5th Grade Reading Reading Response Notebook Guidelines ...

5th Grade Reading

Reading Response Notebook



*Very important information.

Please save this packet all year.

September, 2014

Dear Students,

I love to read! It is the one thing that lets me travel to another world. A

world which allows me to be a wizard, travel to a deserted island, be a hero,

solve mysteries, and much more! Reading lets you be a part of someone else¡¯s

world and even helps you learn more about yourself.

This school year, you are going to write one response per week to show

me what you are reading independently at school and at home. The following pages of

this packet will give you more specific information about what to include in your packet.

Your response should be a minimum of one (1) page in length and should be written in

your Reading Response notebook (that¡¯s the purple one). Your notebook will be

returned to you each week with a grade from 1?4 (see attached rubric) and comments

written by me. Your Reading Response Notebook accounts for 30% of your

overall grade.

I am very excited about reading your responses. I can¡¯t wait to find out about

the adventures you are having while you are reading your book. I want you to

love reading as much as I do. Let the adventure begin!


Mr. D¡¯Agostino

P.S. Be sure to carefully read the resources and follow the guidelines included in this


Response Due Dates:

5A (LaGuardia): Every Tuesday

5B (Queens): Every Wednesday

5C (Trinity): Every Thursday

How to Write a Reading Response Notebook Entry!

Step 1:

? Choose a book! NOW¡­ ask yourself, ¡°What part of the book

stands out to me??¡±

Step 2:

? Begin with your heading.

Response Topic


Class: (5A, 5B or 5C)

First and Last


Book Title


Step 3:

? Write ONLY one or two sentences to summarize what is

happening in your book. ¡°In this part of the book¡­¡±


? Choose ONE of the following topics for your entry:

A. Theory

B. Character Trait

C. Character Change

D. Setting

E. Relationship

F. Lesson

G. Motivation

H. Important Event

I. What¡¯s Going On

*See the following page for a more detailed description of each topic*

Step 5:

? Write your entry about the ONE topic that you chose.

Remember to use the Reading Response Notebook Topics

outline as a guide and include YOUR IDEAS AND


HINT: Think about starting some of your sentences like this¡­






I¡¯m noticing that¡­

Maybe it¡¯s because¡­

Now I realize¡­

One example¡­

One reason¡­


? Specifically¡­

Another time¡­

One way¡­

Maybe the author is trying

Reading Response Notebook Topics Outline

A. Theory

B. Character Trait


Start by sharing your theory about a ? Start by using a character trait to describe a

character, story events, etc.



Include details from the text that

? Is this trait a negative or positive

support your theory.



Explain why you think your theory is ? Provide details from the story that support


your description.

? Explain how your details support your

character trait

C. Character Change

D. Setting


Describe what the character USED to ?

Describe or sketch how you envision the

be like.



Describe what the character is like


Explain how the setting affects the




Explain what caused the change using ?

Why do you think the author chose this

details from the text.


E. Relationship

F. Lesson


Describe a relationship between


Describe a lesson that someone might


learn from reading this text.


Use details to support what you are


Use details from the text to support your




Predict how this relationship will

affect the events of the story.

G. Motivation

H. Important Event


Characters make many decisions and ?

Share an important event.

take many actions. Describe an action/decision


Explain how the event affected the

of your character.


Explain why you think your character characters using details from the text.

did this.


Predict how this event might affect the


Use details from the text to support plot going forward.

your idea.

I. What is going on?

? What happened in the beginning of the


? What is happening now?

? How are these events connected?

? Did one event lead to another? Or did one

event cause another event to happen?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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