First Grade - Mrs. Pulliam's 5th Grade Class

Fifth Grade

Room 19



Welcome to fifth grade! I am very excited to have the opportunity to work with you and your child this school year. Please use this booklet as a reference guide. It has been prepared to address some of the most common curriculum and classroom routine questions.

Thank you,

Leisa Pulliam

Readers Workshop

Readers Workshop will take place five days a week and will focus on specific reading skills. Students will be asked to try out these skills during their independent reading time. Students will be reading independently each day for at least 40 minutes in class. We will also explore various genres including fantasy, realistic fiction, mystery, historical fiction, science fiction, and nonfiction.

Book Requirement

All students are going to be required to read 30 books throughout the school year. They will have to pick books from a variety of genres. The first marking period, students will need to read 7 books. The second marking period, students will need to read 8 books. The third marking period, students will need to read 8 books. The fourth marking period, students will need to read 7 books. Information was already sent home on this earlier this week.

Writers Workshop

Writers Workshop will help students develop skills in becoming informative, fluent writers. Students will be keeping a writer’s notebook where they will be doing all of their writing. This notebook will be used for seed stories only, all flash drafts and final copies will be written on a separate sheet of paper. You will not see much writing come home as we keep it at school to review it as part of the writing process. You can expect your child to bring home at least one completed writers notebook at the end of the school year.

The units that we will be working through this year are narrative craft, Literary Essay, the Lens of History Research Reports, Shaping Texts, and Research-Based Argument Essay.

We will also be doing a Paragraph a Week (PAW) where students will be responsible for writing one paragraph as a homework assignment every week. The assignment will be given on a Thursday, discussed in class, and then assigned for homework. Students will write their PAW in a composition notebook and return it to school by the next Wednesday. Each paragraph will require an idea planning page, a rough draft, and a well-written final copy. Please help your child by editing their rough draft and helping him/her complete good quality writing every week.

Word Study

This year we are using Words Their Way to teach children how to compose and decompose words so they will be able to decode words while reading and writing. This program may or may not have weekly tests to see the progress a student has made with a certain word pattern. This is the same program that students did last year so it should be an easy adjustment for the students.


This year, in Science, we have the opportunity to use the new programs consisting of the Next Generation Michigan Science Standards. These science standards will cover physical, life and earth science. The focus of study will include: making observations, designing solutions, planning and conducting investigations , making and using models, analyzing and interpreting data and constructing arguments.

Social Studies

Fifth grade Social Studies covers history from the Native American’s crossing of the Bering Straits through the United States Constitution. Students will continue to learn about the CORE Democratic Values and incorporate them into taking a stand on an issue.

**We alternate between teaching Science and Social Studies.


General 5th grade Math classes will cover all 5th grade Michigan Standards.

Units of study include…

• Operations and Algebraic Thinking

• Number and Operations in Base Ten

• Number and Operations—Fractions

• Measurement and Data

• Geometry

We will be using the Math Expressions program this year. This program focuses on teaching students multiple ways to complete a problem. Standard algorithms are taught after new methods have been learned by students. The reasoning behind this is for students to understand the why instead of just teaching them the how. Students will be given performance assessments to complete throughout the units as well as quarterly common assessments where they will have to use both their knowledge of the how and the why to successfully complete the problems.

Here are a few guidelines for how the homework and the program will be set up.

• Your child will also be bringing home a homework assignment almost every night. Each day, students will be assigned a homework and remembering sheet and will be required to complete the assignment at home. Students are then responsible for bringing this sheet back to school the next day so that they can receive credit for the assignment as well as correct it with the class.

• Students will also be completing assignments in class on a daily basis that correlate to the information presented in the lesson each day. Homework assignments will be an extension of the concepts that they learned that day as well. Students will be encouraged to bring home their math workbooks each day to assist them with their homework and remembering sheets.

Homework Policy

Daily homework assignments are always due the following day. If your child does not finish an assignment in class during the allotted time, it automatically becomes homework and is due the next day. Projects or special assignments will have a posted due date. If a student has not turned in any late work during the week, they will get to play Homeworkopoly on Friday’s. If students do not have any missing work at the end of the week, they will get to participate in On Track Time. If an emergency occurs, please send in a short note or email me explaining the situation and I will give extra time as needed.


Students fill planners out each morning for part of their morning work. If an assignment is not finished in class, students will write HW next to the subject and highlight it indicating that they will need to finish the assignment for homework. I will also stamp students planners at the end of the school day which indicates that they have completely filled it out. I am requiring that you check your student’s planner each night and sign it. If you do not see a stamp, do not sign your child’s planner.

Classroom Website

There is a classroom website that has important classroom information. I encourage students to go to my classroom website and use it to print off missing work and to use the links to educational websites that we frequently will be using in the classroom.

Attendance and Absences

Regular attendance is critical for your child’s success in fifth grade. It is important that your child begin the day with the rest of the class. Instruction starts immediately when school begins at 8:15. Students who arrive after 8:15 am or leave before 3:15 pm are marked tardy, per district policy. Please help your child get to school on time and maintain a good attendance record. If you know in advance that your child will be gone for an extended period of time, please write me a note. Typically, I can prepare some of the activities we will complete when your child is on vacation; however, most work will need to be made up upon his/her return. When a child misses class, work is collected in an absent student folder. This work should be completed within two school days and returned to school. If your child becomes ill and will not be attending school, please call the main office and let them know, this will save them from trying to track you down.



I would love to have volunteers come into the classroom and help out. I will appreciate any time that you can give. If you choose to volunteer please let me know your availability. I ask that siblings stay at home because it can be a distraction to others in the building. Thank you!


Your child should bring an individual snack every day. It is important that we keep our energy up and by having a nutritious snack; we are able to concentrate on our learning. These snacks should be easy and nutritious. We do have a few students who have various nut allergies so all snacks must be nut free. Please do not send candy or sugary treats. We will drink water in the classroom so juice/pop will not be permitted. Students are invited to keep their water bottles on their desks with them during the school day.


Children may bring in tricks (or treats) for their birthdays. All food items must be individually wrapped and we will be sent home to be consumed.

To make birthdays easier, here are a few suggestions…

o Treats may be delivered any time on your child’s birthday (the earlier the better, don’t forget to sign in at the office).

o Children who have summer birthdays may share their treats on their half birthday or another day of your family’s choice.

o When sending treats, please send at least 30 (always better to be safe).

Star Student

Each week, one student will be the Star of the Week. This will give all students an opportunity to learn a bit more about their classmates. As star of the week, students will prepare a poster that includes special photographs to display on a bulletin board in the classroom. I will be sending home the posters with students the week before it is due. Students are also allowed to bring in a special item to share with the class. More information will be sent home with your child as their special day gets closer!


Newsletters will be sent home weekly via e-mail. Newsletters come home at the end of EVERY week. If you do not get a newsletter, please notify me immediately. Please read these carefully. They will contain important weekly information.

Your child will bring their color folder home every day and it will need to be brought back to school every day.

If you need to contact me during the day, e-mail is the best option. If I e-mail you back I have read the e-mail. My email is leisa.pulliam@. If you e-mail me during the school day, I will frequently respond with a quick note and I will get back to you in detail later in the day.

If you email me a dismissal change and you do not hear back from me, please contact the office since I might not be in the building.

Book Orders

Periodically, I send book orders home. If your child wishes to place an order, please return the form(s) with a check made out to the respective book club by the indicated date. You can also place your order online. I will place the order for the class. The books usually arrive in about three weeks. Book clubs are optional, but encouraged. They are a great opportunity to stock home libraries at affordable prices. They also provide the classroom with many free resources. Always remember any money sent to school should be clearly identified with your child’s name on an envelope.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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