IAwards Categories

ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕ?Level 2 / 219-223 Castlereagh Street, SYDNEY, NSW 2000Tel: +61 2 9264 9130 - Fax: +61 2 9264 6135Email: ecocom-sydney@mfa.grΒα?αν?? Ωραι?πουλο?-Κελ?νη?, Προ?στ?μενο? Γρφ. ΟΕΥΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2017ΚΛΑΔΙΚΗ ΜΕΛΕΤΗΝΕΟΦΥΩΝ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΩΝΣΤΗΝ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗ ΑΓΟΡΑΤο καθ’ ?λη αρμ?διο θεσμικ? ?ργανο που επιβλ?πει το οικοσ?στημα θερμοκοιτ?δων στην Αυστραλ?α ε?ναι το ομοσπονδιακ? Υπουργε?ο Βιομηχαν?α? Department of Industry, Innovation and Science μ?σω του Φορ?α Innovation Science Australia ο οπο?ο? αποσκοπε? να καταστ?σει την Αυστραλ?α προηγμ?νη χ?ρα τεχνολογικ? μεταξ? των χωρ?ν G20, υλοποι?ντα? ?να αισι?δοξο στρατηγικ? πρ?γραμμα. 6477010795000Ο ομοσπονδιακ?? Φορ?α? (Δ/νση Οικονομικ?? Αν?λυση?) ?χει παρ?λληλα εκπον?σει την αναφορ? Australia Innovation System Report η οπο?α αποτυπ?νει το οικοσ?στημα επιχειρ?σεων που εφαρμ?ζουν καινοτομ?ε?, το προερχ?μενο εισ?δημα απ? τα σχετιζ?μενα προ??ντα και υπηρεσ?ε?, το περιβ?λλον ?ρευνα? και αν?πτυξη? στη χ?ρα και τη μεθοδολογ?α μ?τρηση? των καινοτομικ?ν επενδ?σεων Σ?μφωνα με τη μελ?τη, το αυστραλιαν? σ?στημα εφαρμογ?ν καινοτομ?α? ?χει τη δυνατ?τητα να διπλασι?σει κ?θε δολ?ριο που επενδ?εται στον κλ?δο εν? το ?ψο? τη? δαπ?νη? σε βασικ? και εφαρμοσμ?νη ?ρευνα αν?ρχεται στα Α$33δισ. Ω? κ?ρια εμπ?δια πρ?σβαση? στην καινοτομ?α απ? τι? επιχειρ?σει? θεωρο?νται α) η πρ?σβαση σε πρ?σθετε? χρηματοδοτικ?? πηγ??, β) η ?λλειψη εξειδικευμ?νου ανθρ?πινου δυναμικο? και γ) το κ?στο? αν?πτυξη? και υλοπο?ηση? εφαρμογ?ν. Χαρακτηριστικ? ε?ναι ?τι στη δεκαετ?α 2005-2015 ?νω των δ?ο εκ. θ?σεων εργασ?α? δημιουργ?θηκαν στον κλ?δο τη? ψηφιακ?? οικονομ?α? στη χ?ρα με τη συνολικ? συμβολ? στο ΑΕΠ να αν?ρχεται στα Α$200δισ. ?σον αφορ? στην εμπορευματοπο?ηση των αποτελεσμ?των ?ρευνα? στην πρ?ξη, το 2014 η αξ?α των συνεργασι?ν προσ?γγισε το Α$1.8δισ. με κ?ριου? τομε?? να ε?ναι η κλινικ? ?ρευνα, η καθαρ? εν?ργεια, οι αγροτικ?? καλλι?ργειε?, οι τεχνολογ?ε? μεταφορ?ν. Πλ?θο? ωφελει?ν επ?ση? απορρ?ουν και για το σ?στημα ευρεσιτεχνι?ν καθ?? οι εταιρε?ε? που εναρμον?ζονται με την τεχνολογικ? εξ?λιξη επιδεικν?ουν σημαντικ? αυξημ?νε? πιθαν?τητε? κατοχ?ρωσ?? των.Κ?ριο? Φορ?α? υλοπο?ηση? τη? μετ?βαση? τη? αυστραλιαν?? οικονομ?α? στην ψηφιακ? εποχ? λογ?ζεται ο επιστημονικ?? οργανισμ?? CSIRO ο οπο?ο? ασκε? συμβουλευτικ? ρ?λο τ?σο στην κυβ?ρνηση ?σο και σε επιχειρ?σει?.Παρ?λληλα, η ομοσπονδιακ? κυβ?ρνηση ?χει θεσμοθετ?σει την Εθνικ? Ατζ?ντα Καινοτομ?α? και Επιστ?μη? National Innovation & Science Agenda η οπο?α απευθ?νεται στην ακαδημα?κ? κοιν?τητα, σε νεοφυε?? επιχειρ?σει? και σε επενδυτ?? με σκοπ? τη ζε?ξη επιχειρηματικο? περιβ?λλοντο? και τεχνολογικ?ν εφαρμογ?ν. Οι τομε?? στου? οπο?ου? εστι?ζει καλ?πτουν ?να ευρ? πεδ?ο δραστηριοτ?των. Το κεφ?λαιο που η κυβ?ρνηση ?χει δεσμε?σει αν?ρχεται στο Α$1.1δισ. Ειδικ? για τι? θερμοκοιτ?δε?, το Πρ?γραμμα στοχε?ει στην ταχε?α μετατροπ? ιδε?ν σε διεθν?? ανταγωνιστικ?? επιχειρ?σει? παρ?χοντα? χρηματοοικονομικο?? π?ρου?, γν?ση και πρ?σβαση σε επιχειρηματικ? δ?κτυα. Τα κ?νητρα αφορο?ν επιδοτ?σει? που κυμα?νονται μεταξ? Α$10,000 και Α$500,000 αν? θερμοκοιτ?δα, με χρονικ? ?ριο τη διετ?α και μεταξ? Α$1,000 και Α$25,000 για συμβουλευτικ? Expert-In-Residence με χρονικ? ?ριο το ?να ?το?. Η Αυστραλ?α διεθ?τει ?να δ?κτυο 30 θερμοκοιτ?δων. O διαδικτυακ?? τ?πο? του Υπουργε?ου για το σχετικ? ερωτηματολ?γιο α?τηση? παροχ?? χρηματοοικονομικ?? υποστ?ριξη? σε θερμοκοιτ?δε? ε?ναι: Σ?μφωνα με πρ?σφατη ?ρευνα τη? ?νωση? Νεοφυ?ν Επιχειρ?σεων “Start-Up Muster”, η πλει?δα των εν λ?γω επιχειρ?σεων ?χουν ιδρυθε? στο Σ?δνε?. Αξιοσημε?ωτο ε?ναι ?τι το 50% των ερωτηθεισ?ν επιχειρ?σεων ιδρ?θηκε μ?λι? το 2014, εν? η ποσοστια?α συμμετοχ? αν? προηγο?μενο ?το? ?ταν: 2013 (27%), 2012 (10%), 2011 (6%).Απ? πλευρ?? πρωταρχικο? τ?που εγκατ?σταση? αν? Πολιτε?α, τα στοιχε?α ?χουν ω? εξ??:NSW (46.5%),Victoria (18%),Queensland (16.5%),Western Australia (8.9%),Australia Canberra Territory (6.4%),South Australia (2.9%),Tasmania (0.6%),Northern Territory (0.2%).?να? απ? του? συνιδρυτ?? τη? ?νωση?, ο Michael Hurp, αναφ?ρθηκε στην ολο?να αυξαν?μενη δυναμικ? ?δρυση? νεοφυ?ν επιχειρ?σεων στου? Αντ?ποδε?. Απ? πλευρ?? μ?σου απασχολο?μενου προσωπικο?, αν?ρχεται στα π?ντε ?τομα εν? ο μ?σο? ετ?σιο? κ?κλο? εργασι?ν προσεγγ?ζει τα $240,000. ?σον αφορ? στα κ?νητρα ?δρυση? νεοφυ?ν επιχειρ?σεων, το 1/3 εξ?αυτ?ν ε?ναι η απογο?τευση σε πρ?τερα περιβ?λλοντα εργασ?α?, σε ποσοστ? 27% αν?ρχονται ?σοι ε?χαν ?να μια ν?στιμη ιδ?α που μετετρ?πη σε επιχειρηματικ? δραστηρι?τητα “fun project that became a viable business”, εν? στο 23% αν?ρχονται ?σοι επιθυμο?σαν να ?χουν εμπλουτισμ? ιδε?ν απ? ?λλε? νεοφυε?? επιχειρ?σει? που του? αν?γκασαν να ιδρ?σουν τι? δικ?? του?.Οι μεγαλ?τερε? προκλ?σει? για την ?δρυση τ?τοιων επιχειρ?σεων ?ταν η ?λλειψη τεχνικο? ταλ?ντου, ακολουθο?μενε? απ? τη σχετικ? αδυναμ?α πρ?σβαση? σε χρηματοοικονομικ?? πηγ??. Μ?σα στη τελευτα?α διετ?α, περ?που 40,000 θ?σει? εργασ?α? δημιουργ?θηκαν στον κλ?δο τεχνολογ?α? πληροφορικ?? με τι? συναφε?? εξαγωγ?? να ?χουν προσεγγ?σει τα Α$3δισ. Η εταιρε?α συμβο?λων Deloitte σε συνεργασ?α με την Australia Computer Society, εξ?δωσαν μελ?τη με τ?τλο Australia’s Digital Pulse report?η οπο?α ανακοιν?θηκε κατ? την πρ?σφατη ?κθεση Cebit Australia 2017. H μελ?τη κ?νει αναφορ? για α?ξηση του αυστραλιανο? ΑΕΠ κατ? 6.6% μ?σα στην τελευτα?α δεκαετ?α μ?νον απ? την υιοθ?τηση τη? ψηφιακ?? τεχνολογ?α? στι? οικονομικ?? δραστηρι?τητε?, με συμβολ? στο ΑΕΠ κατ? Α$150δισ. Μεταξ? των περ?που 600,000 απασχολουμ?νων στον κλ?δο πληροφορικ?? και τεχνολογ?α?, το 2015, το ?μισυ εξ’ αυτ?ν εργ?ζονταν σε συναφε?? επιχειρ?σει?, εν? μ?λι? 15% στη μεταποιητικ? δραστηρι?τητα και στο εμπ?ριο. Επιπρ?σθετα, λ?γο? γ?νεται για την αναγκαι?τητα δημιουργ?α? πρ?σθετων 80,000 εργασ?α? ?στε να υλοποιηθε? η ψηφιακ? ατζ?ντα τη? κοινοπολιτειακ?? κυβ?ρνηση?, τη? οπο?α? στ?χοι ε?ναι:Build digital communities to facilitate collaboration and innovationContinued support for digital skills development in educationBuild local talent and support skill needs with appropriate skilled migrationStrengthen Australia’s cyber security capabilitiesAccelerate efforts toward open dataOngoing digital transformation in governmentRespond to technology-related workforce disruptionImprove measures to the digital economy and workforceAdequate access to digital infrastructure for regional businessCreation of a 5G policy in AustraliaStrengthen Australia’s R&D tax incentivesSupport small businesses, start-ups and innovation in government procurementAdopt a ‘fair use’ approach to copyrightΗ εταιρε?α Microsoft τελευτα?α εξ?δωσε μελ?τη σχετικ? του? τρ?που? βελτ?ωση? του αυστραλιανο? οικοσυστ?ματο? καινοτομ?α? η οπο?α φ?ρει τον τ?τλο Joined-Up Innovation και κ?νει αναφορ? στην αναγκαι?τητα αν?πτυξη? τεχνολογικο? π?λου που να συνδ?ει την αν?πτυξη καινοτομι?ν με την παραγωγικ? δραστηρι?τητα. ΕΚΘΕΣΗ ΝΕΟΦΥΩΝ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΩΝ ΣΤΟ ΣΥΔΝΕ?Τον Οκτ?βριο 2017 (13-22/10/2017) διεξ?γεται στο Σ?δνε? ?κθεση Νεοφυ?ν Επιχειρ?σεων με τον τ?τλο Spark Festival ?που θα παρουσιαστο?ν καινοτομικ?? ιδ?ε? με σκοπ? την υλοπο?ησ? του? στην πρ?ξη.ΕΠΙΤΥΧΗΜΕΝΕΣ ΘΕΡΜΟΚΟΙΤΙΔΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΝΕΟΦΥΕΙΣ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΙΣ ΣΤΟ ΣΥΔΝΕ? 56515635000025 fifteen Founded in 2013, 25fifteen is a group of successful entrepreneurs (Luke Carruthers alone has had five exits from his eight startups) and industry veterans who use their execution experience, capital and relationships to build startups that can reach a profitable exit. As a startup studio, the majority of their projects are internally founded with external entrepreneurs brought in when the business has traction and needs someone to manage it full-time.? From time to time the company will work with external founders who share our philosophy of how to build successful startups. “We’re very focused on building successful businesses in way that makes sense within the Australian context,” shared Kim Heras, founding partner at 25fifteen. “Whether those startups are locally or globally focussed is not the point. The main issue for 25Fifteen is how do we apply our processes to large markets where there are real problems that aren’t being adequately solved in order to create businesses of value. “As a startup that builds startups?we’re very heavily aligned with the co-founders we work with. We might bring those co-founders in to help us with our projects, or we might join them on their projects. Either way everything we do is about putting in whatever is necessary to the startup to help get it closer to exit.”5651543180000ATP Innovations What does it take to be Australia’s leading startup accelerator? Working with over 80 businesses over the last several years to help them raise over $121 million. “We don’t just incubate growth,” the website reads, “we multiply your successes and help transform technology businesses into high value companies.” The accelerator has other impressive stats: over 350 people employed by their technology businesses; $28 million has been awarded in competitive government grants; over 100 products and services have launched every year; and 25 percent of ATP Innovations’ client companies have more than doubled in size. The management team at ATP Innovations are highly experienced business builders. With expertise across a broad range of disciplines, they are able to quickly and effectively add value to your venture. Over the last five years we have worked with more than 80 businesses on capital raising, building teams, accessing grants, developing new products, growing revenue and selling businesses.BlueChilli works with non-technical entrepreneurs, investors and corporate customers to build, grow and invest in great new tech startup ventures. The company is well on its way to “smashing" its ambitious goal of creating 100 awesome startups by 2016. Headquartered in Sydney with portfolio startups in most Australian capitals, the US and Canada, BlueChilli will 190571437500open new startup incubator premises in Melbourne, Asia and the US in 2015. BlueChilli invests technology IP, expert skills and early-stage funding in the startups it creates via a rigorous accelerator program curriculum, a dedicated product development team and the AUD10M BlueChilli Venture Fund, one of only 10 funds to gain ESVCLP status in Australia. Founder and CEO Sebastien Eckersley-Maslin, who proudly shares that he was state Lego building champion at age 8, knows that Sydney is not the Australian version of Silicon Valley. That doesn’t mean the startup game here can’t be successful, he said. “Australia has no shortage of entrepreneurs, but our experience in commercialising new technology is lacking, and we don’t have ready access to Silicon Valley’s large community of experienced technology engineers and developers. BlueChilli’s focus is to empower non-technical entrepreneurs with great ideas, acting as their technical and advisory partner, and taking a minority equity position to align ourselves with their success. Our experience with lean startup methodology is now in demand in corporate strategy, as large brands seek to learn how to identify, validate and develop innovations cheaply and rapidly, like a startup does.” “Fishburners is more than just a coworking space, we’re a passionate community of startups.” And that’s exactly what Fishburners’ business wants: a community. By offering a space for startups to well, start up, Fishburners is filling a need that all fledgling businesses have: a place to work. What’s so unique about this space is that it integrates 190545466000so many different individuals and businesses, creating a network of skill sharing and experience. Have questions about your accounting? A bookkeeper only works a few desks down from yours. Want a consultation with someone who works in marketing? Down the hall and to your left, please. “I believe the true value in Fishburners is our members,” shared Murray Hurps, GM. “Currently there are 185 talented, motivated and experienced people sharing expertise, networks and energy.? Wins from the community often set the bar for the other companies as well, which helps maintain motivation.? It's a buzzing, exciting community and I've honestly learned more in three years here than I have in the 15 years of running software companies previously.” With full-time, part-time or daily options for space, Fishburners is the startups’ solution to the where? question. “In over 18 months, I have come to appreciate the community, collaboration and creativity of the members in this amazing space,” said Michael Correa, founder of Earwerm. “Talent, openness, encouragement and experience, more than I anticipated when I first decided to look for a tech co-working office.”190542862500INCUBATE is new to the startup acceleration scene, but is doing some pretty cool things from the University of Sydney and two entrepreneurial students. Since then, the award-winning program has provided four batches of startups the unique opportunity to grow on a university campus. Forty startups have come through the program since 2012 and over 70 percent of them are still actively working on their businesses. The company just recently announced its latest intake of startups, which are provided $5,000 in?seed funding, co-working space on campus, Internet, printing and offices resources as well as the use of meeting rooms, advice from industry experts, as well as mentoring from some of Australia’s most experienced business minds and alumni. INCUBATE looks for startups to join the program that are using technology to explore a broad range of applications. They are working on solutions to benefit business and society, while offering students the chance to develop their startup idea with the guidance of the best mentors and business advisors in Australia.?“The Incubate program demystifies entrepreneurship at university - it makes this career path accessible and real. It’s not easy, but that's the fun of inventing the future!” says Atomology Founder and CEO, Peter Liddicoat, one of the organisation’s newest startups. "We're looking to further develop our offering in the future, which includes establishing a seed investment fund and we’re looking to speak with individual and companies that believe in supporting student entrepreneurship by partnering with Incubate to assist program growth” says Program Manager, James Alexander.The Founder Institute operates all over the world and has a dedicated arm of the company in Sydney, Australia. It’s the world’s largest entrepreneur training and startup launch program, helping aspiring founders across the globe build enduring technology companies. The program offered is four months and part-time, allowing participating startups to learn by doing, and launch a company through structured training course, practical business building assignments and expert feedback... and you don’t even have to quit your current day job to participate! The Founder Institute's vision is to “Globalize Silicon Valley” and help entrepreneurs across the globe launch meaningful and enduring technology companies. Over 30,000 people have applied, and although there is a cost to become a part of the program, participating companies find it worth their while. "If you're lucky enough to get accepted and graduate from the program, these costs are negligible. In fact, I would go as far as saying that this is the best money you'll ever spend on your business," shared Gary Herman, a Silicon Valley graduate. The Founder’s Institute helps build the foundation of the founder so that when he or she is ready to establish the startup, they have the tools and know-how necessary to do so.ΘΕΡΜΟΚΟΙΤΙΔΕΣ ΝΕΟΦΥΩΝ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΩΝ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΤΑΞΙΝΟΜΗΣΗ ΑΝΑ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ you’ll find the first, full, regularly updated list and directory of all the incubators and startup accelerators across Australia. If you’re looking to take your idea or company to the next level in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart and surrounds –?check it out! To find out what’s happening in Australia’s startup community including the latest entry dates for incubators and accelerators,?subscribe?to our weekly fetches delivered straight to your inbox!NEW SOUTH WALESStartmate?|?@startmateSydney basedFive-month program focused on internet startups chasing large markets with technical founders8 teams accepted$50,000 investment for 7.5% of each startup’s equityIncludes trip to Silicon ValleyIncludes two demo days (one in Sydney and one in Silicon Valley)Mentors of note include founders of Atlassian, Hitwise and Spreets, and?partners at Southern Cross VenturesFor application dates and details, see?hereExcelincSydney (& Melbourne) based incubatorLooking for early stage ideas from a range of industries (IT software/hardware, financial technology, P2P, sharing economy, childcare construction, trades, hospitality)12-month programIntakes four times each year$20,000 investment, mentors, access to interns, roadshow to Silicon Valley (USA), working space, in-house support (graphic design/ admin support/ accounting)For application dates and more information, see?hereFounder Institute?|?@foundingSydney basedFour-month idea-stage accelerator program and global launch networkFounders receive expert training, feedback, and support from experienced startup CEOsLocal and international mentorsTargeting entrepreneurs wanting to?create meaningful and enduring technology companiesAlready launched 500+ technology companies in 20+ cities around the worldFor application dates and details, see?hereIgnition Labs?|?@ignitionlabs_auSydney-based accelerator programNiche focus for each cohort (2012 – Cleantech / 2013 Medtech)Three to six-month program focused on cohort needs$25,000 investment, mentors, space and entrepreneurial program for 7.5% equityInternational roadshow to the United States and EuropeProgram runs once annuallyFor application dates and details, see?herePollenizer?|?@pollenizerSydney basedPartnership-style arrangement for less-technical foundersOffer a funding and capital-raising program through Pollenizer VenturesApplications are via a direct pitch?hereMentoring is via the founders and a wider friends and founders groupPushStart?|?@pushstartSydney basedThree-month community-run program focused on tech startups10 teams accepted$20,000 in cash, office space, and services for 8% common equityIncludes an Investor Day with presentations to angels and VCsMentors of note include founders of DesignCrowd, Spreets, Freelancer and PosseFor application dates and details, see?hereVenture Incubator SpaceSydney basedSubsidised-cost space available to approved UNSW students and alumniSpace will be granted to successful applicants for a period of up to 12 monthsBlueChilli?|?@bluechilligroupSydney based (although recently opened in Melbourne too)Partnership-style arrangement for less-technical foundersDelivers one new startup every two months,Applications are via a direct pitch?hereBig focus on marketingMentoring is via the founderFor more information about the Venture Technology investments, see?hereCreative Industries Innovation Centre (CIIC)?| ?@c_innovationAn Australian government initiativeCreative industries focusedProvides free business advisory services for all creatives great and smallFor more information,?click hereMuru-D?|?@murudau?Sydney basedSix months program with tailored support focused on ‘investor ready’ entrepreneursUp to 20 groups accepted annually$40,000 investment for 6% of each startups equityMentors of note include CEO of , founder of AppVillage, co-founder of Pollenizer GlobalFor application process and details,?click hereATP Innovations?|?@ATPInnovationsSydney based technology business incubatorMentor and guidance for startup founders and early-stage management teamsWork with >50 technology based business in life science, engineering and softwareSeven companies sold in seven years, 70+ products launched each year, $20M in government grants, $80M raised from private investorsIncubator community has access to unique serviced office space, laboratories, strategic guidance and mentoring, capital assistance and access to a professional networkHost Startmate and Ignition Labs in the ATP Innovations Accelerator HubApplications accepted all year. See?here?for details.VICTORIAAngel Cube Melb?|?@angelcubemelbMelbourne basedThree-month intensive program plus three months ongoing4 teams accepted$20,000 investment for 10% of each startup’s equityIncludes a demo day to investorsMentors of note include founders of 99Designs/Sitepoint, Stateless Systems and CrowdmassFor application dates and details, see?hereYork Butter Factory?|?@yorkbutterMelbourne basedCoworking space operated by VC-firm Adventure CapitalFocused on digital media and web 2.0 companiesIncubator program TBA??Gen Innovation Australia (GENIAUS)?|?@morewalkBased in South East MelbourneCommunity and youth orientedSkill and resource sharing incubatorPredominantly for interactive media, digital art and technology companiesIdeation to commercialisation program for all?venturesPeer based mentoring system with additional support from business angels, IP lawyers and seasoned entrepreneursFor application details, see?hereSmall Technologies Cluster?|?@stcaustraliaMelbourne basedFocused on emerging and enabling technologies (micro-, nano-, bio-technology, medical technology and convergent ICT)Advanced technology co-working spaceIncubator facilities include lab space, clean rooms, a GMP facility, an engineering workshop and office spaceAccess to grant application support, business mentor-ship, workshops and trainingMktplace Ventures?|?@mktplacevSouth Melbourne based?Well-established eco-system that allows us to create, invest in and grow start-ups.Founded by experienced tech start up experts with multiple ASX exists and listing to their name.Our method is to commercialise IP, capitalise for grow and realise value for founders.Able to provide onsite and in-house legal, financial, technology, marketing and strategy support.Current tech-portfolio includes pre-seed start-ups in VR, Bots, Marketplaces, Agri tech, big data and a music platform.If you need any support, advice or capital for your start-up, please email info@QUEENSLANDiLab?|?@ilabacceleratorBrisbane basedFocused on early-stage tech startupsVariety of programs?for entrepreneurs, including the Germinate program offering three months training, mentoring and office space and up to $20k in fundingTo apply to a program,?click hereMentors from a diverse background, full list?hereBrisbane Technology ParkQueensland’s premier business parkBusiness mentors and venture capitalists are readily accessible$300 million in new facilities planned to come online over the next five yearGold Coast Innovation Centre?|?@GCinnovationGold Coast based with a primary focus on SE QueenslandFocus on early-stage, knowledge-based startupsMentors provide decades of highly qualified skills and experience across a wide range of professionsHelps young tech companies turn ideas into businessesSee the following for details about?GCIC Membership Criteria,?Admission Process,?Membership Lifecycle?and the?Application FormInnovation Centre?|?@innovationcentrSunshine coast basedFocuses on Digital, Cleantech, Health and Creative industriesHas business incubator and accelerator programsFor details on entry criteria and selection process, see?hereQUT Creative Enterprise Australia?|?@QUTCEABrisbane basedOperate an investment fund called Creative Enterprise Fund open across AustraliaFounders receive expert training, feedback, and support from experienced industry professionalsLocal and international mentorsTargeting creative entrepreneurs wanting to?create meaningful and enduring creative industry-based companiesStudio space, production facilities, fashion studio, on-site production facilities, mentoring, trainingPredominantly for creative industries including film, television, music, design, fashion, games, IT and interactive mediaFocused on emerging and startup businesses, as well as established high-growth-potential businessesFor more information, see?hereKPMG Energise ENRBrisbane / Perth basedFocussed on solutions in Mining, Oil & Gas, Energy, Utilities, AgTech and related services sectorsHelps ENR startups develop the skills and connections to gain greater traction with Tier 1 ENR corporationsAimed at established startups with a proven technology solution, either via customer revenue or evidence of customer validationWork one day per week for 12 weeks from the KPMG offices in either Brisbane or PerthSPARK BUREAU?|?@sparkbureauSunshine Coast not-for-profit technology startup incubatorSelective program providing access to coworking and mentoring for up to 12 monthsEmerging Technology and Smart City FocusIn association with Australia’s only?Greenfield Smart CityWESTERN AUSTRALIAAtomicSky?|?@atomicskyvcPerth-based startup incubator and acceleratorOnsite startup consulting services and coworking spaceA Microsoft BizSpark network partnerFor more information, see?hereFounder Institute?|?@foundingPerth basedFour-month idea-stage accelerator program and global launch networkFounders receive expert training, feedback, and support from experienced startup CEOsLocal and international mentorsTargeting entrepreneurs wanting to?create meaningful and enduring technology companiesAlready launched 500+ technology companies in 20+ cities around the worldFor application dates and details, see?hereSpacecubed Intensify Scholarship?|?@space3edFor social, technology and creative entrepreneursSpecifically designed to provide support for early stage of idea developmentUnlimited access to Spacecubed for 3 monthsAccess to mentors and Spacecubed NetworkAccess to the 320 members of the Spacecubed CommunityA program of event’s designed around the scholarship winner’s needs.For application dates and details, see?hereSOUTH AUSTRALIAANZ InnovyzSTART?|?@InnovyzStart9 month long programIntake every 3 monthsEach intake focuses on a different industry, upcoming industries include?advanced manufacturing, resources, energy, water, agri-business and applied technology?Located at Tonsley and partnered/located with Co-Hab, a modern co-working spaceAccess to over $500,000 in perks, available through the Global Accelerator Network and f6sNew Ventures Institute at Flinders University?|?@NVIFlindersBased in AdelaideInspires, educates and connects innovators and entrepreneurs, growing and supporting new ventures through a range of initiativesIncubator and co-working space?available in the?Tonsley Innovation precinctMentoring and service supportDirect links to Silicon Valley accelerator and Hills Industries Innovation CentreTASMANIAStartup Tasmania?|?@startuptasmaniaHobart basedCoworking space with an investor and entrepreneur networking group attachedLinked to Angel Investors TasmaniaFocused on fast-growth startupsMentoring is via the founders of the spaceMany of the programs have mentors that are involved across two or three of the aboveAnything need updating or have we forgotten something? Just?email our team.You can also follow our Twitter List –>?ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΕΣ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΙΣ ΣΤΟ ΧΩΡΟ ΤΗΣ ΚΑΙΝΟΤΟΜΙΑΣ ΧΡΗΜΑΤΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΩΝ ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΩΝ“AUSTRALIAN FINTECH” in FinTech takes two directions. Firstly you can invest your funds into companies such as peer to peer lenders for them to distribute as loans. This takes the form of either direct investment for the wholesale investor or investment into managed investment schemes that administer the funds for a fixed return. Obviously as the level of management increases the returns will decrease but so too will the risk.The second approach that is starting to gain a foothold is to invest directly into the companies themselves through new ‘crowd funding’ platforms that provide you with equity for your investment. These equity raising platforms are great for anyone looking to invest in the early stage of exciting new companies. They even assist in helping a startup organise their existing investors by providing an appropriate structure for the friends and family that traditionally help a company get off the ground. This means as the companies grow and start to look for venture capital they have an appropriate structure to ensure the interest of the investor is not distracted by the need to deal with so many investors.The alternative to investing – in the true sense of the word – is to fund the development of a product and therefore a business through crowd funding platforms that focus on products. Over the last few years there have been more and more of these platforms being developed. The most famous and the catalyst for the industry was Kickstarter. Here a company develops a pitch for a product they would like to develop and you pre-purchase the product or an alternative product or service to help them raise the funds they need.?If?they are able to reach their?entire?fund-raising goal then your funds are directed to the company in question and they begin to develop their product. This process has led to the development of some amazing new innovations.Incubators, Hubs and AcceleratorsAre you looking for some support from experienced mentors or would you just to surround your team with like-minded FinTech professionals – then look no further than a FinTech hub, accelerator or incubator. With the exponential growth of FinTech around the world there is sure to be support near by.Stone & ChalkStone & Chalk is an independent, not-for-profit Fintech hub whose overarching objective is to help foster and accelerate the development of world-leading Fintech start-ups.?It?is?a?physical “centre of gravity” for the local Fintech eco-system.Visit WebsiteTyro FinTech HubTyro FinTechHub is Australia’s premier location for start-ups?across the full spectrum of fintech. It is located in the heart of Sydney’s financial district in a modernist building, with a generous floorplan and architect-designed fitout.Visit WebsiteSlingshot bring corporates and startups together. They know where to start. For Corporates – Slingshot runs Corporate Accelerator programs, they can help your company find the right innovative ideas to stimulate and grow your business. For Startups – Like many other incubator and accelerator programs they provide finance and mentors. But unlike other programs, they also give you access to large customer bases with the right product-market fit for your ideas. Slingshot programs provide an opportunity to work with large Australian corporates to develop commercial and investment relationships. Slingshot has a dedicated $10 million dollars fund that’s both seeds startups and has the ability to follow on in future funding rounds.Visit WebsiteRiver City Labs is a not for profit organisation providing co-working space for early stage and startup businesses in the mobile, Internet, telecoms and technology sector in the Brisbane area.River City Labs aims to be the central coordinating point for related entrepreneurial activity in Brisbane.Visit WebsiteStartmate is a network of founders offering mentorship and seed financing to technical teams creating global Internet startups from Australia. The mentors have extensive experience growing successful tech businesses such as Atlassian co-founders, Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar. Over 200 startups from across the country apply each year and 25 of these are shortlisted for interviews. Of these, Startmate select the best eight. Visit Websitemuru-D is the startup accelerator backed by Telstra. They support the very best tech entrepreneur talent that the Asian Pacfic region has to offer. Together, they’re taking great digital ideas to a global market. Their goal is to help Australia & South East Asia become a centre of digital business by providing mentoring, tailored acceleration services and investment to early stage startups. If you have a great digital idea, muru-D has the experience to help you accelerate that idea. They want to hear from you. Visit WebsiteiAccelerate is a University of Wollongong (UOW) business incubator program that is here to help you build and grow your business. iAccelerate is a business incubator designed to support UOW students, staff and the greater Illawarra Community. We are building a successful innovative economy for the future of the region. Visit WebsiteATP Innovations is Australia’s only super incubator providing long term, tailored advise for tech entrepreneurs. As the leading and most awarded technology incubator, ATP Innovations selectively partners with advanced technology startups and entrepreneurs to help them achieve success through strategic and tactical mentoring and support programs. Visit WebsiteLakeba is a dynamic collection of experience, technology, and development capabilities that provide a turnkey?service to identify and accelerate innovative ideas through to commercialisation. They’re?an innovation accelerator, a developer, a tech-hub, and a tech lab. Lakeba combines identifying and filtering early stage ideas, the ability to rapidly build scalable systems, and a?team of acceleration experts delivering fast commercialisation opportunities, to maximise its opportunity to achieve?great innovation success. Visit WebsiteYork Butter Factory Established in 2011 inside a 1850s heritage-listed space, York Butter Factory is the destination point and open innovation platform for Australia’s most innovative technology startups, corporates and early-stage investors with bold and global ambitions. Their curated open innovation platform focuses on B2B startups in the areas of FinTech, HealthTech, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Analytics, Cloud and SaaS, Gamification and Marketplaces, CyberSecurity and AdTech. Visit WebsiteInnovation BayInnovation Bay is a not-for-profit networking group bringing together extraordinary people passionate about innovation, entrepreneurship and technology. So far, they’ve helped entrepreneurs raise over $10M in seed investments, and they’re on the lookout for more ideas and innovations outside the mundane borders of the imaginable. Visit WebsitePushStart is a community organisation for Australian Startups. Their goal is the creation of an ongoing sustainable ecosystem for entrepreneurs who choose to live in Australia. Visit WebsiteTank Stream Labs is a co-working & entrepreneur community located in the heart of Sydney’s CBD. They offer an inspiring work environment for entrepreneurs and startups. Their culture is one of collaborative productivity, resource & knowledge sharing. Co-working isn’t just about a desk, it’s also about the sense of community and collaboration. Visit WebsiteFishburners is more than just a coworking space, they’re a passionate community of startups.Their vision is to bring together the best startups in Australia and help grow the tech scene in Sydney. Fishburners is different from other co?working spaces because they’re a non?profit that only exists thanks to the amazing support of our community and sponsors. For you, this means they can offer one of the cheapest co?working memberships in Sydney. Visit WebsiteBlueChilli helps talented founders build businesses using their purpose-built methodology designed to accelerate a startup’s path to launch, growth and scale. Leveraging the hindsight and experience of serial entrepreneurs, lean startup experts and startup mentors in their program, in addition to selected business tools, BlueChilli helps founders build highly investable, scalable and well-designed businesses that are enabled by technology. Visit WebsiteAIIA/AUSTRALIAN INFORMATION IDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONΒΡΑΒΕΙΑ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΙΝΟΤΟΜΙΩΝ the iAwardsThe key goal of the iAwards is to discover, recognise and reward the technology innovations that have the potential to, or are already having a positive impact on the community – at home, in the office and on a global scale. iAwards submissions are accepted from innovators across the whole Australian economy, whether you are an individual, a group, a government or private organisation, or a student. Proudly hosted by the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA), the iAwards operates in all Australian states and territories, including in WA via WAITTA's?Incite Awards and in Tasmania with the support of TasICT. iAwards winners and merit recipients at the state level proceed to become National Finalists, competing at the pinnacle event of the iAwards calendar: the National iAwards.State iAwards EventsEach State or Territory hosts an iAwards Presentation event in May, where local branches, sponsors and members of the digital economy announce the State and Territory Winners and Merit recipients for the iAwards. These awards honour the best and most innovative solutions in each State or Territory. Winners and merit recipients of these State and Territory awards go on to represent their State or Territory at the National iAwards, held in Melbourne in August.National iAwardsThe pinnacle event in the iAwards calendar each year is the National iAwards. This collaborative series of events are planned to showcase the inspiring achievements of our home grown innovations. Winners from the State iAwards present their pitches live to the judges. The judges will finalise the winners and merit recipients in each category, to be presented at the National iAwards Presentation and Gala Dinner in Melbourne. The Gala celebration dinner provides the grand finale for the event and will and will be held in August this year. The event has traditionally been a fantastic evening, with fantastic food and fun, with plenty of opportunities to meet like-minded peers and potential investors.Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) AwardsWith support and participation by many Asia Pacific economies,??this annual competition, where entries are usually already winners of ICT related award schemes in member economies, has over the decade grown to be regarded as a quality, prestigious and best-of-the-best award..National category iAward winners and merit recipients may be invited to compete at these awards.AIIAThe Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) is Australia’s peak representative body and advocacy group for those in the digital ecosystem.Since 1978 the AIIA has pursued activities to stimulate and grow the digital ecosystem, to create a favourable business environment for our members and to contribute to Australia’s economic prosperity. We do this by delivering outstanding member value by?providing a strong voice of influence;?building a sense of community through events and education;?enabling a network for collaboration and inspiration; and?developing compelling content and relevant and interesting information. For more information, please visit .auWAITTA Incite AwardsHYPERLINK ""In Western Australia, winners of the?state-based Incite Awards are eligible to compete in the national iAwards. The Incite Awards?showcase the brilliance of ICT in Western Australia and are organised?by the Western Australian Information Technology and Telecommunications Alliance (WAITTA). For more information, please visit .au/iAwards CategoriesThere are fourteen iAwards up for grabs in 2017, including the?most recognised technology innovation award in Australia?- the AIIA Innovation of the Year iAward. These are:Consumer MarketsCommunity Service MarketsIndustrial & Primary IndustriesPublic Sector & GovernmentBusiness Service MarketsUndergraduate Tertiary Student(s)Senior Student(s)Junior Student(s)Startup of the YearResearch & Development Project of the YearMobility Innovation of the YearInfrastructure & Platforms Innovation of the YearBig Data / Machine Learning Innovation of the YearAIIA Innovation of the Year iAward (National iAwards only)Victorian Government Inspiration of the Year Award Winner (National iAwards only)The 2017 iAwards are structured around five main?organisation categories?and three?student categories.?Choosing the right organisation category for you depends on the primary market for your innovation. Where the innovation is marketed to more than one group of users (e.g. a product which both businesses and consumers use), the nomination should be submitted under the Core Category or target market for which the innovation was originally developed. Students (except postgraduate tertiary students) are required to select the 'Student' category relevant to them.In a single submission, you are entitled to enter a maximum of three award categories (conditions apply), depending on whether or not they are relevant to your innovation.?This diagram?may aid your understanding of the category structure.- - - ................

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