Social Psychology - Geary High School

Due Process of Law: Crash Course U.S. Government #28

Available at or just youtube/google “Crash Course US Government 28”

1. On the most basic level, due process is what it means to have

a ____________________.

a. What are the two types of due process? Identify and

describe each.

2. The first clause of the 5th Amendment basically says that if

you are charged with a crime, you are entitled to a _________

________ that must look at the evidence and decide that there

is enough to bring you to trial.

3. The second protection the 5th Amendment gives us is against ______________________

_______________, where the state tries you for a crime, loses its case, and then decides to try you again for the exact same crime.

4. The third clause in the 5th Amendment is that you can’t be compelled to be a __________


5. What is the last clause in the 5th Amendment and what does it mean?

6. What are the elements of a “fair trial”?

7. What advice does Craig give as the main takeaway

from the Miranda case?

8. Court cases like Miranda and Gideon help to define

how agents of the state, in this case law enforcement

and judicial officers, must act so that they don’t

_____________________________ on our liberties.


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