7264:XI:55.

*José Zerralbo (1751 born in Don Sancho country - ), at Mobile and Pensacola, 1780, Sgt, 3rd Comp, Dragoons of America, 1786, single.

*Antonio de Zespedes/Cespedes (1768 Havana - ), in Providence Expedition in 1782, SubLt of Bandera, Havana Regt, 1786, single. Legajo 7260:IV:37, SubLt, Inf of Cuba, 1790.

*Fernando de Zéspedes/Cespedes. Tanner:12, 17, 23, Lt in attack on Mobile, one of 50 men from the Havana Regiment, on 14 Mar 1780. He was son of Vicente Manuel de Zéspedes. His battalion was transferred to Spain at the end of the war. Woods:100, md Catalina de la Ronde in 1782.

*Thomas de Zéspedes/Cespedes. Tanner:23, in 1784 with a regiment in Spain. Son of Vicente Manuel. This may be Tomás de Cespedes, Capt, 1800, Staff of San Cristóbal, Havana, Legajo 7264:III:6.

*Vicente Domingo de Zéspedes/Cespedes (1757 Havana - ), SubLt in 1775, Lt in Havana Regt, 1786, single. Tanner:23, sub-lieutenant in Havana Regiment, 1784, went to East Florida with his father. Lt, Inf of Cuba, 1791, Legajo 7261:XXVI:24.

*Vicente Manuel de Zéspedes/Cespedes y Velasco. Wright:136, 142, 143, Tanner:xi, 12, Governor of East Florida, 12 Jul 1784-1790. He had been in charge of Havana defenses during the war and later Lieutenant Governor at Santiago, Cuba. In 1782, he loaned money to the Army during a financial emergency. His wife was María Concepción Aróstegui/Anostegeri. Woods:100, Col. from Havana. Capt, Lt Col grad, 1765, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7259:XVI:3.

Felix Zocarras. Legajo 7263:XIX:2, Lt, Cav Urban Comp of Puerto Príncipe, 1797.

*Jose Zocarras. Legajo 7263:XIX;1, Capt, Cav Urban Comp of Puerto Príncipe, 1797.

José Tomás Zocarras. SubLt, Comp Urban Cav of Puerto Príncipe, 1797. Legajo 7263:XIX:3.

Miguel Zocarras. Cadet, Bn Inf of Puerto Príncipe, 1795. Legajo 7262:X:51.

Ubaldo Zocarras. Cadet, Bn Inf Militia of Puerto Príncipe, 1795. Legajo 7262:X:48.

Mariano Zubieta. Cadet, Comp of Inf from Cataluña in Havana, 1788. Legajo 7259:I:28.

José Claudio de Zuñiga. Lt, 1799, Inf of Havana, Legajo 7264:XVI:37.

*Maricio de Zuñiga (1749 - ), entered service 1761, Capt, Inf Vets of Havana, 1788. C&R:153, in Pensacola battle, later its commandant. Legajo 7264:XVII:11, Capt, Cuban Inf, 1799.

Additional references for this part of the listing are now included in the overall reference listings.

Comments: This is about one-third of the soldiers from Cuba who are listed in the particular references being used. The others will follow later. As author, I would like to make three comments. I will be glad to help anyone with advice on how to join the Sons of the American Revolution, and I can be reached by internet at gwhough@. The second comment is Captains and above in rank usually have more than 20 years service by 1800 and would qualify as Patriots. They have an asterisk. For those who can trace to a lower ranking ancestor who is listed but has no asterisk, those may be soldiers who were too young, or joined too late, after Sep 1783. What we have found is that the young cadets, subLieutenants, Distinguished Soldiers, etc were usually sons of older soldiers who were actually in service through the entire war. We have left most of them on the list as a guide to those who are searching. If you know you descend from a person without an asterisk, and find that person joined too late, then look for the parents of that person.

The third comment is that the only way I know to access the records is to go to an LDS Family History Center where you can use the order numbers for the legajos and order them from Salt Lake City. When they arrive, you locate and identify the records of interest to you and copy them on the machines which nearly all Family History Centers have. (No, you will not be recruited into the LDS church, nor will you be asked to contribute to church funds. I speak from 40 years experience. You will have to pay whatever charges are normal for ordering, copying, etc; but all customers pay the same, member of the church or not. The LDS Family History Centers are an absolutely unique American contribution to worldwide genealogy.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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