Unit of Study: Start Date - Writing and Reading Across the ...

|Unit of Study: Expository Text |

|Big Ideas: |Mentor Texts for Immersion/Stack |Anchor Charts |

|This unit explores the structure and features of |Time for Kids Exploring Nonfiction Kit |Patterns of Text Structure (Guiding Readers and Writers|

|expository text. Expository reading explains an idea; |National Geographic/Time For Kids/Storyworks Magazines |p. 402) |

|conveys information. Recognizing the structures of |Informational Text |Features of Information Text (Guiding Readers and |

|expository text, including cause and effect, problem |Reports |Writers p. 401) |

|and solution, chronological sequence, compare and |Essays |Elements of Nonfiction (Guiding Readers & Writers p. |

|contrast and description helps deepen comprehension.  |Textbooks |400) |

|Readers must be able to distinguish the non-fiction |Newspapers |Determining Importance (Strategies That Work page 311) |

|text features of informative, descriptive, explanatory,|Seymour Simon & Gail Gibbons are good authors to use as|Synthesizing (Strategies That Work page 312) |

|and persuasive text to enhance comprehension.  |mentors for this unit | |

| | | |

| |Source Book of Short Text (found in the Comprehension | |

| |Toolkit by Stephanie Harvey & Anne Goudvis) | |

| |Strategies that Work (2nd Edition) has a list of | |

| |magazines, newspapers, and web-sites full of expository| |

| |text. (Appendix B, p. 291) | |

|OVERVIEW OF UNIT: |Weeks 1-3 |Weeks 4-6 |

| |Focus 1: Understanding the Genre: The Patterns and |Focus 2: Comprehending the Genre: Determining |

|Topic: Expository Text |Structures of Expository Text |Importance, Inferring, and Summarizing Expository Text |

| | | |

|Teaching Points: based on unit TEKS |Possible Minilessons: |Possible Minilessons: |

| | |•    Determining Important Ideas vs. Main Idea |

|Author’s Purpose |•   Comparing genres: expository and fiction |•    Understanding how different text features are |

|Summarize |(activating background knowledge) |useful and why the author included them in the text. |

|Analyze how the organizational pattern of the text |•   Use text structure to preview text and identify the|•    Using text features to preview text, locate |

|influences the meaning |correct genre based on the text structure |information, and gain deeper understanding of the |

|Text Features |•   Understanding the purpose of expository text |author's message. |

|Connect ideas across genres |* Reader’s purpose: Why we read expository text |•    Using text features such as titles, subtitles, |

|Determine and verify facts |* Author’s purpose: What the author is trying to tell |bold-face words, graphics, illustrations, etc. to |

|Procedural text |us |determine main ideas |

|Interpret information |•   Looking closely at the organizational patterns of |•    Use their background knowledge to interpret deeper|

| |  Expository Text |meaning of text |

| |  *Cause and Effect |•    Critically analyze text and authors, considering |

|Students Will: |  *Compare and Contrast |the author's intent |

|Identify and verify facts from texts |  *Sequential Order |•     Be reflective about what they are reading and |

|Summarize the main idea and supporting details that |  *Logical Order |draw conclusions about the text they are reading |

|maintains logical order |  *Classification Schemes (Descriptive) |•     Readers of Non-Fiction sort out important facts, |

|Interpret information from expository text (procedural |  *Problem and Solution |from insignificant facts |

|tasks, factual) |•    Identify and discuss the way in which the author |•     Readers summarize a text as they read. Readers |

|Analyze organizational patterns of texts (cause and |chooses to organize the information in the text (signal|can paraphrase a text’s main ideas |

|effect, compare and contrast, sequential order, logical|words, purpose, etc.) | |

|order, classification schemes) |•    Determining how organizational patterns of text |Guided Practice |

|Determine how organizational patterns of text supports |supports the big idea/topic |Guide students to identify the important ideas in the |

|the big idea/topic | |text. |

|Gather and locate information by using multiple text |Guided Practice: |Students practice using text features to locate |

|features and graphics |Analyze and discuss the difference between expository |information and comprehend the text. |

|Make inferences about expository text using textual |text and fiction. |Discuss how schema helps the reader comprehend on a |

|support |Analyze the organizational structure (cause & effect, |deeper level. |

|Summarize information while reading expository text to |compare & contrast, sequential order, logical order, |Analyze the text structure and purpose to understand |

|maintain understanding |classification schemes/descriptive, and problem & |the author’s intent. |

|Draw conclusions about the author’s purpose and |solution) of the text. |Guide students to draw conclusions. |

|evaluate how well it was achieved  |Use organizational structure to predict & determine |Practice summarizing as the text and ensure that |

|Synthesize similarities of ideas within and across |author’s purpose. |students are able to paraphrase the main ideas. |

|multiple genres |Discuss the ways that the text’s organizational |Independent Practice: |

| |patterns supports the main idea. |During independent reading, have students use sticky |

|Instructional Resources: |Analyze why the author chose to organize the |notes or think marks to record important facts. |

|Comprehension Language and Literacy Guide (CLLG), |information in the text in a certain way. |Students should be able to support their thinking by |

|Journeys, Gr. 5 |Independent Reading: |providing textual evidence in their responses. |

|Please refer to the Teaching Genre section of the CLLG |During independent reading, have students use sticky |Look for evidence of students drawing conclusions about|

|for further support in teaching specific genres as well|notes or think marks to record the text structure. |the text. |

|as correlations in Journeys resources that are tied |Students should be able to support their thinking by |Students can summarize the text using main ideas. |

|directly to the genre |providing textual evidence in their responses. |Students can reflect on how the organization and text |

|*Informational Text p.108 |During independent reading students can identify the |features helped them to comprehend the text. |

| |organizational structure and determine how the |Encourage students to make connections between texts. |

|Fountas, I. C., & Pinnell, G. S. (2001). Guiding |structure supports the main idea or topic. | |

|Readers and Writers, Grades 3-6: Teaching |Instructional Resources: |Instructional Resources: |

|Comprehension, Genre, and Content Literacy. Portsmouth,|Interactive Read Aloud (4th-5th grade) Section 5, page |The Comprehension Toolkit (Activate & Connect, Ask |

|NH: Heinemann. |257 |Questions, Infer Meaning, Determine Importance, and |

|Harvey, S., & Goudvis, A. (2005). The Comprehension |Guiding Readers and Writers pages 399-404 |Summarize & Synthesize) |

|Toolkit Grades 3-6: Language and Lessons for Active |Comprehensive Lanugage and Literacy Guide |Strategies That Work Chapter 10 |

|Literacy. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. |(CLLG-Journeys) | |

|Harvey, S., & Goudvis, A. (2007). Strategies That Work| | |

|(2nd Edition) Teaching Comprehenion for Understanding | | |

|and Engagement | | |

|Hoyt, Linda (2007). Interactive Read-Alouds: Linking | | |

|Standards, Fluency, and Comprehension | | |

|Time For Kids Exploring Nonfiction Kit Level 5 | | |

|Journeys Textbook | | |

| | | |

|Note: This is a flexible template. Number of days in | | |

|a cycle depend on skills taught; number of cycles | | |

|depend on length of time for the unit. | | |


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