Literary Indicator - Greenwood School District

|Literary Indicator |Informational Indicator |Complementary

Indicator/s &

Writing Workshop |Ongoing

Indicators |MAP

Mean 208-211

| |Clarification of

Bloom’s Verb |Reading Mini-Lesson or Guided Reading Notes |Poetry Connections |Interactive Read Alouds |Testing as a Genre/ Testing Notes | | |5th Grade Fourth Nine Weeks Row 1 | |5th Grade Fourth Nine Weeks Row 1 | |

|Fifth | 5-1.8 Analyze works of fiction (including legends and myths) and works of nonfiction (including speeches and personal essays) by characteristics. | 5-2.5 Use | 5-2.6 Use graphic features (including illustrations, graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, and graphic organizers) as sources of information. |

|Grade | |titles, print | |

|– | |styles, chapter|5-2.7 Use functional text features (including table of contents, glossaries, indexes, and appendixes) |

|Fourth| |headings, | |

|Nine | |captions, |Writing Workshop |

|Weeks | |subheadings, |Memoir |

| | |and white space| |

| | |to gain | |

| | |information. | |

| | | | |

| | |Social Studies | |

| | |5-5.1, 5-5.2, | |

| | |5-5.4 | |

| | |Pop Culture, | |

| | |Mass Media, | |

| | |Suburbs, | |

| | |Consumerism, | |

| | |Cold War, | |

| | |Communism, | |

| | |Berlin Wall, | |

| | |Cuban Missile | |

| | |Crisis | |

| | |(ch. 9-10) | |

| | | | |

| | |Science | |

| | |(for the nine | |

| | |weeks) | |

| | |Forces and | |

| | |Motion | |

|Fifth |All major comprehension strategies |5-6.2 Use print|5-2.7 Use functional text features (including table of contents, glossaries, indexes, and appendixes). |

|Grade | |sources | |

|– |5-3.1 Use context clues to generate the meanings of unfamiliar and multiple meaning words. |(for example, |Writing Workshop |

|Fourth| |books, |Memoir |

|Nine | |magazines, | |

|Weeks | |charts, graphs,| |

| | |diagrams, | |

| | |dictionaries, | |

| | |encyclopedias, | |

| | |atlases, | |

| | |thesauri, | |

| | |newspapers, and| |

| | |almanacs) and | |

| | |non print | |

| | |sources to | |

| | |access | |

| | |information. | |

| | | | |

| | |Social Studies | |

| | |5-5.3 Civil | |

| | |Rights, MLK, | |

| | |Jr., Brown vs. | |

| | |Board of Ed., | |

| | |Malcolm X, Rosa| |

| | |Parks, | |

| | |Political | |

| | |Alliances: NATO| |

| | |and OPEC | |

| | | | |

| | |Science | |

| | |(for the nine | |

| | |weeks) | |

| | |Forces and | |

| | |Motion | |

Fifth Grade – Fourth Nine Weeks |5-6.1 Clarify and refine a research topic.

|5-6.8 Use appropriate organizational strategies to prepare written work and oral and visual presentations.

5-6.3 Select information appropriate for the research topic.

5-6.4 Paraphrase research information accurately and meaningfully.

5-6.5 Create a list of sources that contain information (including author, title, full publication details) necessary to properly credit and document the work of others.

Social Studies

5-6.1-6.6 Modern Times (Pop Culture, terrorism, Foreign Policy)

Ch. 11-12


(for the nine weeks)

Forces and Motion |5-6.7 Use vocabulary that is appropriate for the particular audience or purpose.

5-6.6 Use the Internet as a source of information.

5-6.9 Select appropriate graphics, in print or electronic form, to support written works and oral and visual presentations.

Writing Workshop

Memoir |5-3.1 Use context clues to generate the meanings of unfamiliar and multiple meaning words.

5-3.2 Use Greek and Latin roots and affixes to determine the meanings of words within texts.

5-3.4 Spell correctly


Double consonant patterns

Irregular vowel patterns in multisyllabic words.)

5-2.4 5-1.7 Create responses to literary and informational texts through a variety of methods.

5-2.9 5-1.11 Read independently for extended periods of time to gain information and for pleasure. |Identifies and uses glossaries, features of charts, bibliographies.

• Identifies and uses bibliographies in informational text

• Locates information in informational text

• Summarizes informational texts

• Locates and paraphrases information in an informational text

• Evaluates electronic informational sources (Internet)

• Identifies the characteristics of an encyclopedia and thesaurus

• Describes how an index is organized

• Identifies and uses structures of glossaries in informational text.

• Identifies features of charts in informational text

| | Use- apply, make use of, utilize, How would you use…?

Create-build, make, form, generate |Research Minilessons

• Accessing Information p. 72 T. Stead Good Choice

• Helping Children Locate Websites

• (p. 73 -76 T. Stead, Good Choice)

• Authenticating the Accuracy of Websites (p. 76 T. Stead ,Good Choice)

• Finding and Recording Specific Information (p. 77-78 T. Stead, Good Choice)

• Using the RAN (p. 78-80 T. Stead, Good Choice)

List of Websites p. 82-87 Good Choice

|I am the Book by Tom Robert Shields Wonderful Words Illustrated by Karen Barbour |( Barrack

Obama: Son of

Promise- Child

of Hope,

Grimes |

| |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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