Kindergarten SBR

5th Grade SBR Math Outline

Ideas for Assessment:

• End of Unit Tests

• RSA’s

• Oral and Slate Assessment

• Anecdotal Records (including Games)

• ISBE Common Formative Assessments


Additional Supplement Suggestion: EM Testing Beginning of the Year, Mid Year and End of the Year

|Skill |TR1 |TR2 |TR3 |

|Knowledge of Numbers |

|Some suggested points of assessment include: Journal 1 pg 131; Journal 2: pg 224; MM pg 50;MM pg.132 |

|Solves multi-step word problems with whole numbers, decimals, and |M Solves multi-step word problems with whole |M Solves multi-step word problems with decimals |M Solves multi-step word problems with |

|fractions |numbers and simple decimals |and simple fractions |fractions and percents |

|Adds, subtracts, orders, and compares decimals and fractions with like and|M Adds subtracts, orders and compares decimals |M Adds subtracts, orders and compares fractions |M Adds, subtracts, orders and compares |

|unlike denominators | |with like and unlike denominators |fractions with unlike denominators and |

| | | |decimals |

|Reads, writes, recognizes, and models equivalent representations of |M Reads and writes equivalent representations of |M Recognize and model equivalent representations |M Recognize and model equivalent |

|fractions including improper fractions and mixed numbers |fractions |of fractions with improper and mixed numbers |representations of fractions with improper|

| | | |and mixed numbers |

|Measurement |

|Some suggested points of assessment include: Journal 1 pg. 155; MM pg.159; MM pg.276; MM pg 284 |

|Measures accurately in the English and Metric Systems |M Measures to the nearest quarter inch or |M Measures to the nearest quarter inch or |M Measures to the nearest quarter inch or |

| |millimeter and measures angles accurately |millimeter and measures angles accurately |millimeter and measures angles accurately |

|Solves problems involving perimeter, area, and volume of irregular shapes |M Finds the perimeter and area of regular shapes |M Finds the perimeter and area of irregular |M Finds the volume of regular geometric |

| | |shapes |shapes |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Patterns and Algebraic Concepts |

|Some suggested points of assessment include: Journal 1 pg. 71 #3; MM pg 299 |

|Evaluates algebraic expressions |M Evaluates simple expressions |M Interprets and solves number sentences using |M Constructs and solves simple number |

| | |variables |sentences using variables |

|Writes an expression using variables to represent unknown quantities |M Writes and solves an open number sentence |M Solves and explains open number sentences |M Balances an algebraic equation |

|Geometry |

|Some suggested points of assessment include: Journal 1 pg. 81 #1; MM pg 75; MM pg.80; MM pg. 83 |

|Classifies angles and properties of triangles |M Classifies and accurately measures angles in |M Determines the measure of the angles of a |M Applies volume formulas |

| |triangles |triangle with and without a measuring tool | |

|Applies the terms similar, congruent, reflection, rotation, and |M Identifies and draws similar and congruent |M Identifies and draws reflections , rotations |M Identifies and draws reflections , |

|translation |figures |and translations |rotations and translations |

|Data and Probability |

|Some suggested points of assessment include: MM pg. 51-52; Journal 1 pg.71#2; MM pg. 398; Journal 2 pg.412-413 |

|Graphs ordered pairs and uses statistics to solve word problems ( mean, |M Solves for mean, median and mode using |M Solves for mean, median, mode and range using |M Graphs ordered pairs and uses |

|median, mode, range) |landmarks |landmarks |statistics to solve word problems |

|Reads, identifies, analyzes, and constructs data in graphs including |M Interprets and creates bar, line and circle |M Analyzes data represented in a variety of |M Synthesizes data into appropriate |

|circle graphs |graphs |graphs |graphs |

|Translates probability data as fractions, ratios, and percents |M Solves problems involving probability of a |M Predicts, tests summarizes, and compares |M Translates the probability of an |

| |simple event as a fraction |results |experimental event as a fraction, ratio |

| | | |or percent. |

Exceeds Suggested Guidelines:

• Demonstrates higher level thinking through analysis and synthesis of concepts

• Independently transfers skills into other areas of the curriculum

• Applies skills to real life situations


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