Book Report – Narrative Elements

Name: __________________________________ 5th Grade – Book Report #1

Answer the following questions neatly and accurately. Make sure you have correct spelling.

Section I: Book information (1 point each = 6 pts)

Title of book:


Book genre:

Book sub-genre:

Narrative point of view (first person, third person, omniscient):

What was the author’s purpose? (to entertain, inform, persuade, teach a lesson, explain something)

Section 2: Elements of Literature: (3 pts each = 30 pts)

Answer the following questions with complete sentences. Make sure you use correct punctuation

and spelling.

Describe all the main character(s) in the story:

Describe all minor character(s):

Describe all aspects of the setting (place (s), time of year(s), or situation:

Describe the components of the plot:

What were the main events in this story/reading selection? (list minimum of two)

Describe the conflict/problem in this story:

Describe the rising action(s): Remember, the rising action of a story are the series of events that begin immediately after introduction. These events are generally the most important parts of the story since the entire plot depends on them to set up the turning point and ultimately the resolution of the story.

Describe the climax/turning point of the story: Remember, the turning point of a story is where the main character(s)

choose a course of action or an event takes place that changes the course of what was expected.

Describe the falling action of the story: Remember the falling action is where you will see change in the characters. Where things start to come together and the resolution or problem is close to being solved.

Describe the resolution of the story: Remember the resolution is where the problems/conflicts

are resolved. What happened to the characters after the conflict was resolved?

Describe the theme of the story (if any): Remember the theme is the moral, lesson, meaning, or message you gathered

or learned from this story.

Section 3: Personal Reflection: (2 pt each = 4 points)

What reading strategies did you use when reading this book? (List at least two)

Would you recommend this book to any of your friends? Why or why not?

Student Name __________________________________ 5th Grade – Book Report #1

Title of book: ______________________________________________________________


Excellent Accomplished Developing Improvement Score

is needed

|Section I |Information is |Information is |Information is |Information is not | |

| |concise, well |provided |provided. There |provided correctly. There | |

|Book |written, organized, neat |neatly and |are some |There are many | |

|Information |an spelling and |correctly. There |grammar and |grammar and | |

| |grammar is |are minimal |spelling errors. |spelling errors. | |

| |perfect. |grammar and | | | |

| | |spelling errors. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |6 |5 - 4 |3-2 |1 -0 | |

|Section 2 |Information is |Information is |Information is |Information | |

| |concise, well |well written, |provided, some- |provided is not | |

|Elements |written, organized, neat |organized, |what neat and |clear, neat or | |

|Of |neat, understand- |neat, understand- |organized. |organized. Some | |

|Literature |able. Questions |able, and |Information |questions were | |

| |were understood |answered |Provided make |not correctly | |

| |and answered |correctly. There |sense. There |answered. There | |

| |correctly. Spelling |are minimal |are some |are many grammar | |

| |and grammar are |spelling and |spelling and |and spelling errors. | |

| |perfect. |grammar errors. |grammar errors. | | |

| | | | | | |

| |30 - 25 |24 - 18 |17- 10 |9 -0 | |

|Section 3 |Information is |Information is |Information is |Information is | |

| |well written, |well written, |somewhat |not correct or neat. | |

|Personal |neat and spelling |neat and there |neat and there |There are many | |

|Reflection |and grammar |are minimal |are a few |spelling and | |

| |are perfect. |spelling and |spelling and |grammar errors. | |

| | |grammar errors. |grammar errors. | | |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 -0 | |

Total score: _________

Out of 40 pts

Teacher comments or overall book report OR PRESENTATION:




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