Cleansing a Place - With One Accord

Cleansing a Place (home, hotel room, etc.)

It is best if you do this with another Believer, ideally your pastor. If you are married, the husband should take the lead. If a single parent, then you are the heard of the household. If you have no pastor or he is too busy, at least get another Believer, hopefully a prayer warrior, to stand with you in prayer as you do this.

Take anointing oil (olive oil is best, but anything will do in a pinch). Begin at the master bedroom of the home or whatever you could consider to be the spiritual heart of the home (or business, etc.). Pray this prayer over that room and anoint the doorposts and windows of the room (if any). Then move to the next room and work your way toward the front door of the place ? just as if you were shooing a fly out of the house. Pray this same prayer in each room. Do not forget basements, closets, and bathrooms. If the attic is readily accessible, pray there as well.

Finish up in either main room before the front door or foyer or whatever. All who are praying gather there and pray this prayer one final time. Command any enemies of Yah'shua (Hebrew name of Jesus) to leave through the front door and then seal it as before with olive oil. Then, pray for the land (see separate prayer sheet).

Abba Father, I stand on the truth of Your Word:

Psalms 125:3 For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.

I believe that You have given me this home (room, business, place of ministry, etc.) to me as a place ordained for Your glory. I dedicate this place to You and ask You to fill it now with Your Holy Presence. I forsake and separate myself from any sin or iniquity that has occurred in this place in past times, whether done by me or another; especially the sins of blasphemy, murder, adultery, occultism or fornication ? and I ask You to remove all desecration. I apply the power of Yah'shua's (Jesus') blood to the doorposts and lintels of this home. I ask You, in His name, to set watching and warring angels (Heb. 1:14) around this place, protecting Your servants from the work of the evil one.

I take authority in the Name that is above every other name to weaken the power of evil in this place. Through the blood of Yah'shua the Messiah, I now remove all desecration of the name of the Creator that has been prompted by either human sin or demonic activity, especially any blasphemy or cursing! I command all enemies of the LORD Yah'shua the Messiah that have access to this place or who abide here now, to leave. I command you to GO where the LORD Yah'shua tells you to go by the voice of His Holy Spirit. I order all darkness to flee, in the name of Yah'shua the King!

William Schnoebelen



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