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Monmouth University

School of Education

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate’s Name: Sari Krachman

Tentative Date: March 7, 2017 (Day 7 of Unit Plan)

Lesson Title: Force and Motion in the Amusement Park


• Grade Level/Subject- 5th grade/Science

• Disability Categories represented- ASD, SLD, LD

• Type of classroom (continuum of placements)- inclusion classroom

• Describe UDL integration- Students will have access to different forms of technology (Multiple Means of Action and Expression), and will actively engage in the VFT with the activity packet (Multiple Means of Engagement)

Collaborative methods used to enhance the lesson- Collaboration with other teachers and school resources

Central Focus:

I. Standards:

New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards (NJCCCS)

• 5.2.4.E.1- Demonstrate through modeling that motion is a change in position over a period of time

• 5.2.4.E.2- Identify the force that starts something moving or changes its speed or direction of motion

Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

• CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.3.3- Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect

• CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.8- Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories

New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers (NJPST)

• Standard Four: Content Knowledge- The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of discipline(s) he or she teaches, particularly as they relate to the Common Core Standards and the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content

• Standard Eight: Instructional Strategies- The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)- Standards for Professional Practice

• Standard 1.1- Systematically individualize instructional variables to maximize the learning outcomes of individuals with exceptionalities

• Standard 1.4- Create safe, effective, and culturally responsive learning environments which contribute to fulfillment of needs, stimulation of learning, and realization of positive self-concepts

II. Learner Outcomes:

• Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of force and motion in an amusement park by completing the activity packet on the VFT

• Students will be able to explain force and motion using real life examples by participating in a whole group discussion

III. Assessments:

Formative Assessments

• Discussion (Anticipatory Set)

• Exit Slip (Closure)

Summative Assessments

• Activity Packet (Guided Practice and Independent Practice)

Academic Language:

|Identified Language Demands |Planned Language Supports |

|Vocabulary words |Whole class discussion |

|VFT |Activity packet |


• Overall time of class is one hour (60 minutes)

• Each section of the lesson plan will have the following durations:

o Anticipatory Set- 10 minutes

o Guided Practice- 15 minutes

o Independent Practice- 30 minutes

o Closure- 5 minutes

Instruction Strategies and Learning Tasks:

Anticipatory Set (10 minutes)

• The lesson will begin by asking students to recall the material covered in the lesson from the previous day

• Students will review their answers from “Day One” of their activity packet

• Explain to students that they will be navigating the VFT on their own today and will officially begin the “field trip”

Guided Practice (15 minutes)

• Each student will get their own Chromebook to use at their desk

o This may take a little longer to get the students organized and logged onto the website

o Website: forcesmotionmachines.

• Students will begin the VFT as a whole class to make sure that every student understands how the VFT works and how to navigate through the website

o Complete a few questions from activity packet as a whole class

Independent Practice (30 minutes)

• Students will complete “Day Two” of their activity packet independently

o The activity packets will ask students questions to check for their understanding of the content being taught, which is an evidence-based teaching strategy (Killian, 2013)

Closure (5 minutes)

• Have the students put their activity packets in a safe place

o If students did not complete “Day Two” of the activity packet, they may take it home to complete

• Ask the students if anyone has any questions about what was covered in today’s lesson and to share something interesting that they learned about from today’s lesson

Accommodations for diverse learners and students with special needs):

|Identified Support for …… |Specific Characteristic |Planned Accommodation(s) |

| |(Strength/Need) | |

|ELL students |Struggles with specific vocabulary |List of important vocabulary words |

| |words of a topic | |

|Students with IEPs or 504 Plans |Trouble processing information |Visual directions as well as given directions verbally |

|Struggling students (without IEP/504 Plans) |Trouble staying on task; easily |Assistance from teacher and/or another student |

| |distracted | |

Modifications for students with disabilities:

|Identified Support for ……(see list above) |Specific Characteristic |Planned Modification(s) |

| |(Strength/Need) | |

|ELL students |Struggles with specific vocabulary |Printout of vocabulary words with definition and picture |

| |words of a topic | |

|Students with IEPs or 504 Plans |Trouble processing information |No modifications needed |

|Struggling students (without IEP/504 Plans) |Trouble staying on task; easily |Incentives for completing parts of activity packet |

| |distracted | |

Materials / Use of Instructional Technology:

• SmartBoard

• Vocabulary worksheet (for ELL student)

• Computer

• Chromebooks

• VFT website (forcesmotionmachines.)

• Activity Packet

• Pencils

Homework / Assignment for Next Class:

• For those students who did not complete “Day Two” of the activity packet, they are to finish it at home

• Students are encouraged to share the VFT at home to show their families what they are doing in school


Killian, S. (2013, November 20). Top 10 Evidence Based Teaching Strategies. Retrieved February 18, 2017, from The Australian

Society for Evidence Based Teaching:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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