5th Grade State Indicators Covered:

[pic] |2nd Grade State Social Studies Indicators Covered:


Week 1 Economics: Recognize that most people work in jobs in which they produce a few special goods or services.

Week 2 Economics: Explain how people are both buyers and sellers of goods and services.

Week 3 Economics: Explain how resources can be used in various ways.

Week 4 Economics: Explain why people in different parts of the world earn a living in a variety of ways. | |

| | |

|2nd Grade Social Studies | |

|September | |

|Unit Plan #1 | |

| | |

| | |

| |Critical Questions: |

| |How can jobs help people purchase goods and services? |

| |Who do we depend upon in our community? What services do they provide? |

| |What are different ways people can pay for goods and services? |

| |Why do countries need to trade with each other? |

| |What are some ways that goods could be moved from Europe to the United States? |

|Skills: The students will learn about | |

|wants, needs, goods, services, and | |

|resources. | |

|Assessments: The students will be assessed at the end of the unit with a unit test. They will receive a study guide sometime in|

|the middle of September. They will also be assessed by observation in the classroom. |

| |

|Dear Parents and Guardians - |

|During the month of September we will be working on the above unit in |

|2nd grade social studies. We will be focusing on becoming proficient in the indicators mentioned above. If you have any |

|questions please feel free to contact me by calling the school at 996-1511 or emailing me at tvprsthomas@ |

|Thanks, |

|Mrs. Thomas |

|[pic] |Grade Level State Indicators Covered: |

| |Content/Concepts: |

| |Week 1 Economics: Recognize that money is a generally accepted medium of exchange for|

| |goods and services. |

| |Week 2 History Daily Life: Use historical artifacts, photographs, biographies, maps,|

| |diaries and folklore to answer questions about daily life in the past. |

| |Week 3 History Daily Life: Identify the work that people performed to make a living |

| |in the past. |

| |Week 4 History Daily Life: Identify and describe examples of how science and |

| |technology have changed the daily lives of people. |

|2nd Grade Social Studies | |

|October | |

|Unit Plan #2 | |

| |Critical Questions: |

| |What is the difference between communication in the past to today’s communication? |

| |What is the difference between transportation of today from that of the past? |

| |How are jobs similar and different from jobs today than jobs from the past? |

| |What do the words bartering and trading mean? |

|Skills: | |

|Students will identify different exchanges | |

|of money. | |

|Students will explain daily life in the | |

|past and the work they performed. | |

|Students will compare communication and | |

|transportation from the past and present. | |

|Assessments: |

|Observation |

|Unit test |

|Booklet comparing past to present |

|Diary |

| |

| |

|Dear Parents and Guardians - |

|During the month of October we will be working on the above unit in |

|2nd grade social studies. We will be focusing on becoming proficient in the indicators mentioned above. If you have any |

|questions please feel free to contact me by calling the school at 996-1511 or emailing me at tvprsthomas@ |

|Thanks, |

|Mrs. Thomas |

|[pic] |Grade Level State Indicators Covered: |

| |Content/Concepts: |

| |Week 1 Government/Role of Govt.: Identify leaders such as mayor, governor and |

| |president, and explain that they are elected by people. |

| |Week 2 Government/Role of Govt.: Explain how a system of government provides order to|

| |a group such as a school or community and why government is necessary. |

| |Week 3 Government/Role of Govt.: Same as above |

| |Week 4 Government/ Rules and Law: Explain the purpose of rules in a workplace. |

|2nd Grade Social Studies | |

|November | |

|Unit Plan #3 | |

| |Critical Questions: |

| |What is the role of the mayor? |

| |What is the role of the governor? |

| |What is the role of our president? |

| |Why do we have rules and laws to follow? |

| |What would happen if we would not have rules? |

|Skills: | |

|The students will identify the roles of | |

|each govt. leader. | |

|The students will explain the rules for | |

|their community and why we need them. | |

|Assessments: |

| |

|Unit test |

|Student Activities |

|Observation |

| |

| |

|Dear Parents and Guardians - |

|During the month of November we will be working on the above unit in |

|2nd grade social studies. We will be focusing on becoming proficient in the indicators mentioned above. If you have any |

|questions please feel free to contact me by calling the school at 996-1511 or emailing me at tvprsthomas@ |

|Thanks, |

|Mrs. Thomas |

|[pic] |Grade Level State Indicators Covered: |

| |Content/Concepts: |

| | |

| |Week 1 Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities: |

| |Demonstrate skills and explain the benefits of cooperation when working in group |

| |settings. |

| |Week 2 Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities: |

| |Demonstrate self - direction in tasks within the school community. |

| |Week 3 Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities: |

| |Demonstrates citizenship traits. |

| |Week 4 Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities: |

| |Demonstrates citizenship traits. |

|2nd Grade Social Studies | |

|December | |

|Unit Plan #4 | |

| |Critical Questions: |

| |What is your responsibility as a citizen? |

| |How can you solve a problem? |

| |What are our rights? |

| |What are the traits of a good citizen? |

|Skills: | |

|The students will learn how to work | |

|together by problem solving and decision | |

|making. | |

|The students will learn their | |

|responsibility as a citizen. | |

|Assessments: |

|Observation |

|Unit test |

|Class project |

|Classroom work |

| |

| |

|Dear Parents and Guardians - |

|During the month of December we will be working on the above unit in |

|2nd grade social studies. We will be focusing on becoming proficient in the indicators mentioned above. If you have any |

|questions please feel free to contact me by calling the school at 996-1511 or emailing me at tvprsthomas@ |

|Thanks, |

|Mrs. Thomas |

|[pic] |Grade Level State Indicators Covered: |

| |Content/Concepts: |

| | |

| |Week 1 Government/Role of Government |

| |Explain the importance of landmarks in the United States and the ideals that they |

| |represent. |

| |Week 2 People in Societies Cultures |

| |Describe the cultural practices and products of people on different continents. |

| |Week 3 People in Societies Diffusion |

| |Describe ways in which language, stories, folk tales, music and artistic creations |

| |serve as expressions of culture and influence the behavior or people living in a |

| |particular culture. |

| |Week 4 People in Societies Diffusion |

| |Explain how contributions of different cultures within the United States have |

| |influenced our common national heritage. |

|2nd Grade Social Studies | |

|January | |

|Unit Plan #5 | |

| |Critical Questions: |

| |What is a monument? |

| |What is a memorial? |

| |How is our culture compared to the culture in South America? |

| |How have different cultures influenced us? |

|Skills: | |

|The students will identify the monuments | |

|and symbols. | |

|The students will compare and contrast | |

|different cultures. | |

|Assessments: |

|Unit Test |

|Classroom Observation |

|Classroom Work |

| |

| |

|Dear Parents and Guardians - |

|During the month of January we will be working on the above unit in |

|2nd grade social studies. We will be focusing on becoming proficient in the indicators mentioned above. If you have any |

|questions please feel free to contact me by calling the school at 996-1511 or emailing me at tvprsthomas@ |

|Thanks, |

|Mrs. Thomas |

|[pic] |Grade Level State Indicators Covered: |

| |Content/Concepts: |

| | |

| | |

| |Week 1 Geography Location |

| |Read and interpret a variety of maps. |

| |Week 2 Geography Location |

| |Read and interpret a variety of maps. |

| |Week 3 Geography Location |

| |Construct a map that includes a map title and key that explains all symbols that are |

| |used. |

| |Week 4 Geography Location |

| |Name and locate the continents and oceans. |

|2nd Grade Social Studies | |

|February | |

|Unit Plan #6 | |

| |Critical Questions: |

| |What items are needed on a map? |

| |Where are the continents and oceans located on a map? |

| |Who needs to use a map when they are at work? And why? |

|Skills: | |

|The students will be able to read a variety| |

|of maps. | |

|The students will be able to name and | |

|locate the continents and oceans. | |

|Assessments: |

|Unit Test |

|Making a Map |

|Observation |

|Classroom work |

| |

| |

|Dear Parents and Guardians - |

|During the month of February we will be working on the above unit in |

|2nd grade social studies. We will be focusing on becoming proficient in the indicators mentioned above. If you have any |

|questions please feel free to contact me by calling the school at 996-1511 or emailing me at tvprsthomas@ |

|Thanks, |

|Mrs. Thomas |

|[pic] |Grade Level State Indicators Covered: |

| |Content/Concepts: |

| | |

| |Week 1 Geography Location: Name and locate the continents and oceans. |

| |Week 2 Geography Places and Regions: Describe and locate landforms and water. |

| |Week 3 Geography Places and Regions: Describe and locate landforms and water. |

| |Week 4 Geography Human Environmental Interaction: Compare how land is used in urban, |

| |suburban and rural environments. |

|2nd Grade Social Studies | |

|March | |

|Unit Plan #7 | |

| |Critical Questions: |

| |What are 5 or more landforms and describe where they are located. |

| |How are urban, suburban, and rural environments the same? |

| |How are urban, suburban, and rural environments different? |

| |How have people changed the land around us? |

|Skills: The students will locate continents| |

|and oceans on a map. | |

|The students will identify landforms and | |

|water. | |

|The students will compare rural, urban, and| |

|suburban land. | |

|Assessments: |

|Unit Test |

|Classroom Work |

|Observation |

| |

| |

|Dear Parents and Guardians - |

|During the month of March we will be working on the above unit in |

|2nd grade social studies. We will be focusing on becoming proficient in the indicators mentioned above. If you have any |

|questions please feel free to contact me by calling the school at 996-1511 or emailing me at tvprsthomas@ |

|Thanks, |

|Mrs. Thomas |

|[pic] |Grade Level State Indicators Covered: |

| |Content/Concepts: |

| |Week 1 Review for the IOWA test over all the objectives taught this year. |

| |Week 2 History: Place a series of related events in chronological order on a |

| |timeline. |

| |Week 3 History: Place a series of related events in chronological order on a |

| |timeline. |

| |Social Studies Skills and Methods: Predict the next event in a sequence. Communicate |

| |information in writing. |

| |Week 4 Social Studies Skills and Methods: |

| |Distinguish the difference between fact and fiction in oral, visual and print |

| |materials. |

|2nd Grade Social Studies | |

|April | |

|Unit Plan #8 | |

| |Critical Questions: |

| |What does a timeline tell us? |

| |Explain the difference between fact and fiction? |

| |What sources are used to gather information? |

| |How do you put together a timeline? |

| |Where could you use a timeline? |

| | |

|Skills: | |

|The students will be able to make a | |

|timeline. | |

|The students will put events in sequential | |

|order. | |

|Assessments: |

|Students will make a timeline. |

|Observation |

|Classroom Work |

|Unit Test |

| |

| |

|Dear Parents and Guardians - |

|During the month of April we will be working on the above unit in |

|2nd grade social studies. We will be focusing on becoming proficient in the indicators mentioned above. If you have any |

|questions please feel free to contact me by calling the school at 996-1511 or emailing me at tvprsthomas@ |

|Thanks, |

|Mrs. Thomas |

|[pic] |Grade Level State Indicators Covered: |

| |Content/Concepts: |

| |Week 1 Heritage: Recognize the importance of individual action and character and |

| |explain how they have made a difference in others’ lives. |

| |Week 2 Heritage: Recognize the importance of individual action and character and |

| |explain how they have made a difference in others’ lives. |

| |Week 3 History Chronology: Measure calendar time by days, weeks, months, and years. |

| |Week 4 History Chronology: List the days of the week and months of the year in order.|

|2nd Grade Social Studies | |

|May | |

|Unit Plan #9 | |

| |Critical Questions: |

| |What individual has made the biggest impact on your life and how? |

| |How has George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Tecumseh, Harriet Tubman, Abraham |

| |Lincoln, Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, and Martin Luther King made a difference |

| |in our lives? |

| |How has George Washington Carver, Thomas Edison, Charles Drew, Rachel Carson, and |

| |Neil Armstrong made a difference in our lives? |

|Skills: | |

|The students will learn about how others | |

|have made a difference in the world. | |

|The students will be able to read a | |

|calendar. | |

|Assessments: |

|Observation |

|Biography Report |

|Unit Test |

|Research projects |

| |

|Dear Parents and Guardians - |

|During the month of May we will be working on the above unit in |

|2nd grade social studies. We will be focusing on becoming proficient in the indicators mentioned above. If you have any |

|questions please feel free to contact me by calling the school at 996-1511 or emailing me at tvprsthomas@ |

|Thanks, |

|Mrs. Thomas |


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