5th Grade ELA

5th Grade ELA

December/January Unit 4: Test Sophistication

Month of December/January, 2007/2008 (WK 1)

|Meta-cognitive |December and January (pre ELA test) is a vital time in test preparation. There are numerous test preparation lessons that the city provides. It is important to narrow down the|

|Thinking |extensive list to the lessons that I believe best fit my own students’ needs. I have used assessments and ELA practice tests to target these standards. Also, The writing that |

| |has to be done on the ELA exam is different than the writing that is done in Writer’s Workshop so I want to have multiple opportunities to go over the format of the writing and |

| |how to use the planning page. This unit will help students successfully write answers to ELA test questions by incorporating strategies they have already learned and using |

| |specific formatting that will be taught. This unit enables students to achieve success on the state exam. |

| |Reading Lesson |Independent Reading |Words Block |Writing Block |

| |Standard 1 |Standard 2: Literary |Phonics – Grammar – Sentence Structure |Standard 1 |

|Objectives and State |Power Standards: | | |Power Standard: |

|Standards |SWBAT: Use knowledge of text structures to recognize| |Fluency – Sight reading of high-frequency words|SWBAT: Take notes to record and organize |

| |and discriminate differences among a variety of | | |relevant data, facts, and ideas with |

|Bolded are the Power |texts and to support | |Editing Focus: Continue editing focuses and |assistance and use notes as part of prewriting |

|Standards |understanding | |review up until the ELA test. Review |activities |

| | | |previously studied concepts as well as create | |

| |SWBAT: Identify information that implied rather than| |editing focuses and mini-lesson where you have |SWBAT: Read and understand test prompt |

| |stated, with assistance | |found your students are struggling. |questions |

| | | | |SWBAT: Take notes and jot down information |

| |SWBAT: Use prior knowledge in concert with text | |Weekly lessons include: |while listening to help remember what they are |

| |information to support comprehension, from forming | |Day 1: |listening to |

| |predictions to making inferences and drawing | |SWBAT: To make a chart of vocab words they |SWBAT: Use notes and jottings to complete a |

| |conclusions | |recognize/words they are unsure of/words they |graphic organizer in the Listening section of |

| | | |have never seen before |the test |

| |SWBAT: Notice the Structure and Features of | |HW: | |

| |different texts in order to discriminate differences | |SWBAT: Make index cards with words and | |

| |among a variety of texts | |definitions | |

| | | |Day 2: | |

| |SWBAT: Use prior knowledge and information from text| |Activity 1 and 2 in packet | |

| |to make Predictions and Confirm predictions | |SWBAT: Trade index cards with words and/or | |

| | | |semantic | |

| |SWBAT: Understanding the Author’s Meaning by Using | |maps for some words | |

| |Text | |Day 3: Writing to learn activity and | |

| |Evidence | |activity packet | |

| |SWBAT: Identify information that is implied rather | |Day 4: Writing to learn/Activity 3 | |

| |than stated by using text evidence | |Day 5: Quiz | |

| | | | | |

| |SWBAT: When You Read a Test Passage, Create an Image| |Week 5: Lessons 6 and 7 Homophones/Homographs | |

| |in Your Mind: Talking to Your Partner about What You | | | |

| |See | | | |

| | | | | |

| |SWBAT: Jot key words and phrases to help keep track | | | |

| |of our thinking | | | |

| | | | | |

|Assessments | |Running Record: ECLAS, |Word sort exit slips at the end of the week | |

| | |DRA, TC or Reading A-Z | | |

|Resources to Refer to: | |F and P First twenty | Month to Month Phonics, Word Study and Phonics|Writer’s Workshop: |

| | |lesson |by Spectrum, Making words, 240 vocabulary words|Lucy Caukins, |

| | |TC Workshop Model Reading |5th graders need to know. |6+ Traits of Writing, |

| | |Workshop Lesson. | |Writing Mini Lessons. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Constructing Responses to Open Ended Questions |

| | | | |By Crowell and Kolba |

| | | | | |

December/January Unit 4: Test Sophistication

Month of December/January, 2007/2008 (WK 2)

| |Reading Lesson |Independent Reading |Words Block |Writing Block |

| |Standard 1 |Standard 2: Literary | |Standard |

|Objectives and State |Power Standard: | |Phonics – Grammar – Sentence Structure |Power Standards: |

|Standards |SWBAT: Identify missing information and |Daily Objectives: | |SWBAT: Respond to writing prompts that follow |

| |irrelevant | |Fluency – Sight reading of high-frequency |listening to literary and informational |

|Bolded are the Power |information |SWBAT: Use a book-log to chart |words |texts |

|Standards |SWBAT: Skim material to gain an overview of |pages and minutes read. | | |

| |content or locate specific information | |Weekly lessons include: | |

| | |SWBAT: Use reading supplies |Day 1: |SWBAT: Use notes and jottings to help answer |

| |SWBAT: Perform a Character |during reader’s |SWBAT: To make a chart of vocab words they |the short answer questions in the Listening |

| |Analysis that recognizes the |workshop (books, post-its, etc.) |recognize/words they are |section |

| |Character Achievements | |unsure of/words they have never seen before | |

| | |SWBAT: Challenge a partner to a |HW: |SWBAT: Use notes and jottings to help answer |

| |SWBAT: Identify the Character’s Motivation and|“page war,” by |SWBAT: Make index cars with words and |the extended response questions in the Listening|

| |identify how the character Changes throughout |setting a page |definitions | |

| |the story |goal for |Day 2: Activity 1 and 2 in packet |SWBAT: Answer an extended response question |

| | |Independent Reading. |SWBAT: Trade index cards with words and/or |using the jottings and the bullets / prompts |

| |SWBAT: Recognize How Setting Affects the | |semantic maps for some words |that follow listening to literary texts |

| |Character |SWBAT: Display friendly book |Day 3: Writing to learn activity and | |

| | |behavior while reading |activity packet |SWBAT: Put the test questions in their own |

| |SWBAT: Think deeply about | |Day 4: Writing to learn/Activity |words to begin the response |

| |characters through Internal | |3 | |

| |Thinking | |Day 5: Quiz | |

| | | | | |

| |SWBAT: Determine the Author’s Purpose | |Week 6: Lesson 8 Eponyms | |

| | | | | |

| |SWBAT: Use Implicit Thinking To Determine | | | |

| |Cause and | | | |

| |Effect | | | |

| | | | | |

| |SWBAT: Skim a text to locate key words and | | | |

| |phrases | | | |

| | | | | |

| |SWBAT: Identify missing information and | | | |

| |irrelevant | | | |

| |information in order to better understand test | | | |

| |texts. | | | |

|Assessments | |Running Record: ECLAS, DRA, TC or|Word sort exit slips at the end of the week | |

| | |Reading A-Z | | |

|Resources to Refer to: | |F and P First twenty lesson | Month to Month Phonics, Word Study and |Writer’s Workshop: |

| | |TC Workshop Model Reading Workshop|Phonics by Spectrum, Making words, 240 |Lucy Caukins, |

| | |Lesson. |vocabulary words 5th graders need to know. |6+ Traits of Writing, |

| | | | |Writing Mini Lessons. |

| | | | |Non-Fiction Writing for Elementary Students |

| | | | | |

December/January Unit 4: Test Sophistication

Month of December/January, 2007/2008

(WK 3)

| |Reading Lesson |Independent Reading |Words Block |Writing Block |

| |Standard: 1, 2 |Standard 2: Literary |Phonics – Grammar – Sentence Structure |Standard 2 |

|Objectives and State Standards|Power Standard: | | |Power Standard: |

| |SWBAT: Read grade-level texts and answer | |Fluency – Sight reading of high-frequency words |SWBAT: Response in writing to prompts that |

|Bolded are the Power Standards|literal, inferential, and evaluative questions | | |follow the reading of literary and |

| |SWBAT: Make inferences and draw conclusions, | |Weekly lessons include: |informational texts |

| |on the basis of information from the text, with| |Day 1: | |

| |assistance | |SWBAT: To make a chart of vocab words they |SWBAT: Use the language of a test question to|

| | | |recognize/words they are unsure of/words they have|begin a response and keep it focused |

| |SWBAT: Think Like The Test Makers and apply | |never seen before | |

| |test taking strategies when reading short texts| |HW: |SWBAT: Use notes and jottings in rewriting |

| | | |SWBAT: Make index cars with words and definitions|test question to help answer short |

| | | |Day 2: Activity 1 and 2 in packet |response questions in the |

| |SWBAT: Identify the different ways that test | |SWBAT: Trade index cards with words and/or |Reading Section |

| |makers may ask | |semantic maps for | |

| |questions (vocabulary) | |some words |SWBAT: Use notes and jottings to find text |

| |SWBAT: Read short texts closely to seek out | |Day 3: Writing to learn activity and activity|based evidence to support the main |

| |the answers | |packet |idea |

| | | |Day 4: Writing to learn/Activity 3 | |

| |SWBAT: Think, Search, ask Questions, and Jot | |Day 5: Quiz | |

| |down | | | |

| |big Ideas in order to respond to answer | |Week 7: Lesson 9 Words from other Cultures and | |

| |literal, inferential and evaluative questions | |Clips | |

| | | | | |

| |SWBAT: Apply reading strategies that | | | |

| |good Readers use to | | | |

| |Interpret Symbols | | | |

| | | | | |

| |SWBAT: Identify the main idea in a short text | | | |

| |SWBAT: Make predictions and inferences as they| | | |

| |read in order to draw conclusions | | | |

|Assessments |Non-Fiction Comprehension Harcourts school |Running Record: ECLAS, DRA, |Word sort exit slips at the end of the week | |

| |supply, |TC or Reading A-Z | | |

|Resources to Refer to: | |F and P First twenty lesson | Month to Month Phonics, Word Study and Phonics by|Writer’s Workshop: |

| | |TC Workshop Model Reading |Spectrum, Making words, 240 vocabulary words 5th |Lucy Caukins, |

| | |Workshop Lesson. |graders need to know. |6+ Traits of Writing, |

| | | | |Writing Mini Lessons. |

| | | | |Non-Fiction Writing for Elementary Students |

| | | | | |

December/January Unit 4: Test Sophistication

Month of May, 2008 (WK 4)

| |Reading Lesson |Independent Reading |Words Block |Writing Block |

| |Standard: 2 |Standard 2: Literary |Phonics – Grammar – Sentence Structure |Standard 1 |

|Objectives and State |Power Standard: | | |Power Standard: |

|Standards |SWBAT: Interpret the impact of literary devices | |Fluency – Sight reading of high-frequency words |SWBAT: Compare and contrast ideas and |

| |such as simile and metaphor | | |information from two sources |

|Bolded are the Power | | |Weekly lessons include: | |

|Standards |SWBAT: Distinguish realistic fiction from | |Day 1: |SWBAT: Incorporate two similar articles |

| |non-fiction | |SWBAT: To make a chart of vocab words they |together to answer an extended response |

| | | |recognize/words they are unsure of/words they have |question |

| |SWBAT: Look Closely At Non Fiction Poetry | |never seen before | |

| | | |HW: |SWBAT: Answer an extended response in reading|

| |SWBAT: Look Closely at Poetry and identify the | |SWBAT: Make index cars with words and definitions | |

| |use of Simile in | |Day 2: Activity 1 and 2 in packet |SWBAT: Support opinions with a quote with |

| |poetry | |SWBAT: Trade index cards with words and/or semantic |text-based |

| | | |maps for some words |evidence. |

| |SWBAT: Look Closely at Poetry and identify | |Day 3: Writing to learn activity and activity | |

| |Metaphor | |packet |SWBAT: Compare and Contrast with text-based |

| | | |Day 4: Writing to learn/Activity 3 |evidence |

| |SWBAT: Apply test taking strategies by | |Day 5: Quiz | |

| |Eliminating Wrong Answers on a practice test | | |SWBAT: Edit for proper grammar, punctuation |

| | | |Week 8: Lesson 11 Blends |and |

| |SWBAT: Review test taking strategies and tips | | |capitalization in a piece of writing |

|Assessments |Practice ELA |Running Record: ECLAS, |Word sort exit slips at the end of the week | |

| | |DRA, TC or Reading A-Z | | |

|Resources to Refer to: | |F and P First twenty |Month to Month Phonics, Word Study and Phonics by |Writer’s Workshop: |

| | |lesson |Spectrum, Making words, 240 vocabulary words 5th |Lucy Caukins, |

| | |TC Workshop Model Reading |graders need to know. |6+ Traits of Writing, |

| | |Workshop Lesson. | |Writing Mini Lessons. |

| | | | |Non-Fiction Writing for Elementary Students |


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