McGRAW-HILL READING Grammar - Elida High School



Grade 5

Practice Book







? A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought.

? A sentence fragment is a group of words that does not express a complete thought.

? Every sentence begins with a capital letter.

? A statement is a sentence that tells something. It ends with a period.

? A question is a sentence that asks something. It ends with a question mark.

Read each group of words. Place a period on the line at the end if it is a sentence. If it is not a sentence, leave the line blank.

1. The village was ruled by a mean lord

2. A young farmer and his aged mother (blank)

3. Could not leave his mother (blank)

4. The farmer hid his mother under his house


Place a period on the line at the end of the sentence if it is a statement. Place a

question mark at the end of the sentence if it is a question.

5. Why did the farmer hide his mother

6. Fierce warriors came to the village

7. How would the village survive

8. Lord Higa planned to take over the village

McGraw-Hill School Division


Grade 5/Unit 1 The Wise Old Woman

Extension: Ask students to write two statements and

two questions about Uchida's story. Have them

discuss which part of the story their sentences





Commands and Exclamations




? A command tells or asks someone to do something. It ends with a period.

? An exclamation shows strong feeling. It ends with an exclamation mark.

Read each sentence. Place a period on the line at the end of the sentence if it is a command. Place an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence if it is an exclamation.

1. How cruel Lord Higa is


2. Follow his instructions


3. Make a rope out of ashes


4. What an impossible task that would be


5. How quickly the villagers go to the shrine


6. Finish these tasks before Lord Higa comes


7. What fools you people are


8. Show me the drum that makes a sound by itself


9. How cleverly you have done these tasks


10. Wow, what a great reward the young lord has given her


McGraw-Hill School Division

Extension: Invite students to write a brief story (serious

or humorous) about a task that seems impossible.


Urge them to include two commands and two

exclamations, and remind them to use the correct end

mark in each sentence.

Grade 5/Unit 1 The Wise Old Woman






? A statement is a sentence that tells something. It ends with a period.

? A question is a sentence that asks something. It ends with a question mark.

? A command tells or asks someone to do something. It ends with a period.

? An exclamation shows strong feeling. It ends with an exclamation mark.

Read each sentence. On the line at the end of each sentence place a period if it is a statement or command, an exclamation mark if it is an exclamation, or a question mark if it is a question.

1. Take the old people to the mountains

. ; command

2. Why is that young lord so mean

3. How cold it is in the forest

! ; exclamation

4. The farmer hid his mother in a cave

. ; statement

5. What can we do

? ; question

6. Please pray for help

. ; command

7. The farmer's mother has completed the tasks

. ; statement

8. What a great thing she has done for our village

! ; exclamation


Grade 5/Unit 1 The Wise Old Woman

Extension: Have partners create a dialogue between

the farmer and his mother using at least one of

each type of sentence. Ask them to read it aloud to


the rest of the class.

McGraw-Hill School Division



Sentence Punctuation




? Every sentence begins with a capital letter. ? A statement ends with a period. ? A question ends with a question mark. ? A command ends with a period. ? An exclamation ends with an exclamation point.

Rewrite these sentences correctly by adding a period to a statement or command, a question mark to a question, and an exclamation mark to an exclamation. Make sure each sentence starts with a capital letter.

1. the young lord looked at the three completed tasks

2. how did you solve these puzzles How did you solve these puzzles?

3. what a mistake I have made What a mistake I have made!

4. please take these bags of gold

5. how could anyone destroy such clever people

McGraw-Hill School Division

Extension: Ask students to choose a television

program that they enjoy. Have them write one


statement, one question, one command, and one

exclamation about the program.

Grade 5/Unit 1 The Wise Old Woman



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